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Mortality Made Manifest

Converted by Marsupialmancer.
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Twitter: @MoxWombat

All contents of this document are done for fun and are not intended to be distributed or reproduced
for monetary gain.

Ownership of the Ghostwalk Campaign Option book is strongly encouraged, as it contains

material, images, and references that are not converted or reproduced here.
Marsupialmancer prefers not to be sued.

Version 2021.4.21
Disclaimers & Content Warning
What is this Conversion? Content Warnings
This conversion document exists purely to Ghostwalk has several mature themes which
translate mechanical contrivances of the should be considered if you wish to consume
Ghostwalk Campaign Option to 5th Edition. this material. Please exercise care in exposing
There are many aspects of the old 3rd Edition your players to elements they may find
incarnation of Ghostwalk that do not neatly fit disconcerting or offensive. These elements
into the design goals and style guide of 5th include:
Edition D&D. As such, these aspects were not
• Death, dismemberment, and gore
converted, by design.
• Existential dread
This guide does not exist to replicate • Ghostly possession (consensual or
unconverted systems or lore save to update otherwise)
references and provide some context to new • Potentially scary images (no jump
mechanical contrivances. An example case is scares, that’s cheap and dumb)
the listing of Ghostwalk’s cosmological • Supernatural horror
structure and listing of gods; without context,
some of that information would appear References & Components
bizarre and out of place. As such, references This guide was put together using freely
to those items do exist in this conversion. available fonts and artwork. Header and title
fonts use Dominican Small Caps.
It is strongly recommended that you
purchase a copy of the Ghostwalk campaign
setting if you wish to use that world and its
setting material, as well as use lore references
or locations present therein. Such material is
not convertible and does not exist in this
I love Ghostwalk and its developers and I
don’t want to risk copying any more of their
work than is already inherent in a venture
such as this.

But Why Didn’t You Convert…

Because I am but one hobbyist and this
conversion is free. If you want to roll
something else into this conversion or modify
something I’ve done, you should absolutely
feel free to do so.
Table of Contents
Mortality Made Manifest Ghost Appearances
Disclaimers & Content Warning Possession
What is this Conversion? A Ghostly F.A.Q.
Content Warnings Classes
References & Components Cleric Faiths
Table of Contents Feats
Introduction Circle Magic
What is Ghostwalk? Corrupter (Ghost)
You Died Dominator (Ghost)
What is a Ghost? Haunt (Ghost)
You're Dead. Now What? Poltergeist (Ghost)
Death and Resurrection Shaper (Ghost)
The Life Epiphany Traveler (Ghost)
Elves and the True Afterlife Equipment and Services
Adventuring as a Ghost Goods
New Ancestries Services
Dragonborn, Lichebound Spells
Dwarf, Deathwarden New Magic
Human, Sherem Spell Lists
Rules for the Recently Deceased
Becoming a Ghost
The Calling
What is Ghostwalk? on. For reasons unknown, only the souls of
humanoids can endure in this fashion without
Ghostwalk is two things.
magical intervention; monsters, outsiders,
First, it is a set of optional mechanics and and dragons are not governed by this
rules for what happens when a player cosmological law, and their souls either
character dies and how they may continue immediately depart this world or are part of
their adventures. their physical remains.
Second, it is a miniature setting that can be A ghost is considered a humanoid of its
dropped in any campaign or exist on its own corresponding type, though it also gains the
in an implied larger world. Campaigns in the ghost descriptor. Certain functions of feats,
Ghostwalk setting revolve around Manifest, a spells, and creatures have special effects on
city of adventure where the dead walk among ghosts, or can only be used while you are a
the living. ghost. Ghosts obviously do not age, do not
require food and drink to survive, and are
You Died immune to physical diseases.
Death is not the end for player characters in
A ghost does not necessarily need to sleep
Manifest. Those who choose to remain on this
during a long rest though they may willingly
side of the Veil of Souls may continue their
enter a sort of torpor. However, every ghost
adventures as a ghost. A significant portion of
has a compulsion they must satisfy during
Manifest's population is comprised of ghosts,
this period of time. Some may need to listen
and entire commercial endeavors arose to
to a particular tune, behold a certain sight or
support their needs.
person, indulge physical pleasures such as
Private investigators offer their services to eating or drinking while manifested, or haunt
the ghosts of murdered individuals to bring a particular location. A ghost that fails to do
their killers to justice. Taverns that cater this at least once a week risks succumbing to
exclusively to ghosts also dot the streets of the Calling, which drags them to the True
Manifest, as well as other, more lascivious Afterlife.
dens of indulgence.
You're Dead. Now What?
What is a Ghost? When a humanoid creature dies, their soul
Unlike standard ghost monsters, Ghostwalk appears on the Ethereal Plane a short time
ghosts are not undead, but certainly not after. Their soul is carried along a flow of
among the living. When someone refers to a otherworldly mist known as the Ethereal
ghost in Manifest, they do not mean a Current – resisting this pull is possible,
shrieking spirit of the damned that withers all though most departed souls lack either the
who behold it – such creatures are unknown will or desire to do so.
in Manifest, though undead such as wraiths
These currents flow like a river toward
and specters still haunt defiled burial
Manifest and the Veil of Souls. The Veil of
Souls is a metaphysical barrier, and upon
Rather, ghosts of Ghostwalk are a unique reaching it the soul can choose to remain on
manifestation of the deceased's will to carry the Material Plane or pass into the True
Afterlife – a realm from which only their time as a ghost for any other feats for
resurrection magic can extract them. which they qualify. For example, a ghost that
earned the Corrupter feat is resurrected,
Death and Resurrection rendering that feat impractical. They may
The cosmological proximity of the next world freely trade it out for any other feat for which
in relation to Manifest means that the rules of they qualify.
resurrection are somewhat lax. Oft times, the
cost of securing the services of a cleric or Elves and the True Afterlife
druid capable of raising the dead is Unlike most humanoids, the souls of elves and
exorbitant, compounded by the expensive half-elves that submit to the Calling or do not
material components. choose to become ghosts meld with one of the
spirit trees surrounding the city of Manifest.
While within the boundaries of the Manifest
This does not affect the ability to later raise
Ward, the material component costs of
the elf from the dead, but elves may not want
spells such as raise dead, resurrection, and
to return to life after achieving such a state of
true resurrection are annulled when used
oneness with the souls of their people.
on individuals in a ghost state. It is a
relatively simple affair to raise the quasi-dead Adventuring as a Ghost
here, provided a spellcaster powerful enough
As the departed, though ambulatory spirits of
can be located. For this reason, those with the
intelligent humanoids, ghosts experience
power often do not advertise such; they
their afterlives in much the same way as
would quickly find themselves overwhelmed
traditional adventurers. They are at risk of
with petitioners begging for loved ones to be
injury and being forced into the True
returned to them, and not every deity smiles
Afterlife, so they are as apt to avoid harm as a
kindly on constant prayers to upset the
creature of flesh. Ghosts feel pain, sorrow,
natural order of life and death (however
and joy as much as any living creature,
peculiar it may be in Manifest).
though an experience as traumatic as death
A ghost can be injured and driven to a state of may temper their individual reactions.
"true death." When a ghost is killed, their soul
There are some mechanical considerations
immediately departs for the True Afterlife as
for adventuring ghosts, however. Ghosts
though they succumbed to the calling and
cannot use most mundane equipment while
must be raised from the dead via magic.
they are forced into incorporeal or ethereal
states. While this does not inhibit ghosts who
The Life Epiphany
remain within the borders of Manifest, there
The act of resurrection and the subsequent
are some spells and abilities that can force
merging of a being's afterlife experiences
ghosts into those states on a temporary basis.
with their living ones is known as a life
Some seek equipment with the ghost touch
epiphany. As the character is restored to life,
quality, a relatively common enchantment
the experience is euphoric – some describe it
applied by enterprising magicians throughout
as long-forgotten memories being
the city and its environs. Ghost touch
remembered all at once.
equipment and its traits are described in
A ghost undergoing the life epiphany may more detail in the Equipment and Services
trade out any ghost feats they gained during chapter of this document.
New Ancestries
Dragonborn, Lichebound go to and bring Amrost back to the world.
Others have given in completely to despair,
During the terrible Liche War that laid low
becoming necromancers themselves. As they
the island nation of Inuitea around 100 years
are humanoid, dragonborn can indeed
ago, the wicked Xaphan and his Cult of
become ghosts.
Neistra'demos (a lesser deity who would later
be revealed as Orcus himself) came upon the Ability Score Increase. You increase one
ancient silver dragon Amrost and her devoted ability score of your choice by 2, and one
progeny, the dragonborn. Unknown outside other ability score of your choice by 1.
of this enclave, the dragonborn had few allies Alternately, increase three different ability
to call upon and were quickly overwhelmed scores by 1 each.
by Xaphan's undead legions. Rather than
slaughter the dragonborn wholesale and Age. The only surviving lichebound
animate them as mere skeletal or zombified dragonborn are over 100 years old. They
troops, the exarch of Neistra'demos had have no known upper age limit.
another fate in mind. Size. Lichebound dragonborn are tall, but
Amrost was made to undergo the vile rites of gaunt. You stand anywhere between 6 to 7
the dracolich in order to spare the lives of her feet in height and your weight is around 200
dragonborn. The once-glorious silver dragon pounds.
became a terrible undead monster under Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Xaphan's control, with the dragonborn's
mystical bond to their matron intact. Instead Necrotic Breath. You can exhale a 15 foot
of troops of flesh and bone, Xaphan cone of necrotic vapor. Creatures in the area
manipulated the dragonborn to serve in his of effect must make a saving throw with a DC
armies as elite shock troops with icy breath equal to 8 + your Constitution modifier + your
weapons and impressive brute strength. proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6
necrotic damage on a failed save, and half as
Proximity to the terrible necrotic magics used much damage on a successful save. The
by Xaphan, as well as their connection to damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at
Amrost, slowly turned the shining scales of 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. After you
these dragonborn to a dull grave-gray, and use your breath weapon, you can't use it
their golden eyes into hollow yellow pits. again until you complete a short or long rest.
Though not undead themselves, the
dragonborn were tainted by necromantic Necrotic Resistance. You are resistant to
energies forever. When Amrost was finally necrotic damage.
slain by adventurers, the lichebound
Inured to Undeath. You have advantage on
dragonborn were left without a home,
saving throws against effects originating from
without a master, and without hope.
undead that cause the frightened condition,
Though few of them remain, the last or which reduce your maximum hit points
lichebound dragonborn are tragic souls (such as the enervating touch of a wraith).
wandering a world that fears them for crimes
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
not of their making. They can be found in
Common and Draconic.
Manifest from time to time, researching ways
to reach across to whatever afterlife dragons
Dwarf, Deathwarden Deathwarden Resilience. You have
advantage on saving throws against poison
The small but stalwart Deathwarden clan of
and disease, and you have resistance to
dwarves thrives in the caverns and citadels
poison damage.
beneath Manifest. Long positioned as the
protectors of the Grand Portal and the Dwarven Combat Training. You have
entrance to the True Afterlife, the proficiency with the battleaxe, handaxe, light
Deathwardens are somber in a way that even hammer, and warhammer.
mountain dwarves find off-putting.
Halt the Dead. You have the ability to halt
The Deathwardens often send their members the advance of ghosts and undead opponents.
out into the world for training or to expand As an action, you may hold out one hand and
their knowledge of outsiders, so as to learn proclaim that the dead may not pass you. All
their death traditions. On rare occasions, ghosts or undead that you choose within 30
Deathwarden adventurers travel abroad to feet must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
hunt down those who have stolen secrets with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus
about the Veil of Souls so that the bridge + your Wisdom modifier. On a success, they
between life and death remains secure. may act and move normally. On a failure, the
undead cannot move closer than they were to
Though they are a distinct ancestry of
you when you used this ability and cannot
dwarves, Deathwardens have many aspects in
take any hostile action against you unless
common with their mountain and hill cousins.
they are damaged. This effect lasts for 1
Ability Score Increase. You increase one minute.
ability score of your choice by 2, and one
Once you use this ability, you cannot do so
other ability score of your choice by 1.
again until you complete a long rest.
Alternately, increase three different ability
scores by 1 each. Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with
the artisan’s tools of your choice: alchemist’s
Age. Deathwarden dwarves mature at the
supplies, mason’s tools, mortician’s tools.
same rate as humans, but unlike other
dwarves they are considered adults as soon Stonecunning. Whenever you make an
as they are physically mature. Deathwarden Intelligence (History) check related to the
dwarves can live to 350. origin of stonework, you are considered
proficient in the History skill and add double
Size. Like other dwarves, Deathwardens
your proficiency bonus to the check, instead
stand between 4 and 5 feet tall and average
of your normal proficiency bonus.
about 150 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Languages. You speak, read, and write
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet
Common and Dwarvish.
and is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.
Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground, Human, Sherem
you have superior vision in dark and dim The ancient and esteemed noble families of
conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 Bazareene, though of human origin, are so
feet of you as if it were bright light, and in deeply tied to their sorcerous bloodlines that
darkness as if it were dim light. You can't they are distinct from the citizens of that land.
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. The Sherem are the result of this
supernatural infusion, a people with intrinsic
magical potential.
Though they are physiologically similar to Age. The Sherem, imbued in the womb with
other humans of Bazareene, with reddish- mystical energy, mature at the same rate as
brown skin and dark hair, all Sherem all humans but can live over 200 years.
possess striking jade-green eyes. Like other
Size. You fall within the average height and
Bazareene humans, Sherem possess chiseled
weight ranges of humans. Your size is
facial features that make them seem like
living bronze statues, with stern brows,
angular noses, and sharp jawlines. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
The Sherem divide themselves further by the Minor Magic Resistance. You have
professions they adopt beyond their advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and
formative years. Martial Sherem are known Charisma saving throws against magic.
among the Bazareene people as the Kihu-
Sherem, who train to one day protect the Sorcerous Blood. You know one cantrip
sorcerous rulers of the realm. Mystically- from the sorcerer spell list. Your spellcasting
minded Sherem, the Sherem-Lar, are accorded ability is Charisma.
great respect in their homeland and are part Languages. You speak, read, and write
of the line of succession – though most are far Heshar (the language of Bazareene) and the
removed from the possibility. Common tongue.
While it is not unheard of for the Sherem to
Designer Notes
wander abroad, those that do often find
themselves in Manifest on some business or In the original text, the Kihu-Sherem were
another. Due to the cutthroat politics among exclusively male monks and the Sherem-
the Sherem-Lar elite that rule the country, it Lar exclusively female sorcerers, chosen
behooves wandering Sherem to visit the city by a feat selection at 1st level. While a
and possibly learn what fates to avoid by plurality of the groups might fit that
consulting with their dead predecessors. criteria in the setting, expanding who can
belong to which class and gender role
Ability Score Increase. You increase one
helps people play what they want to play.
ability score of your choice by 2, and one
other ability score of your choice by 1.
Alternately, increase three different ability
scores by 1 each.
Rules for the Recently Deceased
Those who travel to Manifest become but ethereal creatures or those with magic to
intimately familiar with death in all of its see into or transpose themselves onto the
forms. Some are exposed to it through their Ethereal Plane. Ethereal ghosts can pass
association with ghosts in the city, or by through unwarded solid objects but cannot
studying the peculiar energies of the Veil of harm or be harmed by creatures on the
Souls. Others die and become ghosts Material Plane. Ethereal ghosts cannot wear
themselves. or use physical equipment unless it is present
on the Ethereal Plane.
Death is not the end in Manifest, and
player characters have the option to An incorporeal ghost is weak in both realms
continue their adventures as a ghost. The and is considered in a state of flux. And
mechanics below are for those characters incorporeal ghost can pass through objects as
who wish to begin their careers as ghosts, or though they were difficult terrain and has
those who die in the process of adventure and resistance against damage from non-magical
are duly transformed. bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing sources. A
ghost suffers 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends
Becoming a Ghost its turn inside an object that it does not
When a player character becomes a ghost, the intend on possessing.
following changes apply to their characters.
All damage you inflict through attacks or
Ectoplasmic. Though your type remains spells is halved while you are incorporeal,
humanoid, your body is comprised of an unless such damage is inflicted against
exotic material known as ectoplasm. It is both other incorporeal entities. Your form has
skin and blood for a ghost; a ghost that is cut insufficient mass or presence to fully harm
will bleed ectoplasm. Ectoplasm separated corporeal ones. Incorporeal ghosts cannot
from your body (such as from a severed limb wear or use physical equipment unless it is
or a splash of blood) evaporates within 10 present on the Ethereal Plane or possesses
minutes unless preserved in some way. the ghost touch quality, or unless they are
inhabiting a shellcraft manikin.
You are immune to mortal diseases and are
resistant to poison damage. You do not A manifested ghost is, for all intents and
require sleep but can enter a state of alert purposes, completely on the Material Plane.
repose during a long rest in order to They suffer and deal full damage to creatures,
recuperate. However, you are potentially though their appearance is still clearly that of
subject to a myriad of effects, illnesses, and a ghost – slightly translucent flesh, a haunting
predators that specifically target ectoplasmic gaze, and possibly the physical marks of their
creatures. death. A manifested ghost has a peculiar
scent, can be touched, and can feel both wind
Tenuous Material Hold. A ghost exists in
and water.
one of three states: ethereal, incorporeal,
and manifested. They may transition through While within the Manifest Ward, all ghosts
one or more of these states as they adventure are forced into a manifested state. Some
or are affected by certain magic. spells, magic items, or feats used outside of
the Ward may temporarily duplicate this
A newly-formed ghost is ethereal. An
effect. Outside of the Ward, which extends
ethereal ghost is formless and invisible to all
above and below the surface of the city of Example Compulsions
Manifest as well as outward toward the ring
of trees at its periphery, a ghost cannot d8 Result Compulsion
1 The sound of a particular tavern melody
willingly become manifested without keeps you anchored in this world.
aforementioned magical aid. 2 Memories of your grandmother’s
kitchen are strong, particularly the
Succumbing to the Call. Ghosts inevitably scent of fresh baked bread.
3 There is a famous painting that touched
venture to the True Afterlife and cling to their you in life and you lost hours in reverie
existence only through great effort. viewing it.
4 You spent the best (or worst) years of
Compulsion your life in a particular residence and
something compels you to visit it once
All ghosts suffer from a compulsion, which is in a while.
5 Gustatory delights are so often denied
an activity or stimulus they must experience
to ghosts, but you long for the feeling of
in order to fend off the Calling. Compulsions a full stomach.
tie a ghost to the material world of the living; 6 Your life was defined by revelry and you
long to be part of celebrations even as a
without satisfying these compulsions, the wallflower.
ghost becomes detached from their living 7 Before you died, you were entrusted
psyche and fades from the world, eventually with a keepsake that you spent hours
rubbing for good luck.
passing on to the True Afterlife. 8 There is, or was, a person important to
you in life. You are compelled to collect
If you are beginning play as a ghost, or mementos or belongings of that person.
become one through the course of adventure,
you may choose a compulsion befitting your
circumstances. Compulsions are not intended
to be a mechanic for inhibiting adventuring, The Calling Track
but compulsions are unique in that they are Level Effect
unusual experiences for ghosts that recall a 1 Your ability to maintain solidity in your
powerful feeling of being alive. Thus, a ghost’s ghostly form is diminished. You cannot regain
compulsion should never be “killing more than half of your maximum Hit Dice
when completing a long rest.
something” as that is antithetical to the
2 Your will wavers as you struggle to fend off the
purpose of a compulsion (and also, a cop out
Calling, and you suffer disadvantage on all
for “murder-hobo” characters). Some Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.
example compulsions are provided on the 3 The Calling forces you into an incorporeal state
table below. if you are manifested. You can no longer fully
manifest outside of the Manifest Ward by any
The Calling means.
4 As you fall deeper under the sway of the
The Calling is the need for the departed to
Calling, you become closer to a state of
gravitate toward the True Afterlife. Even undeath. You may be turned or commanded by
ghosts with a strong will can find themselves clerics and are vulnerable to radiant damage.
yearning to venture to the beyond. 5 The Calling weakens your grasp on the world
even further, forcing you into an ethereal state.
Certain effects in the world may trigger the You can no longer become incorporeal or
Calling, as will a ghost failing to satisfy its manifest outside of the Manifest Ward by any
compulsion after a period of one week. When means.
such a situation occurs, the ghost must make 6 You are drawn to the True Afterlife, no longer
a Charisma saving throw with a DC equal able to resist the Calling.
to 10 + its current level of the Calling or
advance one further step on the track. You The most unfortunate ghosts are those that
have a penalty on this saving throw equal suffer grievous and terrible deaths from
to the number of levels you have earned massive weapons, being devoured by dragons
since you became a ghost; the longer you or other monsters, being consumed by
cling to this between-state, the more at risk fireballs or dissolved by acid, or dying due to
you become. aggressive flesh-consuming diseases. Even to
those citizens of Manifest that deal with
You also advance along the Calling track by
ghosts on a daily basis, beholding one of these
one level if you are reduced to zero hit points
poor souls causes instant revulsion. You
while you are a ghost, with no saving throw
suffer disadvantage on all Charisma skill
checks made to positively influence creatures,
You reduce your level on the Calling track by though you have advantage on Charisma
one after completing a long rest while (Intimidation) checks. It is advisable for such
satisfying your compulsion or completing a a ghost to hide their features when possible
task that cements your grasp on the Material so as to avoid creating public disturbances.
Plane, such as vanquishing a powerful foe.
Should you be restored to life, all levels of the Possession
Calling immediately vanish. The most feared ability of ghosts is their
ability to possess others. While this does not
Ghost Appearances initially afford a ghost control over the entity
When a ghost appears on the Ethereal Plane they inhabit, it is a deeply unpleasant
after its death, it looks much like its corpse at experience for the unprepared and the
the moment of its death. Depending on the unwilling. Possession is primarily used by
circumstances, the appearance of a ghost can ghosts to inhabit a shellcraft manikin, though
be merely unsettling or completely horrifying. also to allow a ghost to use the host’s senses.
This appearance persists across different
As an action, the ghost enters the space of
states of manifestation; there is no way to
their intended target, forcing them to make a
repair any apparent damage, nor does this
Charisma saving throw. Your own Charisma
result in a loss of hit points for the ghost
modifier sets the saving throw DC. A creature
while they exist on the Material Plane. Any
may repeat this saving throw at the end of
severe damage, such as the loss of a limb, may
each of their turns and expels you from their
impair the ghost in significant ways.
body on a successful saving throw. If a
Should the cause of death not bear hallmarks creature succeeds on any saving throw
of severe trauma, such as death by natural against your possession, they are immune
causes, a heart attack, or spells that kill your future attempts for 24 hours.
the target with psychic damage, the ghost
Possession save DC = 8 + your proficiency
does not suffer any social inconveniences
bonus + your Charisma modifier
aside from being dead.
The target may voluntarily fail this saving
Most adventurers, however, tend to die due to
throw and allow you to possess them. You
terrible injuries such as sword wounds and
may also possess unattended objects of a size
magical spells. When attempting Charisma
equal to your own. For example, a human
skill checks using Deception, Performance, or
ghost could possess a dresser (Medium size)
Persuasion on creatures not used to dealing
but could not possess an oak tree (Huge size).
with ghosts, you suffer disadvantage on the
You must use an action to exit a creature or Q: Why wouldn’t I always want to be a
object you are possessing. ghost? Being dead doesn’t seem so bad…
While possessing objects or creatures, you A: The Calling exists to deter (or at least,
have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks minimize the desire) to remain a ghost for
made to remain undetected in your host. You one’s entire adventuring career.
suffer half of the damage inflicted upon your Incorporeality is often more of a hindrance
host at all times during possession. If you or than a boon and was deliberately balanced to
the host are reduced to zero hit points while reduce the combat benefits of being
possessing an object or creature, you are incorporeal. Note that all damage you inflict
instantly expelled from the target. while incorporeal is halved, regardless of its
source, and creatures may have further
A Ghostly F.A.Q. resistance to that damage.
The following questions might arise
Q: Ethereal, incorporeal, manifested… it’s
regarding ghosts. This section provides a
all confusing! What states can I be in from
mechanical breakdown, in no uncertain
a practical sense?
terms, about these cases.
A: Ethereality is the state you are in when you
Q: What conditions affect a ghost?
first become a ghost. You quickly transition to
A: A ghost is affected by every condition that incorporeal once you reach the Veil of Souls.
could affect them if they were alive. The state Incorporeality is the default state for most
of being a ghost does not provide immunity to ghosts. You can manifest while within the
conditions of any kind, as they are not truly Manifest Ward, or while under certain
undead. Ghosts can become exhausted if they magical effects.
do not rest, though this is more of a
Q: Can my ghost eat? Drink? Sleep?
psychosomatic response than a purely
biological one. A: A manifested ghost can eat and drink,
though they do not digest this food because
Q: Can ghosts levitate or fly?
they have no biological functions (making
A: A ghost can only levitate or fly if under the cleanup a messy prospect). Ghosts don’t
effects of a spell or magic item that grants normally sleep, though they do enter a state
those modes of movement. They do not of repose during rests.
inherently float like other incorporeal undead
Q: Am I invisible while possessing a
creatures and adhere to the nearest floor-like
creature or object?
A: No. There are hallmarks that the observant
Q: When can my ghost use equipment?
can detect when seeing a possessed object or
A: A ghost can only use equipment, wear creature, such as a sheen of ectoplasm, a
armor, and wield weapons if the items strange look behind the eyes, or some other
possess the ghost touch quality, if the ghost is visual marker. You can Hide while possessing
manifested in some way, or if the ghost is and you have advantage on Dexterity
possessing a shellcraft manikin. (Stealth) checks to do so, but you are not

Eidolon and Eidoloncer regions, with worshipers both living and

If you played the 3rd Edition version of
Ghostwalk, you’ll note that these two ghost The only wrath Aluvan and his clerics show is
classes don’t exist in this conversion. toward those who interfere with the peaceful
Needing to switch up your entire character transition between life and death. Primary
every time you transition states is among these foes are necromancers and
awkward and consumes a ton of table intelligent undead of any kind, for whom
time, and so I’ve opted not to mess with Aluvan has no patience.
overall balance by omitting those two The symbol of Aluvan is a golden hand on a
“ghost classes” entirely. Ghosts now belong white circle. Cleric domains sacred to Aluvan
to and gain levels in their chosen class. include the Life and Grave* domains.
If you want to introduce something like
those classes back into the running, you
can very easily use ghostly class options The Lawkeeper
available across the Internet. I won’t be Lawful Neutral
offended! Some see Chaniud and his faithful as rigid and
needlessly stern, but the clergy is responsible
for the upholding of laws across the land.
Cleric Faiths
Governments of numerous city-states
The deities presented herein are those outsource their judicial systems to the
common to Manifest and its implied setting temples of Chaniud, with all of the risk
material. While the descriptions below may inherent in such an arrangement.
call out particular domains as common to a
given deity, they are not the only ones that Chaniud’s doctrine makes both the deity and
might be chosen. Work with your GM to find his priests slow to act. This methodical pace
the domain and deity combination that fits and attitude toward the world chafes more
best for your character concept. chaotic societies, who see all of the
bureaucracy as pointless.
Additionally, domains belonging to books and
resources outside of the core rules are Chaniud’s symbol is three horizontal lines
referenced, but not replicated here. These are below a circle which is open at the top. This
noted with an asterisk where relevant. symbol adorns the top left portion of any
book or legal document for which the faith is
Aluvan responsible. Clerics of Chaniud often select
Watcher of the Dead the Knowledge or Order* domains.
Neutral Good
The benevolent Aluvan is lauded by the Eater of the Dead
people of Manifest as a gentle protector of the Lawful Neutral
departed. Aluvan’s faithful have great
influence in Manifest and the surrounding Though most misunderstand Dracanish and
his priests due to their association with the
less pleasant aspects of death and dying, the Eanius and his clerics, and the deity is known
deity’s attitude is one of quiet solemnity in some lands as the Sky King.
rather than heartless reaping. Dracanish
Eanius’s clerics travel often and prefer to
knows that all things die and that care for the
wander beneath clear skies. The sight of a
dead is often overlooked in favor of the
white raven is seen as a good omen among
prolonging of life.
the faithful, who are rarely found without a
Dracanish’s faithful have a chilly relationship stout walking stick to help them on their way.
with ghosts, as they are seen as an
The symbol of Eanius is a human-like eye on
unnecessary intermediate step between life
an extended bird’s wing. His priests prefer
and death. Still, as they are nearer to true
the Life or Tempest domains.
death than others, ghosts are accorded a
measure of respect even if their existence Galaedros
The Sorrowful King
Dracanish’s symbol is a bronze head in profile Neutral
on a black disk. His clerics tend toward the
An ancient deity, Galaedros is the patron of
Grave* domain, and never choose the Life
the deep wilds and growing things. Beloved
among communities of elves, Galaedros’s
Durann temples are simple, solemn affairs. Though he
was once considered king of the world’s
The True Guide
deities, Galaedros since withdrew from the
Lawful Good
pantheon after the death of his brother at the
A popular deity among dwarves, Durann’s hands of his wife, Phaant.
scriptures depict her as a caring deity whose
Galadrean clerics work to preserve the
sphere of influence includes simple acts of
wilderness in the face of ever-expanding
kindness and charity. Durann’s clerics are
civilization, though only his most zealous and
found throughout the land tending to the sick,
wrathful worshipers would propose
staffing rural schools, or battling evil forces
destroying cities outright. Many druids pay
wherever they rear their heads.
homage to Galaedros even if they do not
Durann is the sister of Chaniud, leading the worship him outright.
respective faiths to be charitable to one
Galaedros uses a symbol of a tree with
another even if the latter is far more rigid and
sorrowful eyes. His clerics usually choose the
contemplative than the former.
Life or Nature domains.
The symbol of Durann is a shining hammer.
Her clerics often choose the Light or Life Khostren
domains. The Scuttling Darkness
Neutral Evil
Khostren and its faithful are loathed
Lord of Growth and Life
throughout all known lands. This maligning of
Neutral Good
the faith leads Khostren’s followers to be little
Worship of Eanius is common, as he is more than a well-organized cult, but like the
associated with many of the things regular vermin sacred to the vile god, these followers
people wish for; fertility, healthy children, hide in the darkness and emerge only during
and hale livestock. Birds are also beloved by times of sickness and fear.
Disease, rot, and parasites are the tools above all else, calling upon his clerics to do
through which Khostren’s clerics enact his the same.
will in the world. Corpses in particular have
Few religions are more hated than that of
great use to Khostren’s priests, who use them
Orcus, whose temples manage to pop up like
as incubators for sicknesses and the horrible
festering boils throughout the land even after
creatures that would feast upon them.
determined crusades. Wherever the undead
Khostren’s symbol is a bloated black fly. His are found, it is likely that the hand of Orcus is
wretched priests are often mad and choose not far from the budding infestation – if not
the Madness* domain as a result. Others behind the plague, then at the very least
devote themselves to the Trickery domain to interested in its expansion.
better hide in society.
The symbol of Orcus is that of his fabled rod, a
Nessek skull-headed mace. His clerics almost
The Bright Flame invariably choose the Death domain, though
Neutral some choose War.

Nessek is a popular fire deity that is also the Orcus: Demon Prince or God?
matron goddess of sorcery. Possessing
In most D&D settings, Orcus is listed as the
numerous aspects all related to fire and its
demon prince of undeath – itself not a
power, Nessek is worshiped by myriad pedestrian title. In Ghostwalk, this foul
cultures and societies. Among the barbaric entity has the powers of true godhood. Is it
orc and goblin societies, she is a deity of due to some cosmological secret which
destruction whose use of fire to ravage cities grants him greater influence in this world,
is lauded. Conversely, humble blacksmiths or is the line between demon prince and
might offer a small prayer to Nessek to lesser deity blurred? Can he be met in
ensure their forges light after a hard rain. battle and defeated by paragons of
heroism, or is his power so great that he
Like the fire she represents, Nessek herself is sweeps mortal challengers aside like so
mercurial and wild. Nessek’s clerics represent much dust?
any possible aspect of her as a result, using
fire to light hearths, smite enemies, and
cleanse sickness all in the same day. Phaant
The Dark Fate
Nessek is represented by a crown of flame.
Lawful Evil
Her clerics choose either the Light or Forge*
domains. Formerly a goddess of good fortune, Phaant
grew insular and resentful after her partner,
Orcus Galaedros, spurned her in favor of his godly
Demon Prince of the Undead works. Bad luck and ill fate now dominate her
Chaotic Evil sphere of influence, and the people of
Manifest recognize her in their prayers if only
Bloated, vile Orcus has long plagued the
to ward her dire gaze away from their efforts.
world with the curse of undeath. Orcus
himself is much like other demons, a wild and Clerics of Phaant believe that the pendulum of
untamed force of destruction that can fortune inevitably swings to undesirable
nevertheless be calculating and cunning when outcomes. Bad luck is like a force of nature in
the time calls for it. Orcus despises the living their doctrine, as one cannot blame a
hurricane for being what it is. Such clerics are Tephaneron’s clerics adhere to a hierarchy of
dark humored, cynical, and callous. commanders, generals, and warlords. The
strongest of Tephaneron’s faithful is the
Phaant’s religious iconography is a trio of
vessel of the god’s will, until another comes
overlapping diamonds, sometimes affixed
along to displace them in battle.
into a crown or other headdress. Her clerics
usually choose Trickery as their domain. The weapon and symbol of Tephaneron is the
axe, etched with four outward-pointing
Soggelos triangles. As befits the god of battle, most of
The Blue his clerics choose the War domain.
Chaotic Good
Soggelos is a friendly and beloved ocean deity
The Master Strategist
worshiped by coastal communities near
Lawful Neutral
Manifest. Deeply caring and attentive to his
worshipers, Soggelos watches over the The complete antithesis to Tephaneron’s
faithful as they ply the waters for fish, sail to brute confidence, Uhanam is the patron of
distant ports bearing trade goods, or battle skill, magic, careful study, and caution. Hers is
dark terrors that live beneath the waves. a popular religion in civilized lands due to an
emphasis on education, with many schools
Soggelos has no patience for those who abuse
possessing a small shrine to Unaham
the sea or its bounty. Even such irreverent
somewhere on the grounds.
merchant princes leave offerings at a port’s
Soggelos shrine before a voyage, hoping it Military academies also hold Unaham in high
will assuage the god’s wrath should they be regard due to her fondness for superior
forced to dump something overboard. strategies and careful planning. It is
somewhat common for a commander to
The symbol of Soggelos is a blue octopus
employ a cleric of Unaham as their chief
stylized into an eight pointed star. His clerics
prefer the Life domain, but some of his more
fanatical avengers are known to choose the A scroll and a woodcarving knife together are
Tempest domain. the symbol of Unaham. Her clerics usually
select the Arcana* or Knowledge domains.
The Iron General Wyst
Chaotic Neutral The Wanderer
Chaotic Good
A callous and brutish deity, Tephaneron is the
lord of war. Even complex strategy is deemed Superstitious travelers always provide an
the pursuit of frail scholars who are too offering to roadside shrines dedicated to
fearful to lead from the front. In Tephaneron’s Wyst the Wanderer. With her eye always on
doctrine, there is no challenge that cannot be those who walk unfamiliar paths, Wyst’s
overcome through force of arms. If the symbol hangs from the yoke of every caravan
faithful fall in battle, then they simply were ox and the neck of every merchant who has
not strong enough. seen more than their share of brigand raids.
Tephaneron is naturally popular among Wyst maintains few temples in the world
barbarians and warlike monster tribes. aside from the occasional wilderness shrine.
Despite a disdain for military discipline, Her clerics wander the roads between cities,
offering their services as guides and healers The symbol of Wyst is a boot print in the
to those injured on the path. The goddess is center of a compass rose. Her clerics favor the
particularly popular among halflings, whose spear not only for its defensive capabilities,
wanderlust is considered a holy purpose but also its use as a walking stick. Many
among the priesthood. choose Nature as their domain.
Corrupter (Ghost)
Designer Notes Prerequisites: Ghost, Constitution 13+.
The 3rd Edition of Ghostwalk, as with A ghost classified as a corrupter creates
many splatbooks of its era, was crammed harmful disruptions in both ectoplasm and
full of feats. Since 5th Edition relies less living tissue. While possessing a creature, you
heavily on feats to affect individual may treat it as poisoned at your discretion.
character balance, you will note that the When you hit with a melee weapon attack,
vast majority of these feats were not you may use your bonus action to expel a
converted. portion of your tainted ectoplasm onto the
Circle Magic injury. The creature must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned
Prerequisite: Ritual Casting class ability or
until the end of your next turn. The DC for
Ritual Caster feat.
this saving throw is equal to 8 + your
You may lead a coven, cabal, or congregation proficiency bonus + your Constitution
in ritual magic. Each participating member of modifier.
the ritual must be capable of spellcasting,
The hands of your ghostly form have an
even if they do not meet the prerequisites of
unwholesome blue, gray, or black aura and
this feat. A circle may consist of any number
you leave damp ectoplasmic prints on
of participants.
whatever you touch. You cannot suppress this
Over the course of 10 minutes, your circle effect.
joins their power and draws symbols and
sigils respective to your magical tradition. Dominator (Ghost)
While so joined, participants cannot move at Prerequisites: Ghost, Charisma 13+.
greater than half speed and must remain
Creatures have disadvantage on their saving
within the outer boundaries of the joined
throws against your possession attempts, and
circle, which cannot be greater than 50 feet in
you may possess objects up to one size
smaller or larger than yourself. While
During the joining, every member of the circle possessing a creature or object, you may use
may cast rituals known by any other member your action to force it to make a single attack
of the circle, provided they are capable of against a creature you can see.
casting spells of the respective level. For
If you are possessing a creature, it uses its
example, if a 1st level wizard joins a 9th level
attack bonus to resolve this attack. If you are
cleric in a circle, the wizard cannot cast the
possessing an object, you make a melee spell
cleric’s commune spell, but the cleric may cast
attacking using Charisma as your ability
the wizard’s find familiar ritual!
modifier for attack and damage. The object
Such rituals require any material components deals damage according to its size; a Tiny
required by the spell and take the usual object deals 1d4 damage, a Small object deals
amount of time to cast as rituals (10 minutes 1d8 damage, a Medium object deals 2d6
longer than the normal casting time). damage, a Large object deals 2d10 damage,
and a Huge object (should you become
capable of possessing it) deals 2d12 damage.
The head of your ghostly form adopts an tremble in your vicinity. You cannot suppress
unwholesome dark halo and your voice this effect.
echoes with malevolence. You cannot
suppress this effect. Shaper (Ghost)
Prerequisites: Ghost, Intelligence 13+.
Haunt (Ghost)
Shapers are masters of forming their
Prerequisites: Ghost, Wisdom 13+.
ectoplasm into unusual configurations. You
Haunts are ghosts that specialize in may use your action to polymorph into any
frightening victims or affecting emotions. object of your size or smaller. You may
Whenever you are incorporeal and not concentrate to remain in this state for up to
possessing a creature or object, you may use 1 hour but may cease concentration on it at
your action to terrify creatures of your choice any time. If you are incorporeal when you use
that can see you and are within 60 feet. Such this feat, you become material for the
creatures must succeed on a Wisdom saving duration of your concentration. If you suffer
throw or be frightened. The DC for this saving any damage while in this state, you
throw is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + immediately return to your normal form. The
your Wisdom modifier. The creature may object you imitate must be familiar to you and
repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its true nature can only be discerned through
its turns to end the effect. Once you have used determined investigation. The DC for any
this ability, you cannot do so again until you relevant Intelligence (Investigation) checks is
have completed a short or long rest. 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence
Furthermore, when you are possessing a
creature, you may elect to give the creature Furthermore, you may adjust your ectoplasm
advantage or disadvantage on Wisdom saving to appear as though you died of natural
throws. This does not use an action of any causes, masking the truth behind your
kind. gruesome demise. This can be done as an
action and does not require concentration,
Your eyes turn black or have a hollow,
lasting as long as you desire.
frightful appearance. You cannot suppress
this effect. Objects you handle or inhabit sometimes
experience unusual temperature or color
Poltergeist (Ghost) changes for a few moments. You cannot
Prerequisite: Ghost, Strength 13+. suppress this effect.
Poltergeists are those ghosts who affect the Traveler (Ghost)
material world in unexpected ways. You learn
Prerequisite: Ghost, Dexterity 13+.
the mage hand cantrip, though the hand itself
is invisible when you use this spell. Your ectoplasm is slippery and moves with
Furthermore, you inflict full damage to unearthly speed. Your base walking speed
creatures with melee weapon attacks while increases by 5 feet and you have advantage
incorporeal, provided your attack is on Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
otherwise capable of penetrating resistances (Acrobatics) checks made to initiate or escape
or immunities. a grapple.
There is a constant light movement of air in
your presence and unattended objects might
When you use the Dash action, you ignore the Your rapid movements sometimes leave
effects of difficult terrain imposed either by ghostly afterimages. These images are not
environment, moving through objects, or sufficient to fool onlookers to mislead them.
moving through creatures until the end of You cannot suppress this effect.
your turn.
Equipment and Services
undead, such as wraiths and nightwalkers.
This ectoplasm costs ten times as much for a
The following items are available in most
similar quantity. Living creatures who handle
markets of Manifest, though their relatively
dark ectoplasm must succeed on a DC 13
high prices put them out of reach of the
Constitution saving throw for each round of
average consumer.
unprotected skin-to-skin contact or have
Ectoplasm their maximum hit points reduced by 1d6
until they complete a long rest.
Trade Good
25 gp, 1 lb. Dark ectoplasm is also a virulent poison to
ghosts, to which they are not resistant. A
Ectoplasm is a quasi-ethereal substance
ghost affected by dark ectoplasm, whether
created by exposure to ethereal sources. It is
splashed upon their bodies or coated upon a
the primary component of incorporeal
weapon, forces the ghost to make a DC 16
creatures and their semi-corporeal bodies,
Constitution saving throw or have their
though there are various types of ectoplasm
maximum hit points reduced by 4d6 until
reliant on the source itself. Ectoplasm has a
they complete a long rest. If a ghost is
peculiar, almost alcohol smell and has a slight
reduced to a maximum hit point value or zero
gel-like consistency. When subjected to
or fewer, they are destroyed and return as a
temperature gradients on the Material Plane,
wraith at midnight.
it can range from stringy and tough to
liquidous and runny. Ghost Touch Equipment
Raw ectoplasm is that left behind when ghosts Adventuring Gear, Armor, or Weapon
and similar incorporeal entities are Cost varies, weight varies
destroyed. It can also be harvested from
The industries and services developed in
places in the Ethereal Plane, though such
Manifest over the centuries required goods
ventures are extremely dangerous. Raw
that were useful to ghosts. Though in
ectoplasm is unstable and evaporates into
Manifest proper this is not a significant
nothingness when brought onto the Material
concern, ghosts venturing beyond the borders
Plane without an anchor, such as being part of
of the city might find themselves unable to
a ghost’s manifested body. Such evaporation
utilize their precious equipment. The
completes within 10 minutes, regardless of
development of ghost touch equipment was
the quantity.
an immediate success in Manifest’s markets,
Raw ectoplasm can be converted into stable though the process for creating such
ectoplasm through use of the preserve equipment is neither easy nor cheap.
ectoplasm spell. Such enchantment is
Ghost touch is a quality that can be applied to
permanent and allows the ectoplasm to be
any piece of equipment, from torches to
stored in containers long term without risk of
swords and armor. Typically, only durable
evaporation or spoilage. When purchasing or
goods and gear are worth the investment –
finding a quantity of ectoplasm in storage, it is
though there may be a situational use for a
always stable ectoplasm.
ghost touch lantern, it is much simpler to cast
Much rarer dark ectoplasm is created by the the humble light spell than invest in such a
passage or destruction of powerful evil luxury item.
Ghost touch equipment can be touched and used by undertakers throughout the land to
held by incorporeal ghosts and other such prepare a body for burial or conduct
entities (but not fully ethereal ones!). When autopsies. While there is some overlap with a
such equipment is worn or held, it counts as healer’s kit as it relates to the components of
either corporeal or incorporeal, whichever is the toolkit, an emphasis on less-than-savory
of greater use to the one carrying it at the means makes a mortician an impromptu
time. savior at best.
For example, the ghost of a fallen knight When hard pressed, a set of mortician’s tools
invests in a suit of ghost touch plate armor to allows a DC 10 Medicine check made with
protect them when out searching for their disadvantage to stabilize or heal living
killer. The ghost is rendered incorporeal individuals. The tools may be used to perform
through the rigors of their journey, but the the same activities on ghost creatures
armor remains on their form and does not without disadvantage.
drop to the ground. Further, when the ghost
Components. A set of mortician’s tools
attempts to pass through a door, the armor
consists of a trio of heavy gauge needles, a
will travel with them without inhibiting them.
spool of tough thread, several bundles of
Though this is a magical quality produced by bandages, a bone saw, embalming fluids,
alchemical processes involving raw several sets of eye caps, and a sharp scalpel.
ectoplasm and ritual incantations, ghost touch
Arcana, Investigation. Your familiarity with
equipment is not considered magical for
the dead allows forensic investigations of
purposes of overcoming damage resistances
corpses or undead to determine how they
or immunities except when applied to
died or what spell might be used to animate
incorporeal creatures. Thus, the
the corpse.
aforementioned ghost touch longsword can
strike a wraith or incorporeal ghost character History, Religion. Knowledge of various
and ignore its resistances accordingly, it does cultures’ burial rites and superstitions
not allow them to damage a golem unless the surrounding death may grant one insight on
longsword were also made of adamantine or preparing corpses without offending
enchanted with magical bonuses. members of that culture.
The exact cost for a ghost touch item varies Medicine. Proficiency with mortician’s tools
based on the supplier. When in doubt, a grants you knowledge about preparing
common mundane item is considered a corpses for display or burial in accordance
common magic item, a piece of combat with traditions you know and understand.
equipment such as a sword or suit of armor is You are also familiar with the various types of
considered an uncommon magic item, and a rot and infection that are prevalent around
specialized tool or apparatus is considered a corpses and how to cleanse the body of them
rare magic item for purposes of determining after handling the dead.
average cost.
Shellcraft Manikin
Mortician’s Tools Adventuring Gear
Tools 250 gp, 40 to 80 lbs.
50 gp, 2 lbs.
A specialized vessel for ghosts who wish to
Available in a select few specialty stores in travel beyond the Manifest Ward and still
Manifest and beyond, mortician’s tools are maintain control over a physical form, the
shellcraft manikin is an object specially- Services
prepared to allow incorporeal habitation. As
In a land with such an unusual proliferation
an action, a ghost can enter the shellcraft
of ghosts, entire service industries are born
manikin and take control of it or leave a
around the need to cater to the souls of the
manikin they are currently inhabiting. Only a
single ghost can inhabit a manikin at a time.
While controlling the manikin, the ghost is Body Housing
considered manifested for purposes of 2 gp per day
wearing or wielding equipment. The ghost Due to the mercurial fates of the adventuring
uses its own ability scores for purposes of life, it may behoove one to put their body into
affecting the world around it through the preserved storage for a time while their ghost
manikin, though the ghost suffers ventures elsewhere. This service pays for the
disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity preservation and safe-keeping of a single
ability checks due to the clumsy nature of the corpse for an allotted period of time.
shell. Damage inflicted upon the manikin is
directly transposed onto the ghost inhabiting Hosting, Typical
the body, affecting them as though they were 1 sp per hour
a corporeal entity.
Certain pleasures are denied to ghosts, even
If the inhabiting ghost is reduced to zero hit manifested ones. Flavors are dulled, thirst
points while inhabiting a manikin, the cannot truly be quenched, and tactile
manikin is damaged and must be repaired by sensation feels as if experienced through a
paying half of its cost in supplies or through a thick blanket. There are services provided by
successful tool proficiency check with tinker’s willing individuals to allow possession for a
tools over the course of a short rest. The predetermined frame of time, which then
mending spell, similarly applied multiple allows the ghost to experience some of the
times throughout a short rest, can achieve the joys and sensations of life.
same effect. While damaged in this way, a
ghost cannot inhabit the manikin. Hosting, Superior
1+ gp per hour
The creator of a manikin crafts it in a manner
suitable to their clientele, ranging in size from While a common host is generally easy to
halfling to half-orc and with accompanying locate in Manifest, some ghosts prefer host
stylizing and features. bodies of a particular demeanor or
appearance that is not readily available. With
Spirit Tree Resin a superior host, a ghost might be able to
Adventuring Gear attend high society parties, enjoy exotic foods
250 gp, 1 lb. and delights, or even indulge in licentious or
The resin of the spirit trees that ring the city narcotic desires.
of Manifest has many valuable properties, not There also exist specialized mercenaries who
the least of which is the creation of ghost hire out to ghosts in order to act as hosts for
touch equipment. Though it is possibly to long journeys beyond Manifest or to act as a
extract this substance safely and responsibly very unusual manner of bodyguard. This
for use, the elves who inhabit the Spirit Wood category of host is considered superior for
fiercely guard the trees and there are purposes of pricing.
constant raids against illicit collectors.
Pleasant visage
New Magic
Preserve ectoplasm
The development of specialized magic for
dealing with or for use by ghosts was 2nd Level
inevitable after the founding of Manifest. Black lungs
Herein are contained a bevy of converted Delay manifestation
spells, grouped by the list on which they Stone bones
appear, followed by their individual
3rd Level
Blessing of the Snake Mother
Designer Notes Corporeal shift
Death lock
There are some spells that didn’t make the Dispel possession
conversion cut. In some cases, these spells Ghost touch enchantment
were rolled into the effects of others that
were converted, such as forced 4th Level
incorporeality and forced manifestation Ghost bane weapon
becoming the single spell corporeal shift. Iron bones
In other cases, such as with mass Proper state
camouflage, the effects of other 5th Edition
8th level
spells were simply better or more easily
applied (as is the case with mass
camouflage and pass without trace). Druid Spells
1st Level
Spell Lists Camouflage
Bard Spells Painless death
Preserve ectoplasm
1st Level
Bonerattle 3rd Level
Pleasant visage Dispel possession
Ghost companion
2nd Level Ghost touch enchantment
Disguise undead
Inchoate disharmonics 4th Level
Proper state
3rd Level
Song of the Calling Paladin Spells
Cleric Spells 3rd Level
Ghost companion
Disrupt ectoplasm 4th Level
Ghost bane weapon
1st Level Irresistible force
Create ectoplasm Unmovable object
Painless death
Ranger Spells 2nd Level
Death armor
1st Level
Death lock
Stone bones
2nd Level
3rd Level
Bottomless hate
Corporeal shift
3rd Level Ghost companion
Ghost companion Undead torch
Wall of ectoplasm
4th Level
Ghost bane weapon 4th Level
Iron bones
Sorcerer Spells
Wizard Spells
Disrupt ectoplasm Cantrip
Disrupt ectoplasm
1st Level
Create ectoplasm 1st Level
Pleasant visage Create ectoplasm
Preserve ectoplasm Pleasant visage
Preserve ectoplasm
2nd Level
Death armor 2nd Level
Shroud of undeath Death armor
Stone bones Delay manifestation
Disguise undead
3rd Level Shroud of undeath
Corporeal shift Stone bones
Death lock
Ectoplasmic decay 3rd Level
Ghost companion Death lock
Undead torch Dispel possession
Wall of ectoplasm Ectoplasmic decay
Ghost companion
4th Level Ghost touch enchantment
Iron bones Undead torch
Wall of ectoplasm
Warlock Spells
Cantrip 4th Level
Ghost bane weapon
Disrupt ectoplasm
Iron bones
1st Level
Pleasant visage
Preserve ectoplasm
Black Lungs Constitution saving throw or suffer 5d4
2nd level transmutation points of force damage.

Casting Time: 1 action At higher levels. When you cast this spell
Range: 30 feet using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the
Components: V, S damage increases by 1d4 for each slot level
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute above 1st.

You choose one creature in range that you Camouflage

can see, which then attempts a Constitution 1st level transmutation
saving throw. On a failure, the target is
Casting Time: 1 action
poisoned, and their speed is halved.
Range: Self
When the target attempts to make a Strength, Components: V, S
Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw, they Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
suffer disadvantage as they endure a fit of
Your skin, hair, clothing, and armor magically
agonized coughing. A successful saving throw
change color to blend in with your
ends the effect of this spell.
environment. You add your spellcasting
Blessing of the Snake Mother ability modifier to the result of Dexterity
3rd level transmutation (Stealth) checks made for the duration, and
you may attempt to Hide when lightly
Casting Time: 1 action obscured.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a dram of yuan-ti Corporeal Shift
ichor) 3rd level transmutation
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Casting Time: 1 action
The recipient of this prayer undergoes a mild Range: 120 feet
transformation to temporarily adopt the Components: V, S
qualities of the yuan-ti, complete with narrow Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
pupils, sharpened fangs, and slender limbs.
You wreath a target manifested ghost in an
The target becomes immune to poison and
amber glow, forcing it to make a Charisma
adds 1d6 to the result of Dexterity,
saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the
Constitution, or Wisdom saving throws or
creature is forced into an incorporeal state for
ability checks for the duration.
the duration of the spell.
Bonerattle Alternately, you target a ghost or incorporeal
1st level evocation creature and cloak it in a purple mist, forcing
Casting Time: 1 action it to make a Charisma saving throw. On a
Range: 30 feet failed saving throw, the creature is forced into
Components: V, S, M (a tiny bell carved from a manifested state for the duration of the
bone) spell.
Duration: Instant
Create Ectoplasm
A low rattle is heard upon completion of the 1st level conjuration
spell. Choose one creature within range that
has bones. The target must succeed on a
Casting Time: 1 action Death Lock
Range: 30 feet 3rd level necromancy
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
You conjure up to 5 pounds of raw ectoplasm Components: V, S
to fill a vessel or coat a 5 foot square surface Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
or an individual of up to Large size. At the
time of the casting, you opt to make the You seal the fate of a humanoid creature you
ectoplasm sticky or slippery. An unwilling can see within range. The target must make a
target is allowed a Dexterity saving throw to Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the
avoid the effect. creature is marked by your spell for as long as
you concentrate.
An individual coated in sticky ectoplasm has
advantage on saving throws or skill checks If the creature dies while under the effects of
associated with keeping their balance or this spell, they immediately pass to the True
resisting slippage. Afterlife and cannot become a ghost. The
dead creature can be returned to life
Individuals coated in slippery ectoplasm must normally through other means.
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw at the
start of their turn or fall prone. A surface Delay Manifestation
covered in either sticky or slippery ectoplasm 2nd level necromancy
is difficult terrain.
Casting Time: 1 action
Ectoplasm created through a casting of this Range: 10 feet
spell vanishes when the duration expires and Components: V, S
cannot be made stable. Duration: 1 hour
Death Armor You indicate a single creature that is either
2nd level necromancy alive or already a ghost. The victim makes a
Charisma saving throw; if successful, this
Casting Time: 1 action spell has no effect. On a failed saving throw,
Range: Self the victim is prevented from manifesting or
Components: V, S, M (a paste made of herbs, becoming a ghost for the duration of the spell.
bone meal, and powdered onyx worth 50 gp)
Duration: 10 minutes Disguise Undead
You draw a rune on your body to invoke this 2nd level illusion
spell and wreath your form in ashen shadows. Casting Time: 1 action
Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you hits Range: Touch
you with a melee attack, the creature suffers Components: V, S, M (the cocoon of a death’s
1d6 necrotic damage and you gain that value head moth)
in temporary hit points. Duration: 1 hour
At higher levels. When you cast this spell You touch a single undead creature and cloak
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the its form in illusion. Though you cannot
damage increases by 1d6 for each spell level change the creature’s general configuration of
above 2nd. limbs apart from its true undead form, you
can cloak its appearance to seem alive, gird it
in armor it does not possess, or otherwise bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
modify how it appears to others. until the end of your next turn.
This spell cannot cause the cloaked undead to This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when
adopt mannerisms or speak, nor can it mask you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and
their possible stench or how their flesh or 17th level (4d6).
bone feels should someone touch the
creature. Ectoplasmic Decay
3rd level necromancy
A successful Intelligence saving throw made
by someone inspecting the creature visually Casting Time: 1 action
reveals the illusion for what it is. Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a flat, sharpened disk
At higher levels. When you cast this spell made of resin)
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can Duration: Instant
affect one additional undead creature for each
spell level above 2nd. You detonate a 20 foot radius burst of
necromantic energy at a point within range.
Dispel Possession All ectoplasmic, incorporeal, or ethereal
4th level abjuration creatures (including ghosts) in the area of
effect must succeed on a Constitution saving
Casting Time: 1 action
throw or suffer 6d6 points of force damage
Range: 30 feet
and be driven out of any creature or object
Components: V, S, M (powdered silver worth
they are possessing. A successful saving
1 gp)
throw halves the damage suffered and does
Duration: Instant or 1 hour (see below)
not drive out a possessing spirit.
Your incantation drives out a possessing
At higher levels. When you cast this spell
spirit from a host creature or end the effects
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the
of any spell that charms or dominates the
damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level
creature. If the creature is not yet possessed
above 2nd.
or charmed when you cast this spell, the
subject is immune to such abilities for the Ghost Bane Weapon
next hour. 4th level transmutation
Disrupt Ectoplasm Casting Time: 1 action
Evocation cantrip Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S You touch a single weapon and imbue it with
Duration: Instant power to discorporate ghosts and incorporeal
undead. For the duration of the spell, such
You target a ghost or incorporeal creature
creatures are vulnerable to damage inflicted
within range. The target must succeed on a
by the enchanted weapon. In addition, the
Constitution saving throw or suffer 1d6 force
weapon is capable of striking those creatures
damage and is rendered briefly corporeal,
regardless of their resistances or immunities
nullifying its resistance to non-magical
to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage.
If you enchant ammunition, you can affect up Inchoate Disharmonics
to 50 arrows, crossbow bolts, or sling bullets 2nd level evocation
with a single casting of this spell.
Casting Time: 1 action
Ghost Companion Range: 30 feet
2nd level necromancy (ritual) Components: V, S, M (a silver tuning fork)
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch You blast a creature you can see with a
Components: V, S discordant wave of sound. The target must
Duration: 7 days succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
suffer 3d6 points of thunder damage. Half of
You touch a single willing beast. The creature
this damage is suffered by every creature
dies and sheds its material form, becoming a
within 5 feet of the target. On a successful
ghost. This ghost follows all the same rules as
saving throw, the damage suffered by the
player character ghosts and is loyal to you.
initial target is halved and there is no residual
If you recast this spell on the ghost before the damage to surrounding creatures.
duration expires, the duration is refreshed. If
At higher levels. When you cast this spell
the spell expires before it can be recast, or if
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the
the ghostly form of the beast is reduced to
damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level
zero hit points, the beast’s ghost passes
above 2nd.
beyond the Veil of Souls.
Iron Bones
Ghost Touch Enchantment
4th level transmutation
3rd level enchantment (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a small figurine made
Components: V, S, M (1 pound of ectoplasm
of iron)
per 10 pounds of item weight plus polished
Duration: 1 hour
resin from a spirit tree worth 250 gp, both of
which the spell consumes) You touch a single corporeal undead creature.
Duration: Instant Its base AC becomes 18 for the duration of the
spell, but it does not benefit from Dexterity
You enchant a single object with the ghost
bonuses to its AC. In addition, it has
touch quality. The object can be carried by
resistance to damage from non-magical
ghosts or incorporeal creatures that are not
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing attacks for
ethereal, counting as a corporeal or
the duration.
incorporeal object as is most convenient.
Ghost touched armor and equipment can be Irresistible Force
carried by incorporeal ghosts without falling 4th level evocation
away from their bodies, and ghost touch Casting Time: 1 action
weapons can strike incorporeal entities as Range: Self
though the weapon were enchanted. For Components: V, S
more information on ghost touch equipment, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
see the entry in the Equipment and Items
For the duration of the spell, you may move wire)
through enemies or spaces where you would Duration: Instant
need to squeeze without having your
You magically preserve and stabilize a single
movement halted or reduced. Hostile
contiguous quantity of ectoplasm, up to 20
creatures are either pushed 5 feet in a
pounds’ worth, preventing it from
direction of your choosing as you pass
evaporating. If cast upon a ghost or other
through their spaces or risk a Strength saving
incorporeal creature, you restore 1d6 lost hit
throw. If they succeed, they may halt your
points to the target.
movement through their space, though you
may otherwise continue moving. On a failure, Proper State
they suffer 4d6 force damage and are
4th level necromancy
knocked prone.
Casting Time: 1 minute
Painless Death Range: 30 feet
1st level necromancy (ritual) Components: V, S, M (a crucible of silver
filled with holy water worth 250 gp)
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch
Components: V, S Choose a single willing incorporeal undead
Duration: Instant creature that is not a ghost, such as a wraith
or specter. The creature becomes a ghost,
A single willing creature you touch instantly
shedding its previous nature and allowing it a
dies, suffering no pain or discomfort.
path toward eventual redemption. When
Pleasant Visage transformed in this way, the creature regains
1st level illusion (ritual) its previous identity, ancestry, and class
levels, if any (though it is still a ghost).
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch As only humanoids can become ghosts, the
Components: V, S, M (a thimble of incorporeal undead must have once been a
ectoplasm) living humanoid to be affected by this spell.
Duration: 24 hours
Shroud of Undeath
You touch a single ghost and mask its obvious 2nd level necromancy
wounds for the duration. The ghost is treated
Casting Time: 1 action
as having died from natural causes for
Range: Self
purposes of its disturbing appearance, as
Components: V, S, M (dust or bone fragments
described under Ghost Appearances. A
from any destroyed undead creature)
successful Intelligence saving throw made by
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
a determined onlooker can see through the
illusion. Cloaked in the raiment of death, undead with
an Intelligence score of less than 8 perceive
Preserve Ectoplasm you as a fellow undead creature. More
1st level transmutation intelligent undead are allowed an Intelligence
Casting Time: 1 action saving throw to see through your shroud,
Range: 30 feet though what they do with this knowledge is
Components: V, S, M (a small loop of gold contingent on circumstances. Attacking any
undead creature while the shroud is in effect Components: V, S, M (an ointment of peach
immediately ends the spell. syrup and cinnabar)
Duration: 1 hour
Song of the Calling
3rd level abjuration You shield yourself against the inevitable
death caused by a single condition, such as
Casting Time: 1 action plunging to the bottom of a canyon or being
Range: 60 feet immersed in lava. On the first occurrence of
Components: V, S the triggering damage or event, you suffer no
Duration: Instant damage at all from the effect. The spell then
immediately ends.
You target a single ghost you can see that can
hear you, forcing it to make a Wisdom saving Should the effect continue, such as remaining
throw. On a failure, it advances a single step immersed in lava or suffocating at the bottom
on the Calling track. A successful saving of the sea, you are subject to the
throw negates the effect of this spell. consequences as normal.

Designer Note Undead Torch

3rd level necromancy
The original incarnation of song of the
Calling spelled instant doom for any ghost Casting Time: 1 action
player character on a failed saving throw. Range: 60 feet
As that is not in 5th Edition’s style, this Components: V, S, M (a living or dead firefly
spell now advances the target along the or glowworm)
Calling track, subjecting them to the same Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
potential fate (just not all at once).
You target a corporeal undead creature
within range and cause it to blaze with
Stone Bones necrotic flame. It sheds light as a torch and its
2nd level transmutation successful melee attacks inflict an additional
2d6 necrotic damage.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch If the targeted undead is destroyed, it bursts
Components: V, S, M (a tiny stone carving of in a cloud of necrotic flame, forcing creatures
a skeleton) within 5 feet of it to succeed on a Dexterity
Duration: 1 hour saving throw or suffer 2d6 necrotic damage.
A successful saving throw negates this
You touch a single corporeal undead creature. damage.
Its base AC becomes 15 for the duration of the
spell. In addition, the creature becomes very Unstoppable Force
resilient, gaining advantage on Strength and 4th level evocation
Constitution saving throws and ability checks
for the duration. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Surelife Components: V, S
8th level abjuration Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Casting Time: 1 action You plant your feet and become a bastion of
Range: Self defense. Your speed is reduced to zero and
you cannot be moved by any extrinsic means,
nor can you be knocked prone.
While rooted, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC
and advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and
Constitution saving throws. Should you wish
to move under your own power or go prone,
this spell immediately ends.

Wall of Ectoplasm
3rd level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a cube of resin and a
drop of oil)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
A contiguous sheet of ectoplasm appears with
at least one edge upon a solid surface within
range. You can make the wall up to 60 feet
long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a ringed
wall up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high,
and 1 foot thick. The wall is opaque and lasts
for the duration.
The sheet of ectoplasm is impenetrable to
both corporeal and incorporeal entities, but it
can be attacked and destroyed. A single five
foot square section of ectoplasmic wall has an
AC of 8 and 30 hit points. Passing through a
destroyed section of wall counts as difficult
terrain due to the strands of clinging
ectoplasm that continue to inhibit passage
despite the torn barrier.

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