Performance Task Rating Scale 2.5.9 (1015)

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Performance Task Rating Scale – v2.5.

Value Band Description
20 + The script is a very good response, which
 summarizes all key information from the lecture;
19 A  integrates all relevant information from the reading by paraphrasing it;
 gives the relation between the lecture and reading correctly;
18 -  mentions the source texts properly.

17 The script is a good response, which

+  summarizes all key information from the lecture, though with omission/inaccuracy in explaining a
16 key point;
 integrates all relevant points from the reading by paraphrasing them though there may be some
15 B
-  presents the information but fails to mention the sources and/or give the relation between the two
sources clearly.
The script is a partial but good response, which
 summarizes most key information from the lecture, though with minor omissions/inaccuracies;
 integrates all/most of the relevant points from the reading though there may be minor inaccuracies;
13 C  summarizes all/most key information from the lecture & gives all/most of the relevant points from
the reading text without matching them to the points in the lecture.
A response at this level may include one or two sentences copied from the reading text, some irrelevant
12 - information or personal ideas.

11 + The script is a limited response, which

 summarizes about half of the key information from the lecture, though with minor omissions/
10 D inaccuracies;
 makes one or two connections to the reading text though there may be minor inaccuracies/
irrelevant information or personal ideas.
9 -
A response at this level may demonstrate poor paraphrasing and/or include unclear expressions.
The script is a poor response, which
 attempts to summarize the lecture though most key points are missing or inaccurate and/or fails to
integrate information from the reading text adequately/correctly;
7 E  includes all key points from the lecture but they are expressed poorly or explained with personal
ideas, and may fail to integrate information from the reading text adequately/correctly.

6 - A response at this level may demonstrate major problems in coherence and/or substantial copying from
the text.

5 + The script
4 F  contains only the lecture summary
3 -  contains only fragmental information from the lecture and the reading text.

2 RP Only the reading text is paraphrased./No task fulfillment.

1 RC Only the reading text is copied./There is not enough performance to evaluate (a few sentences only)./ No
task fulfillment.

0 PV Paper is void./Paper is off-topic.

Performance Task Rating Scale – v2.5.9

1. Within each band (A-F), there is a (+) and (-) level, which are used to indicate the level of
language competence. You may leave the grade neutral (just A, or B), or you may assign a
(+) or (-) depending on the

a. range of grammatical structures and vocabulary used, and

b. the frequency and magnitude of language errors.

2. If the script is much longer (+ 25%) than the word limit of 300 words, deduct 1 point from
the total grade.


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