Magnetism: C Mbsin M B

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1. Force between magnetic poles 2l  magnetic length
0 m1m 2 m  pole strength of the magnet
4 d 2 7. Couple acting on bar magnet placed in uni-
(In air or free space in between mag- form magnetic field C  MBsin 
netic poles ) M  magnetic moment of the bar magnet
0  permeability of free space. B  Magnetic field strength
m1 , m 2  are the pole strengths of two   angle between the axis of magnet and
magnetic poles. direction of magnetic field induction
8. Magnetic Induction due to a bar magnet
d  distance between the poles
on axial line
2. Magnetic field due to a straight
conductor Carrying current: 0 2Md
Magnetic field strength at a distance d from
Baxial 
4  d 2  l 2 2
a straight conductor carrying current I is
given by for short magnet
0 2M 1
Baxial   B
4 d3 d3
B  magnetic induction
M  magnetic moment of the magnet
d  distance between the centre of the mag-
net to the point
2 l  magnetic length
0 I 9. Magnetic Induction on equatorial line
B (sin 1  sin 2 )
4d 0 M
Direction of magnetic field is suggested by Beq 
4  d 2  l 2 3/ 2
right hand grip/thumb rule.
 m1m 2 M  magnetic moment of the magnet
3. F ( in the medium )
4 d 2 d  distance between the centre to point.
2l  magnetic length
where   0 r
for short bar magnet
  permeability of the medium
0 M 1
Beq  3
 B 3
 r  relative permeability of the medium 4 d d
4. Magnetic Induction at a point in a magnetic 10. A charge Particle in a uniform Magnetic
0 m  
field B  When v  B , the charged particle following
4 d 2
a circular path of radius
5. Force experienced by a pole in a magnetic
field F  mB mv 2mE
r 
m  pole strength of the magnetic pole qB qB
6. Magnetic moment of the magnet   
(a) F  q(v  B)
M = 2l m
(b) If charge is accelerated by p.d. V, then

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tan  A
2mqv 2mV 2
r  tan B
qB qB2
 A,  B are average deflections in tanA and
mv sin  mv  tanB positions.
(c) Its radius r  or
qB qB 17. Vibration Magnetometer
(d) The period of revolution of charge q in a
uniform magnetic field B is given by I
Time period of the magnet T  2
2m MBH
qB M  magnetic moment of the magnet
11. Relation between B and H ; B   0 H
BH  horizontal component of magnetic
H  intensity of magnetic field field of earth
12. Tangent Law , B  BH tan 
m  l 2  b2 
B  magnetic induction field strength of the I  moment of inertia I 
magnet 12
BH  horizontal component of earth’ss m, l, b  mass, length and breadth of the
magnetic field strength. magnet respectively

  angle deflected by magnetic needle 1 2 I0d

18. BH 
from the direction of BH T  d  l  tan 
2 2

13. Deflection Magnetometer

Equal distance method ( Tan A or Tan B   the average deflection of the compass
M1 tan 1 needle in the deflection magneto metre
position) 
M 2 tan 2 2  d 2  l 2  4I tan 
M1, M2 are magnetic moments of first and 19. M
T  0 2d
second magnets respectively
 1,  2 are average deflections produced by 20. Comparision of Magnetic moments of
first and second magnets respectively two bar magnets
14. Null method ( Tan A or Tan B position )
M 1 T22
M1 d13 i)   equal sizes 
 M 2 T12
M 2 d 32
M1, M2 are magnetic moment of first and M 1 T22  T12
ii)   unequal sizes 
second magnets respectively ; d1, d2 are M 2 T22  T12
distances of the first and second magnets
from the centre of the compass box respec- H
tively 19. Magnetic susceptibility (  m ) =
15. Equal distance method in Tan A position
0 2M 1. The magnetism is concentrated at two points
 BH tan A (short bar magnet)
4 d 3 called poles of a magnet.
Equal distance method in Tan B position 2. The line passing through the two poles of the
0 M magnet is called “axial line”
 BH tan B (short bar magnet)
4 d 3 3. The line passing through the equator of the
16. Verification of Inverse square law is magnet is called “equatorial line”
4. The shortest distance between the “two
poles” is taken as magnetic length(2l) . DEFLECTION MAGNETOMETER
5. Classification of magnetic materials 1. Principle : It works on ‘Tangent law”
Diamagnetic substances
The diamagnetic substances are those in
Tan A Position
which the individual atoms/molecules/ions do
not possess any net magnetic moment on their 2. The arms are placed along East West direc-
own. When such substances are placed in tion or parallel to the Al - pointer.
an external magnetizing field, they get feebly Tan B Position
magnetized in a direction opposite to the 1. The arm are placed along North South di-
magnetizing field. rection or parallel to magnetic needle.
Example: Animony, Bismuth, Copper, Lead, 2. It is used to compare magnetic moments of two
Gold, Silver, Diamond, Zinc, Quartz; Water, magnets and to verify the Inverse square law
Alcohol, Mercuty; Air, Hydrogen, Nitrogen
and all inert gases like Helium, Neon, Argon
6. Curie Law in Magnetism
Intensity of magnetization (I) of a magnetic
material is (i) directly proportional to magnetic
induction (B), and (ii) inversely proportional
to the temperature (T) of the material.
m 
This phenomenon of lagging of I or B behind
H when a specimen of a magnetic material
is subjected to a cycle of magnetization is
called hystersis.

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