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Lab No.

Booking and Reducing the Levels


1. To Setup the Auto Level Machine.

2. To determine the elevation and slope of land between two points.


1. Auto Level Machine.

2. Staff Rod.
3. Measuring Tape.
4. Tripod Stand.

Auto Level Machine : The instrument that is used to measure elevation, is highly precise and

Foresight : The last reading that is taken by auto level before changing the observing point.

Backsight: The first reading that is taken by the auto level can also be after the changing point.

Intermediate sight: All the readings that are taken by the auto level in between Foresight and

Change Point : Both the foresight and backsight reading are taken on the same point after the
change in the instrument station.

.Station: The point where levelling staff is held, is called station. It is the point whose elevation is
to be determined or the point that is to be established at a given elevation.

Height of Instrument : The sum of the Benchmark elevation and the staff road reading at the

Procedure for setting the Auto Level:

1. Open the tripod stand to the needed height and put the auto level on top.

2. Use the leveling screws to center the balance bubble on the auto level.

3. Rotate the auto level in a full circle to ensure it's balanced all around.

4. Now, the auto level is ready to use.

Procedure for Experiment:

1. We started by choosing the part of the land we wanted to make level.

2. Then, we placed the auto level at a particular spot where we could see the entire chosen

3. A person with the level put a measuring rod at regular spots, noting down all the readings.

4. If the readings on the rod weren't clear, we moved the auto level to a different position.

5. Finally, we recorded the readings along with comments in a table. The instructor gave us a
specific table format to use.


The formulas used for the calculation are listed below:

∑ B.S - ∑ F.S = ∑ Rise – ∑ Fall = Last R.L – First R.L

Observation and Calculations:

The results of the experiment are listed below:

S.R Chainage B.S I.S F.S H.I Rise Fall R.L Remarks
(+) (-)
1 0m 1.65 805.65 804

2 15m 1.35 0.3 804.3

3 30m 2.20 0.85 803.45

4 45m 0.94 3.16 803.43 0.96 802.49 Change


5 60m 1.73 0.79 801.7

6 75m 2.56 0.83 800.87

7 90m 3.34 0.78 800.09

∑B.S=2.59 ∑F.S=6.5 ∑Rise=0.3 ∑Fall=4.21

∑ B.S - ∑ F.S = ∑ Rise – ∑ Fall = Last R.L – First R.L

∑B.S = 2.59 ∑F.S = 6.5 ∑Rise = 0.3 ∑Fall = -4.21 R.L = 800.09 1st R.L = 804

∑B.S - ∑F.S = -3.91

∑Rise - ∑Fall = -3.91

Last R.L – First R.L = -3.91

Field Work:


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