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Causal Analysis Essay Outline

The sections you must fill in and submit for a grade are in red.
Use this to organize your research before you begin writing. Do not start writing until this is
completely filled out. As you read and research, fill in the blanks. The hook and the conclusion will
likely be written last. Again, turn this in BEFORE you begin writing. This will be part of your portfolio.

Introduction - 1 Full Paragraph Minimum

Hook/Attention Grabber (A sentence that’s going to make me want to read your paper from beginning to
The lasting legacy of…
On December 18, 1865, two men fought their way through…
“Ask not what your country can do for you…”
Since 1953, over one million refugees have…
A good way to start an introduction for a causal analysis is to tell a story about the event or person - Walt
Disney’s animated feature films provided decades of entertainment to people of all ages. When Snow
White was first introduced in 1938, the innocent characters of the beautiful princess and adorable
dwarves created an image of wholesomeness that the American public clung to in the time of war.
However, what most Americans are not aware of, is that Walt Disney also designed and published World
War II propaganda films that included the loveable characters of Daffy Duck and Mickey Mouse.

HOOK: Hitler was announced chancellor in 1933, but why did he want such power?

Interesting Information I (story, fact, quote, statistic, memory, etc.)

Hitler was a big part of both world wars winning the Iron cross medal in the first class for
his fighting and braveness, and then in world war 2 he was the leader of the nazi army.

Interesting Information II (story, fact, quote, statistic, memory, etc.)

The Nazi party and hitler received the most votes ever in any election by germany ever
during the 1933 election

Interesting Information III (story, fact, quote, statistic, memory, etc.)

Hitler’s family doctor was jewish and hitler’s hatred towards jewish people was fueled by
the people around him because it was the social norm in Germany.

Thesis Statement (Research question answered and expanded into formal academic language) -
force yourself to write at least 30 words for this sentence. The fall of Germany after World War
1 infuriated Hitler after he had fought so hard for them,and the death of his mother angered him
since he was just a young man. Hitler saw this as embarrassing and wanted change and he got
just the right idea after spying on a political party meeting.

Body Paragraphs
● Topic sentence that identifies the topic for the paragraph
● Several sentences that describe the causal relationship
● Evidence from outside sources that corroborates your claim that the causal relationship
● APA or MLA formatted in-text citations indicating which source listed on the Works
Cited page has provided the evidence (Remember! The effect of not properly citing every
source will cause you to fail the paper. I will not grade it.)
● All sources must be introduced with their credentials, where the source came from, and
then the quote.
○ According to Dr. Angela Reed from the Cleveland Clinic…
○ As stated in the April 1993 Journal of American History, vol. 27 article, “The
Decline of Civil Behavior” by Mylan Broward, “blah blah blah” (pg 32).
● Information from outside sources should be placed in the middle of the paragraph and not
at the beginning or the end of the paragraph
● Summary sentence(s) that concludes the evidence
● Be sure and use transition phrases/sentences between paragraphs.

Paragraphs and or Topics with Source (title or author) and Quote or Fact. You have to use 4
sources, so grab two pieces of information from each source.

P/T 1 - hitler’s childhood - Hitler - early years and his rise of the NSDAP

P/T 2 - rising from the dirt - How did Hitler rise up

P/T 3 - ending democracy - 1933 the death of democracy

P/T 4 - being a dictator - 1933 the death of democracy

P/T 5 - making his army - the making of hitler’s army

P/T 6 - why did he rise above the rest- How did Hitler rise up

P/T 7 - Germany vs the world - Hitler’s diary illustrated 0

P/T 8 - Hitler’s final days - the story of Adolf Hitler, Hitler’s Diary illustrated

● Draw final conclusions from the key points and evidence provided in the paper
● Tie in the introduction
● If you began with a story, draw conclusions from that story
● If you began with a question(s), refer back to the question(s) and be sure to provide the


Sources List - Properly format each source in APA or MLA - indicate which style you’re using.

Source I Full Citation:

Murray, Williamson. (2008). The Making of Hitler’s Army.

Historynet LLC.

Fact or Direct Quote used in the text:

Source II Full Citation:

McDonough, Frank. (2020). 1933 Death of a Democracy.

History Today LTD.

Fact or Direct Quote used in the text:

Source III Full Citation:

Breen-Held, Sue. (2023). A Very Pertinent Question: How Did Hitler Rise Up?


Fact or Direct Quote used in the text:

Source IV Full Citation:

Laing, Stuart. (1981). The Illustrated Hilter Diary.

Galahad Books.

Fact or Direct Quote used in the text:

Media Citation:
Hitler early years and his rise as leader of the NSDAP - the hitler chronicles 1889-1929 part
(¼) posted to channel - wocomoHISTORY

Description of media used: youtube video used to help understand Hitler’s younger years using
quotes from “mein kampf” and “the young hitler I knew.”

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