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FAST 2 - FINAL TEST 1. Listening

2. Reading
3. Language Use
Name: ______________________________________
4. Writing
Teacher’s name: _____________________________ TOTAL
Group: __________________ Date: _____________

Listen and check the best option. (Total: 5 points – 0.5 each correct answer)

a. Audrey and Brian are probably g. Brian thinks Brunswick is _____________.

____________________. historical and full of culture
co-workers too small and uninteresting
wife and husband interesting and beautiful
son and mother
h. Audrey wants to ____________________.
b. Where are they traveling to? relax, go different places, and try the
Germany. local food
Switzerland. visit museums, relax, and go
Austria. shopping for souvenirs
relax, try the local food, and go
c. They are traveling _______________. shopping for souvenirs
on vacation
i. They couldn’t initially find their ________
to study German because it was _____________.
on business travel guide/in Audrey’s car
d. Who wants to go to Brunswick? travel guide/in the other bag
Audrey and Brian do. credit card/in Brian’s jacket pocket
Brian does. j. When they arrive at their destination, it
Audrey does. may be __________________.
e. What important mathematician was
born in Brunswick? raining
Friedrich Gauss. sunny
Gottfried Leibniz.
Leonhard Euler.

f. What is one of the reasons why Brian

admires the mathematician so much?
Because he revolutionized the set
Because he introduced the
concept of logarithms.
Because he made important
mathematical discoveries in his


CNAFast2_FinalTest_B.indd 1 30/07/15 09:16

1. Read the recipe and match six ingredients to the
pictures. (Total: 3 points – 0.5 each correct answer)

a. b.
Cereal Cookies
2 tsp. baking soda
1 lb. butter
2 tsp. vanilla
4 cups sugar
d oats
c. d. 4 cups quick rolle
4 eggs
rn flakes
2 cups crushed co
1 tsp. salt
nuts to taste
4 cups flour

Procedure l
e. f. ts an d th en sh ap e dough into smal
Mix all the ingredi
°C for 30 minute
balls. Bake at 180

2. Read the text and decide if the You make a difference in your
statements are true (T) or false (F). child’s eating habits
(Total: 2 points – 0.5 each correct
answer) Parents are the first role model kids have.
That’s why it’s so important to show children
healthy habits from an early age. A balanced
a. The text states that parents should diet with food from all four groups (vegetables
set the example when it comes to and fruit, grain products, dairy products, and
healthy eating habits. meat) should be present in every home so as
to prevent illnesses and help kids understand
b. According to the text, everyone what is healthy and what is not. That doesn’t
should have a diet based on the mean they can never have hamburgers and
four food groups. fries, but, since children are aware of the pros
and cons of food, they’ll be able to make
c. Based on the text, kids should better decisions concerning what to eat.
never have junk food because it’s

d. The text says children aren’t able

to make wise decisions concerning
what to eat.


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1. Check the best option to complete the conversations.
(Total: 5 points – 0.5 each correct answer)

a. A: How ________ salt should I add?

B: Only a teaspoon.
much many often

b. A: What’s the matter?

B: I have a bad stomachache.
A: _______ don’t you go to the emergency room?
Why Maybe Because

c. A: Do we _________ get a visa to enter the U.S.A.?

B: We, Brazilians, do.
should have to might

d. A: Do you like ___________ in large groups?

B: I don’t mind. As long as everyone in the group is punctual.
traveling traveled travel

e. A: What’s ________, Ruben?

B: I have a job interview, but I’m too nervous.
A: Don’t ________! Let’s have a cup of tea. I’m sure everything will be all right.
matter/worry wrong/matter wrong/worry
f. A: Are there ________ eggs in the fridge?
B: I’m not sure, but I think there are ________.
any/some some/any any/any

g. A: How ________ oranges should I buy?

B: A dozen, please.
much long many

h. A: Do you think teleportation will be possible in the future?

B: With all the technology available, it’s ________ to happen.
likely possibly certainly

i. A: Are you ___________ about your trip to Italy?

B: Of course! Italy is such an ___________ country!
exciting/amazing excited/amazing excited/amazed

j. A: Are you ready to __________?

B: Yes. I’d like the spaghetti with meatballs, please.
A: __________ to drink?
B: A lemonade, please.
ask/Something eat/Nothing order/Anything


CNAFast2_FinalTest_B.indd 3 30/07/15 09:16

Your best friend sent you the message below. Reply to him/her giving proper advice.
Include in your message at least three of the five expressions in the box.
(Total: 5 points)

Besides that In my opinion Finally First of all As far as I’m concerned

Hey, you! Listen, I need your

help. My boss called me
yesterday and asked me to do
something totally illegal. I don’t
know what to do… I don’t want
to be dishonest, but I can’t lose
my job! What should I do?


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