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The Caster's Compendium

A collection of optional enhancements to the casters of D&D 5th Edition.

Created by /u/Anathemys
Casters' Compendium

agic in Dungeons and Dragons takes
many different forms, depending on
campaign setting, campaign theme,
and the general aesthetic of the game.
In some games, magic is a disruptive
and chaotic force, which advanced
societies are disdainful and fearful of.
In others, magic is a core component of the world itself, and
cities hum and echo with magic all around. Many games,
however, take a place somewhere in the middle.
The different spellcasters of D&D vary from one another in
a large number of ways. All the same, some campaigns call
for even wider variances of spellcasting. Others simply want
additional rules to further enrich the spellcasting experience.
This compendium contains rules for such optional features.
Among other things, this compendium includes optional
rules unique to each spellcasting class - small things that
further differentiate them from each other and reinforce their
existing separations.
Check the next page for the class features!



hile many associate magic with arcane rituals
and strange or unsual rites, some see a more Cantrip Constructs
scientific side to the power that underlies Artificers excel in creating devices that utilize magic in a wide
reality. These few use magic as a tool in the variety of ways. This is an optional rule to expand the ways in
same way an artisan would use a hammer and which artificers can use their magical skills. Should your DM
chisel, thus earning them the name of allow this rule, your artificer can create Cantrip Constructs
"artificer" among spellcasters. The creations over the course of a long rest by making a tools check with
of these artificers are wildly useful and often extremely clever. the tools listed after each construct.
The artificer is skilled at using nearly every kind of magic to Each Cantrip Construct takes the place of one of your
their advantage, and as such has much in the world to learn Infused Magic objects. Only you can use one of your Cantrip
from. Constructs, which have a limited number of uses but does not
One of the artificer's key features is the ability to imbue fade after 8 hours. Making a Cantrip Construct takes 25gp
spells into objects to be used by others. This skill allows the worth of raw materials, which can usually be reclaimed from
artificer to spread their magical power around much more a spent Cantrip Construct by spending 1 minute
effectively than many other casters. To further enhance this disassembling it.
ability, this document gives artificers the ability to use any To use this optional ruleset, an artificer gains the following
spell scroll that contains a spell from the artificer spell list. new feature at 4th level.
This document also adds "cantrip constructs," which are
small devices artificers can make to replicate a few limited
cantrips. These small devices have finite uses inherent in Craft Arcane Device
them, thus meaning that the artificer doesn't have free access At 4th level, you also gain the ability to make small devices
to cantrips like other casters do. called Cantrip Constructs. These are devices that allow you a
more limited use of the cantrips that other spellcasters gain
Spell Scrolls unlimited use of. Each Cantrip Construct you make counts as
one infused object for your Infuse Magic feature.
Spellcasters such as clerics, druids, sorcerers, and wizards To make a Cantrip Construct, you must spend a long rest
can all create spell scrolls using rules found in the Dungeon working on it. You make a tools check with either tinkers'
Master's Guide. These spell scrolls are usable only by tools, thieves' tools, or smithing tools. The DC for this check
members of the casting class, or rogues with the Thief is 17; if you succeed by 5 or more, the Cantrip Construct has
archetype. Artificers, however, can transfer the effects of a double the normal amount of uses. On a failure, the material
spell scroll into an object using their Infuse Magic feature, is not consumed but you must wait to attempt again.
though the process is costly and difficult. Whenever you make a Cantrip Construct, you choose from
If a spell scroll contains a spell on the artificer spell list, an the options listed below. Each construct has a different
artificer can use that spell scroll as a component for their number of maximum uses. Only you may use one of your
Infuse Magic feature, even if the artificer doesn't know that Cantrip Constructs, which last until all uses have been
spell. When doing so, the artificer must make an Intelligence expended or you spend 1 minute dissassembling them.
(Arcana) check to transfer the spell. Arcane Torch. As an action, you can spark this magical
The DC for this Arcana check equals 15 + three times the construct to cast the light cantrip. The light remains on the
level of the spell. Transferring a spell scroll into an object construct; by expending two uses you can create a floating
takes ten times the normal time, during which the artificer light that hovers near your shoulder for the duration. [12
must be uniterrupted. If interrupted, the final Arcana check uses]
has disadvantage. On a failure, the spell scroll is destroyed Assistant Hand. As an action, you can activate this device
without effect. On a success, the artificer expends a spell slot to cast the mage hand cantrip. This hand has an AC of 12 and
of a level equal to the level of the spell scroll, and the spell is 5 hit points - if it drops to 0 hit points, the device is destroyed
imbued into the object. and all further uses are wasted. [8 uses]
An object imbued with magic from a spell scroll has all the Dramatic Effect Producer. As an action, you may use this
same restrictions and limitations as a normal imbued item construct to cast the thaumaturgy cantrip. In addition to the
from its Infuse Magic feature. Any character with an normal effects, you can also choose to create the sound of a
Intelligence of 6 or more can use the item as normal, and if drum-roll, a percussion rimshot, a crowd gasping in shock, or
not used in 8 hours the spell fades and is wasted. a classical sting. [12 uses]
Glamour Powder. As an action, you may apply this powder
to cast the friends cantrip. While the duration of this effect
lasts, you can switch targets without expending an additional
use. You may not affect more than one target at a time, and
the effects end as soon as you switch targets or the spell
ends. [8 uses]


Instant Communicators. Whenever you make this
construct, you can choose to make up to four constructs. As
long as you have one of the constructs, you can cast the
message cantrip as normal targetting someone else with one
of the constructs. The total number of uses is reduced by 4
for every construct above two. [12 uses]
Magic Striker. As an action, you can use this device to cast
the fire bolt or produce flame cantrips. This device can also
be used as a flint without expending any uses, so long as the
device has one use or more remaining. [4 uses]
Mini-Projector. As an action, you may use this construct to
cast the dancing lights or minor illusion cantrips. All
resulting lights or images must be within 5ft of the construct,
which can be thrown up to 60 feet. [8 uses]
Ominous Bell. As an action, you may use this construct to
cast the toll the dead cantrip. You may also activate it without
expending any uses to make creepy bell noises. [4 uses]
Spitter Device. As an action, you can use this device to
cast the acid spray or poison spray cantrips. You choose
which cantrip the device casts whenever you craft this
construct. [4 uses]
Stabilizer Bolt. As an action, you may use this construct to
cast the spare the dying cantrip. [4 uses]
Static Stone. As an action, you may use this construct to
cast the shocking grasp cantrip. [4 uses]
Thunder Cannonette. As an action, you may use this
construct to cast the thunderclap cantrip. [4 uses]



ong is one of the most basic and powerful forms
of self-expression, which has been around so long
that the first songs vastly predate even the most
ancient forms of magic. So it is unsurprising,
then, that magic and song would find each other
to be ideal partners. The earliest spells were
songs of magic, rather than the more formal
expressions of the arcane used by later wizards.
Bards learn magic through music, and music through
magic. The two are wholly intertwined - inseperable from one
another. As such, this document includes two ways to allow
bards to better express their magic - first are Spell Sheets,
which allow the bard to cast certain spells as ritualistic

Spell Sheets
Some bards can create magical sheet music in a similar
fashion to the way clerics and wizards can create spell
scrolls. This sheet music, however, serves more as a guide to
the bard in how to cast certain spells as rituals without
needing to expend a spell slot.
A bard can create a spell sheet out of any bard spell he or
she knows that has the ritual tag. Creating this spell sheet
takes three hours per level of the spell, and requires 100gp
per level in specific parchments and inks. Crafting the scroll
requires a bit of creativity on the bard's part, as they must
imbue the magic in a song of their own creation that will
allow them to better channel the arcane energies of the spell.
At your DM's option, create a spell sheet might require a
Performance check from the bard in order to create a
suitable song. If so, the DC of this check is equal to 15 +
three times the level of the spell. On a failure, the materials
and time are wasted, and the bard experiences writer's block
which prevents them from trying again for at least a month
and a day.
With a spell sheet, a bard may cast that spell as a ritual so
long as they have the proper instrument to perform the song.
The spell sheet may be used indefinitely, but if lost the bard
must start from scratch. Another bard may attempt to use the
spell sheet to cast the spell as a ritual, but only by making a
successful Performance check with a DC equal to 18 + three
times the level of the spell.



agic from the gods serves the purpose Restrictions
of enacting the god's will in the mortal
realm. In this way, clerics are the When determining the Quest Spell that a cleric might
agents and representitives of the gods, recieve, keep these following restrictions in mind. It is highly
and serve their will to make their goals recommended that the DM personally select which
reality. As such, the level of spell gifted restrictions to have, though the DM might also roll randomly.
to clerics by their deities is mostly Restrictions come in several different forms. The way in
arbitrary - a god could theoretically give wish to a 1st level which the spell is cast might be restricted, requiring it to be
cleric if they so willed it. cast more slowly or difficultly; or the spell might have a
However, few gods are willing to give such powerful magic changed duration or intensity. A spell might be restricted to
to such a novice spellcaster. Perhaps the force of the magic one casting only, one cast per rest, or simply use spell slots as
itself would burn away the soul of any weaker cleric, thus normal.
necsessitating the gods give out only magic that the cleric can When mentioning ritual casting time, this document
physically handle. Or perhaps it is a matter of trust and assumes the PHB normal ritual casting time, which is the
devotion; a low-level cleric has yet to show suitable loyalty to normal casting time plus 10 minutes.
their god, and their god in turn has yet to develop a deep
sense of trust in them. Casting Type
Whatever the reason, gods mostly remain within the d4 Restriction
boundaries of the spell slot system as outlined in the Player's 1 Spell must be cast as a ritual, with ten times the normal
Handbook. Sometimes, though, drastic times call for drastic ritual casting time (maximum 24 hours).
measures, and a god might grant a special version of a 2 Spell must be cast as a ritual (maximum 24 hours).
powerful spell to their servant in order for them to fulfill a
particular, and important, task. 3 Spell may be cast normally or as a ritual (if it has the
ritual tag).

Quest Spells 4 Spell may be cast normally or as a ritual (even if it does

not have the ritual tag).
Gods grant their clerics Quest Spells when that cleric's duty
calls them to a task that requires magic they have yet to Spell Effect
master. When granting a Quest Spell, the cleric's deity places d4 Restriction
strict restrictions on its use, and also agrees to supply a
majority of the power needed for the casting of the spell. And 1 Spell's area of effect and range are halved, and number
of targets drops to one (if applicaple).
yet, even despite their purpose as a god's ultimate expression
of freedom of power, there are still a few basic concepts all 2 Spell's targets have advantage on saving throws against
Quest Spells must follow. the spell and caster has disadvantage on any attack roll.
3 Spell functions as normal.
Gaining a Quest Spell 4 Spell no longer requires concentration (if applicable)
Clerics can gain access to Quest Spells in several different and functions as normal.
ways. The most common way is for the cleric's god to grant
them a spell for the express purpose of fulfilling a quest for Number of Uses
that deity - hence the name "Quest Spell" for this magic. d6 Restriction
Another way for clerics to gain Quest Spells is through the
use of their Divine Intervention feature. A cleric may only use 1 Spell may only be cast once, then it vanishes.
their Divine Intervention feature to request a Quest Spell 2 Spell may only be cast once per long rest, using
once per year. To do so, the cleric must spend 8 hours in caster's highest level spell slot.
deep, uninterrupted meditation and prayer before using their 3 Spell may only be cast once per short rest, using
Divine Intervention feature. caster's highest level spell slot.
The DC for this Divine Intervention is equal to four times 4 Spell may be cast once per long rest, expending no
the cleric's level, minus three times the level of the spell spell slot.
requested. On a success, the cleric is granted the Quest Spell
with the DM's choice of restrictions from the list below. Most 5 Spell may be cast once per short rest, expending no
often, Quest Spells granted by Divine Intervention have the spell slot.
heaviest restrictions possible - one casting only, cast as a 6 Spell may be cast with spell slots as per normal.
ritual (unless the plea specifically needed it not to be), and it
remains in the caster's mind for only one month before it
fades away.


Other Restrictions
d6 Restriction
1 Caster may not cast spells of 1st level or higher until
the end of their next long rest.
2 Caster gains one level of exhaustion.
3 Caster takes 1d10 damage per level of spell when
4 Caster may not cast spells of 3rd level or higher until
the end of their next short rest.
5 Caster must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 10
+ spell level) or take 5d10 damage.
6 Spell functions with no further restrictions.

Gods and Quests

Deities grant Quest Spells to their clerics only under the
most dire and vital circumstances. When a deity grants a
cleric a Quest Spell, that god is ordering that a major change
take place in the world, and is annoiting that cleric as the
executor of their divine will in the mortal world. As such, all
Quest Spells are deeply entertwined with the god's own
divine essence.
A god will never grant a Quest Spell which conflicts with
its alignment or Domain. As such, a God of Light would never
grant darkness as a Quest Spell, just as a God of Trickery
would never grant zone of truth. A lawful god would never
grant chaos bolt, prismatic ray, or any spell with a random
component; similarly, a good god of any description would not
grant spells such as conjure barlgura or conjure lesser
When gifting a Quest Spell to a cleric, keep in mind the
god's personality as well. While the cleric might ask for a
Quest Spell themselves, the god (and, by extension, the DM)
decides what spell to give that would best answer their
servant's needs. Thus a God of Knowledge might give a spell
that requires clever thinking and intelligence to use properly,
while a God of War will often grant the spell that would most
effectively and immediately decide the issue.
Quest Spells as Storytelling Tools
Quest Spells are often also used as tools by the Dungeon
Master. A DM might use a Quest Spell as a plot hook, the
granting of which leads the party onto their next adventure.
Some gods might also use Quest Spells as rewards for tasks
that their servants perform; granting a conjure celestial spell
as a boon.
A cleric can also gain a Quest Spell from another god
besides the one they worship, given their own deity approves
of it. A cleric cannot use Divine Intervention to ask any god
but their own for aid, but another god might gift a Quest Spell
to a cleric as part of a deal with the cleric's own deity.
Also consider granting villanous clerics Quest Spells to
enhance their threatening nature. An evil god can grant
Quest Spells just as easily as a good one, and for all the same
reasons. This might allow a lower level cleric of a god of
undeath to have undead servants, despite not being high
enough level for animate dead yet, or it might allow a lesser
priest of an evil god to use hallow to desecrate a holy place.



ature grants power to those who seek to Restrictions
protect it, and druids are the main
guardians of the wild places of the world. When determining the Circle Spell that a druid might recieve,
This task requires total devotion from the keep these following restrictions in mind. It is highly
druids, similar to the absolute dedication of recommended that the DM personally selext which
a cleric to his or her god. Powerful druids restrictions to have, though the DM might also roll randomly.
become like gods of nature themselves, Restrictions come in several different forms. The way in
staking out claims to territory that they protect from all which the spell is cast might be restricted, requiring it to be
would-be defilers. Others dedicate their lives to focusing cast more slowly or difficultly; or the spell might have a
nature's power in special constructions called stone circles. changed duration or intensity. A spell might be restricted to
These stone circles are places of ancient creation, where one casting only, one cast per rest, or simply use spell slots as
nature has been focused and refined to be a font of pure normal.
druidic magic. These circles aren't sentient, but have an When mentioning ritual casting time, this document
almost primal sort of intelligence - they grant power to causes assumes the PHB normal ritual casting time, which is the
they find worthy, even if that power isn't especially suited to normal casting time plus 10 minutes.
the situation. The stone circles are typically defended by
powerful archdruids, who tend to its needs and help guide its Casting Type
power to aiding the world around it. d4 Restriction
Any druid knows when they enter the domain of a stone 1 Spell must be cast as a ritual, with ten times the normal
circle, and are aware of the general direction of the circle ritual casting time (maximum 24 hours).
itself unless the circle has been warded against detection. By 2 Spell must be cast as a ritual (maximum 24 hours).
meditating and contemplating at a stone circle for at least
three days, a druid can request a powerful magic boon to aid 3 Spell may be cast normally, or as a ritual (if it has the
them in their quest. ritual tag).
4 Spell may be cast normally or as a ritual (even if it does
Circle Spells not have the ritual tag).

The magic granted by meditating at a stone circle is known Spell Effect

as Circle Spells. These have many similarities with the d4 Restriction
Quest Spells of clerics, save they come from a different
source. The stone circles whose power fuels these spells are 1 Spell's area of effect and range are halved, and number
of targets drops to one (if applicaple).
not as intelligent as gods, and so don't always grant the most
useful sort of spell. Also, unlike Quest Spells, all Circle Spells 2 Spell's targets have advantage on saving throws against
must be found on the druid spell list, or on one of the the spell and caster has disadvantage on any attack roll.
expanded spell lists in the Circle of the Land druid archetype. 3 Spell functions as normal.
4 Spell no longer requires concentration (reroll if
Gaining a Circle Spell inapplicable).
Druids can gain access to Circle Spells only by personally
visiting a stone circle and spending at least three days in deep Number of Uses
meditation at it. During this time, the druid meditates on the d6 Restriction
purpose for which they need the spell, as well as what types
of spells the druid themselves would prefer. Meditating for 1 Spell may only be cast once, then it vanishes.
this period does not ensure the druid will gain a Circle Spell, 2 Spell may only be cast once per long rest, using
and they might walk away empty-handed. caster's highest level spell slot.
Your DM can determine immediately whether or not to 3 Spell may only be cast once per short rest, using
grant your druid a Circle Spell. In many cases, its expected caster's highest level spell slot.
that the DM has guided your party to this area for a purpose; 4 Spell may be cast once per long rest, expending no
any goal that involves something that directly affects the spell slot.
domain of that stone circle is much more likely to succeed.
Your DM might also allow you to roll a check to determine 5 Spell may be cast once per short rest, expending no
whether or not you gain a Circle Spell. This check uses your spell slot.
Nature skill, with a DC decided by the DM. In general, the 6 Spell may be cast with spell slots as per normal.
check DC should be around 15 + twice the level of the spell. If
the goal the druid has in mind affects the stone circle itself or
its surroundings, this check has advantage.


Other Restrictions
d6 Restriction
1 Caster may not cast spells of 1st level or higher until
the end of their next long rest.
2 Caster gains one level of exhaustion.
3 Caster takes 1d10 damage per level of spell when
4 Caster may not cast spells of 3rd level or higher until
the end of their next long rest.
5 Caster must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 10
+ spell level) or take 5d10 damage.
6 Spell functions with no further restrictions.

Primal Magic
When granting Circle Spells, remember that the spirits of
nature aren't as clever as gods. Where a god has specific
goals in mind, as well as great knowledge about the world, the
spirit of nature knows only about its own domain. A stone
circle in an dry desert wouldn't understand the concept of
granting something like create or destroy water, and a stone
circle in the Underdark wouldn't understand the concept of
In most scenarios, a stone circle will grant spells from its
respective environment's expanded spell list in the Circle of
the Land archetype. But any spell that makes sense for a
given area is a candidate for being given. A desert stone circle
can grant most fire spells, while an underwater one would be
great for granting watery sphere or tidal wave.
Circle Spells as Storytelling Tools
Circle Spells can be used as an incentive for the players
exploring far-off places and locales. Traveling to gain
powerful magic can be the start of a new adventure, or part of
an existing one. They can also be the focus of campaigns
themselves - a stone circle in danger might send out a cry for
help to druids both near and far, calling them to help. The
Circle Spell could then be a useful tool granted to the druid to
solve the problem, or a reward for a job well done.


Paladin and Ranger

hough not true spellcasters themselves,
paladins and rangers do have some expertise
with certain magical techniques. More
specifically, each class has access to a form of
powerful spell granted by outside sources -
Quest Spells for paladins and Circle Spells
for rangers. These spells are limited in their
usage and in their aquisition, but allow both classes to better
perform their duty.
Paladin Quest Spells
Much like a cleric, a paladin can be granted a Quest Spell by
the cause they serve. This might be a god granting the spell,
or the force of the paladin's belief manifesting it as a special
power. Any Quest Spell gifted to a paladin lasts only for one
month, unless the god or cause specifies otherwise.
Additionally, a paladin may not be granted a Quest Spell of
a level for which they do not have spell slots, and never any
spell of 4th level or higher. A paladin's Quest Spell can
require it to be cast as a ritual, and the paladin may cast it as
such even if they normally cannot cast ritual spells. A paladin
casting a ritual spell does so by deep meditation, prayer, and
Ranger Circle Spells
Similar to druids, rangers are able to gain powerful magic
from special stone circles found in the wildest reaches of the
world. A ranger gains this Circle Spell in the same way as a
druid would. The spell lasts for one month, unless the ranger
spends at least one week mediating at the stone circle; it then
lasts for two months starting at the end of that week.
Additionally, a ranger may not be granted a Circle Spell of
a level for which they do not have spell slots, and never any
spell of 4th level or higher. A ranger's Circle Spell can require
it to be cast as a ritual, and the ranger can cast it as such even
if they normally cannot cast ritual spells. A ranger casting a
ritual spell does so by searching around a small area,
intricately observing the natural world around them while
chanting druidic magic.



ne of the most versitile, flexible, and adaptible Storm
varieties of spellcaster, the sorcerer lives and
breathes the magic that bards, warlocks, and You gain the following spells at the levels listed, or stop
wizards claim to know. Their blood is power, counting them against your maximum spells known if you
their soul arcane, and their innate skill with already know them.
magic unmatched. And for such a different sort
of spellcaster, the sorcerer deserves a different Bonus Spells
sort of spellcasting. For that reason, this document assumes Level Spells
that the sorcerer uses the alternate Spell Points ruleset 1st thunderwave
found in the Dungeon Master's Guide.
The Spell Points variant allows the sorcerer a much 3rd fog cloud
greater degree of flexibility when casting, compared to other 5th gust of wind
spellcasters. Sorcery Points should be kept as a distinct pool 7th lightning bolt
from Spell Points if using this variant.
Also in this document is a list of bonus spells for each of 9th storm sphere
the official Wizards of the Coast sorcerer archetypes; both
those from the Player's Handbook as well as from various With your DM's approval, you can instead choose to learn
Unearthed Arcana articles. both the 1st level spells and one each of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
level spells found on the original Unearthed Arcana Storm
Sorcerer at the above listed levels.
Sorcerous Origin Spells
These spells are granted by a sorcerer's choice in Sorcerous Shadow
Origin. A sorcerer learns new spells at the levels listed. If the You gain the following spells at the levels listed, or stop
sorcerer already knows the listed spell, it no longer counts counting them against your maximum spells known if you
against the sorcerer's maximum spells known and the already know them.
sorcerer may learn a new spell.
Bonus Spells
Draconic Bloodline Level Spells
You gain the following spells at the levels listed, or stop 1st disguise self
counting them against your maximum spells known if you 3rd false life
already know them.
5th misty step
Bonus Spells 7th fear
Level Spells
9th greater invisibility
1st chromatic orb
3rd detect magic Favored Soul
5th suggestion Instead of learning set spells, you instead choose cleric spells
7th fly that you know to no longer count against your maximum
9th polymorph spells known.
At 1st level, you choose a single cleric spell to not count
against your maximum spells known. At 3rd level, you choose
Wild Magic a single 1st level cleric spell to gain the same benefits. You
You gain the following spells at the levels listed, or stop then choose one 2nd level spell at 5th level, one 3rd level spell
counting them against your maximum spells known if you at 7th level, and one 4th level spell at 9th level.
already know them.
Favored Soul (original)
Bonus Spells
Level Spells
You gain spells as determined by your choice of Domain. Your
Domain's spell list can be found in the corresponding cleric
1st charm person archetype. None of the spells you learn this way count against
3rd chaos bolt your maximum spells known.
You learn one of your 1st level Domain spells at 1st level,
5th invisibility and the second one at 3rd level. You learn one of the 2nd level
7th dispel magic Domain spells at 5th level, one of the 3rd level Domain spells
9th confusion at 7th level, and one of the 4th level Domain spells at 9th


You gain the following spells at the levels listed, or stop
counting them against your maximum spells known if you
already know them.
Bonus Spells
Level Spells
1st burning hands
3rd chromatic orb
5th scorching ray
7th fireball
9th wall of fire

You gain the following spells at the levels listed, or stop
counting them against your maximum spells known if you
already know them.
Bonus Spells
Level Spells
1st ice knife
3rd thunderwave
5th alter self
7th lightning bolt
9th watery sphere

You gain the following spells at the levels listed, or stop
counting them against your maximum spells known if you
already know them.
Bonus Spells
Level Spells
1st mage armor
3rd shield
5th Maximillian's earthen grasp
7th haste
9th staggering smite



he secrets which wait for loyal and Daggers of the Courts
enterprising warlocks are nigh-endless; the Prerequisites: The Archfey patron, Pact of the Blade feature
extraplanar powers which serve as Patrons to You can create a pair of twin daggers with your Pact of the
these spellcasters have knowledge as old as Blade feature; one made out of silver and obsidian, the other
magic itself, if not older. These secrets are out of gold and ivory. You manifest both of these weapons
bargaining chips for wily and cunning entities, with a single use of your Pact of the Blade feature. While
which they use as sweeteners on deals to wielding these daggers, you add your ability score modifier to
worm their way into the mortal world. A well-armed and attack rolls made with the off-hand weapon. When you hit a
widely learned warlock is a fine servant indeed, one that few creature with one of these weapons, you can expend a spell
Patrons could willingly pass up the chance at obtaining. slot to deal 2d8 radiant or necrotic damage to the target per
This document contains only the most select of secrets spell level. You may only expend a spell slot for this effect
available to the warlock class, in the form of additional once per turn.
Eldritch Invocations. These are meant to be used alongside
those offered in the Player's Handbook as well as the official Finder of Secrets
Wizards of the Coast "Warlock and Wizard" Unearthed Prerequisites: The Seeker patron
Arcana article. You can cast both detect magic and identify as rituals.
Whenever you cast identify on an object you believe to be
Eldritch Invocations cursed, you may double the casting time of the ritual to
inquire deeper into the nature of the object. When you do so,
The following Eldritch Invocations are available to all your DM secretly makes an Arcana check for you, with a DC
warlocks who meet the required prerequisites listed. Eldritch determined by the rarity of the item. On a success, your DM
Invocations for the Archfey patron, Blade pact, Chain pact, tells you truthfully whether or not the item has a cursed
Fiend patron, Great Old One patron, Seeker patron, Tome property. Otherwise, you believe the item to be safe even if it
pact, and Undying Light patron are included in this is not.
Horned King's Way
Astral Traveler's Staff Prerequisites: 15th level, The Archfey patron
Prerequisites: The Seeker patron, Pact of the Blade feature You can cast tree stride at will without expending a spell
When you manifest your Pact Weapon as a quarterstaff, it slot or material components. The spell does not require
manifests as a smooth wooden rod with inset runes of iron. A concentration, but ends once you have stepped out of a tree.
creature you hit with this weapon cannot make attacks of
opportunity against you until the end of your turn. When you Horror Summoner
hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend a spell slot to Prerequisites: The Fiend patron, 5th level
deal 2d8 force damage to the target per spell level. You can cast the conjure lesser demons spell (from "That
Old Black Magic") once using a warlock spell slot. You may
Censuring Blast not do so again until you have completed a long rest.
Prerequisites: eldritch blast cantrip, The Undying Light When you cast this spell in this manner, you may replace
patron the material component with 5d10 damage dealt to yourself,
Your eldritch blast now requires the target to make a reducing your maximum hit points by the same amount until
Wisdom saving throw, rather than you making an attack roll. the spell ends. If you do so, the demons cannot attack or
You may only target one creature per cast. The damage dealt target you so long as you maintain concentration, but you
by eldritch blast changes to radiant damage. also may not draw a circle to protect additional creatures
from the demons' attacks.
Crossbow of Crossroads
Prerequisites: The Seeker patron, Pact of the Blade feature Knives of Belial
You can create a rune-inlaid hand crossbow with your Pact Prerequisites: The Fiend patron, Pact of the Blade feature
of the Blade feature. Any creature you hit using this weapon You can create a deathly serrated blade with your Pact of
has its speed reduced to 0 until the end of your next turn. the Blade feature. This dagger has a range of 30/120 when
When you hit a creature with a bolt from this weapon, you thrown, and disappears on a hit or miss. Until you manifest a
can expend a spell slot to deal 2d8 force damage to the target different weapon, you can recreate the dagger as a part of
per spell level. each attack you make with it. When you hit a creature with
this weapon, you can expend a spell slot to deal 2d8 necrotic
damage to the target per spell level.


Sword of Elysium
Knowledge of the Pages Prerequisites: The Undying Light patron, Pact of the Blade
Prerequisites: 15th level, Pact of the Tome feature feature
You can cast the legend lore spell once per long rest When you manifest your Pact Weapon as a greatsword,
without expending a spell slot. You may only use this spell to longsword, or scimitar, it manifests as a blade forged in the
find information about a specific object, person, event, or fires of heaven. This weapon grants you a +2 to hit when
other piece of information once per month. attacking undead or demons. When you hit a creature with
this weapon, you can expend a spell slot to deal 2d8 radiant
Light of the Unseelie Court damage to the target per spell level.
Prerequisite: 5th level, The Archfey patron
You can cast moonbeam once using a warlock spell slot. Warning of the Stormcrow
You can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Prerequisite: 15th level
You can cast sending at will, without expending a spell slot
Master of the Abyss or material components.
Prerequisites: The Fiend patron, 15th level
You can cast conjure vrock once without expending a spell
slot. You may not do so again until you finish a long rest.
Rite of Darkmelding
Prerequisites: 9th level, Pact of the Chain feature
As an action, you can magically switch places with your
familiar if it is within 60 feet and in a space you can safely
occupy. When you do so, your space and your familiar's space
are both filled with magical darkness until the end of your
next turn. After teleporting, your speed drops to 0.
You can cast illusory script at will, without expending a spell
slot or material components.
Rune Keeper's Curse
Prerequisites: 7th level, Pact of the Tome feature
You can cast glyph of warding at will without expending a
spell slot. You may only have one glyph active at a time; if you
case the spell using this invocation a second time, the
existing glyph immediately dissolves with no effect.
Scream of the Void
Prerequisites: The Great Old One patron
You can channel the silent power of the stars to emit a
horrifying psionic scream. All creatures within 10 feet of you
must make a Wisdom save. On a failure, the creature is both
charmed and frightened by you for 1 minute. During this
time, you may mentally command all creatures affected by
this ability to scream or to flee.
Once you use this invocation, you can't use it again until
you finish a short or long rest.
Sunlight Spear
Prerequisites: The Undying Light patron, Pact of the Blade
When you manifest your Pact Weapon as a javelin, it
manifests as a shaft of angelic gold coated in divine lightning.
This javelin disappears after you throw it, and until you
manifest a different weapon you can recreate the javelin as
part of each attack you make with it. When you hit a creature
with this weapon, you can expend a spell slot to deal 2d8
radiant damage to the target per spell level.



s the quintessential spellcasters, wizards Uncommon Magic
command a great deal of power in the magic Spell Level Extra Spells Known
world. They are masters of their craft,
unmatched scholars of the arcane, and maybe 1st 4
some of the most haughty and proud 2nd 4
spellcasters around. But why should they not 3rd 3
be? Their knowledge of spells is unparalleled; a
wizard's spellbook has no limits beyond the number of pages 4th 2
it contains. Likewise, a wizard's own knowledge knows no 5th 1
boundaries besides those they create for themselves.
One thing that sets wizards apart is the great degree of 6th 1
freedom they have in the spells they know. Their spell list is
longer and more diverse than that of the cleric or druid, and Sparse Magic
they have no limit on the number of spells they can know like Spell Level Extra Spells Known
the bard or sorcerer. A wizard is, at heart, a scholar - 1st 3
adventuring is a learning experience, with each lesson
leaving them more prepared for the next than ever before. 2nd 3
As a result of this, however, wizards suffer when beginning 3rd 2
higher-level campaigns. A wizard is assumed to learn a few 4th 1
spells along the way of their travels, so a wizard starting a
campaign at 10th level with only the two spells per level they 5th 1
get normally is at a severe disadvantage compared to a
sorcerer. One of the wizard's strengths is the number of Rare Spells
spells they can know, so denying them the ability to use that Your DM might determine that certain spells are rare in your
is a massive blow to their effectiveness. These rules seek to campaign world. These spells might not be possible to learn
fix that imbalance. as bonus spells, or might cost two or three of your bonus
spells instead of one.
Starter Spells Known
When running a high-level campaign where the characters
begin at a level above 1st, it's useful to remember that the
wizard class is balanced around finding additional spells on
your adventures. Thus a wizard starting a camapign at a level
above 1st with only the spells they learn normally through
leveling up is at a severe disadvantage compared to all other
spellcasting characters.
As such, it is useful to allow wizards in high-level
campaigns to assume that their characters have learned a
few extra spells in addition to those learned normally though
leveling up.
These tables account for three types of campaign settings;
Common Magic worlds, Uncommon Magic worlds, and
Sparse Magic worlds. If a given spell level is the highest your
character possesses, reduce the number of bonus spells by
half (rounded down).
Common Magic
Spell Level Extra Spells Known
1st 4
2nd 4
3rd 4
4th 3
5th 2
6th 2
7th 1



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