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1. Why did you choose the Civil Engineering profession? What or who influenced you to become
a Civil Engineer?
2. How long have you been in the industry?
3. What is your first job? Is it different from your current job? If yes, how does it differ from your
first job?
4. In what field of Civil Engineering are you inclined? (Structural Engineering, Construction
Management, Water Resource, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, or
Environmental engineering)
5. Are you planning, currently, or have taken a Master’s Degree? If yes, in what field of civil
6. If taking or have already taken up a Master’s Degree, does your graduate studies align with
your current work? If not, why do you decide not to?
7. What kind of projects are you currently working on?
8. What are the common problems that you encounter as a Civil Engineer?
9. What advice do you have for aspiring Civil Engineers?
10. What are some of your goals for the future?

1. Could you tell us a good example or a story of how you handle a major problem at work?
2. What is the most important thing you have learned from your experiences as a Civil
3. Do you think you’re already a type of Civil Engineer that the aspiring ones can already look up
4. In these types of different fields of Civil Engineering, if you are already inclined in one, would
there be another field you would like to try or something you must’ve considered before
sticking to the current one? If yes, why is this particular field considered?

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