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The Raritais Codex

eldom is a famous work from an area such as the Corpselight At
one this codex hails from. The air there seems to 1st-level necromancy level
make even the hardiest of parchments decay, and creat
the perpetual damp is more dangerous even than Casting Time: 1 action halve
fire itself. Mold and worms, soiling and muddying, Range: 120 feet all at
the threats to a manuscript are endless in any of Components: V, S, M (phosphorus mixed with grave dirt) creat
the world's swampiest and marshiest places. Yet Duration: 10 minutes
this codex survives, tainted with some foulness of its Classes Availble: Cleric, Druid, Warlock, Wizard
birthplace even still. With a word, you cause corpses in a 20ft radius within
Unlike with many famous spellbooks, the author of the range begin to glow with light. You may illuminate either
Raritais Codex is unknown. No famous wizard or sage has dead corpses or undead within the area, your choice when
laid claim to it, and subsequent scholars are utterly lost on you cast the spell.
who might have penned it. Not many mages choose to live in This light can be white, yellow, green, amber, or red. The
the swamps and marshes, due to their destructive nature light can vary from a dim outline to 30 feet of bright light and
when it comes to the scrolls, tomes, and parchments that are 15 feet of dim light. You can alter the intensity of the light on
a wizard's lifeblood. The only sign of an author forms the your turn, no action required, so long as you can see one of
tome's name - a worn and faded inscription on the front page the affected targets.
reads "Raritais" and nothing else. The glow is diffuse and does not affect an undead creature
Within the tome lie many foul and unclean things - spells of if cast upon it. Affected targets cannot turn invisible by any
making poison, acid, and necrotic energies. The tome is means so long as the light remains. Intelligent, free-willed
commonly thought to be the primary spellbook of whoever undead may choose to shake off the effect of the spell by
penned it, since the spells within are generally arranged by making a Wisdom saving throw on their turn.
level and seem to follow consistent trends that surround At Higher Levels. For each level of the slot above first, the
many other similar texts, from wizards still in their learning radius of area you can affect is increased by 10 feet.
In appearance, the codex is obviously hardy. Each cover is Choke
made from solid bog-wood, a remarkably strong material 2nd-level necromancy
formed in bogs over thousands of years. The wood is Casting Time: 1 action
particularly resistant to damp, and protects the pages within. Range: 30 feet
Each page is yellowed and worn, with a darker color along Components: S
the edge. The book also gives off a faint marshy smell, no Duration: Concentration, 1 minute
matter how long it's been since it last saw the waters of its Classes Availble: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Using magical energy, you attempt to choke the life out of a
creature. As an action, you choose a single Large or smaller
Contents creature you can see within range. That creature makes a
The book contains several spells, including a few found Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature begins to
nowhere else. When studying the book, the reader slowly choke and takes 1d4 necrotic damage. While choking, the
begins to weaken. For each hour spent studying, the reader creature cannot take the Dash action and is not breathing.
temporarily loses 1 point of Strength. If their Strength The creature continues choking until the end of your next
reaches zero, the reader is poisoned and incapacitated for 8 turn.
hours. Wearing gloves prevents this effect. The following On each of your turns, you may use your action to maintain
spells are found in the book. this choking force. When you do so, you extend the duration
1st Level: cause fear, corpselight, ray of sickness of the choking effect to the end of your next turn, causing the
2nd Level: blindness/deafness, choke, Melf's acid arrow, same damage and the same effects. If you choose not to
ray of enfeeblement continue choking the creature, this spell remains active but
3rd Level: stinking cloud, vipergout causes no effects, and you may re-activate the choking on a
4th Level: blight, vitrolic sphere later turn (within the spell's duration).
5th Level: cloudkill, undead familiar After the first turn, a creature can make a Constitution
check at the beginning of any turn during which it is choking.
New Spells On a success, the creature can breathe normally for the rest
of that turn, but the spell does not end. If a creature is
The following spells are new or modified as they appear in choking for the entire spell duration without interruption, it
this book. At your DM's option, new spells can be learned by falls unconscious at the end of the spell's duration.
other classes as shown in each spell.
Undead Familiar At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using certain
5th-level divination higher-level spell slots, you choose one of the summoning
options above, and more creatures appear: twice as many
Casting Time: 1 hour with a 6th-level slot, and three times as many with a 9th-level
Range: 10 feet slot.
Components: V, S, M (100gp of poisonous dust, mixed with
grave dirt, which is consumed by a fire in a wrought-iron
brazier) Location
Duration: Instantaneous First found in an abandoned tower inside a swamp, The
Classes Availble: Wizard Raritais Codex has changed hands many times. The book's
You may only cast this spell if you have a familiar from the poisonous reputation precedes it, though few realize how
find familiar spell. When you do so, you strike the familiar deep-seated that poison is.
with dark necrotic energy, infusing it with death. Your The book's first discoverer was an intrepid bard-wizard
familiar can be an undead version of any of the normal find named Gerim Silversoul. He found the book in an abandoned
familiar forms. wizard's tower within a great swamp, and assumed the whole
Your undead familiar can now be turned with a cleric's structure had been deposited in the area by horrifically
Turn Undead feature. For the purposes for Destroy Undead, powerful magic. Hoping the tome might contain some of said
your undead familiar has a CR equal to your spellcasting magic, he began to peruse it in his free time.
ability modifier. It has advantage on any saving throw against Slowly, Gerim grew ill. His expedition turned back, to find
being turned while within 10 feet of you. help in one of the larger cities. Gerim would never leave the
Additionally, your undead familiar may now attack. You can swamp - he insisted on studying the tome even when ill, and
choose, as a reaction on your familiar's turn, to cause your passed away after a few days of torrential rain. The book was
familiar to attack. When you do so, the undead familiar then sold in the city, the expedition wanting nothing to do
immediately strikes the chosen target, using your spellcasting with it.
ability modifier as its attack bonus. This attack deals 1d8 For many years, the book's location was unknown. It was
necrotic damage, and the target has to make a Constitution briefly known to be in possession of an assassin's guild
save or be poisoned until the end of its next turn. named the Serpent's Fork. Their mage-assassins used
Otherwise, your undead familiar behaves exactly like a several of its spells, most notably vipergout, when
normal familiar summoned by find familiar. If killed, you assassinating a minor princeling in his own palace - the
must cast this spell again to re-summon it. You can also cast snakes guarded their escape. The guild could not avoid notice
this spell again to change the familiar's form - you may no afterwards, however, and was soon eradicated.
longer do so by casting the find familiar spell. Its next owner was a vain nobleman, Lord Richard
Valquois, who collected rare and "dangerous" tomes as a
Vipergout hobby. He liked to show off his prizes at parties, boasting
3rd-level conjuration about the dark magic contained within that he could neither
Casting Time: 1 action read nor understand. Where he came by the book is
Range: Self uncertain, though it is thought he had a contact with more
Components: V, S, M (a dried snakeskin, ingested while magical knowledge than he, who acquired his prizes for him.
casting) Lord Valquois briefly allowed the spellbook scholar,
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Felisari Sinclair, to examine the tome. Her analysis
Classes Availble: Cleric, Druid, Warlock, Wizard recommended that the nobleman keep the tome in a sealed
case, though he of course ignored this advice. He later died
You open your mouth, disgorging poisonous snakes that after falling seriously ill during one of his galas, where he was
slither to attack your enemies. Choose one of the following known to show off his dark tomes.
options for what appears: As part of his estate, the book was sold to a rich buyer in
One swarm of poisonous snakes foriegn lands. En route, however, the ship it was on was
Two giant poisonous snakes raided, and the book presumably stolen by the pirates. Tales
Four poisonous snakes of a gruesome pirate ship now spread through taverns in
many port towns. The Wretched Skull sees through all
Each beast disappears when it reaches 0 hit points or darkness, they say, its prow lit by a cage of glowing skulls.
when the spell ends.
The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your
companions. Roll initiative for the summoned creatures as a
group, which has its own turns. They obey any verbal
commands that you issue to them (no action required by you).
If you don't issue any commands to them, they defend
themselves from hostile creatures but otherwise take no
The DM has the creatures' statistics.

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