CLC 12 - Blog Post 2 Questions 1

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Blog Post #2 Questions:

1) What have I accomplished so far? (Give specific details. Include the research you have done to date.
Include sources of information you have used for research, people you have spoken to, videos you have
watched, books you are reading, etc.)
So far, I haven’t been able to physically do a lot of practicing. But I have done research from a couple of
different websites, as well as getting a knitting magazine to get inspiration on what to practice. I also
bought yarn and knitting needles. The websites I have taken my research from are Nimble Needles and The magazine I got is called Interweave Knits.

2) What have I learned? Give specific examples of your learning, whether is has been positive or
negative. Some of our best learning comes from our struggles.)
I have learned that knitting a sweater is actually very ambitious. This was a little negative as that was
what I had my mind set for. But I will continue with that goal in mind. Instead of allowing this stress from
the ambition of knitting a whole sweater, I will try to take smaller steps towards that goal. Starting with
knitting simple things like a scarf or a headband.

3) What still needs to be done? (Create a specific list of objectives/tasks you want to accomplish over
the next two weeks. Be detailed and realistic.)

 Learn simple stitches and techniques.

 Start/finish a practice prototype product of a scarf.
o see how long this takes to calculate how much time I will need if I want to move towards
knitting the sweater.
o dissect the prototype and see what areas I can improve on.
 Test out different yarns, see what works best for me.
o I collected pictures of another brand to try when I was getting my practice yarn.

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