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Welcome to Maple Island!!!

a.k.a noob island

Here, your maple adventure begins. You will learn the game basics and general controls
of the game. Though you don’t get too experience much here, this is the best time to prep
for your future on maple. For starters, it’s also best to make friends here rather then later
on, as you’ll gain more influence easily.

Without further ado, lets begin this FAQ.


Ok, now you got to make your character. Choose its appearance and name. After all that,
choose your ability points. Ok, you can’t actually choose. It’s random. But try to make
the skills so that they match what you want to be. You can have a max of ten for now, but
you’ll get more AP points in the future. Here’s a list of what AP you need:

To be a warrior: 35 str
To be a mage: 25 int
To be a bowman: 25 dex
To be a thief: 25 dex

Set your AP to something so that it’s easier to get to the required AP for the job you wish
to be. In fact, right now, RIGHT NOW, HERE AND NOW, choose what you want to be
BEFORE you choose the AP so you don’t screw up >.>

After that, press ok.

The Fields

Here you are, outside on maple island. Here you’ll encounter monsters, quests, hazards,
and other people training.

One thing that will make Maple Island a little bit annoying is the ksers, or Kill-Stealers.
These people will come up to you, and attempt to “help” you kill something
unintentionally. Chance are, they don’t want to “help” you. They just want some exp.
Then you end up having to share it with them, including any items you received. If
someone kill-steals, tell to stop. If they keep doing it, report them.

Anyways, you’ll find different monsters all over the place. As you go from the start of the
game to the town areas, the monsters will get stronger.

Large Mushroom are currently the strongest monster you’ll find on maple island

You’ll probably be visiting this town more then the other. This town has a bit more then
South Perry, including a Item Shop, and a Weapon Shop, where you can buy a razor, the
only other item on Maple Island other then the beginning weapons.

Other then that, there isn’t much else too Amherst. At the far end, you’ll find a spot where
you can hunt large mushrooms if you need to kill them, as they have higher spawn rate

South Perry

There is really nothing to this town. Empty… There is an armor store here, but unlike the
Weapon Store in Amherst, there is not special armor here. Just the same old beginner
armor, except its just a little bit stronger.

If you have 150 mesos, and your at the proper lvl for your job and your AP points are set,
your ready to leave. Just so you know, you need to be at lvl 10 to get a job, except if you
want to be a mage. If you want to be a mage, you only need to be at lvl 8.

You’ll also find the hardest quest here (in my opinion). Just talk to Biggs at the top.
Seriously, this quest is hard >.>


Snails are the most basic enemy on Maple Island. There are 3 types. Green, Blue, Red.
The green kinds are the weakest, and barely take away any HP. Blue kinds are a bit
stronger and have more stamina. You’ll need to do more damage to them to kill it. The
red ones are the strongest. They don’t do much damage, but they have LOTS of stamina,
and are rather annoying.

Taking down snails is easy. Just attack them. When it comes to the red ones, I suggest
you continually jump over it, attack it from behind, jump over, attack from behind, and
repeat the process till its dead. They’re stamina is so high it can get pretty annoy.


There are only two kinds of mushrooms on Maple Island. The small ones, and the large
ones. How creative >.>

The small ones are fairly easy to kill, they’re about as strong as a blue snail, though
they’re a bit faster. The bigger ones… they’re a different story.

The larger ones are the most difficult monster to kill on Maple Island. At a low lvl, the
damage they can do to you is pretty devastating. Its best you use the same method i
described with the red snails. Continually jump over it and attack from behind so that it
doesn’t get a chance to attack you.

Until you get to around lvl 12, mushrooms will be proving to be quite a problem. They’re
stamina isn’t that high though, so when you get strong enough, killing these guys will
actually become really boring and worthless. There are more kinds of mushrooms which
you will encounter on Victoria Island.

Traveling Tips

Always bring potions with you. I suggest you stay away from white potions for your
duration on Maple Island. Use red potions till you get to around lvl 5-6. After that, start
using orange potions.

Until you get to around lvl 6-7, I suggest you don’t try fighting the large mushrooms. If
you feel your up to it, make sure you have the strongest weapon you can get, and that
you’re experienced with combat. Until then, keep practicing. One thing you should be
doing is practicing dodging enemies. After you get good with dodging, then you can give
the mushrooms a shot.

Also, stay away from the lower parts of the island till your around lvl 5. Its a lot more
difficult there.


Some people have decided to stay on Maple Island and stay as a beginner FOREVER!!!
Be aware that people who choose to do this probably are experienced players.

Some people who choose to be permanent noobs will probably make a guild. This guild
may be full of other permanent noobs, so unless your dedicated to staying on Maple
Island, I wouldn’t suggest asking to join one. If this is your first character, I strongly
suggest you NOT be a perma-noob.

Getting Out Of Being A Perma-Noob

If you’re a perma-noob and decide that Maple Island’s getting boring and leave, it can be
tough. If you stayed on Maple Island to a point where your over lvl 10, then when you
choose a job, you won’t be able to get any SP points you could’ve gained earlier. You
have been warned….

Ready To Leave?

Think you have enough game experience? At the right lvl to choose the job you want?
Are your AP points set correctly? Then you’re ready to leave! Head to South Perry, pay
150 to the guy at the far end, and you’re in Victoria Island. But also, make sure your done
with the Island, as once you leave, you cannot return. You’re permanently stuck on
Victoria Island, and now it’s time for the REAL game experience.

Once you get there, you ought to take the cab to the place where you get the job you
want. You don’t want to accidentally lvl up walking there now do you? No you don’t.
Here’s a list of what town to go to become what…

Warrior - Perion
Mage- Ellinia
Bowman - Henesys
Thief – Kerning City

After you get your job, you’re through being a Maple Islander. It’s time to actually play
Maple Story. Good Luck.


Walkthrough by Takedown1 (James)

Maple Story created by Wizet

This FAQ is property of Takedown1 and Maple Tips

All Right Reserved

Special thanks to Nattygene for being supporting me! W00t ^_^

Oh… and special thanks to wizet too. =P

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