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Gerrit Kistler

Mrs Shauwecker


Comp 1


What is your greatest fear, well fear is something that every person possesses inside of

there body no matter how strong or fearless you say you are everybody has fear. Fear is just

human nature, it's a subject that can make us into stronger people with overcoming the fears and

taking these fears head on. Fear can be used as a tool against you, but no matter how many fears

you overcome there is always going to be that one that just sticks with you. The fear that’s stuck

with me the most is the fear of disappointing.

The fear that has stuck with me has been disappointment, now what I mean by

that is if somebody expects me to perform like this, expects me to play like this, or expects me to

do a certain thing a certain way I am scared of disappointing them and not doing it correctly. I

am fearful of not meeting expectations and failing people that I look up to. This has never been

something I have talked about or I express a lot. I don’t shrivel up and cry when I am expected to

do something there is always that thought in the back of my head of being afraid. This can affect

me in countless situations, and I could even say I have a fear of being wrong.

When I am sitting in the classroom and the teacher asks a question I am most likely never

the first one with my hand up. My head is just flooded with ideas of what ifs and different

situations of being wrong. I feel that if i answer and I am wrong everybody will laugh or make

fun of me. This fear I have can effect me on different occasions and countless ways. I’ve tried to

overcome this problem by becoming more vocal at times and trying to get more comfortable

with other people. If I am around people I don’t feel comfortable with completely I tend to get

quieter then I usually am with my friends. I am still young and most people tend to be like me

around adults and myfootball coach has tried to help me with my vocal skills and I think it’s

helping. If you have the same problem as me I think that just clearing your head and taking

things slow tend to help if you choke up on your words, freeze, or are scared to talk.

Overcoming a fear is one of the toughest tasks you will run into in life, and you

may never be able to get over that hill. Not being able to get over a fear is okay in life, you

shouldn’t make that blockade stop you from doing what you want. I have a fear of failing to

reach expectations but still no matter what I do I will always do it to the best of my ability. If I

am given an assignment to do no matter how bad it may be I will always try, which I think is

something everybody should do no matter what your task is. When I’m on the field I just clear

out all my thoughts and do what I gotta do. After the game I’ll be up watching film and feeling

like a disapointment, and I may never know if this will go away.

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