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Yellow. slightly alkaline viscous oe dltecerce between the following Yes ancy rithitt the brackets: {2011} 02, wae and leucocytes (function) ie at 204nds produced dur ? "ed during heart beat thrombosis ? (2011) 2-6. Name the par of plasma from wes ails : ae eaves, (2011) oe the main function of the fll @) Throm Roi 28. Give the exact location of Mitral valve. [201 i Q.9. What is the functi of chordae ? (Oe Name the spars by which toed pee can IW ICSE EXAMINATIONS oun Qu Human blood CN ¢ first pair indicates the kind of, cxiats betwee both Gh tri Rewrite and complete the second pair oy basis. (O) Veins : Superficial : : Artery: (i) RBC: Round : : WBC: (iif) Artery: Oxygenated blood :7 Vig: (iv) Auricles : Receiving chambers. (») Labb: Atrioventricular valves. .. Give appropriate terms for the fo (@ The respiratory pigment co blood. (Gi) The blood vessel that su blood to liver. walls of capilla (wv) The element required fort in man. *siseq sos € 00 ken i nog 20k soveypan se HY so oy sumo chal oe aay U “uigavon. ca oF chm eg, wentticle OF the In nd rae the correct answers to the questions one (6) Soden lood vessel wh Ao Which supplies blood tothe none ate irene oe... An example is il) " z The blood vessel that carci oxypeeayg Dood is strated below, it Sel Cale te (@) Pulmonary artery Answer Cale (©) Pulmonary vein onal vein (Which (€) Renal vein (2) Hepatic vein © the two types of blood circulation = (© Blood the real ero ove has mee ee @s en cea a ee (em a Ot Cee Octet. ee meee cyto al =§ rchondatr scout wise. SS ime te CATEGORY wankae Simin cco Others bong q Example Nove, Tongue. drm, Eye Sent, aay | | Answer Odd Term ~ Arm, Category » Sense 2+ ive te exact location of Pulnonary seni: vale. When does it close ? pe imiscular tissue, connective tissue, 0 Mention one finetion fer cach ofthe fll: i (2) Lymphocytes s eee ois] @ sp (Sema, 2m) O44. Mention the exact location of pulmonary Brmabocyicx semuilunar valve. (2018) (©) Neutrophils ANSWERS 4. Erythrocytes : Carry and supply oxygen tothe body. Leucocytes: Kill foreign germs and actas scavengers, Soldiers ofthe body. 2. LUBB and DUP are the sounds produced during ‘contraction and relaxation of heart Lubl is produced by the closure of auricle ventricular valve, soon after ventricular systole begins. The second, ie, dub which isa short and sharp sound which is produced due to the closure of semi-lunar valve. 4. Internal clotting ofthe blood is known as thrombosis. }A blue respiratory pigment containing. fof several inverte- brates such as mol- uses and crustaceans. life of a red blood cell in our They are called anticoagulans {The blood contains an anticoagulant antithrombin) that prevent clting of ‘the heart is also felt in the arteries srks called the pulse. The pulse can rarer that lie near the surface of radial artery at the wrist is most time when ions forced through them de othe ort Therefore, ssid that he pues indie te counting. (a) Vitamin is aac ae prothromt dhiparag ls The ral or the coting Futetion : RBCs carry oxysen “ dioxide, They help to maintain the acid-base balance. They help to maintain th of blood. Var - haemo ood cals, iri. bl (i) Location: Valves are prevent between left and left ventricle and between righ Fight ventricle Punction: Val (ii) Origins They fom some giant cells called megakaryocytes. Function : The blood platelet ar for the clotting of blood at injuries. Blo Platelets on disintegration produce a chemical called thromboplastin that initia of reactions involved in blood closing 18, (9 The body defends itself in a mumber of ways and notin the the eh ills microbes in food, ‘The skin forms aburier against bacteria entering the body. Ifthe skin is broken, «blood clot is forme to act asa barier agains bacteria White blood cells produce antitoxinso neuralise the toxins (poisons) which are released by infective bacteria. Antibodies are also produced whieh destroy bacteria. The antibodies stayin the blood for a long time to give builtin resistance (immunity) to particular disease +s the walled Bort rosa 2. It brings blood ftom difeent parts of the body te hear. 3. Meannot dilate or constrict 4. Tecontias simple valves which permit enon tere EP Ora ch tuner ance a ced due to the closure of AV DUP ix produced due 10 the and mostof te cellrganeles maturation of mammalian so accommodate more hemoglobin m of more oxygen. “it arteries is jerky and unser pressure blood is being pumped inthe arteries by fe beating ofthe heat => Thromboplastin —» => Fibrin "Asnnion =: Heart: Pericardiam the blood to the remotest parts of the Jas Woes of th feet so the left ventricle of as thicker wal, blood corpuscles Fhrombin, -» represents the double circulation 41 Eph er becarse the OPEL ET aod in esl) > Te of blood 45, bud term Pere jaar smonary artery: zo ight veil io pl $0) apes ti) Disstole te 0 oie too Hew ya Plmonary ary 0.) Panay eatin 48s at cles increases the surface ratio of enthrocytes for absorbing more OXYBEN- veudrine means erythrocytes can't use rn eeee tt oxygen is delivered to ‘oxygen for themselves 30 al the tissues w nconsumed, ; 449. Opening of the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery It does during auricular systole. 50. (a) Produce antibodies (6) Clotting of blood (6) Phagocytosis 1 QUESTIONS ASKED IN ICSE EXAMINATIONS (0 Why is itcallod double cireulation ? (Gi) What is the difference in the composition of blood between pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein ? (ii) Rewrite and complete the following sentences by inserting the correct word in the space indicated. ‘The blood vessel that begins and ends in capillarios is the a1) ‘Ans. (2) Blood from right auricle goes to lung, ets purified, enters the left auricle and left ‘entices. From heart to Tungs and lungs to hearts called pulmonary circulation. From hhcartputfied blood passes into whole body. I is called systemic circulation. Pulmonary and systomie together is called double circulation. (10) Pulmonary artery contains deoxygenated blood ‘while pulmonary vein contains oxygenated blood. (li) The blood vessel that begins and ends in capillaries isthe Portal veins ese sesuoyinssn Hy, corpuscles like WRC and RBC marrow and lymph nodes is calcd ‘Bone marrow and Iymph nodes are called haemopoietic tissues, (vid) Phagocytosis The tissue present on the wall ofthe right auricle where initiation of heartbeat start is known as pacemak (i) ies all essential chemical substances a cae ie ec et ae the body which are required for their nomal ‘metabolism. 7 with nocleas Tegan ape round wih zemoglobin is absent Produced in red bone marrow, spleen and liver Srila Som ‘The phase of the heart beat cycle when ‘the eardiac muscle contracts. ‘Charnbers expel the blood from auricles to ventricles, and from ventricles toaonta i eiheoeees te . iC Te ce E Fibrinogen s present Fibrinogen is absent. Mitral Valve Semi-lunar Valve 1. Itis present between left auricle and Present between openings of aorta and left ventricle, left ventricle and Pulmonary artery and 2. Heonsists ofa pair of flaps. right ventricle, a middle man for th Sieereatnec exchange of ly tissues, si | © Aneries ae thick wate Arteries carry blood from the heart io diferent ‘The blood flows with jerks as they donot have Arteries have narrow lumen and ate elastic. cris are deeply sated and are red in colour ) Arteries are now-collpsible ‘Arteries become empty afier death, Al arteries except pulmonary artery carry | (i (di) The blood flows smoothly 4s they hay ‘emilunar valves which prevent back fow blood. (®) Veins have wider lumen and are less ease (©) eins are superficial and lie just below ‘kin, They are greenish- blue in colour ate collapsible, contain blood even after death, veins except pulmonary vein ea deoxygenated blood, Present in blood gets converted into thon Thrombin then catalyses the convesi fibrinogen present in plasma into Fi the ultimate product which f 8 mesh, into which red blood ‘entangled and form a Blood Clot. jch compon ‘muscular walls. (©) The uid found between the membrane of the heat. (ii) State the exact location ofthe following structures: (a) Mitral valve (5) Heart (©) Pacemaker (@) Tricuspid valve (Gi) Match the items given in Column { withthe most ‘sppropritc ones in Column Ui and rewrite the ‘Mucous membrane correct matching pairs: (c) Osteoeytes @ ; sit (©) Draw tabelled diagrams of an. Vel . Artery and a Vein,

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