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Topic: Shapes Date:

Subtopic: 3D Shapes L2 WORKSHEET

Math | Grade 1
10 min | I took min

Choose the correct option.

1. How does a shoe box look like?

a. Square b. cuboid c. Rectangle d. Oval

2. If you trace the outline of a story book, what will you get?

a. 2D shape b. 3D shape c. A straight line d. A number

3. The shape of a television screen is:

a. Oval b. Rectangle c. Triangle d. Circle

4. A star fish looks like a:

a. Square b. rectangle c. Triangle d. Star

5. Write True or False

a. If a circle is divided into two parts, each part will look like a cube.

b. If you cut a cube from the centre, you will get a cuboid.

c. A football looks like a sphere:

d. The shape of the walls of your classroom is cylindrical.


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