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Mr. B:I wanted you to give me a sentence using YOU AREAli:I AMMr.

B:No, no Not I am
... You are... for example... you are from PakistanAli:I am from PakistanMr.
B:Yes... yes... but now you use YOU AREAli:But.. I cannot say YOU ARE from
Pakistan, because you are not AliMr. B:Repeat after meYou are EnglishAli:No, no I’m
from PakistanMr. B:What am I?Ali:You are confusing meRanjeet:You are stupid
puff1Ali:Dont’ you call me a puff!Ranjeet:Puff PELEA PELEA PELEAMr. B:Sit
downJuan:Siéntante ahí ya hombre! Váyase pa la India!Mr. B:Sit down, please! Right!
There is really not much more we can do,get your text books,what I would like you
to do is some homework, all right?I want you to write me an essay...Juan:Essay,
essay qué es?Mr. B:A short story about your life here in England. The things you
do, the things you like.I’ll see you all on Wednesday.Ahhh Mrs. CourtneyMC:MissMr.
B:Miss... well I just dismissed the class for tonight, I think we just have to rest
after thefirst session,MC:You look like you ……. Getting all done already?Mr. B:No,
no I’m fine. Never felt better. There is just one thing though,MC:Yes?Mr. BThat
window you nailed up... the one Mr. Wooverton climbed out of...MC:What about it?Mr.
B:I think we ought to put a few more nails in... Just to be on the safe side
Miss Courtney:Well, why I really came to inform you about was the registration fees
for the students. Now it’s five pounds per head and I should be grateful if you
would collect the moneyand bring it to my office in your tea break.Mr. Brown:Right!
I’ll do that.Ms. Courtney:Perhaps we have one thing to be grateful for anyway. Sex
won’t be bearing its littlehead.Mr. Brown:I beg your pardon.Ms. Courtney:Well, in
my experience it’s not race or religion that causes the problem. It’s usually the
presence of some foreign beauty. Genocide, intrigues or that sort of things.Mr.
Brown:Yes, looking at my class I don’t think we’ll be too bothered with anything
like that.Danielle:I come to learn English. Have I come to the right place?PAUSAMs.
Courtney:Enter!Mr. B.:Mrs. CourtneyMs. C:MissMr. B:Miss.... I just brought the
registration fees from the students.Ms. C: Good! Now... how many students have you?
Mr. B:NineMs. C:So there should be 45 pounds, didn’t you?Mr. B:Well, it all depends
on the rate of exchange...Ms. C:I beg your pardonMr. B:Ehmm... not all of them had
the 5 pounds in English money so I collected 29,50 in sterling andthe rest is made
up of 2000 Yen, 3000 lira, 250 pesetas, 75 drachma, 50 francs and 12 deutsche-
mark... according to this mornings’ financial papers, that should give us a profit
of 1,42 and ahalf pee.Ms. C:Then I suggest you take it to the Bank in the morning
and you covert it to English currencyMr. B:Right!... I’ll do thatMs. C:By the way,
how is the femme fatale?Mr. B:Ah! Yes, Danielle, well at the moment she is in the
tea-room with Italy, Spain and Greece tryingto establish diplomatic relations.Ms.
C: Well I hope she is not going to cause any bother,Mr. B:Oh no, I’m sure she won’t
ADMiss Courtney:Well, why I really came to inform you about was the registration
fees for the students. Now it’s five pounds per head and I should be grateful if
you would collect the moneyand bring it to my office in your tea break.Mr.
Brown:Right! I’ll do that.Ms. Courtney:Perhaps we have one thing to be grateful for
anyway. Sex won’t be bearing its littlehead.Mr. Brown:I beg your pardon.Ms.
Courtney:Well, in my experience it’s not race or religion that causes the problem.
It’s usually the presence of some foreign beauty. Genocide, intrigues or that sort
of things.Mr. Brown:Yes, looking at my class I don’t think we’ll be too bothered
with anything like that.Danielle:I come to learn English. Have I come to the right
place?PAUSAMs. Courtney:Enter!Mr. B.:Mrs. CourtneyMs. C:MissMr. B:Miss.... I just
brought the registration fees from the students.Ms. C: Good! Now... how many
students have you?Mr. B:NineMs. C:So there should be 45 pounds, didn’t you?Mr.
B:Well, it all depends on the rate of exchange...Ms. C:I beg your pardonMr.
B:Ehmm... not all of them had the 5 pounds in English money so I collected 29,50 in
sterling andthe rest is made up of 2000 Yen, 3000 lira, 250 pesetas, 75 drachma, 50
francs and 12 deutsche-mark... according to this mornings’ financial papers, that
should give us a profit of 1,42 and ahalf pee.Ms. C:Then I suggest you take it to
the Bank in the morning and you covert it to English currencyMr. B:Right!... I’ll
do thatMs. C:By the way, how is the femme fatale?Mr. B:Ah! Yes, Danielle, well at
the moment she is in the tea-room with Italy, Spain and Greece tryingto establish
diplomatic relations.Ms. C: Well I hope she is not going to cause any bother,Mr.
B:Oh no, I’m sure she won’t
ADBrown:Underground what?Ranjeet:Just the underground. “Mind the doooooors”Mr.
Brown:Oh! That underground.And your name?
Taro:Taro Nagazumi. My name card. Japanese representative of Bushida
Electronics.Mr. Brown:Jelly Good... Very Good!And finally, your name?Juan:Por
favor?Mr. Brown:Your name... what is your name?Juan:Por favor?Giovanni:Nooome!
Juan:Ah! Nombre? Sí... Juan Cervantes para servirle, señor.Mr. Brown:I don’t need
to ask what nationality you are.Juan:Por favor?Mr. Brown:Spanish!Juan:Por favor?Mr.
Brown:What is your job?Juan:Por favor?Giovanni:Traballo?Juan:Ah! Trabajo, sí! Tri-
lager.Mr. Brown:Tree logger? What? You lag trees?Juan:One Gin-Tonic, two whisky-
coca, tri-lager.Mr. Brown:Tri-lagers. Do you work in a bar?Juan:Sí, sí, bar,
bar.Miss Courtney:Well, Mr. BrownMr. Brown:Yes... thank you. Apart from one attempt
of murder, a possible race fright,I seem to be cooping recently well.

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Miss Courtney:Well, why I really came to inform you about was the registration fees
for the students. Now it’s five pounds per head and I should be grateful if you
would collect the moneyand bring it to my office in your tea break.Mr. Brown:Right!
I’ll do that.Ms. Courtney:Perhaps we have one thing to be grateful for anyway. Sex
won’t be bearing its littlehead.Mr. Brown:I beg your pardon.Ms. Courtney:Well, in
my experience it’s not race or religion that causes the problem. It’s usually the
presence of some foreign beauty. Genocide, intrigues or that sort of things.Mr.
Brown:Yes, looking at my class I don’t think we’ll be too bothered with anything
like that.Danielle:I come to learn English. Have I come to the right place?PAUSAMs.
Courtney:Enter!Mr. B.:Mrs. CourtneyMs. C:MissMr. B:Miss.... I just brought the
registration fees from the students.Ms. C: Good! Now... how many students have you?
Mr. B:NineMs. C:So there should be 45 pounds, didn’t you?Mr. B:Well, it all depends
on the rate of exchange...Ms. C:I beg your pardonMr. B:Ehmm... not all of them had
the 5 pounds in English money so I collected 29,50 in sterling andthe rest is made
up of 2000 Yen, 3000 lira, 250 pesetas, 75 drachma, 50 francs and 12 deutsche-
mark... according to this mornings’ financial papers, that should give us a profit
of 1,42 and ahalf pee.Ms. C:Then I suggest you take it to the Bank in the morning
arground what?Ranjeet:Just the underground. “Mind the doooooors”Mr. Brown:Oh! That
underground.And your name?
Taro:Taro Nagazumi. My name card. Japanese representative of Bushida
Electronics.Mr. Brown:Jelly Good... Very Good!And finally, your name?Juan:Por
favor?Mr. Brown:Your name... what is your name?Juan:Por favor?Giovanni:Nooome!
Juan:Ah! Nombre? Sí... Juan Cervantes para servirle, señor.Mr. Brown:I don’t need
to ask what nationality you are.Juan:Por favor?Mr. Brown:Spanish!Juan:Por favor?Mr.
Brown:What is your job?Juan:Por favor?Giovanni:Traballo?Juan:Arground what?
Ranjeet:Just the underground. “Mind the doooooors”Mr. Brown:Oh! That
underground.And your name?
Taro:Taro Nagazumi. My name card. Japanese representative of Bushida
Electronics.Mr. Brown:Jelly Good... Very Good!And finally, your name?Juan:Por
favor?Mr. Brown:Your name... what is your name?Juan:Por favor?Giovanni:Nooome!
Juan:Ah! Nombre? Sí... Juan Cervantes para servirle, señor.Mr. Brown:I don’t need
to ask what nationality you are.Juan:Por favor?Mr. Brown:Spanish!Juan:Por favor?Mr.
Brown:What is your job?Juan:Por favor?Giovanni:Traballo?Juan:Ah! Trabajo, sí! Tri-
lager.Mr. Brown:Tree logger? What? You lag trees?Juan:One Gin-Tonic, two whisky-
coca, tri-lager.Mr. Brown:Tri-lagers. Do you work in a bar?Juan:Sí, sí, bar,
bar.Miss Courtney:Well, Mr. BrownMr. Brown:Yes... thank you. Apart from one attempt
of murder, a possible race fright,I seem to be cooping recently well.
h! Trabajo, sí! Tri-lager.Mr. Brown:Tree logger? What? You lag trees?Juan:One Gin-
Tonic, two whisky-coca, tri-lager.Mr. Brown:Tri-lagers. Do you work in a bar?
Juan:Sí, sí, bar, bar.Miss Courtney:Well, Mr. BrownMr. Brown:Yes... thank you.
Apart from one attempt of murder, a possible race fright,I seem to be cooping
recently well.
nd you covert it to English currencyMr. B:Right!rground what?Ranjeet:Just the
underground. “Mind the doooooors”Mr. Brown:Oh! That underground.And your name?
Taro:Taro Nagazumi. My name card. Japanese representative of Bushida
Electronics.Mr. Brown:Jelly Good... Very Good!And finally, your name?Juan:Por
favor?Mr. Brown:Your name... what is your name?Juan:Por favor?Giovanni:Nooome!
Juan:Ah! Nombre? Sí... Juan Cervantes para servirle, señor.Mr. Brown:I don’t need
to ask what nationality you are.Juan:Por favor?Mr. Brown:Spanish!Juan:Por favor?Mr.
Brown:What is your job?Juan:Por favor?Giovanni:Traballo?Juan:Ah! Trabajo, sí! Tri-
lager.Mr. Brown:Tree logger? What? You lag trees?Juan:One Gin-Tonic, two whisky-
coca, tri-lager.Mr. Brown:Tri-lagers. Do you work in a bar?Juan:Sí, sí, bar,
bar.Miss Courtney:Well, Mr. BrownMr. Brown:Yes... thank you. Apart from one attempt
of murder, a possible race fright,I seem to be cooping recently well.
... I’ll do thatMs. C:By the way, how is the femme fatale?Mr. B:Ah! Yes, Danielle,
well at the moment she is in the tea-room with Italy, Spain and Greece tryingto
establish diplomatic relations.Ms. C: Well I hope she is not going to cause any
bother,Mr. B:Oh no, I’m sure she won’t
AD @hbagyushrteht wingo... right or left wing?S:I follow the teachings of
Chairman MaoMr. BWell in that case, you better sit next to Jamila, the Indian lady,
all right?S:Thank you18.22Mr. B:Right... now we will start by learning a few basic
English verbs and firstly we will takethe verb TO BE.I am English. You are Chinese.
He is Italian. She is French.Ranjeet:He is Barbarian.Ali:And you are asking for a
kick on your big brown back side.Mr. B:Pay attention please!!!I amYou areHe she or
it isWe areYou areThey areRight. So now go round the class and I ask you each to
give me a sentence using theverb to be.Taro... I amTaro:Ach so... I am very happy
to learning EnglishMr. B:Very good.Giovanni He isG:He is a fool,Mr. B:GoodBut no
ist... He is a fool.G:Yes, he is a foolMr. B:Max... er... She isMax:She is
beautiful, she is wonderful, she isMr. B:Yes, yes... thank you MaxJuan... it
isJuan:Por favor Mr. B:It isJuan:Por favor Mr. B:It is rainingGiovanni:Lloviendo...
it is rainingJuan:Nooooo, no llueveGiovanni:No, no... it is rainingJuan:No llueve
hombre! Yo tengo ojos... no llueveG:Santa MaríaJuan:It’s raining ni na... que no
llueveMr. B:All right, all right... we’ll skip you for the momentJuan:Por frground
what?Ranjeet:Just the underground. “Mind the doooooors”Mr. Brown:Oh! That
underground.And your name?
Taro:Taro Nagazumi. My name card. Japanese representative of Bushida
Electronics.Mr. Brown:Jelly Good... Very Good!And finally, your name?Juan:Por
favor?Mr. Brown:Your name... what is your name?Juan:Por favor?Giovanni:Nooome!
Juan:Ah! Nombre? Sí... Juan Cervantes para servirle, señor.Mr. Brown:I don’t need
to ask what nationality you are.Juan:Por favor?Mr. Brown:Spanish!Juan:Por favor?Mr.
Brown:What is your job?Juan:Por favor?Giovanni:Traballo?Juan:Ah! Trabajo, sí! Tri-
lager.Mr. Brown:Tree logger? What? You lag trees?Juan:One Gin-Tonic, two whisky-
coca, tri-lager.Mr. Brown:Tri-lagers. Do you work in a bar?Juan:Sí, sí, bar,
bar.Miss Courtney:Well, Mr. BrownMr. Brown:Yes... thank you. Apart from one attempt
of murder, a possible race fright,I seem to be cooping recently well.
avor Mr. B:Doesn’t matter... sit down!Su-Lee, It is...S:It is duty of every citizen
to obey the law imperial, so said Chairman MaoMr. B:Well that his opinion, good!
Danielle... we areDanielle:We are lucky to have such good, handsome teacher...Mr.
B:Quiet, please. Very true... I mean... thank youAli... you are... you areAli:You
are waiting for me to speak an answer Mr. B:Well doneAli:Unfortunately I’m not
understanding the question

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