Turbidity Discussion

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1 mL of kaolinite solution was used in Sample 2 and 80 mL in Sample 3. If Sample 2 and
Sample 3 are compared, the turbidity value is expected to be higher since the kaolinite
concentration of Sample 3 is 80 times higher. Because, according to the Beer-Lambert law,
the light scattering of particles in the sample increases as the concentration increases,
which increases the turbidity (O'Dell, 1996). As the number of particles increases, the
amount of light scattered between the particles also increases. When using the
nephelometric method, a linear change is observed between turbidity values (O'Dell,
1996). While the measured value for Sample 2 was 2.83 NTU, the NTU value for Sample 3
was measured as 1.76 NTU. If the error between the values is calculated:
|Theoritical Value−Experimental Value|
% Error= ∗100
Theoritical Value

% Error= ∗100 = % 99.22 >> % 5 . So, error is too high.

There is an inconsistency here. The reasons for this discrepancy may be as follows:
Making an Error While Diluting:
-The concentration may be lower than expected due to not mixing the kaolinite solution
thoroughly during the dilution process, or due to an error made when drawing the solution
into the pipette, or due to an error in the amount of distilled water while diluting. . This low
concentration may cause a decrease in turbidity measurement (Kitchener et al., 2017).
Inconsistency in Stock Kaolinite Solution:
-It may be due to an error made while preparing the stock solution or taking a sample from
a spoiled or contaminated stock solution (Gales, 2000).
Imperfect Washing of Glass Materials :
-Inadequate washing of glassware and the presence of previously used substances in them
may cause concentration errors. Using the same pipette for all samples may also lead to
errors. When using Turbidity, not cleaning the outside of the glassware in which the sample
was placed may have caused this error (Gales, 2000).
Air Bubble Formation:
-Samples are shaken before being placed in the turbidity meter. Air bubbles formed during
this time may have caused incorrect measurement (Kitchener et al., 2017).
Device Error:
Even if the possibility of the device being faulty is low, it may have been read incorrectly
during the Sample 3 measurement. It may also be caused by an error made while
calibrating the device (Kitchener et al., 2017).
Turbidity is one of the most important parameters used in the quality of drinking water.
The minimum visible turbidity value is 5 NTU and more, and the turbidity of drinking
water resources before purification is between 25-1000 NTU, depending on the flow rates
caused by weather conditions (Akgiray, 2003). According to the Regulation on the Quality
and Purification of Turkey's Drinking Water Supply (2019), the turbidity of the treated
water after the purification process of surface waters should not be more than 1 NTU and
institutions should pay attention to this.

Figure 3.2. Drinking Water Standards (TS 266 İçme Suyu Standartları, Yönetmeliği -
SATEK Su Arıtma, n.d.)
Turbidity is most affected by the presence and concentration of suspended solids.
Suspended solids create a blurry image because they scatter and absorb light, but dissolved
colors do not affect the blurriness (Dereli et al., 2023). Color has no direct relationship
with blurriness. It is not true that the presence of color increases blurriness because light
absorption increases as the intensity of the color increases. Methyl red indicator is water
soluble and does not contribute to turbidity unless its concentration is too high
(Dahasahastra et al., 2022). To measure the effect of color on turbidity, methyl red
indicator was added to Sample 2 and recorded as Sample 5. The NTU values of Sample 2
and Sample 5 were measured as 2.83 NTU and 2.78 NTU, respectively. The difference
between them is 0.05 NTU. If we make an error calculation:
|Theoritical Value−Experimental Value|
% Error= ∗100
Theoritical Value

% Error= ∗100 = % 1.76 << % 5 . So, error is too small and acceptable.
The reason for this difference may be the waiting time while preparing the samples, poor
mixing, and the presence of air bubbles (Dahasahastra et al., 2022).
Turbidity is a very important parameter used in Environmental Engineering Applications.
These reasons can be listed as follows:
1. Aesthetics:
-The clarity of water is related to its turbidity value. Clear water is considered more
aesthetically pleasing. The cloudy appearance in drinking water may prevent the
consumption of drinking water, even if the turbidity value complies with drinking water
standards (Sawyer et al, 2003).
2. Filterability:
-System optimization is achieved by using turbidity measurements during water filtering
processes. Environmental engineers use turbidity values and regulate the filtering process
to minimize the amount of suspended solid and colloidal substances (Sawyer et al, 2003).
-Observing the amount of turbidity and adjusting the filtering process helps prevent
particle accumulation in sand filters (the working life of the filter is extended) and reduces
the time of the backwash process. In this way, clogging is prevented and the filter works
efficiently and economic problems are prevented (Sawyer et al, 2003).
3. Disinfection:
-The efficiency of ozone, chlorine dioxide, chlorination and UV disinfection processes may
be affected by turbidity. Turbid water reduces the efficiency of the disinfection process by
protecting the pathogens contained in it from disinfectants (O’Dell, 1996).
4. Legislation:
-The maximum turbidity value is determined by drinking water standards and these
standards protect public health. Purified water (in WWTP) must comply with the standards
determined before discharge and thus the discharged water bodies are protected (O’Dell,
5. Engineering Design:
-Turbidity data can be used in the design and development of systems by considering their
performance according to turbidity values. It can be used to simulate the effects of factors
affecting turbidity levels and to develop strategies in the management of water bodies
(O’Dell, 1996).
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Kitchener, B., Wainwright, J., & Parsons, A. J. (2017b). A review of the principles of

turbidity measurement. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment,

41(5), 620–642. https://doi.org/10.1177/0309133317726540

Gales, P. W. (2000). A Comparison of Visual Turbidity with Turbidity Measured by

Commercially Available Instruments. Journal of the American Society of Brewing

Chemists, 58(3), 101–107. https://doi.org/10.1094/asbcj-58-0101

TS 266 İçme Suyu Standartları, Yönetmeliği - SATEK Su arıtma. (n.d.).



Dahasahastra, A. V., Balasundaram, K., & Latkar, M. V. (2022). Turbidity removal from

synthetic turbid water using coagulant recovered from water treatment sludge: A

potential method to recycle and conserve aluminium. Hydrometallurgy, 213,

105939. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2022.105939

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