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An Independent Demand Pattern inventory System ‘wellscheduled common materials will reduce to zero at the same time and hereupon the reordering processes and replenishment activities arc automatically initiated. Il, Assumptions And Notation We try to gencralize the inventory model of Mandal and Pal [5]. Wu and Quyang [8]. and Deng et al. [2] with the following. assumptions and notations for the deterministic inventory replenishment policy with general demand, (1) The replenishment rate is infinite; thus, replenishments arc instantancous. (2) The lead time is zero. (3) Tis the finite time horizon under consideration. Thus, its a constant (4), isthe inventory holding cost per unit, per unit of time. (5) Cis the shortage cost per unit, per unit of time (6) is the-cost of cach deteriorated item. (7)@ is the constant faction of the on-hand inventory deterioration per unit of time. (8)2(¢)is the on-hand inventory level atthe time 1 of the ordering eycle [0,7]. (9) The shortage is allowed and fully back-ordered. (10)'Thedemand rate R(?) is assumed to be any positive function for # > 0 (11); s the time when the inventory level reaches ze. (12) f (isan awsiliary fimetion defined as {«: +S) -Ic(r-1) (13) (tis the total cost that consists of holding cost, deterioration cost, and shortage cost. IIL. Review Of Previous Results In Deng ct al. [2]. they only considered the ramp type demand where demand R(F) is assumed as follows: Dt, t< aja] ISH a) Dap, 12 bt so that g1 is the changing point from lincar demand to constant demand. Depending on the relation between js and ¢,, they developed two inventory models: when U2 f,, the total cost, 7C,(¢, ). isdefined for OS 4, < ye and for 42<1,, 7C,(1,) is defined for gest, <7". they studied the properties of TC; (1, ) in their Theorem 1, and the propertics of TG, (i) in their Theorem 2. Based om thcir findings of Theorems 1 and 2. they developed their Theorem 3. for the ramp type demand, that if A, <0, the minimum occurs at TC, (1). On the other hand, if A, 20, then the minimum occurs at TC,(4') where 17 is the unique solution of F(t) =0 for OS 4, <7 with l= Ge, | = 3 e+e e Ihe(r-1) @ and A, = (ui) IV. Our Proposed Inventory Model ‘We consider an inventory model that starts with stock. This model was first proposed by Hill [4], and then further investigated by Mandal and Pal [5], Wu and Guyang [8], and Deng et al. [2]. Replenishment occurs at the time 1 =O when the inventory level attains its maximum, $. From = Oto 1,, the inventory level reduces: due to both demand, R(t), and deterioration. At f,, the inventory level achieves zero, afier which TO.9790/5728-1902010105 ‘www josrjournals.orz 2] Page

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