Expt 13 Superposition

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Name: __________________________________

Course & Year: ___________________________

Schedule: _______________________________
Group Number: ___________________________
Date of Experimentation: ___________________
Instructor’s Signature: _____________________


1. To validate, through experimentation, the Superposition Theorem for circuit analysis.
2. To determine the Branch Currents and Voltages across resistors.
3. To determine the scope and limitations or the advantages and disadvantages in
employing Superposition Theorem in solving for the Branch Currents and Voltages in a
4. To test the application of the Current and Voltage Divider Rule/Principle on resulting
circuits when employing Superposition Theorem.


1. VOM (either Analog or Digital) including probes

2. Five (5) pieces of Carbon Composition Resistors of different values
3. Connecting Wires of size # 22 or # 20, solid conductor
4. Trainer Kit or DC Voltage Source / Power Supply that could provide two voltage outputs

Procedure for Experimentation with the Data and Results of Computations:

1. Choose five (5) resistors of different color combinations. Assign resistor numbers from
1 to 5. On Table 1, interpret the color-coding and write the equivalent Ohmic values
and the tolerances of each resistor.
2. Using either an Analog or Digital Ohmmeter, measure the resistances and write the
readings in the spaces provided on Table 1.
Ohmic − Ohmmeter
3. Compute for the percentage differences: % Diff = × 100% .

Table 1 - The Ohmic Value and Ohmmeter Readings

Ohmmeter % Difference
Resistor (Numerical) Tolerance
Reading (Ohmic & VOM)





4. Connect the circuit shown below on the breadboard using the five (5) resistors (arrange
the resistors in the circuit according to the sequence used on Table 1). Make sure the
wires and resistors are inserted properly. After connecting, have your work checked by
the instructor.

5. Power up or switch on the power supply using the Source Voltages, Ea and Eb, specified
by the instructor, as indicated on the Voltmeters. Place the results in the spaces

Source Voltage, Ea = Source Voltage, Eb =

6. Use the voltmeter function of the VOM to measure the Voltage across each resistor.
Make sure you have positive value Voltmeter readings. Place the results in the spaces
provided for Measured Voltage on Table 2.
7. Obtain also the polarity of the Voltage across each resistor (observe the placement of
the red and black probes of the VOM). Then, write the positive and negative signs
across the resistors on the Figure in Procedure #4. Also on this Figure, using the
polarity of the Voltages obtained, draw arrows showing the direction of the Current
through each resistor.
8. Switch off the power supply.
9. Use the formula: I = V R to solve for the Measured Current through each resistor
wherein Measured Current = Measured Voltage / Ohmmeter Reading of the Resistance.
Such that, I 1 = V1 R 1 , I 2 = V2 R 2 , and etc. Place the results in the spaces for
Measured Current on Table 2.

Table 2 – VOM Readings & Theoretical Results for Branch Voltages & Currents
For the circuit shown on the Figure in Procedure #4 with Ea and Eb Supplying.
Indicate the direction of the current by placing an arrowhead (↑, ↓, →, ←)
beside or above the values.
Voltages V1 V2 V3 V4 V5



% Difference

Currents I1 I2 I3 I4 I5



% Difference

10. Remove the wires that connect the Source Voltage, Eb, to the resistors. Connect a
short-circuiting wire across the terminals where Source Voltage, Eb, used to be. Refer
to the next Figure. Make sure the wires and resistors are properly inserted. After
connecting, have your work checked by the instructor.

11. Power up or switch on the power supply using the Source Voltage, Ea, specified in
Procedure #5, as indicated on the Voltmeter.
12. Use the voltmeter function of the VOM to measure the Voltage across each resistor.
Make sure you have positive value Voltmeter readings. Place the results in the spaces
provided for Measured Voltage on Table 3.
13. Obtain also the polarity of the Voltage across each resistor (observe the placement of
the red and black probes of the VOM). Then, write the positive and negative signs
across the resistors on the Figure in Procedure #10. Also on this Figure, using the
polarity of the Voltages obtained, draw arrows showing the direction of the Current
through each resistor.
14. Switch off the power supply.
15. Use the formula: I = V R to solve for the Measured Current through each resistor
wherein Measured Current = Measured Voltage / Ohmmeter Reading of the Resistance.
Such that, I 1 = V1 R 1 , I 2 = V2 R 2 , and etc. Place the results in the spaces for
Measured Current on Table 3.

Table 3 – VOM Readings & Theoretical Results for Branch Voltages & Currents
For the circuit shown on the Figure in Procedure #10 with Ea Supplying Alone.
Indicate the direction of the current by placing an arrowhead (↑, ↓, →, ←)
beside or above the values.
Voltages V1 V2 V3 V4 V5



% Difference

Currents I1 I2 I3 I4 I5



% Difference

16. Remove the short-circuiting wire. Insert back the wires that connect the Source
Voltage, Eb, to the resistors. Then, remove the wires that connect the Source Voltage,
Ea, to the resistors. Connect a short-circuiting wire across the terminals where Source
Voltage, Ea, used to be. Refer to the next Figure. Make sure the wires and resistors are
inserted properly. After connecting, have your work checked by the instructor.
17. Power up or switch on the power supply using the Source Voltage, Eb, specified in
Procedure #5, as indicated on the Voltmeter.
18. Use the voltmeter function of the VOM to measure the Voltage across each resistor.
Make sure you have positive value Voltmeter readings. Place the results in the spaces
provided for Measured Voltage on Table 4.
19. Obtain also the polarity of the Voltage across each resistor (observe the placement of
the red and black probes of the VOM). Then, write the positive and negative signs
across the resistors on the Figure in Procedure #16. Also on this Figure, using the
polarity of the Voltages obtained, draw arrows showing the direction of the Current
through each resistor.
20. Switch off the power supply.
21. Use the formula: I = V R to solve for the Measured Current through each resistor
wherein Measured Current = Measured Voltage / Ohmmeter Reading of the Resistance.
Such that, I 1 = V1 R 1 , I 2 = V2 R 2 , and etc. Place the results in the spaces for
Measured Current on Table 4.

Table 4 – VOM Readings & Theoretical Results for Branch Voltages & Currents
For the circuit shown on the Figure in Procedure # 16 with Eb Supplying Alone.
Indicate the direction of the current by placing an arrowhead (↑, ↓, →, ←)
beside or above the values.
Voltages V1 V2 V3 V4 V5



% Difference

Currents I1 I2 I3 I4 I5



% Difference

22. Rewrite the values for Measured Current through each resistor (including the direction
of the arrows) from Table 3 in the spaces for Measured Current (Ea Supplying Alone) on
Table 5.
23. Rewrite the values for Measured Current through each resistor (including the direction
of the arrows) from Table 4 in the spaces for Measured Current (Eb Supplying Alone) on
Table 5.
24. Take the algebraic sum (as indicated by the direction of the arrow and use the sign
convention presented) of the Measured Current across each resistor for Ea Supplying
Alone and Eb Supplying Alone. Write the results (accompanied by the resulting
direction of the current) in the spaces for Measured Current Combination on Table 5.
Current Sign Convention: Positive Negative

25. Rewrite the values for Measured Current through each resistor (including the direction
of the arrows) from Table 2 in the spaces for Measured Current (Ea and Eb Supplying)
on Table 5. Note: the resulting direction of the current obtained in Procedure #24
should match the direction of the current from Table 2. (Review your work if there are
BothSupplying − Combination
26. Compute for the percentage differences: % Diff = × 100% .

Table 5 – Experimental Results for Branch Currents

Results of Table 2 and the Combination of the Results of Tables 3 and 4.
Indicate the direction of the current by placing an arrowhead (↑, ↓, →, ←)
beside or above the values.

Measured Current I1 I2 I3 I4 I5

Ea Supplying Alone

Eb Supplying Alone


Ea and Eb Supplying

% Difference

27. Use the Ohmmeter reading of each resistor on Table 1 and the Source Voltages in
Procedure #5 to compute for the Theoretical values on Tables 2 to 4.
28. Use Superposition Theorem or Method for the computations. Show details of the
calculations/computations on the back pages of this Laboratory Experiment Report.
Note that you will have three (3) sets of computations: Ea Supplying Alone (place the
results in the spaces for Theoretical Current and Voltage on Table 3), Eb Supplying
Alone (place results in the spaces for Theoretical Current and Voltage on Table 4), and
Combination of the results of Ea Supplying Alone and Eb Supplying Alone (place results
in the spaces for Theoretical Current and Voltage on Table 2).
29. Compute for the percentage differences for Tables 2 to 4:
Theoretical − Measured
% Diff = × 100% .

Analysis and Observations:

1. State the Superposition Theorem.

2. Based on the experiment and calculations you have done, what are the advantages and
disadvantages of using the Superposition Theorem or Method for circuit analysis?

3. While doing the computational circuit analysis for the Theoretical results for
Superposition Theorem or Method, what are the problems that you encountered? What
are the factors that contributed to the problems or difficulties?

4. Of the four (4) methods taken up: Branch Current Method, Maxwell’s Mesh Loop
Method, Nodal Method, and Superposition Theorem or Method; according to the results
of all the experiments, which is the most convenient, easiest to understand, most
efficient, less tedious, and etc. when doing computational circuit analysis for the
Theoretical results? Explain.

5. What are the problems you encountered while conducting this experiment?


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