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SPCE 630 Exam 1

Inconsistent implementation of condition protocols refers to which threat to internal validity? -

ANS procedural infidelity

Which level of scientific understanding includes observation and accurate description of

phenomena? - ANS description

Which level of scientific understanding refers to observing the correlation between two
variables? - ANS hypothesis

Which level of scientific understanding refers to reliable change produced by change in the IV? -
ANS control

SCRD differs from group design in that the participant serves as their own - ANS control

Articles in which researchers report the findings of original research are - ANS primary

Articles in which the authors summarize the findings of other researchers are - ANS review

Articles that report statistical analyses from existing research are - ANS meta analyses

Duration recording is a suitable data collection method for all of the following behaviors except -
ANS number of times a student engaged in physical aggression

Event recording is used to measure behaviors that - ANS have a clear beginning and end
do not occur at a frequency that is too high to count
are brief and temporary

Variables manipulated by researchers are known as - ANS Independent variables

Well-designed applied research studies should - ANS include systematic study of behaviors in
typical environments

The committee responsible for examining proposed studies to ensure human participant safety
and ethical compliance is the - ANS IRB
Respect for persons, beneficence, and justice are the ethical principles outlined in the - ANS
belmont report

The same level of risk a participant would encounter in daily life is - ANS minimal risk

Maximizing potential benefits while minimizing potential harm is - ANS beneficence

Which of the following is not a function of a literature review? - ANS presenting a clear and
concise summary of the paper

the methods section of a research article - ANS provides a detailed operation description of
how the study was conducted

the relevance of a study's data is outlined in the - ANS discussion

the five sections of a final report in order are - ANS abstract, introduction, method, results,

Which type of recording samples behavior occurrences and provides an estimate of the actual
occurrences of the behavior? - ANS discontinuous recording

When using MTS, occurrences of the target behavior are recorded if the behavior occurs - ANS
at the end of the interval

If observers do not agree on behavior occurrences when collecting data (low IOA), which
common problems could be present? - ANS observer bias, error, observer drift

Whole interval recording tends to - ANS underestimate behavior occurrences

Which type of validity refers to whether or not the measurement procedures accurately reflect
the target behavior being measured? - ANS construct validity

Reliability and validity refer to the same concept - ANS false

Which of the following is the best example of a non-reversible dependent variable? - ANS
reading sight words

Researchers can write non-examples of target behaviors in order to help increase - ANS
treatment integrity

Which type of IOA is calculated when researchers only look at intervals either or both observers
did NOT observe the target behavior? - ANS unscored-interval IOA
Which is a measurement of whether the intervention was conducted as intended? - ANS
treatment integrity

Measurement of procedural fidelity does all of the following except - ANS Helps cilnicians
avoid emphasizing "train and hope"

The extent to which experimenters trained implementers as planned is known as - ANS

implementation fidelity

the degree to which procedures of all experimental conditions are implemented as intended is
known as - ANS procedural fidelity

Summative analysis of treatment procedural fidelity increases which type of validity? - ANS

Common ways to measure treatment integrity include - ANS checklists, self-reports, direct
systematic observation

A 5-year-old boy diagnosed with ASD started receiving ABA services. Which of the following is
NOT a stakeholder in the evaluation of social significance? - ANS His BCBA

When measuring social validity, which of the following are more subject to bias? - ANS
participant/stakeholder judgements

What type of evidence should procedural fidelity provide? - ANS adherence and differentiation

Teaching socially important goals does which of the following? - ANS teaches patients to
engage in behaviors valued by society
helps improve participant quality of life
helps improve quality of life of those who interact with participants

The null hypothesis states that - ANS any difference in the groups is due to chance

Results of group design yield - ANS a statistical relationship between the IV/DV

Researchers want to determine if sleep deprivation affects exam scores in college students. The
researchers plan to calculate a test statistic. Which would be a more appropriate study design -
ANS Group design

Researchers want to know if providing noncontingent attention will reduce a 3-year-old's

attention-maintained physical aggression. The researcher will use visual analysis. Which would
be a more appropriate study design? - ANS Single case research design
Measures of central tendency include which of the following (check all that apply - ANS mean,
median, mode

Measures of dispersion include which of the following (check all that apply): - ANS standard
deviation, variance, range

Steps of sampling include which of the following (check all that apply) - ANS defining the

defining the sample

determining the sample size needed (use power and effect size)

determining the method for pulling the sample

Which type of sampling error refers to a lack of true understanding of the population researchers
want to study? - ANS population error

Which type of sampling error refers to the wrong sub-population being used to select the
sample? - ANS selection error

Which statistical considerations are used to determine the sample size needed for a study? -
ANS power, effect size, rejection criteria

Critics of single case research design methodology argue that results cannot generalize outside
of the study due to - ANS too few participants

Replication is the ability to repeat the effect of which of the following - ANS dependent variable

Within-study direct replication includes all of the following EXCEPT - ANS treatment package

What distinguishes clinical replication from direct replication? - ANS experimenters

administering a treatment package

The number of variables that change between studies will determine the extent of: - ANS

Failure to replicate the findings of a study reveals its: - ANS limitations

Successful systematic replication leads to greater evidence of (check all that apply) - ANS
reliability, generality
Which type of replication is the repetition of an experiment by the same experimenter? - ANS
direct replication

Which type of replication involves conducting a series of studies and incorporating systematic
change? - ANS systematic replication

Purposes of replication involve which of the following (check all that apply): - ANS assessing
internal validity

finding exception

assessing external validity

Which of the following is NOT a defining feature of SCRD? - ANS participants are split into a
control group and treatment group

How many replication attempts must SCRD contain in order to meet evidence standards? -
ANS three

Which of the following designs minimally meets the standards for demonstrating an intervention
effect? - ANS ABAB

How many data points should each phase in SCRD ideally include? - ANS 5

According to Horner et al. (2015), dependent variables are selected for their (check all that
apply): - ANS importance to the participant, importance to those who come in contact with the
participant, importance to society

As scientist practitioners, behavior analysts are responsible for (check all that apply): - ANS
actively reading the literature

evaluating data for the decision making

producing new data to contribute to the larger scientific community

Which of the following is used when describing results for group designs? - ANS statistical

Which of the following is used when describing significant differences between baseline and
intervention conditions at the individual level? - ANS clinical significance

Applied research differs from basic research by all of the following EXCEPT: - ANS studying
participants' behavior within laboratory settings
When graphing data, the dependent variable is identified by which of the following? - ANS

When graphing data, the independent variable is identified by which of the following? - ANS

Which of the following are used to measure relative behavior change? - ANS semi-logarithmic

When using bar graphs, the height of the bar indicate the _____________ of the data? - ANS

When data are not collected continuously, what should be placed on the x-axis? - ANS scale

Condition change lines are dotted and used to indicate major changes within an experimental
condition - ANS false

Which form of data is often reported in tables? - ANS participant demographics

Variations of line graphs include: - ANS multiple dimensions of the same behavior

An effective graph presents data (check all that apply - ANS without distortion

without bias




a guess about what the data would show if there is no change in the experimental conditions -
ANS prediction

the data trend show the IV may have had an effect on the DV - ANS affirmation

the data trend show there is a cause-effect relation between the IV and DV at the simplest level
- ANS verification

the data trend repeats the effect that the IV has on the DV, increasing the researcher's
confidence that a functional relation exists between the IV and DV - ANS replication

Phase A1 on graph - ANS prediction

Phase B1 on graph - ANS affirmation

Phase A2 on graph - ANS verification

Phase B2 on graph - ANS replication

Phases on graph - ANS A1 (baseline or prediction)

B1 (affirmation)
A2 (verification)
B2 (replication)

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