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Te LATEST BY THE WRITERS OF JOSEPHINE, MY JO- DG Me PHERSON. aha 7 saan -@ t FOR THE PARLOR_—— The Greatest Folio Ever Published | | |The “STAR” + = e « Dance Folio) Contains the most popular successes of the day, arranged for | fil iad of dit, Price, '75e. Can be had anywheres where music is sold or the Publishers SHAPIRO, BERNSTEIN “© VON TILZER 45 West 28th Street, am=—_NEW YORK | Branches at Chicago and San Francisco o— @ By Wireless Telephone. Words by R.C. MPHERSON. Music by JAS. T. BRYMN. Moderato. of Thave a girl - ie, dear lit-tle pearl - ie, Thear a hum ming, some message com- ing, Slow till voice. [And though she 2 - wy Stil we Helios” central, i helo, OT have ee “thout line or ca - ble tomake love each day. ‘owas just a tink - ling of our tel - € - phone. r +: Copyright 1008 by Shapiro, Beraseln& Vou Tae. Epa Rect reed CoC Ne ane rae ede ere for mat- ters not where = my we have no fear— cur % sweet -heart may se -orets to tell Ourhearts af - fec - tion, still have our pri - vate ling ove holds the key a - long Hearts with-out_ = un - ion, makes sure con - nect know mo com - mun i Chorus. Pf you feel year- ing, your brain be-gins to When your ears are burn - ing, ‘By wipetees tetephont. = — whirl, nowthat is just the cue, yourbabewants you 00 00 00 00 just keep alist - ‘ning, soon therell_ come whisp-ring, some mes -sage from your girl,She'scall-ing you a- lone, by By ire us folep on Ft etesenere TRY THESE ON YOUR PIANO t= Pores Or Ms (Oaaeg Two Fuze. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS

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