Marikina City Waste Management Office

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Marikina City Solid Waste Management Facility

The Waste Management Office (WMO) administers the solid waste

collection and disposal operations in the city. The city has at present 18
compactor and eight dump trucks. These trucks collect garbage from 14
barangays on a regular twice a week schedule. Biodegradable and non-
biodegradable wastes are separately collected by compactor trucks. The
waste is then transported to a garbage transfer station where large dump
trucks wait to transport the garbage to the sanitary landfill situated in
San Mateo, Rizal. The use of a garbage transfer station enables Marikina
to boast of a garbage collection efficiency of 98 percent. The operation
of a garbage transfer station substantially reduced the breakdown of
equipment and increased the number of trips of garbage compactors,
resulting in reduced costs of garbage collection. The city’s initiatives on
waste management, earned Marikina the championship in the “Search
for the Cleanest and Greenest Municipality in the National and Capital
Region” in three consecutive years from 1994 to 1996 and thus placing
in the Hall of Fame for the same contest. The city placed second in the
whole country.

Marikina City is among the first to implement a waste segregation

program thru: Enactment of City Ordinance 046, series of 2002, a local
law which mandates the segregation of biodegradable from the non-
biodegradable garbage at the source (households, commercial/industrial
establishment, institutions, etc.)
An ecological solid waste management facility of the city built in
line with R.A. 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of
2000. This includes recovery of recyclables, composting and recycling

Prepare its respective 10-year solid waste management plan.

Marikina City 10-Year SWM Plan
-submitted to and reviewed by NSWMC in 2009
-review and updating ongoing

Materials Recovery Facility

The city centralized MRF is a place where domestic type of waste
collected from households
and business establishments are delivered to be
further sorted by type (paper, plastics, metals,
cans & etc.). The recyclable materials are then
sold to junkshops for later used as raw materials
for remanufacturing and reprocessing. While the
residual wastes are transported to Rizal Provincial
Sanitary Landfill.

Marikina Composting Facility

•Fully operational in year 2009.

•Is a place where food waste collected from eateries, compostable waste
from markets, yard waste and saw dust are delivered to be process into
organic fertilizer using the DOST-ITDI bioreactor facility. The fertilizers
produced are then used by the City and schools for its greening
programs and others are being sold to private individuals in the amount
of P15 pesos/kgs.

Role of LGU in Solid Waste Management

•Enforcement of the provisions of R.A. 9003

Ord. 046 “Segregation at Source”

Ord. 073 “Anti-Littering”
Ord. 120 “Anti-Scavenging”
Ord. 135 “Improper Disposal”
Ord. 201 “Burning of Garbage”
Ord. 210 “Untidy Surrounding”
Ord. 18 “Regulation on Plastic”
Ord. 110 “Illegal Posting”

It reduces the amount of solid waste that goes to the landfill and at the
same time prevent the emission of greenhouse gas (methane).

It permits the recovery of precious resources (in the form of

recyclable materials)

Employment and income generation.

Tagbilaran City’s ISWM Strategy

Reduction at Source
The city government imposed the segregation of waste into three types :
biodegradable, recyclable and residual wastes. Information and education
campaign will be widely implemented to educate the city residents on the
importance of waste generation. Incentives and penalties shall be imposed to
implementers and violators, respectively.
Collection and Transport
The segregated waste collection system is implemented where each type of
waste is collected at a specific schedule (day and time of pick-up). The barangays
are responsible for the waste collection. Wastes from large establishments, public
markets, as well as biodegradable and residual wastes of households and small
establishments are collected by the city’s collection services. On the other hand,
the barangays are responsible in the collection of recyclable wastes of all domestic
and micro-establishments within their jurisdiction.
All biodegradable wastes collected are transported to the city’s composting
facility in Dampas district. As part of the government’s plan is the imposition of
garbage collection fees.
Material Recovery and Transfer Station.
The city government plans to establish in one facility a composting and
recycling center and a transfer station. The composting and recycling center will be
farmed out to the private sector. At present, the Bio=Composting and Organic
Fertilizer Production Facility located at the Dampas district

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