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1. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the geography of

A Rome is located on the Italian peninsula.

B Rome was protected by the Alps Mountains to the north.
C Rome had easy access to the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas.
D Rome suffered from a lack of good farmland.

2. Which statement about the geography of Rome is NOT true?

A Rome is located on a river near an abundance of good farmland.

B Rome is in central Italy near the Mediterranean Sea.
C Rome is on the Italian Peninsula, protected by the Alps.
D Rome is on a high altitude plateau surrounded by mountains.

3. Rome was protected from invasion by −

A a ring of volcanoes surrounding the Italian Plateau.

B a series of coastal fortresses.
C trade agreements with Celtic tribes to the north.
D the Alps Mountains blocking land access to the Italian peninsula.

4. Rome was able to exert influence over the Mediterranean Sea because –

A it was outside the Strait of Gibraltar.

B it was located near the center of the Italian peninsula.
C the Greek city-states abandoned their colonies.
D it had a strong naval tradition.

5. Early Rome was able to develop because –

A it was far away from the empires to the east.

B it was under the protection of Athens.
C the Persian Empire had collapsed into small states.
D Phoenician sailors kept pirates from attacking Rome.

6. Rome’s location near the Mediterranean Sea allowed it to –

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A concentrate on having a strong navy.
B maintain peaceful relations with Carthage.
C trade with others areas by water.
D use the sea for drinking water.

7. Which of the following is NOT a Roman god?

A Mars
B Jupiter
C Yahweh
D Venus

8. If the Romans worshipped a family of gods, their religion can best be
described as a form of −

A polytheism.
B monotheism.
C animism.
D idolatry.

9. From whom did the Romans borrow their myths and gods?

A Babylonians
B Greeks
C Egyptians
D Hittites

10. Roman mythology influenced all of the following except −

A art.
B literature.
C architecture.
D politics.

Use this list to answer the next question.

● Natural occurrences like storms

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● Human traits and emotions like falling in love

● Life events like death

11. Which title would best fit the list above?

A Things Romans believed their emperor had power over.

B Things Romans believed that the gods were responsible for.
C Concepts that the Romans believed were beyond explanation.
D Occurrences interpreted by Roman leaders to predict the future.

12. All of the following were Roman goddesses except –

A Diana
B Minerva
C Athena
D Venus

13. There were two major social classes in ancient Rome. The ________
were wealthy and well born and the ________ were the poorer members
of society.

A Patricians, Plebeians
B Hittites, Mennonites
C Phoenicians, Christians
D Romans, Gauls

14. Early Rome was governed by a Republic. What is a republic?

A government by all citizens

B government by religious figures
C government by representatives
D government by a king

15. Who were considered citizens in the Republican period of Rome?

A freeborn Roman men

B enslaved foreigners
C children of slaves

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D freeborn Roman women

16. Roman law was written down and displayed in the Forum. What was
this set of laws called?

A Code of Hammurabi
B the Roman Constitution
C Laws of Solon
D Twelve Tables

Use this chart to answer the next question.

17. What title belongs in the blank for the two elected chief executives of
the Roman Republic?

A tribune
B senator
C consul
D praetor

18. The Romans, in their early history, had an elected Senate, Assemblies
and Consuls. What form of government is this?

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A direct democracy
B dictatorship
C republic
D patriarchy

19. To which group did Julius Caesar extend citizenship when he took over
the Republic as dictator?

A slaves captured in Gaul during his campaigns

B free-born women in the city of Rome
C all non-Romans within the Republic’s borders
D selected foreigners such as doctors and teachers

20. A citizen of the Roman Republic had certain responsibilities including –

A maintaining canals and irrigation systems.

B paying taxes and providing military service.
C participating in jury trials and public debates.
D constructing public buildings and roads.

21. Which factor best indicates Rome was a republic?

A citizen assemblies made laws and elected officials

B any free-born citizen could become a senator
C leaders were chosen randomly by lottery
D rulers like Sulla wielded absolute power

22. What did the Romans do to conquered peoples to make them a part of
the empire?

A forced them into slavery

B gave them Roman citizenship
C removed them from their lands
D killed them in war

23. Who did Rome fight the Punic Wars against?

A Greece

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B Persia
C Carthage
D Egypt

24. Winning the Punic Wars gave Rome control of what body of water?

A Adriatic Sea
B Aegean Sea
C Mediterranean Sea
D Black Sea

25. What famous general invaded the Italian peninsula during the Punic

A Belisarius
B Hannibal
C Alexander
D Attila

26. What group spread Roman culture more than any other did?

A Roman legions
B Roman senate
C Roman explorers
D Roman philosophers

27. What was the series of wars called that ultimately gave Rome control
over the Mediterranean Sea?

A Peloponnesian
B Punic
C Roman Civil
D Persian

28. Which map correctly shows the nations that fought in the Punic Wars?

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29. Rome and Carthage fought over –

A religious beliefs: polytheism versus monotheism.

B the Greek colonies in southern Italy.
C trade routes on the Mediterranean Sea.
D the natural resources of the Nile River Valley.

30. As Rome conquered surrounding lands, the Republic transformed into an
empire which spread –

A from the Nile River to the Indus River.

B throughout the Mediterranean basin.

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C eastward to the Ural Mountains.
D as far south as sub-Saharan Africa.

Use this map to answer the next question.

31. According to the map The Empire at the Time of Trajan, Rome controlled
the –

A land of Arabia.
B Sarmatian people.
C kingdom of Egypt.
D Parthian Kingdom.

32. Which region did Julius Caesar conquer, nearly doubling the size of the
Roman Republic?

A Greece
B Asia Minor
C Mesopotamia
D Gaul

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33. Which of these did NOT contribute to a weakened economy in the Roman

A the spread of agricultural slavery

B increased unemployment among small farmers
C devaluation of Roman currency
D discovery of new gold and silver deposits in northern Italy

34. Which of these contributed to a weakened economy in the Roman

A the outlaw of agricultural slavery

B discovery of new gold and silver deposits in northern Italy
C the adoption of gold for Roman currency
D increased unemployment among small farmers

Use this information to answer the next question.

● increasing use of slaves

● unemployment among small farmers

● growth of the latifundia

● inflation

35. How did the factors above affect Roman society?

A They caused economic instability and civil unrest.

B They caused a movement to greater political freedom.
C They caused the return of the Roman monarchy.
D They caused Rome to be conquered by Carthage.

Use this picture to answer the next question.

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36. What was the result of Julius Caesar seizing power in Rome?

A a period peace and stability began

B the people of Gaul rebelled with Caesar’s absence
C civil war broke out in the Republic
D the power of the Senate was reinstated

37. What effect did the expansion of Roman-controlled territories, with its
increased use of slave labor, have on the Republic?

A small farmers went out of business and unemployment increased

B the economy expanded and free citizens prospered with the cheap labor
C small farmers could buy slaves cheaply and became more competitive
D skilled slaves improved productivity and strengthened the economy

38. The increased wealth from Roman conquests in the Mediterranean led

A a golden age of prosperity for Roman citizens.

B the devaluation of Roman currency.
C the sale of the imperial throne to the highest bidder.
D Rome’s defeat by a coalition of neighboring states.

39. Who was assassinated by the Roman Senate after he had become a

A Marc Antony
B Augustus Caesar
C Julius Caesar
D Pliny the Elder

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40. Who ended the Roman civil war with his victory over Marc Antony?

A Julius Caesar
B Augustus Caesar
C Constantine
D Diocletian

41. Who was the first emperor of Rome?

A Julius Caesar
B Cassius
C Marc Anthony
D Augustus Caesar

42. What was the primary weakness in the Roman Imperial system of

A There were no clear rules for choosing a new emperor.

B The emperor was a figurehead with no real power.
C The emperors were foreign-born citizens who lacked political support.
D The emperors lacked the support of the military.

43. The Roman Republic became the Roman Empire when the −

A Senate gave Octavian the title Augustus.

B Romans first expanded outside Italy.
C First Triumvirate was established.
D patricians took control of government.

44. What event signaled the end of the Roman civil war?

A Julius Caesar conquered Gaul.

B Augustus Caesar defeated Marc Anthony.
C The Senate disbanded the Roman army.
D Persia defeated the Roman forces in the Middle East.

45. What was the basis of the power of the Roman emperor?

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A the Senate
B the military
C the personal wealth of his family
D his control of the Roman economy

46. The political alliance of Crassus, Pompey, and Caesar brought a short-
lived peace to the Roman Republic. Their alliance was called the –

A Praetors’ Confederation.
B Consulship.
C Counsel of Tribunes.
D First Triumvirate.

47. What finally brought unity, stability, and peace to Rome after years of
civil war?

A the reinstatement of Senatorial power

B the creation of a Greek-style democratic government
C centralized imperial authority with military support
D establishment an oligarchy of tribunes

48. What is the 200-year period of Roman peace and prosperity initiated by
Augustus Caesar known as?

A Pax Sinica
B Golden Age
C Pax Romana
D Dark Age

49. What is the best description of the territory held by the Roman Empire at
its height?

A most of Europe including modern day Britain, France, Germany, Italy, areas in the
modern Middle East and most of North Africa
B the Italian Peninsula, the modern Middle East, India and Persia
C Italy, North Africa, and most of sub-Saharan Africa including Madagascar
D most of Europe including Italy, England, Russia and Scandinavia.


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50. Which of the following reforms was instituted by Augustus Caesar?

A He granted religious freedom with the Edict of Milan.

B He instituted a system of elections to choose a new emperor.
C He reorganized Roman law into Justinian’s Code.
D He created a professional civil service.

51. The period known in Roman history as the Pax Romana is best known

A the change in government from empire to democracy.

B peace, prosperity, and flourishing trade.
C religious change in the Empire from Roman gods to Christianity.
D civil war, massive unemployment, and Caesar’s assassination.

52. What was the social impact of the Pax Romana?

A slavery was abolished and slaves were freed

B Christians were granted religious freedom
C Jerusalem was returned to the Hebrews
D renewed emphasis on family loyalty

Use this information to answer the next question.

Age of Pericles
● extended democracy

● many new buildings in Athens

Pax Romana
● uniform system of money

● safe travel and trade on roads

● prosperity and stability

53. How were the Pax Romana and the Age of Pericles in Athens similar?

A Both were times of poverty.

B Both had little trade with the outside world.
C Both were times of warfare.

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D Both were times of peace and artistic advancement.

Use this information to answer the next question.

54. Which influence of the Pax Romana is FALSE?

A Economic Influence
B Geographic Influence
C Political Influence
D Social Influence
Use this list to answer the next question.

● Returned stability to the social classes

● Hired professional tax collectors

● Rebuilt and expanded the road system

● Sponsored artists and writers

55. What title best fits the list above?

A Reforms of Julius Caesar

B The Pax Romana of Augustus
C Accomplishments of the 2nd Triumvirate
D Endeavors of Marius and Sulla

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56. What was the book that contained the teachings of Jesus?

A Old Testament
B Talmud
C New Testament
D Qur’an

57. What role did councils play in the early Christian Church in the Roman

A They established Church doctrine.

B They wrote the New Testament of the Bible.
C They competed with the Pope for control of the Church.
D They organized Crusades to conquer the Holy Land.

58. Early Christian leaders who spread their faith were known as –

A apostles.
B sages.
C monks.
D carriers.

59. Early Christian doctrine was established by –

A Greek historians who translated Hebrew texts.

B a series of Church councils.
C Jews who were exiled from Jerusalem after a failed revolt.
D a Grand Synod called by the Roman emperor.

60. Early Christianity had its roots in which ancient religion?

A Zoroastrianism
B Buddhism
C Hinduism
D Judaism

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61. At first, Christian beliefs –

A were accepted widely in Rome.

B conflicted with Roman polytheism.
C accepted Roman polytheism.
D were endorsed by the Roman Emperors.

62. What do Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all share in common?

A They are monotheistic religions.

B They think Jesus is a prophet of God.
C They recognize Muhammad as a prophet.
D They believe in reincarnation of the soul.

63. Christianity spread rapidly throughout the Roman Empire because –

A its message of eternal salvation for all who repent appealed to the common
B persecution of Christians only served to increase interest in the new religion.
C as military commanders converted, they forced their subordinates to convert too.
D many Romans had already converted to Judaism, which had similar beliefs.

Use this illustration to answer the next question.

64. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth is –

A an apostle.
B a prophet.
C a messiah.

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D a disciple.

Use this information to answer the next question.

65. What title belongs at the center of the diagram?

A Jewish traditions
B beliefs of Islam
C Buddhist teachings
D Christian beliefs

66. The Roman execution of early Christians made them martyrs. What
effect did this have?

A The executions dissuaded people from converting.

B Christians renounced their religion to become polytheists.
C The death of the martyrs inspired others with their faith.
D Few people took notice and the martyrs’ deaths had no real impact.

Use this map to answer the next question.

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67. The map of The Travels of Paul shows that Paul –

A did not spread Christianity to Rome or Italy.

B traveled widely in the eastern Mediterranean.
C helped spread Christianity to Alexandria in Egypt.
D went on only two missionary journeys.

68. What role did the Christian Church play in the late Roman Empire?

A The Church took over the government as the Empire fell.

B The Church ran the court system and made laws.
C The Church became the moral authority in the empire.
D The Church provided holy soldiers for the Roman army.

69. How did the Church influence the Roman Empire?

A It taught government.
B It became the voice of morality.
C It controlled the military.
D It enforced Roman law.


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70. Which Roman emperor legalized Christianity with the Edict of Milan?

A Diocletian
B Constantine
C Justinian
D Augustus

71. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire –

A the Muslim Empire easily conquered Western Europe.

B Europeans returned to tribalism and paganism.
C the Church became the unifying force in Western Europe.
D the Church lost influence without the emperor’s support.

72. Over time, how did most Romans come to view the Christian Church?

A People’s first loyalty was to the Church, not to the emperor.

B Romans continued to persecute members of the Church.
C The Church had little authority and was largely ignored.
D They lost faith in the Church, as well as the Emperor.

73. Originally Christianity was suppressed by Roman authorities −

A but later it was tolerated, if not accepted.

B and continued to remain illegal until the Empire’s fall.
C but later it became the official state religion.
D and eventually died out within the Empire.

74. What was the name of the large market and meeting place in Rome?

A Agora
B Pantheon
C Forum
D Acropolis

75. Where did the Romans hold the games of the gladiators?

A Parthenon

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B Colosseum
C Colonnade
D Elysian Fields

76. How did the Romans respond to the problem of public health?

A They practiced strict population control.

B They built public baths and provided food for the poor.
C They made the weak and unhealthy slaves.
D They built free hospitals for the poor.

77. What was the prominent concept for Western civilization that was
established in Roman law?

A Slavery would be abolished.

B All citizens were innocent unless proven guilty.
C All members of society would be provided for by the government.
D Gruesome gladiator matches would not be allowed in public places.

78. Which of the following is NOT a Roman contribution to engineering and

A aqueducts
B paved roads
C Colosseum
D mosques

79. Latin became the basis for what language group?

A Indo-European
B Slavic
C Bantu
D Romance

Use this picture to answer the next question.

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80. The Romans built public baths and had a public water system to solve
the problem of −

A population control.
B drought.
C feeding the poor.
D public health.

81. Which language was spoken in Rome and is considered the basis of the
Romance languages?

A Latin
B Italian
C English
D Spanish

Use this information to answer the next question.

Category Roman Contribution

Technology Roads, aqueducts
Science Ptolemy
Medicine Public water, baths
Architecture ???

82. Which structure BEST completes the table above?

A Colosseum
B Dome of the Rock
C Great Wall
D Parthenon

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Use this information to answer the next question.

I. ___???___

a. a skilled mathematician, astronomer, and geographer

b. a Roman citizen of Greek descent who lived in Alexandria, Egypt
c. Wrote Geographyia, an overview of the geography of the Roman Empire
d. Wrote Almagest, a book about the science of astronomy

83. Which title best completes the outline above?

A Archimedes– the Researcher

B Galen– the Investigator
C Socrates– the Philosopher
D Ptolemy– the Scientist

84. Early Romans developed a complex mythology largely borrowed from

A Greeks.
B Egyptians.
C Hebrews.
D Persians.

85. Which epic by Virgil told the story of a Trojan prince who was an
ancestor to the founders of Rome?

A The Aeneid
B The Odyssey
C The Iliad
D Gilgamesh

86. All of the following contributed to the end of the Roman empire except −

A inflation and economic instability.

B a weak government and civil unrest.
C the rise of the Christian Church and the growing influence of the Pope.
D the use of foreign mercenaries.

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87. The Emperor ________ moved the Roman capital to Byzantium.

A Justinian
B Augustus
C Nero
D Constantine

88. Which of these contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire?

A resistance to the idea of a large standing army

B the adoption of a strict moral code
C conflicts over imperial succession and weak civil administration
D frequent wars with the Persian Empire

89. What group(s) invaded Rome, finally putting an end to the Empire?

A Carthage
B Egypt
C Germanic barbarians
D Greek rebels

Use this information to answer the next question.

90. Which statement best fits in the center of the diagram above?

A Factors that contributed to the end of the Greek Golden Age.

B Factors that contributed to the breakup of Alexander’s Empire.
C Factors that contributed to the collapse of the Roman Empire.
D Factors that contributed to the fall of the Han Dynasty.


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91. How did geography influence the collapse of the Roman Empire?

A Long borders made the empire difficult to defend.

B The empire’s large size slowed the advance of barbarian invaders.
C Despite its large size, the empire was easy to govern.
D Its large size led to a diverse economy, which helped slow the empire’s fall.

92. As the economy and civic life of Rome grew more unstable –

A family loyalty strengthened as people turned inward.

B people lost faith in Rome and family loyalty declined.
C people rallied, becoming more loyal to the empire.
D ignorant about what was happening, Romans were completely surprised by the

93. Historians date the end of the Western Roman Empire to when the last
emperor was deposed in –

A 476 CE.
B 44 BCE.
C 410 BCE.
D 64 CE.

94. Which society continued the culture and traditions of Rome for more
than a thousand years after the Western Empire’s end?

A Byzantine Empire
B Muslim Empire
C Mongol Empire
D Frankish Empire

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Answer key Rome 1-94
1. D 44. B 87. d
2. D 45. B 88. c
3. D 46. D 89. c
4. b 47. C 90. c
5. a 48. C 91. a
6. c 49. A 92. a
7. c 50. D 93. a
8. a 51. B 94. a
9. b 52. d
10. d 53. d
11. b 54. c
12. c 55. b
13. a 56.c
14. c 57. a
15. a 58. a
16. d 59. b
17. c 60. d
18. c 61. b
19. d 62. a
20. b 63. a
21. a 64. c
22. b 65. d
23. c 66. c
24. c 67. b
25. b 68. c
26. a 69. b
27. b 70. b

Copyright © 1999-2011, S.S. Flanagan & D.E. Mott 25 Do not reproduce without permission. 7-1-11
28. c 71. c
29. c 72. a
30. b 73. c
31. c 74. c
32. d 75. b
33. d 76. b
34. d 77. b
35. a 78. d
36. c 79. d
37. a 80. d
38. b 81. a
39. c 82. a
40. b 83. d
41. d 84. a
42. a 85. a
43. a 86. C
Item Answer
1. D
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. C
15. A
16. D
17. C
18. C
19. D
20. B
21. A
22. B
23. C
24. C
25. B
26. A
27. B
28. C
29. C
30. B

Copyright © 1999-2011, S.S. Flanagan & D.E. Mott 26 Do not reproduce without permission. 7-1-11
31. C
32. D
33. D
34. D
35. A
36. C
37. A
38. B
39. C
40. B
41. D
42. A
43. A
44. B
45. B
46. D
47. C
48. C
49. A
50. D
51. B
52. D
53. D
54. C
55. B
56. C
57. A
58. A
59. B
60. D
61. B
62. A
63. A
64. C
65. D
66. C
67. B
68. C
69. B
70. B
71. C
72. A
73. C
74. C
75. B
76. B
77. B
78. D
79. D
80. D

Copyright © 1999-2011, S.S. Flanagan & D.E. Mott 27 Do not reproduce without permission. 7-1-11
81. A
82. A
83. D
84. A
85. A
86. C
87. D
88. C
89. C
90. C
91. A
92. A
93. A
94. A

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