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The poem was to have been written for Anne Boylan

Anne was someone Wyatt longed for

Anne was a beautiful young woman.
After Thomas realized that king henry showed interest in her he gave up his pursuit and allowed to what
he calls hunt her
Note that to the deer in the poem is in reference to Anne


Sir Tomas Wyatt’s whose list to hunt, depicts a speaker informing his friends or anyone with earshot that
he knows where to find a deer if they are interested in hunting it he declares that he was exhausted
himself in pursuit of this game and suspects that any efforts to subdue it will be futile especially because
the deer wore a necklace identifying her as property of caser someone who is known to have control and
indicating that she is wild even though she seems tame.


Wyatt uses an extended metaphor to compare his lover to a deer
He describes chasing after her as hunting a deer that he is unable to catch
This poem portrays love as something violent and perhaps even threatening due to the type of language
that is being used.
The speaker portrays himself as someone who is very interested in the women and shows his willingness
to go after her. We know this when he explains how exhausted he is at the very start.
The poem also shows the feeling of being defeated.

Despite how eager the man is to earn this woman he announces his defeat when telling other men to
attempt to get her.
This poem focuses on showing us the passion this narrator has for this woman and also allows us to
understand his frustration.

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