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the first candidate is martin, he is 28 years old.

He competes in sports competition and

marathons.Nowadays, he is dong a TV show where he uses humor to teach people about nutrition. He
is very friendly but his friends say he talks too much

The second candidate is Susana, she is 45 years old.she is a medical research.She specializes in
treating rare tropical diseases. she lived in the jungles of northern Colombia and Central Africa.
specifically, she lived alone for a year on a remote island in the Pacific. She hardly has time to play
sports or interact with people because her work is so important.

The third candidate is Ari, he is a doctor.He works at a family medicine clinic in Moscow. He practices
general medicine, but specializes in pediatric respiratory diseases. In his free time, he often grows
vegetables and rides a bicycle. Work and life in the city make him feel heavy so he relaxes by walking
and cycling in the countryside on weekends. His wife and two children supported his decision to go to
Mars for two years.

The next candidate is asha. She is an architect.She designs large urban office buildings and specializes
in green buildings using solar energy, rainwater harvesting systems and air pollution cleaning systems.
She loves decorating and is skilled in repairing house repair. She loves living in Nairobi because it is an
exciting city with lots to do. She has many friends and has a very active social life. She has been
married for two years and hopes to have children in the future

Final candidate is claudia. She is psychiatrist.She specializes in stress disorders. She often uses herbs,
meditation and exercise therapy to help her patients. This method works well for patients because
she has seen it before. much stress. She grew her own herbs and learned about herbal medicine when
she lived in a small village in the Amazon, where there was no electricity, running water or
communication with the outside world.

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