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Emergency Freedom Alerts—11-27-23

Dr. Johnson's Main Website at:

Free Gift: Salvation & the TRUE Gospel/Good News! Prayer Requests
Invive Mild Silver Protein Website:

Table of Contents:
• Anti-Christ New Age Establishment BRAINWASHING
• Pope Francis Signs Official Vatican Document Affirming
Transsexuals Can Be ‘Baptized In The Catholic Religion’
In Major Embrace Of LGBTQ+
• Listener Comment: From a school board meeting in your state, what a
wonderful woman of God!
• Listener Question: I’ve been hearing about this Pastor Mike Signorelli
recently and his new movie: The Domino Revival -- Is this just more
sensationalism or are these healings real?
• Pastor Mike Signorelli Exposed
• Reprobate Devil Mike Signorelli – Supposedly Releasing the “New Wine of
the H.S.” to Get His Followers “Intoxicated”! New Apostolic Reformation
Exposed Again! Mike Encourages Everyone In his Gatherings to Pray in
Tongues Out Loud in Mass Confusion & Says Tongues Need NO
• Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-16-23-Part 1--
Table of Contents:…Listener Comment: What is Happening in my Church—
Everyone Speaking In Tongues, Laying Hands Suddenly on Others & Men
and Women Acting Unbiblical Plus Scott Johnson’s Response and
• Scott Johnson’s Teaching: End Time Current Events: 8-17-14--Part 2--Table
of Contents:…Tongues-Not Essential for Salvation
• Fake Deliverance Minister - Isaiah Saldivar Exposed – Admitting to
Choking/ Assaulting a Woman #kathrynkrick
• Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs &
Wonders-Parts 1-3 May 18th, 2008
• “God TV”, Lakeland, Todd Bentley & Satanism-Parts 1-2 June 6th, 2008
• +2+ Scott Johnson’s Teachings Exposing Pentecostalism & NAR New
Apostolic Reformation
• Listener Question & Scott Johnson’s Response: I have this one friend on
Facebook who’s clearly not a Christian and by his own words too, claims to
be a spiritual medium and he posts picture after picture and video after
video of his own “ministries” even going to India and supposedly working
miracles of healing and casting out demons and always ending these posts
by saying “I’m not a Christian, I’m a psychic medium, I’m not trying to
convert anybody, God loves everybody.”
• My Recent Trip Down Charismania Lane-Parts 1-2 February 3rd, 2008
• Pentecostals Take The United Nations by Storm! July 8th, 2007
• ‘ The Manifest Sons of God ’/’ Joel’s Army ’/’ Later Rain Movement ’
Exposed-Parts 1-3 May 11th, 2008
• Kathryn Kuhlman - Aimee S. McPerson - the Source of Benny Hinn’s
‘Anointing’-Parts 1-3 December 30th, 2007
• Dominionism / Kingdom Now / Reconstructionism / Theonomy Exposed-
Parts 1-3 June 1st, 2008
• End Time Current Events: 8-17-14--Part 3--Table of Contents: The Azusa
Street Revival is the origin of the modern-day Pentecostal movement—
Critically Biblically Examined

++ In 1981 William Casey (CIA Director)

Told the Newly Elected President Ronald

Ephesians 5:11, 13-16: "And have no

fellowship with the unfruitful works of
darkness, but rather reprove them. But all
things that are reproved are made
manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth
make manifest is light. Wherefore he
saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise
from the dead, and Christ shall give thee
light. See then that ye walk
circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time, because the days
are evil."
The 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary
defines: “Reprove”: To blame, to convince of a fault, or to make it manifest, to
excite a sense of guilt.“Circumspectly”: Cautiously; with watchfulness every way;
with attention to guard against surprise or danger.
Matthew 24:24: "...if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
II Corinthians 2:11: "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not
ignorant of his devices."
II Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble
themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then
will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted
worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the
Son of man.
Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Psalm 101:3: I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them
that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
Psalm 11:5: The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth
violence his soul hateth.
1 Cor 15:33: Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
Lexicon Strong's G3657--Outline of Biblical Usage of the Word:
“Communications”: companionship, communion
“It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen
on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” Samuel Adams
“The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years.
These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to
spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from
liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to
complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from
dependency back to bondage.” Alexander Fraser Tytler


Father God in heaven, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we come against & oppose
all satanic operations, manipulations, subversions, tactics and plans which are designed
to hinder or prevent God’s original plans and purposes from their swift manifestation
taking place in their correct time and season. (Daniel 7:25) We come against all
satanic alliances and confederations worldwide. Let every evil effort and
endeavor fail. Cause the news media to be caught in their own lying and
manipulation so that only the truth is brought forth. (Nehemiah 4:7-8; Esther 3:1-
9:32; Job 5:12-14; Psalm 83:5; 2 Chronicles 20:35) 2. We ask that every satanic
strategy of prohibition and limitation placed upon the Body of Christ (by the dark side),
shall not prevail. We pray that all invisible and visible walls of opposition, restriction and
delay will be exposed and destroyed. (Colossians 1:16; Joshua 6:1) Oh Lord
confound the devices and the wicked plans of the enemy that they have crafted,
so that their hands are not able to perform their evil enterprise. Save those that
can be saved O’ Lord, but those that cannot be saved; overtake them in their own
crafty and devious ways; let them fall into their own pits that they have dug for the
righteous, let the Fire of God devour them, let them turn on and consume one
another and have them in total confusion & derision. (Psalm 35:4; 50:3, 55:9; 70:2;
83:17; John 8:32). We loose the hosts of heaven to war against the hosts of
darkness and bring an end to all deceptive, secretive and destructive measures
designed destroy all of God’s creation and defile the world. According to 1 John
3:8 for this reason, was the Son of God made manifest, that He would destroy the works
of the enemy. (John 2:15-17; Acts 16:16-19) Father God overrule all strategies, tactics
and curses of the enemy by the power of Jesus Christ and His shed Blood; &
overthrow all spoken words, enchantments, divinations, spells, hexes, vexes,
curses, witchcraft prayers and every idle word spoken contrary to God’s original
plans and purposes according to Isaiah 54:17, & break the curses associated with
all these ceremonies, rituals, utterances, and destroy their plans to bring about a chaotic
bloody revolution in worldwide & to usher in Martial Law and the New World Order.
Father God, we pray their plans shall be uncovered and not prevail & shall be frustrated
and unable to achieve any impact & that their wickedness and violent verbal dealings
would return upon their own heads, according to Psalm 7:16.
FATHER GOD, WE HUMBLY ASK YOU TO: Reveal every hidden agenda, plan and
cover-up in the secret shadow government regarding their attempts to manipulate end
time events which would lead to the destruction of Your Christians & the innocent.
(Isaiah 44:25; 2 Timothy 3:8) Please send divine, powerful angelic forces against their
diabolical plans to expose & destroy them. We dispatch legions of warring angels
(and any other kinds of angel’s necessary) to enforce Your perfect will on the
United States of America and on all the earth. (Joshua 5:13-14; Psalm 103:20-22;
Colossians 2:14, 15; Ezekiel 9:9-11) Release your divine strategies and revelations
upon any righteous person in government, worldwide. Fill them with Your Holy Spirit
and cause Your divine wisdom & courage to come upon them. (James 1:5) Cause
them to be like a holy trumpet shedding light upon the dark hidden secrets of the
wicked. Send a spirit of confusion amongst the camp of the enemy. Let their tongues
be divided & when they communicate let it be incoherent and misunderstood. (1 Samuel
10:27) Arrest those that operate in the spirit of Jezebel or Belial (and all other
wicked spirits) and cause them to be caught in their own lies and conspiracies.
Let them not be able to resist the Spirit of Truth or gain any ground in the natural
or spiritual realm. Cause every evil spirit that is released from their diabolical
assignments to be cast into the abyss, until which time they then be cast into the
PLACE.. (Psalm 110:1; 1 Kings 19:1-5; 21:1-16) Please cause these prayers and all
future prayers to take on the characteristics of divine projectiles in the realm of the spirit,
so that they will accomplish your divine will. (Psalm 57:4) WE SEAL THIS PRAYER BY

Anti-Christ New Age Establishment BRAINWASHING

Play to 14:30:

Pope Francis Signs Official Vatican Document Affirming Transsexuals Can Be

‘Baptized In The Catholic Religion’ In Major Embrace Of LGBTQ+
If it would not cause scandal or
confusion among other
Catholics, ‘a transsexual, even
one who has undergone
hormone treatment and gender
reassignment surgery, may
receive baptism under the same
conditions as other faithful,’
said a document from the
Vatican’s Dicastery for the
Doctrine of the Faith.
Vatican: A Trans persons can be baptized as Catholics & serve as godparents
FROM THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER: The document, signed Oct. 31 by
Pope Francis and by Cardinal Víctor Fernández & was posted in Italian on the
office’s website on Nov. 8.
The Roman Catholic Church, started by the Roman Empire on or around 325 AD, has
for the past 1,700 years claimed to be the only ‘authorized representative of Jesus
Christ’ on this Earth. A mighty big claim to say the least. But leaving that aside for just a
moment, you will take note of the fact that just about everything they stand for goes
against what is revealed to us in the pages of the Holy Bible. Such is the case with the
latest edict of Pope Francis as he continues to create his affirming church.
“For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you,
not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse
things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the
space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.” Acts
20:29-31 (KJB)
If Jesus were walking the Earth in His earthly ministry today, He absolutely would
minister to the LGBTQ+ people including the transgender and the transsexuals. He
would tell them that their sin, like all sin, needs to be repented of, and He would invite
them to trust in Him as their Savior. But He wouldn’t for one second confirm anyone in
the sins of the LGBTQ+ Movement, He would compare what they were doing to
Sodom and Gomorrah who were destroyed for doing such things. The Roman Catholic
Church is a lot of things, but being the church started by Jesus Church is not something
they can claim.

From: Matthew S <>

Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 11:34 AM
Subject: Listener Comment: From a school board meeting in your state, what a
wonderful woman of God!

From: Mike
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 5:25 PM
To: Scott Johnson <>
Subject: Have you any information on this guy
Listener Question: I’ve been hearing about this Pastor Mike Signorelli recently
and his new movie: The Domino Revival -- Is this just more sensationalism or are
these healings real?
Scott Johnson’s Response: Mike: I only had to watch this for 50 seconds to
realize this is total Charismania/Pentecostal insanity which is what I came out of.
No fear of God, confusion, big crowds acting like maniacs, probably zero
repentance, worldly programs, a lot of those names connected to this movie are
red flags. See below for some of my teachings on this movement.
I Timothy 5:22: "Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other
men's sins: keep thyself pure."
I Corinthians 14:33: "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all
churches of the saints."
I Corinthians 14:40: "Let all things be done decently and in order."
I Timothy 3:15: "...that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in
the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of
the truth."

Pastor Mike Signorelli Exposed

Mat 12:43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry
places, seeking rest, and findeth none.
Mat 12:44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and
when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.
Mat 12:45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked
than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is
worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

Reprobate Devil Mike Signorelli – Supposedly Releasing the “New Wine of the
H.S.” to Get His Followers “Intoxicated”! New Apostolic Reformation Exposed
Again! Mike Encourages Everyone In his Gatherings to Pray in Tongues Out Loud
in Mass Confusion & Says Tongues Need NO Translation!
Play to 4:13:
1Co 14:27 If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most
by three, and that by course; and let one interpret.
1Co 14:28 But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let
him speak to himself, and to God.
1Ti 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave
thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and
ground of the truth.

Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-16-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 16, 2023
Table of Contents:
• US to host largest-ever Satanic gathering–The Satanic Temple group has
announced on social media that SatanCon 2023 will take place at the end of
April in Boston, Massachusetts
• Where are the men?
• Bible Verses on Effeminate Men — & Women And Children Ruling Over
Men & Society
• The New Normal: Men Dressing Up As Women-Giving Humanity a Satanic
Morality Lesson–Internet Slams the ‘Dystopian Nightmare’ of Trans-Owned
Miss Universe
• Listener Comment: What is Happening in my Church—Everyone Speaking
In Tongues, Laying Hands Suddenly on Others & Men and Women Acting
Unbiblical Plus Scott Johnson’s Response and Teachings…
Listen at:

Scott Johnson’s Teaching: End Time Current Events: 8-17-14 — Part 2

Table of Contents:
• …Tongues-Not Essential for Salvation
Listen near the end at:

Fake Deliverance Minister - Isaiah Saldivar Exposed – Admitting to Choking/

Assaulting a Woman #kathrynkrick

Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-
Part 1 May 18th, 2008
Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-
Part 2
Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-
Part 3
Recently ‘Christian Television’ (primarily through ‘God-TV’) have issued glowing
reports of a ‘revival’ breaking out in Lakeland, Florida at ‘Ignited Church’
pastored by Stephen Strader. Every night up to 126 million people are being
deceived by this movement/Todd Bentley a convicted child molester who looks
more like a Hell’s Angels biker than a man of God. Mr. Bentley is a certified false
prophet/teacher from the infamous Elijah List, an umbrella group that markets all
the bogus ‘prophetic’ material their many seers sell. Many of these forerunners
for the antichrist are heralding this outbreak as the much-touted outpouring of
the ‘Latter Rain’ and ‘Third Wave’. One of the main problems with Mr. Bentley’s
healings though, is that he is doing so (admittedly) by the power of a supposed
female angel named Emma-O. This is the same spirit that supposedly ‘birthed’ the
Kansas City Prophet movement & The Pensacola and Toronto Revivals (among
her many accomplishments).
The Encyclopedia Britannica identifies Emma-o in Japanese Buddhist mythology
as the overlord of hell. The information contained in this teaching is truly
unbelievable but easily verifiable & well documented. Wendy Alec, co-founder of
God-TV prophesied regarding this latest ‘outpouring’ of the unholy spirit: ‘THIS is
just the warm up party – for what you shall see in the coming days shall even
make these days pale – with what I have up my sleeve…’

“God TV”, Lakeland, Todd Bentley & Satanism-Part 1 June 6th, 2008
“God TV”, Lakeland, Todd Bentley & Satanism-Part 2
In this teachings we will be looking at the overwhelming body evidence existing;
that indicates that individuals like ‘faith healer’ Todd Bentley are not just
deceived, they are actually prepositioned high level Satanists/Luciferians. Todd
Bentley says the ‘Holy Spirit’ told him to ‘Kick Her In The Face’ with his ‘Biker
Boot’ to heal a woman! He was also told by the ‘Holy Spirit’ to punch a man in the
stomach, ‘leg drop’ a Pastor and bang a woman’s legs up and down like a ‘ball
bat’ Below is an excerpt (we will be reviewing in this teaching) from a Christian
who came out of the high level occult: ‘I once met a Satanist of very high power
with Angelic language tattoos up and down their arm. They were incantations to
draw fallen angels to it so that she/him could impart their powers to others. I’ve
noticed that Todd Bentley has these tattoos of flames coming up to his neck, with
Chinese characters on his neck and throat. He seems to be some sort of a
conduit for spirits and this seems to be his theme. I believe that he is attracting
fallen angels, who are much greater in power than mere demons; to impart them
to those he touches. Some time ago I watched as he performed a blatant
witchcraft ceremony where the people write their prayer requests on paper, and
then light them up with fire. This comes right from a pagan ceremony. I received
word from my contacts years ago that these Satanists were training in these
revival movements as infiltrators; now it seems that they have done such a good
job of deception that they are now leading the people of God into the occult.’

+2+ Scott Johnson’s Teachings Exposing Pentecostalism & NAR New Apostolic
Play Here to 10:54: Todd Bentley’s False Revival Shutdown August 3rd, 2008
++Our report from our 7/30/08 road trip up to Todd Bentley’s Blasphemous
Lakeland Tent Revival, subsequently (after Doug and I prayed for 4 hours there
during one of the “revival” meetings) the following documented events
happened: Following the ABC Report (see below), Bentley took time off from the
revival, but returned on 18 July 2008. [15] Five days later, Bentley and Strader
announced that Bentley would be leaving the revival permanently and that his
last day would be 23 August 2008.[31] Bentley's last day of preaching that year was
on Friday 8 August 2008(or 8/8/08)… Three days later it was reported that Bentley,
"has filed for separation from his wife, a former spokesperson said Monday, and
will not return to the ongoing revival."[36] Four days after that on August 15, 2008,
the news of his resignation became public. [18]
Bentley announced his separation from his wife, Shonnah, in August 2008, [2][46]
and resigned from the Board of Fresh Fire. [47] A statement released by the
remaining board members said, "Todd Bentley has entered into an unhealthy
relationship on an emotional level with a female member of his staff" [48]
Previously, on 9 July 2008, ABC News' Nightline broadcast an investigative report on
Bentley, focusing on his faith healing claims, finances, and criminal past.[15]

From: R <>
Sent: Sunday, July 9, 2023 2:09 AM
To: Scott Johnson <>
Subject: Listener Question & Scott Johnson’s Response:
Hi Scott…Hope all is going well. I’ve come across something interesting and can
see it being one of the most deceiving practices I’ve ever seen. Being a
competitor in the sport Strongman, I have friends I’ve made across the country
and even the globe in that community. Having said that I have this one friend on
Facebook who’s clearly not a Christian and by his own words too, claims to be a
spiritual medium and he posts picture after picture and video after video of his
own “ministries” even going to India and supposedly working miracles of healing
and casting out demons and always ending these posts by saying “I’m not a
Christian, I’m a psychic medium, I’m not trying to convert anybody, God loves
everybody.” and certainly has no problem making a mockery of Christians in his
other posts. The irony is that in his videos he still uses the name of Jesus Christ
when doing these “miracles”. While I have a good idea of what’s going on here,
this is one of the greatest deceptions I’ve ever seen the enemy play. Bottom line,
what I’m seeing here is demonic power being used for healing and essentially
trying to fight fire with fire just to ultimately lead people even further away from
the gospel of Christ. Just wanted to know your thoughts and wondered if you’ve
ever come across something like this before?
++On Sunday, July 9, 2023 at 10:34:09 AM CDT, <>
Yes as soon as I started reading your email these verses came to mind:
Mat 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in
thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many
wonderful works?
Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye
that work iniquity.
Act 16:16 And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed
with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by
Act 16:17 The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the
servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.
Act 16:18 And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to
the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he
came out the same hour.
While I have heard of Satanic alter calls at hard rock concerts from the past with
people getting healed and giving their lives to Satan, this seems to be different
(but maybe I am wrong) as if he is actually calling upon the name of Jesus Christ
to cast out devils and heal, I mean the devils know the name of Jesus. See:
Act 8:9 But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same
city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself
was some great one:
Act 8:10 To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This
man is the great power of God.
Act 8:11 And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched
them with sorceries.
Mar 5:1 And they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the
Mar 5:2 And when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of
the tombs a man with an unclean spirit,
Mar 5:3 Who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bind him, no,
not with chains:
Mar 5:4 Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the
chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces:
neither could any man tame him.
Mar 5:5 And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs,
crying, and cutting himself with stones.
Mar 5:6 But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him,
Mar 5:7 And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus,
thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.
Mar 5:8 For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.
From: B<>
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: RE:
Some of those same verses came to mind for me as well. I also came to realize
this is nothing new when I also thought about instances when demonic forces in
the would essentially do cheap copies of God’s power like when the Pharaohs
magicians had their staffs turn into snakes just as Moses’ rod did, before God’s
snake devoured the magicians snake, or in modern times with these demon
magicians who have demons assigned to them for performing “tricks” that
require manipulating matter and objects “floating” in the air. So, I figure why not
healings as well? If it deceives people into believing anything, but the gospel of
Christ, then it still works in their favor--Casey

My Recent Trip Down Charismania Lane-Part 1 February 3rd, 2008

My Recent Trip Down Charismania Lane-Part 2
Recently I attended a David Herzog hyper-Pentecostal “Miracle & Prophetic
Revival Meeting” in my home town that was billed to manifest the following
“miracles/signs and wonders”: instant healings, instant weight loss, grey hair
turning to black, gold teeth fillings and crowns instantly appearing in the mouths
of those in need, gold dust appearing miraculously on the people at the meetings,
different kinds of precious jewels that miraculously appear during the meetings
and are there for the taking, “angel” sightings that when photographed appeared
as 7-8 sided circles/dots on film, a “Glory Cloud” that descends & hovers over the
heads of all those attending the meetings & “The River” or “New Wine” of the
spirit that produces uncontrollable, hysterical “holy laughter”. During this
teaching I will be giving some background information on this false ministry and
also our first-hand account of what (Doug & I witnessed) there. I will also be
reading a recent letter I received from another Charismatic Charlatan (Leroy
Jenkins) which included a purple cloth of financial blessing with the inevitable
plea for money. Jeremiah 5:26, 27, 29-31: ‘For among my people are found wicked
men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men. As a
cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become
great, and waxen rich. Shall I not visit for these things? saith the LORD: shall not
my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? A wonderful and horrible thing is
committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule
by their means; and my people love to have it so…’

Pentecostals Take The United Nations by Storm! July 8th, 2007

This takes the cake!! It never ceases to amaze what passes as ‘holy’ in today’s
apostate mess. An excerpt from this Pentecostal ministry reads: As (United
Nations) delegates spilled out from the meeting they were being slain out by
God’s power right in front of the offices!
Unbelievably there are many of these types of ministries in the current day
Pentecostal movement. We will also be reading a recent email I received from a
listener regarding another hyper-Pentecostal named David Herzog and the
incomprehensible topics of his new book Glory Invasion. This is basically high
level witchcraft with a pseudo Christian veneer.

‘The Manifest Sons of God’/’Joel’s Army’/’Later Rain Movement’ Exposed-Part 1

May 11th, 2008
‘The Manifest Sons of God’/’Joel’s Army’/’Later Rain Movement’ Exposed-Part 2
‘The Manifest Sons of God’/’Joel’s Army’/’Later Rain Movement’ Exposed-Part 3
‘The Manifest Sons of God'(MSOG) movement has many names such as, The
Latter Rain Movement, Identity, Joel’s Army, Restoration and Reconstruction.
MSOG doctrine has been around in some Pentecostal circles for many years, but
it was the ‘Latter Rain Movement’ of 1948 that gave it a wider audience. This
movement was thought by its adherents as the last great spiritual outpouring that
would see the return of Christ. It would result in the Church being perfected and
submitting to the restored ministry of apostles and prophets. These ministries
would supposedly be in charge of restoring truths that were lost to the Church.
But when we examine the fruit of this movement and see how it’s doctrine
compares to the Word of God, it falls woefully short…

Kathryn Kuhlman, Aimee S. McPerson, the Source of Benny Hinn’s ‘Anointing’-

Part 1 December 30th, 2007
Kathryn Kuhlman, Aimee S. McPerson, the Source of Benny Hinn’s ‘Anointing’-
Part 2
Kathryn Kuhlman, Aimee S. McPerson, the Source of Benny Hinn’s ‘Anointing’-
Part 3
In this teaching we will be keying on Kathryn Kuhlman, Aimee Semple McPherson
and Benny Hinn. Since their deaths Benny Hinn has visited Kathryn Kuhlman’s
and Aimee McPherson’s graves to appropriate the ‘anointing’ that he claims still
lingers on their bodies from the grave. See: http://www.jesus-is- Kathryn
Kuhlman was a founding member of a New Age movement that synchronized
Christianity and occult spiritualism together with pop psychology and a lavish
serving of capitalism. Thanks to Kuhlman’s pop status websites now sell the
claim of being personally transformed and healed by practicing Christian yoga. It
is thanks to Kuhlman that the practice of being ‘slain in the spirit’ is said to have
been made more popular in evangelical circles. Unfortunately, this “slaying” was
the work of unholy spirits. Time Magazine once called her a ‘veritable one-woman
Shrine of Lourdes,’ such was the fervor that Kathyrn Kuhlman garnered. Wayne
E. Warner, in his book ‘The Woman Behind the Miracles,’ goes so far to claim that
Catholics would prefer to save money and attend a Kuhlman crusade than travel
to a Marian shrine. Kulman’s biographer and friend admitted that ‘she loved her
expensive clothes, precious jewels, luxury hotels, and first class travel.’ In
response to reports that she had a private audience October 11, 1972 with Pope
Paul VI, one Christian comments: ‘Katherine Kuhlman was a witch that was
accepted by many. Do you suppose that the Pope blessed her for serving Jesus?
Or could it be that an anti-christ was blessing one of his own servants.’ After the
meeting, she said, ‘When I met Pope Paul there was a Oneness.’

Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 1 June

1st, 2008
Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 2
Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 3
Currently there is a movement about that is known as Reconstructionism,
Kingdom Now theology, Theonomy, and/or Dominion theology, and it is a curious
blend of Reformed/Calvinist theology and Charismatic Pentecostal influence.
That movement has been called by three different names: Reconstructionism
(because it advocates the reconstruction of society), Dominion Theology
(because its theology teaches that Biblical Christianity is to rule every sphere of
society), and Theonomy (a combination of two Greek words — theos [God] and
nomos [law] — because it asserts that all of society is to be brought into the
obedience to the Mosaic Law).
And a number of the movement’s ideas have infiltrated the thinking and actions
of many professing believers, often without them knowing it.
The movement is led by such theologians as Rousas J. Rushdoony; Gary North;
Ray Sutton; Greg Bahnsen (deceased); David Chilton, and by Charismatic leaders
such as Earl Paulk. But their ideas are often reflected by non-reconstructionists
such as Pat Robertson, D. James Kennedy, John Whitehead, Franky Schaeffer,
and Jerry Falwell.
End Time Current Events: 8-17-14 — Part 3
Table of Contents:
• The Azusa Street Revival is the origin of the modern-day Pentecostal
movement—Critically Biblically Examined
• The Toronto Blessing Unmasked Evidence that will shock you…
• Charles Parham the ‘father’ of modern Pentecostalism/Charismatic Movements
& his student W. J. Seymour the ‘father’ of the Azusa Street Revival– Critically
Biblically Examined
End Time Current Events: 8-17-14 — Part 1
Table of Contents:
• Pope Francis Meets Evangelical Delegation–James and Betty Robison, co-hosts
of the Life Today television program, and Kenneth Copeland, co-host of
Believer’s Voice of Victory, met the Roman Pontiff at the Vatican recently for
almost 3 hours
End Time Current Events: 2-2-14 — Part 3
Table of Contents:
+ Listener Comment: Evil Pentecostal Charismatic Mega Church Pastor Kenneth
Copeland Officially Yokes up with the Pope and the Catholic Death Cult
+ The Official Blog of Kenneth Copeland Ministries Announces this: “Historic
End Time Current Events: 8-17-14 — Part 2
Table of Contents:
• Tony Palmer, who captured Pope Francis’ bid for Christian unity with a
cellphone, dies after a
motorcycle crash
• Kenneth Copeland Recants and
Returns To Catholicism!
• Pope Meets With Heads Of ‘The
Family’ Doug Coe In Wash D.C.
To Organize ‘Secret Invisible
World Organization’
• Obama Endorses Elitist
Pseudo-Christian Organization
“The Family”
• Westmont President Gayle
Beebe Invited to Meet with Pope
Francis to discuss finding common ground between Protestants and Catholics
• Tongues-Not Essential for Salvation
From: sunnyrose84
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 7:25 AM
Subject: RE: Have you any information on this guy--The Domino Revival Official
Trailer--Charismania/Pentecostal insanity You probably caught they left "their mark"
the replaced the letter I. You know like how KISS used to replace the
SS. That trailer was so loud. I mean the Holy Spirit is gentle.

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