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Writing portfolio

Ch1. Large Cities And Small Towns

Large cities and small towns both provide amazing living experiences, but come
with different paths and opportunities. Large cities tend to provide more diverse
career and entertainment opportunities, often with greater financial rewards. Small
towns, however, tend to offer a quieter lifestyle, with a sense of community and
tradition. They can even be less expensive to live in. Both areas have their own
distinct beauty and culture, with something to offer everyone. Large cities have a
lot of hustle and bustle and plenty of attractions, while small towns provide a more
relaxed atmosphere and a glimpse into charming rustic scenes. Both have their
unique advantages, depending on individual preferences. Large cities often provide
better access to public transportation facilities and job opportunities. Small towns,
on the other hand, typically showcase a lower cost of living, and direct access to the
great outdoors. Whatever lifestyle choice is made, it’s important to know the
advantages and disadvantages of living in either environment. In the end, the best
.decision is the one

Ch2. My Best Childhood Memories

One of my best childhood memories is the afternoon around 4 pm. Because I

used to get together with my neighborhood friends and play with each other. First
of all, we had a very huge tree in the neighborhood, and its branches were
somewhat thorny, but it was dazzling and beautiful. It was close to my house. In
addition, I and those of my age or close to it used to gather there and play around
the tree, or go and explore the place around us, such as unknown or frightening
houses, and because I grew up in a village there was a lot to discover and try new
things. Sometimes it is enough for us to go to a small grocery store in the middle of
the neighborhood and buy some juice and sweets or candy and sit under the huge
tree and talk to each other cheerfully. Finally, when the sun begins to set, each of
.us goes home



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