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Unit -4

1. Mobile IP & AD HOC

Mobile IP is a communication protocol that allows users to move from one network to
another with the same IP address. It ensures the communication will continue without
the user’s sessions or connections being dropped. Mobile IP enables a wireless node to
move freely from one point to another without a network drop to the internet to another
point without disrupting tcp end to end connectivity.
2. Ad Hoc is one that is randomly formed when devices connect and communicate with
each other. Ad hoc networks are mostly wireless local area networks (LANs).
● Wireless ad hoc networks are distributed networks that do not require fixed
infrastructures to work. Network nodes in a wireless ad hoc network can
randomly form the wireless ad hoc network.
● Network nodes in a wireless ad hoc network directly communicate with other
nodes within their ranges.
● Wireless ad hoc networks are self-organizing. Without fixed infrastructures and
central administration.
● Wireless ad hoc networks have dynamic network topologies. Network nodes of a
wireless ad hoc network connect to other network nodes through wireless links.
3. WAP

WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol. Wireless Application Protocol or WAP is a
programming model based on the concept of the World Wide Web (WWW), and its
design is very much similar to TCP/IP protocol stack design. The WAP model consists of
3 levels known Client, Gateway, and Origin Server. WAP is a very fast-paced technology.
It is an open-source technology and completely free of cost.

The following are some most used applications of Wireless Application Protocol or WAP:

● WAP facilitates you to access the Internet from your mobile devices.

● You can play games on mobile devices over wireless devices.

● It facilitates you to access E-mails over the mobile Internet.

● Mobile handsets can be used to perform various daily life transactions.

● Online mobile banking is very popular nowadays.


TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol. TCP (Transmission
Control Protocol), IP (Internet Protocol) is the collection of protocols that allows
computers to connect with the network and exchange data with other computers over the
Network. The TCP/IP model is the foundation of the Internet.

The TCP/IP Model is a more optimized and practically implemented model. It has taken
the reference from the OSI Model and put a lot of emphasis on accuracy. It includes
several steps that ensure the data sent from one host to another host must reach one
without any failures, or in the case of failure or loss of data, it doesn’t need to retransmit
the whole data.

The layers are grouped according to the task performed by each layer. It has commonly
4 layers.



A computer intruder is anyone or anything that tries to get access to any part of your
computer system. An intruder is typically referred to as a hacker. Hackers are known to
use automated computer programs to compromise your computer’s security system.
They are very smart and know a lot about technology and security. Intruders breach
users’ privacy and try to steal confidential information. They typically try to sell this
information to third parties.


● Masquerader: An individual who is not authorized to use the computer and who
penetrates the other user’s computer.
● Misfeasor: A person who is authorized for such access but misuses his or her

● Clandestine user: The category of individuals who have supervision control over
the system and misuse the authoritative power given to them.

2. Biometric Systems

Biometric systems are using personal characteristics (directly linked to who you are) to
authenticate or identify a person. A system collects biometric characteristics unique to
every person. These biometric characteristics are then directly linked to verify or identify
the individual.

1. Typing patterns: It is extended to the keyboard, recognizing not just a

password that is typed in but the intervals between characters and the
overall speeds and pattern.

2. Eye scans: An expensive hardware where two parts of the eye can be
scanned, using different technologies: the retina and the iris.

3. Fingerprint recognition: Fingerprints are unique, easily accessible, and

require little physical space for either the reading hardware or the stored
data they are widely used biometric systems.

4. Voice recognition: This is different from speech recognition. The idea is to

verify the individual speaker against a stored voice pattern, not to
understand what is being said.

5. Facial recognition: Uses distinctive facial features, including upper

outlines of eye sockets, areas around cheekbones, the sides of the
mouth, and the location of the nose and eyes.

3. Viruses

The virus is a kind of malicious software written with the intention to enter a user's computer
with the knowledge of the user, with the ability to copy itself, hence continuing to spread. Some
viruses can cause severe harm or adversely affect the program and performance of the system.
A virus can only spread from one computer to another when its host or file is taken to the
uninfected computer, by sending it over a network or carrying it on a removable medium such as
a floppy diskCD, or USB drive.

1. Resident Virus:-This type of virus is permanent and resides in the RAM memory. From
there it can overcome and interrupt all of the operations executed by the system:
corrupting files and programs that are opened, closed, copied, renamed, etc.

2. Boot Virus:-This type of virus affects the boot sector of a floppy or hard disk. The boot
sector is a crucial part of a disk that helps a computer to start(boot up).

3. Macro Virus:-Macro viruses infect files that are created using certain applications or
programs that contain macros.

4. Polymorphic Virus:-: Polymorphic viruses encrypt or encode themselves every time they
infect a computer. This makes it very difficult for anti-viruses to find them.

5. Parasitic Virus:-:Parasitic viruses modify the code of the infected files. A Parasitic Virus
is a type of virus that spreads by attaching itself to another program whenever another
program runs.

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