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At the company office.

Text A. Read and translate the dialogue

At the company office
Mr. Bespalov is at the office of Continental Equipment. He is having an appointment with the
managers of this company.
- Good morning, gentlemen! How are you?
- Fine, thanks. And how are you getting on?
- Very well, thank you.
- Let me tell you about our company. As you know, Mr. Bespalov, we produce processing
equipment. Our firm consists of 6 departments : Production, Sales, Export, Financial,
Personnel and Research & Development. The last one is the newest at the company. It was
created five years ago... We are managed by the Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of
Directors. Earlier the Chairman of the Company was one of the senior partners, but now it is
Mr. Rogers, as you know. Currently we employ about 1600 people. Our turnover is more
than ( 300 million.
- You will work with our Export Department. We export our equipment to 5 countries. We
also have two subsidiary companies in Holland and Germany with headquarters in those
- Are they your subsidiaries or branches?
- They are our subsidiaries. Each company trades under its own name. We are looking for
new partners in Eastern Europe as well, as we would like to expand our activities. That's why
Mr Cartwright went to Kiev to establish personal contacts with your company. Have you
read all our correspondence with your Director?
- Yes, I think so. We investigated your business proposal thoroughly.
- Have you got our price-lists and catalogues with you now or shall I ask Miss Elliot to bring
a copy?
- Thank you, but I have them with me as well as copies of your letters. I expect to make the
Draft Contract here, maybe by the end of this week, and to conclude the Contract with you
after discussing it with my Director by phone.
- All right. Let us get down to business. Today and tomorrow we were going to talk about
terms of payment and delivery.
- Right. And the day after tomorrow we'll be talking about packing and transportation.
- Then I plan to go to London for three days. As you know, there will be an exhibition. Will
you join me?
- Yes, with pleasure. It would be very helpful for the purpose of my visit.
- I hope so. And after that you'Il have enough time for a visit to our factory and to go sight-
- That suits me fine. I expect to submit the Draft Contract to my Director by fax not later
than next Wednesday.


Subsidiary company
Meeting of Shareholders
Board of Directors
Business proposal
Draft (of) Contract
To join
Human Resources Department
- фірма; про людей, що займаються купівлею-продажем, розповсюдженням товарів та
наданням послуг.
1) Відділ, відділення;
2) Управління, департамент, напр.: factory department - промислове управління
3) Цех, магазин, напр.: fancy goods department - галантерейний магазин
- виробництво, виготовлення, продукція; mass production - масове виробництво,
production and consumption - виробництво і споживання, mode of production - спосіб
– Збут
– Експорт
– Фінансовий
– Оборот, плинність
– Дослідження
– Розвиток, ріст, розробка
– Дочірня фірма
– Філіал, відділення
– Збори акціонерів
– Рада директорів
– Кореспонденція, переписка
– Ділова пропозиція
– Контакт, зв'язок
– Проект контракту. Draft - проект тексту документа.
– З'єднатися, приєднатися.
- відділ кадрів

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences.

a) The Managing Director is accountable to the board and is resposible for running the
b) The subsidiaries report to the Export Sales Department which is accountable to the Board.
c) The Managing Director is assisted by four executive departments.
d) Human Resources department is responsible for personnel, training and management
e) Finance department takes care of corporate finance and accounting.
f) Sales Director is in charge of the people who sell the products of the company.
g) Sales Manager is responsible for supplying goods to customers.
h) The head of the accounts department is responsible for all the money in the company,
handles payments from customers and wages for staff.
i) The person who greets a visitor and tells him or her to get to the right office is the
j) Accounts are the employees who check a company's financial affairs.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

a) Кожний менеджер відповідає за свій відділ.
b) Наш менеджер звітує виконавчому директору кожного місяця.
c) Містер Браун - президент вашої фірми? Ні, він відповідає за дослідницький відділ
d) Голова бухгалтерського відділу відповідає за всі гроші компанії.
e) Наша фірма складається з декількох відділів. Серед них дослідницький,
бухгалтерський, відділ кадрів, відділ сбуту.

Exercise 4. Make the dialogue.

A: How many departments does your firm consist of?
B : Наша фірма складається з шести відділів.
A : Who is in charge of your company?
B : Президент є головою нашої компанїї.
A : When does the Board of Directors meet?
B : Рада директорів зустрічається кожного місяця.
A : What are the manager's duties?
B : Менеджер відповідає за щоденні справи і звітує Директору.
A : What are the Director's duties?
B : Директор відповідає за стратегічне планування та прийняття рішень.

Exercise 5. Tell about the firm that you can see on the plan given below.
– How many departments are there at the company?
– How many managers work at the company?
– What is in your opinion the most important department?
– Are there any overseas branches?

Text B. Read and translate the text.

Some positions in details
General Manager - Supervises and leads the company's employees, Maintains relations
with customers, executes sales contracts and provides problem analysis and resolutions.
Represents the company at fairs and distributors' conferences. In some companies maintains
a local warehouse. Provides quality audits. Self-motivated, decision maker.
Sales Manager - Manages the sales staff of a company, supervises sales activity including a
staff of sales representatives, plans and achieves target sales revenues and maintains a
positive relationship between the company and its clients. Must have extensive sales
experience, often as many as 5 years in the position of sales representative before moving up
to the position of sales manager. Excellent communication and management skills are
required. The person must be a proven problem solver and possess management skills
necessary to develop a sales team.
Finance and Administration Manager - Must have strong accounting experience including
maintenance of Internal Controls, costing, budgeting, forecasting and the development of
Management Information Systems. Must possess proven general management skills,
including development of Logistics and Administration Systems to support a rapidly
growing business.
Marketing Manager - Manages marketing department. Plans, directs and executes all
marketing and related activities. Initiates and/or implements advertising strategy and
promotional programs. Oversees creative effort and media plans. Must have 3 year
commercial experience, strong interpersonal skills, ability to manage a team and lead
personnel, excellent communication skills, computer literacy.
Customer Service Manager - Finds proper persons, organizes and supervises the job of
Customer Service Clerks, Receptionist. Provides the solution for all existing conflict
situations. Provides information and orders forms for distributors, directors. Prepares
monthly reports regarding performance of distributors.
Product Development Manager - Develops branded products for the company. Prepares a
brief of the project, a timeline with priorities and options for the successful competition of
the project. Researches on potential facilities, provides competitors' analysis. Realizes
market research on product quality and packing. Negotiates with the producer.

Exercise 1. Read the lexical commentaries to the text and learn the words given below.
The head of the company - голова компанії
To be run by - управляється (ким-небудь / чимось)
To run - управляти
To be in charge of - відповідальний за
To be responsible for - відповідальний за
Day-to-day running - щоденна справа
Strategic planning - стратегічне планування
General Manager - головний менеджер
Sales Manager - менеджер по сбуту
Marketing Manager - менеджер з маркетингу
Finance and Administration Manager - фінансовий та адміністративний менеджер
Customer Service Manager - менеджер по роботі з покупцями
Product Development Manager - менеджер по розвитку продукції
Bookkeeper - бухгалтер
Business Information Analyst - аналітик бізнес-інформації
Tax Specialist - спеціаліст з податків
Estate Agent - агент з нерухомості
Travelling Agent - агент з подорожей
Advertising Agent - рекламний агент
Networking Administrator - адміністратор комп'ютерної мережі

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1) Our company is a big enterprise with complicated structure.
2) The Managing Director runs this firm successfully.
3) The board of Directors at the bank consists of persons.
4) Mr. Williams, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, is in the overall control of our
5) Have you met Mrs. Fox, the Vice-President of the joint venture?
6) There are 8 departments at our stock-holding company. The biggest is Sales Department.
7) He has a great experience in developing food products that's why he's the head of the
Research and Development Department, and also one of the creators of our branded
8) Who leads your company and supervises everyday activities?
9) She is the Manager of Logistics Department, don't you know?
10) Will your company participate in the next fair and maintain relations with your old

Exercise 3. Make up the sentences with the words and word combinations.
To report to sb., a report, reporter;
To be in charge of smth., a charge, to charge;
To execute, execution, executive, Chief-executive;
To forecast, a weather forecast, forecasting in business;
To ensure, insurance.

Exercise 4. Complete the dialogue.

A: I don't know personally the Managing Director of your company, but I've heard that he is
a perfect specialist with big experience. Can you tell me what his responsibilities include
B .: I'm pleased to help you understand.......................................
A .: I can understand why you have so many departments: Finance, Sales, Marketing,
Production, Research and Development, Personnel. But who leads their work in the
B .: It's very simple .......................
A .: Who is at the heads of your company if the President or Chairman is absent or ill?
B .: Well, ...................................

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