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Lightning is a high-energy electric discharge accompanied

by a large amount of heat and light.
Liquefaction is the process by which water
Thunder is the sound made by lightning.
saturated sand or soil temporarily loses
Earthquake istrembling or shaking movement of the
strength and acts as a fluid.
earth's surface.

Air currents inside dark clouds cause water droplets and ice particles rub
and bang against each other which creates static electricity. Lighter,
positive charges are at the top of the cloud and heavier, negatively-charged
pieces of ice and water at the base. The earth’s surface is positively
charged. Electricity flows between the charges and the difference between
them increases. When the differences get big enough, they are neutralized
and electricity is released as a flash of lightning.

Because light travels much faster than sound, flash of lightning can be seen before
the sound of thunder.
Strikes – Lightning always takes the quickest path to the ground and usually
strikes tall isolated objects such as trees or tall buildings. This is why it is
dangerous to shelter under trees during a storm

Causes of earthquakes: compressional or tensional stresses built up at the margins

of the huge moving lithospheric plates that make up the earth's surface
The immediate cause of most shallow earthquakes is fracture in the earth's crust,
resulting in movement of the opposing blocks of rock past one another.

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