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Cpp Assignment Solved questions.

A U-tube manometer filled with mercury is connected between two points

in a pipeline. If the manometer reading is 26 mm of Hg, calculate the
pressure difference between the points when (a) water is flowing through
the pipe (b) air at atmospheric pressure and 20oC is flowing in the pipe.
Density of mercury = 13.6 gm/cc Density of water = 1 gm/cc Molecular
weight of air = 28.8

Manometer reading (h) = 26 mm Hg = 0.026 m Hg
Density of mercury (ρm) = 13.6 gm/cc
Density of water = 1 gm/cc
Molecular weight of air (MW) = 28.8
Temperature of air = 20 o C = 293 K
R = 8314 J/(kmol.K)
For simple U - tube manometer,
P1 - P2 = Δp = (ρm - ρ)gh.
Ideal Gas law
PV = n RT
Molal density = n/V = P/(RT)
Mass density (ρ) = Molecular weight x molal density
(a) Water is flowing through the pipe:
Δp = (ρm - ρ)gh = (13600 - 1000) x 9.812 x 0.026 = 3214.4 N/m2
(b) Air at atmospheric pressure and 20oC is flowing in the pipe:
ρ = 28.8 x 101325/(8314 x 293) = 1.2 kg/m3

Δp = (ρm - ρ)gh = (13600 - 1.2) x 9.812 x 0.026 = 3469.2 N/m2

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