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B2B Marketing Strategies

B2B Marketing Strategies Laurent La Rocca

Consultant and expert speaker, ESSEC
ESSEC MSc, Fall 2019
Who I am


Retail Marketing
Ex-Marketing Director
Consultant & Expert speaker

Marketing Director

L. La Rocca page 2
the Treep : Mobility planner sustainable

Compare and combine all trains, flights, taxis,

metros very quickly

Easily book without advancing fees : tickets are

paid and approved by the company

Preserve the environment by encouraging the

choice of gentle transport

L. La Rocca page 3
What about you ?

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Course Introduction B2B Marketing Strategies


L. La Rocca page 5
Course Introduction B2B Marketing

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Course Introduction B2B Marketing Strategies

o The Business
Model Canvas

o Course

o B2B
L. La Rocca page 7
Course Introduction B2B Marketing Strategies

o B2B Marketing

L. La Rocca page 8
BtoB Definition

business to business
is a term that is used to refer to all business
relationships between two companies


L. La Rocca page 9
B2B Marketing Product and service classification

Used for production


Become parts
of physical products

Consumed in production processes

but not part of physical products

L. La Rocca page 10
B2B Marketing Product and service classification


Heavy Light
Equipment Equipment

Design and fabrication of Machine tools, turbines, earth Smaller pieces of equipment:
building and other structures, moving equipment, etc. fork lifts, small motors, etc.
processing plants, etc.
Capital Expenditures (CapEx), Operating Expenses (OpEx)
typically financed through
L. La Rocca page 11
B2B Marketing Product and service classification


Raw Processed Components &

Materials Materials subassemblies

Commodity-type, basic Also commodity called “raws”. Fabricated items that become
products from sea, farm, Come from the processing of parts of finished products.
forest and mine: logs, iron, raw materials after refining, Typically for equipment
corn, oil, fish, etc. crushing, cutting, etc. Typically industry (integrated circuits,
in standard grades and sizes alternators, etc.)
L. La Rocca page 12
B2B Marketing Product and service classification


Repair & Services

Consumed in the customer’s Intangible products although services may be

processes , but do not become purchased along with physical products.
part of the finished products Includes maintenance, cleaning, catering,
consulting, insurance, banking, training,
education, etc.
L. La Rocca page 13
Course Introduction B2B Marketing Strategies

o Course

o B2B
L. La Rocca page 14
The Course plan
Pricing Company’s
& Distribution Business Model

8 1
Communication & Segmenting & Targeting
Channel Management 7 2 of Activities and Markets

6 3
Towards Differentiation Deciphering Customers’
New VP, new BM ? Buying Behavior
5 4

Customers’ Experience Describing Current

and Competition Value Proposition

L. La Rocca page 15
The Course Application Project

Objectives § Practical understanding of issues: “learning by doing”

§ Application of concepts and tools in real business situations
§ Group creativity
§ Teamwork as a key ESSEC learning goal

Working § Groups of 3 students

§ Step by step development throughout the course
§ Case (Supplier firm – Offer – Market) validated by Session 2.
Only 100% B2B
§ Presentation from 2 groups at every session from Session 4 to Session 9
through the “co-construction” approach
§ Final oral presentation during last session with final slides submitted to the

Evaluation § 100% of the final course grade:

20% - Written Business Canvas
30% - Intermediate application (and potentially presentation)
20% - Final presentation during last session
30% - Final comprehensive slide support.

L. La Rocca * See “Application Project Guidelines for the Students” page 16

Create your teams

1. Show Respect

2. Allow disagreements

3. Always explain

4. Communicate in brief

5. No toxic people

Have Fun !
L. La Rocca page 17
The choice
Name (HQ) Sector

Data management and analysis services based on an interactive cloud-based analytical platform as a service (APaaS)
A 1010 DATA (USA) especially useful for the treatment of big data.

Beauty and personal care packaging with leadership positions in plastic & laminate tubes, mascaras, lipsticks, samplers
B ALBEA PACKAGING (France) and foam pumps.
Strongly innovative company focusing on software for 3D design, 3D digital mock-up and Product Lifecycle
C DASSAULT SYSTEMS (France) Management (PLM).
Online payment processing for internet businesses. Stripe is a suite of payment APIs that powers commerce for online
D STRIPE (USA) businesses of all sizes.
Software solutions protecting organizations against data breaches and identity thefts through two core technologies:
E GEMALTO (France) authentication and protection.
Ingredients solutions, including sweeteners, starches, nutrition ingredients and biomaterials used in everyday products
F INGREDION (USA) from foods and beverages to paper and pharma.
Service integrator in the automotive industry for fleet managing companies. From simple leasing to international fleet
G LEASEPLAN (The Netherlands) management and corporate sustainability programs.
Scales, weighing and process analytics instruments and end-to-line inspection systems for use in laboratory, industrial
H METTLER TOLEDO (USA) and food retailing applications.
Plant extraction and development of natural ingredient for industrial customers operating in Food, cosmetics and
I NATUREX (France) health industries.
Operating Unit of Nestlé Group offering its own coffee machines operated with specific single-use coffee capsules
J NESPRESSO (Switzerland) containing of ground coffee beans.
Up is an international, independent and robust company that belongs to its employees. It develops products and
K UP (France) services that improve and simplify the daily lives of its customers. Present in 17 countries, Up group adapts its know-
how to each local context.
Softwares for simulating light and human vision through augmented reality, in order to increase customers’ design
L OPTIS (France) productivity.
The world's leading provider of solutions for the travel industry, including agencies, corporations, suppliers, developers,
M SABRE (USA) government and online.

L. La Rocca page 18
The Course The “co-construction” process

Objectives § (Application Project) - Help maximizing the output of your group work

Working 1. The student team presents its work (10 min.)

The audience takes notes without interfering
2. The audience expresses feedback (10 min.)
Only under the form of questions
The presenting members take notes (paper pad, white board) and get
3 steps prepared to address these questions

Total 35 min. 3. The presenting team addresses all reported questions (15 min.)
Takes notes about its answers for further reference and inclusion into final

L. La Rocca * See “Application Project Guidelines for the Students” page 19

The Course Track
1 Course Presentation & Intro to B2B Mkg Case Select.

2 B2B Segmentation & Targeting

3 Applied B2B Strategy (Guest Speaker)
4 Customer’s Organizational Behavior
5 Outlining Current Value Proposition
6 Evaluating Value Proposition Project
7 Towards a True Differentiation Based on
selected case
8 Omni-Channel Communication Strategy
9 B2B Distribution & Pricing
10 Final Case Presentations (Batch 2) Final Pres.

L. La Rocca page 20
A Typical Session (Sessions 4 to 9)

09:00 10:15 10:45 12:00

Application Application
Project Project
(group (group
of four) of four)

Application Project Group

gets prepared to start
presenting at 9:00 sharp

L. La Rocca page 21
Teamwork Grading (See Course Outline for details)

■ Graded Work
◆ Application Project: 100%
■ Grading Criteria
– Compliance to the brief
– Depth of research
– Quality of analysis and conclusions
– Teamwork integration
– Slide support length and quality
– Overall project integration

L. La Rocca page 22
Rules ”Do’s and Don’ts”

ü Presence (non-attendance must be notified

by mail to the facilitator on duty before session starts:
ü Punctuality (three-hour classes)
Course start on-time. One 30-minute break
ü Active Listening and Participation: computers only when
prompted. Mobiles off, in the bags!
ü No food in class

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Time to break

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The Teams and the companies

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The Course Work submission schedule

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Course Introduction B2B Marketing Strategies

o The Business
Model Canvas

o Course

o B2B
L. La Rocca page 27
The Business Model Canvas How to describe your company?

L. La Rocca Author: Alex Osterwalder page 28

The Business Model Canvas


Key Partners Key Activities Value Customer Customer
Network of The most important Propositions Relationships Segments
suppliers and activities your Based on different How your cus- Groups of
partners which organization needs bundles of products tomers are acquired people and/or
bring external to perform well and services which and retained organizations
resources and create value for you want to reach
activities Key Resources each of your Channels and create value for,
customer segments through dedicated
Most important How your Value Value Propositions
assets required to Proposition is
offer and deliver delivered (Comm’
value to customers Distribution, Sales)

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

All types of costs incurred to operate your Business Result from the Value Propositions successfully
Model offered to the customer segments you have targeted.
It is how your firm captures value with a price that
customers are willing to pay

L. La Rocca page 29
The Business Model Canvas

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The Business Model Canvas

L. La Rocca page 31
BMC the Treep

L. La Rocca page 32
Course Introduction B2B Marketing Strategies

o The Business
Model Canvas

o Course

o B2B
L. La Rocca page 33
Course Introduction Key takeaways
Business Model Canvas. A tool
B2B Product and Service
describing how your firm creates,
classification. Includes
captures and delivers value to its
Equipment, Direct Inputs,
targeted customers

Co-construction Process (35 Course Objectives. Starts

min.). Applied to all with your company’
presentations. 3 stages: Team Business Model Canvas, and
presentations, Audience returns to it after the design
questions, Team answers + of a new Value Proposition.
Application Project Step-by-step
development on your company
throughout the course.
Presentations from S4 to S9. All
final documents available as free
L. La Rocca page 34
For next session W2
Use the Business Model Canvas (BMC) to “describe how your firm creates, captures and delivers value to its
targeted customers”

• One slide for general presentation

• One slide for front stage
• One slide for backstage
• One slide fore Value Proposition and profitability.

Information Sources
Beyond the company’s website(s) and a serious Google search (which can be very productive), here are a
few sources obtained (and available) from the Learning Center, where research experts can address your
requests if needed (but they might ask for a delay or a delayed meeting).
Marketline (Market studies), available outside of campus;
Orbis (only on campus);
Business Source Complete (lots of article from all sorts of journals and magazines)

L. La Rocca page 35

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