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AVT Configurations LIN

Pin # Description Notes

1 CAN4_SWC Bi-directional
(when CAN4 is selected as Single Wire CAN)
2 J1850 VPW bus + Bi-directional [This signal goes through JP3]
3 CAN4_H Bi-directional (when CAN4 is selected as 2-wire CAN)
4 Ground pins #4 and #5 are connected together internally
5 Ground pins #4 and #5 are connected together internally
6 CAN0_H Bi-directional
7 K-Line Bi-directional
LIN (channel 5)
KWP (channel 6)
11 CAN4_L Bi-directional (only when CAN4 is configured as 2-wire CAN)
13 V-Batt supply Sourced by external equipment (vehicle)
14 CAN0_L Bi-directional
15 LIN0 Bi-directional
(channel 7)
Power Requirements
The AVT-85x board requires a nominal +12 VDC power supply; usually provided by the vehicle or
any suitable external power supply.

Common ground is required between the AVT-85x board and the subject vehicle or module. P3
pins #4 and #5 are ground. They are connected together internally on the AVT-85x board. Only one
is needed for normal operations.

Input Voltage
V-Batt, the external power supply is applied to P3 pin #13.
Note that V-Batt is used to power the board. It also is the supply for the VPW signal; the pull-up
and reference voltage for K-Line communications; and for Single Wire CAN (SWC) signal.
For most normal operations, V-Batt supply can range from +7 to +24 VDC.
(The absolute maximum input voltage is +26.5 VDC.)

CAN Mode – Operational Notes

CAN0 is channel 0. IP Address; default:
CAN4 is channel 4. • Gateway IP Address; not used.
LIN1 is channel 5. • Netmask. The factory default is:
KWP is channel 6. 8 host bits []
LIN0 is channel 7. • Telnet configuration password; not used.
F1 A5: Restart the AVT-85x (a form of software reset).
LIN Operations – in CAN mode
LIN is only available when in CAN mode of operation.
LIN operation is completely independent of all other channels.
LIN operation is controlled by the 52 69 xx command.
LIN supports LIN revisions: 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2A.

To use LIN mode, enter CAN mode using the $E1 99 command. The following responses will be
received by the host:
$91 10 indicates the AVT-85x has entered CAN operations.
$83 11 00 00 indicates that CAN channel 0 is disabled.
$83 11 04 00 indicates that CAN channel 4 is disabled.
$91 29 [optional] indicates that LIN0 mode of operation is active.
$91 19 indicates that LIN1 mode of operation is active.

Both Classic and Enhanced checksum methods are available through the 5x 5A command.
LIN revision 1.3 and earlier use the Classic checksum method.
LIN revision 2.0 and later use the Enhanced checksum.

LIN1 and LIN0 modes

None 52 69 00
LIN1 only 52 69 01
LIN0 only 52 69 04
LIN1 and LIN0 52 69 05
51 50: Query for LIN1 bus baud rate.
52 50 01: LIN1 bus baud rate is 2400 baud
52 50 02: LIN1 bus baud rate is 9600 baud. [Default]
52 50 03: LIN1 bus baud rate is 19200 baud.
54 50 04 xx yy: LIN1 bus baud rate is set by user and equal to:
25 000 000 / (16 * xxyy) [all values shown are decimal]
Example: for LIN1 bus baud rate = 9600;
xxyy = $00 A3 (hex) = 163 (decimal)
51 81: Query for LIN0 bus baud rate.
52 81 01: LIN0 bus baud rate is 2400 baud
52 81 02: LIN0 bus baud rate is 9600 baud. [Default]
52 81 03: LIN0 bus baud rate is 19200 baud.
54 81 04 xx yy: LIN0 bus baud rate is set by user and equal to:
25 000 000 / (16 * xxyy) [all values shown are decimal]
Example: for LIN0 bus baud rate = 9600;
xxyy = $00 A3 (hex) = 163 (decimal)
51 5A: Query for checksum method.
52 5A 00: Use LIN Classic checksum method; all channels.
52 5A 01: Use LIN revision 2.0 Enhanced checksum method; all channels.
53 5A 0x 0y: Select checksum type for specified channel.
x: channel: 5, 7.
y: 0 Classic method.
1 Enhanced method.


51 40: Transmit acks query.
52 40 00: Do not send transmit acks to host; all channels.
52 40 01: Send transmit acks to host; all channels. [Default]
53 40 0x 0y: Disable / Enable transmit acks for specified channel.
x: channel: 0, 4, 5, 6, 7.
y: 0 disable.
1 enable.
0x 0y 0p qq rr ss ... 0B 05 01 B4 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88
x: count of bytes to follow. ; 0 indicates to the network
y: channel: 5, 7. ; B count of bytes to follow = $B = 11 decimal
p: 0: slave. ; 05 channel 5 - LIN
1: master. ; 01 master node
qq message ID. ; B4 message ID
rr ss ... message data [optional]. ; 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 message data

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