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Leader Backstory:
KortaL rose through the ranks of East Los Santos' streets, shaped by its gang culture. His ability to negotiate
peace among rival factions earned him respect. When the East Side Ballas' leader fell, KortaL stepped up,
uniting the gang under his leadership. He commands loyalty through a mix of street smarts, fairness, and a
commitment to protect their turf. KortaL aims to solidify the gang's power while striving to be a figure of
authority and stability in the chaos of street life.

Gang Backstory:
The East Side Ballas, once separate neighborhood crews, came together under Kortal's leadership. Kortal
took charge taking Jarvis Makarovv as his Co-Leader during internal disagreements after their former
leader's downfall. Known for his negotiation skills, Kortal united the crews, emphasizing loyalty and

With Kortal leading, the East Side Ballas became more organized. They kept their reputation on the streets
while adopting a code that valued both strength and community involvement. Kortal's goal was to redefine
the Ballas, showing a more united and responsible approach, where they protected and supported their
neighborhood in East Los Santos.


Choosing the East Side Ballas means selecting a gang rooted in unity, loyalty, and community impact. Our
strength lies in our unwavering commitment to each other and the neighborhood we protect. Led by
KortaL, our gang emphasizes a code of honor, valuing respect and solidarity among our members.

What sets us apart is our dual focus: we safeguard our turf while actively supporting and empowering our
community. From outreach initiatives to providing aid and protection, we aim to be more than a gang –
we're agents of positive change in East Los Santos.

By choosing the East Side Ballas, you're choosing a gang that values integrity, unity, and a vision for a
better, more responsible presence in our streets. We're dedicated to reshaping perceptions and leaving a
positive mark on our neighborhood.

What we’ll do for Server:

The East Side Ballas aim to elevate the server experience by initiating immersive storylines and interactive
events. We're dedicated to fostering alliances, intriguing plot twists, and captivating roleplay scenarios
involving not only our gang but the entire server community. Choosing us means choosing a faction
committed to enhancing the overall depth and excitement of the server's roleplay environment.

Special Message to MAFIA:

To the esteemed Mafia, we, the East Side Ballas, extend our respect. We recognize the Mafia's influence
and expertise within our city. We value collaboration and mutual respect. We're open to discussions on
how our factions can work together to ensure a prosperous coexistence in our shared territories. We
believe that a symbiotic relationship could bring mutual benefits to both our organizations.
Member List with Discord ID’s:

1. KORTAL- _kortal_ (Leader)

2. Jarvis- __jarvismakarovv (Co-Leader)
3. BOBO- 1r_bobo
4. Chota- _chotu
5. Harlem- xenon_bd
6. Minato- M i N a T O#8836
7. Kuddus- kuddusgaming
8. Wizardo- wizardo_07
9. Confused- mr.confused_
10. Flexer- alvezxt
11. Hitman- rookie4731
12. Obito- obito007
13. Babu Raw- tanvir_g
14. Aimbot- aimbotexe69

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