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Journal of the American College of Nutrition

ISSN: 0731-5724 (Print) 1541-1087 (Online) Journal homepage:

The Validity of Urine Color as a Hydration

Biomarker within the General Adult Population
and Athletes: A Systematic Review

Samantha B. Kostelnik, Kevin P. Davy, Valisa E. Hedrick, D. Travis Thomas &

Brenda M. Davy

To cite this article: Samantha B. Kostelnik, Kevin P. Davy, Valisa E. Hedrick, D. Travis Thomas
& Brenda M. Davy (2020): The Validity of Urine Color as a Hydration Biomarker within the General
Adult Population and Athletes: A Systematic Review, Journal of the American College of Nutrition,
DOI: 10.1080/07315724.2020.1750073

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Published online: 24 Apr 2020.

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The Validity of Urine Color as a Hydration Biomarker within the General

Adult Population and Athletes: A Systematic Review
Samantha B. Kostelnika, Kevin P. Davya, Valisa E. Hedricka, D. Travis Thomasb, and Brenda M. Davya
Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA; bDepartment of Athletic Training &
Clinical Nutrition, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Frequent monitoring of hydration status may help to avoid the adverse effects of dehydration. Received 24 January 2020
Other than urine color assessment, hydration assessment methods are largely impractical for the Accepted 27 March 2020
general population and athletes to implement on a routine basis. Despite its widespread use, the
validity of urine color as an indicator of hydration status has not been systematically evaluated.
Hydration status; urine
The objective of this systematic review is to determine the validity of urine color evaluation as a color; adult; validity
hydration status assessment method in the general adult population, older adults, and athletes.
Using the PRISMA guidelines, electronic databases were searched to identify original research
articles of all study design types for inclusion. Of the 424 articles screened, 10 met inclusion
criteria. Most studies compared urine color to either urinary specific gravity or urine osmolality,
and reported significant associations (r) ranging from 0.40 to 0.93. Lower correlations were noted
in studies of adults aged >60 years. Studies generally reported a high sensitivity of urine color as
a diagnostic tool for detecting dehydration and supported the ability of this method to distinguish
across categories of hydration status. Research is needed to determine if clinicians, patients, and
clients can accurately utilize this method in clinical and real-world settings. Future research is also
needed to extend these findings to other populations, such as children.


 Inadequate hydration can lead to impairments in physical performance and cognitive function.
 Methods used to assess hydration status include plasma/serum osmolality, urinary specific grav-
ity (USG), urine osmolality (Uosm), change in body weight, urine volume, and urine color.
 Urine color assessment is a practical method that is routinely used in clinical, athletic, and other
settings. The validity of this method has not been systemically evaluated.
 Available research was limited to 10 articles.
 Validity of this method was generally supported; however, research has not investigated the
validity of this method by clinicians, patients and clients.

Introduction Therefore, methods to assess hydration status which can be

feasibly utilized on a daily basis in real-world settings are
Maintaining adequate fluid balance is critical for optimizing
needed to help avoid these detrimental effects.
physical and cognitive health (1–3). Mild dehydration (i.e.,
Although serum osmolality (Sosm) is considered the gold
1–2% body water loss) can impair memory and concentra-
standard method for evaluating hydration status (7), it is
tion, and result in headaches and anxiety (4, 5). Body water
losses  2% can lead to more severe impairments in cogni- not practical for routine use outside of clinical settings. Less
tive function, fatigue, cardiovascular strain, and heat-stroke invasive, pragmatic alternatives include urinary specific grav-
(1,4,6). Inadequate hydration among individuals engaging ity (USG), urine osmolality (Uosm), changes in body weight,
in high-intensity exercise, such as athletes, can lead to urine volume, and urine color (4,10,11). Uosm and USG,
muscle cramps, acute renal failure, and heat illness (4,7). which determine solute particle concentrations, have been
Dehydration may also impact occupational performance. reported to be valid hydration status assessment methods
El-Sharkawy et al., reported that one-third of doctors and (12–14). However, these techniques require equipment and
nurses were dehydrated at the beginning of their shift, which trained assessors, and are thus less feasible for most real-
increased to 50% by the end of their shift; dehydration world settings (11,15). Urine color and volume are cost-
adversely impacted short-term memory in this population effective approaches which can be self-evaluated (10,16);
(8). Adverse effects of dehydration among pilots include these methods have demonstrated (moderate to strong valid-
impairments in spatial cognition and flight performance (9). ity (r ¼ 0.78 and R2¼0.45, respectively) athletes and children

CONTACT Samantha B. Kostelnik Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise, Room 229 Wallace Hall, Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA.
ß 2020 American College of Nutrition

(10,11,17,18). However, research regarding the validity of Database search strategies

these measures within the general adult population is limited
The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and
(11,19–21). Armstrong et al. developed an eight-scale urine
Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were used to develop
color chart, based upon previous research using urine sam-
search strategies (23). Databases used for this systematic
ples collected in laboratory and field settings (11,17,18,22).
review include PubMed from NLM (1946–present); Medline
Colors correspond to a numerical ratings, as follows:
from ProQuest (1946–present); Cumulative Index of
1–3 ¼ well hydrated, 4–6 ¼ moderately dehydrated, Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) from
7–8 ¼ severely dehydrated (11). Although this method is EbscoHost (1981–present); Scopus (1800s–present); and
practical and widely utilized, no systematic review of the lit- Web of Science Core Collection from Clarivate Analytics
erature has been conducted to evaluate the validity of urine (1900–present). In total, there were 20 search terms and
color as a hydration assessment method in the general adult Boolean search operators used for each database, which are
population, athletes, or older adults. Therefore, the objective listed in Table 2. Following the initial search stage, articles
of this systematic review is to determine the validity of urine were imported into Endnote and title and abstracts were
color assessment as a method to determine hydration status, reviewed for inclusion/exclusion criteria. The search strategy
and to identify future research needs. and abstract review process was duplicated by a second
reviewer; the two reviewers met to resolve differences in
outcomes of the search and abstract review process. Articles
which appeared to meet the established eligibility require-
Materials and methods
ments underwent full-text review (n ¼ 424). Figure 1
Study exclusion and inclusion criteria presents an overview of the search process, and criteria for
article exclusion. For included articles, article quality ratings
Eligibility criteria were developed using the population,
which included risk of bias were performed independently
intervention, comparison, outcome, and study design by two reviewers (S.K. and B.D.) using the Academy of
(PICOS) model, which is presented in Table 1. This review Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence Analysis Library Quality
included randomized controlled trials (RCT), experimental Rating Tool (24). Individual quality criteria (e.g., clear study
studies, quasi-experimental studies, observational, cohort, purpose, risk of bias) were rated as “Yes”, “No”,
and cross-sectional studies that were published before May “Uncertain”, or “N/A”. “Uncertain” was listed when the art-
2019, written in the English language. Meta-analyses, sys- icle did not adequately address a quality rating criterion.
tematic reviews, and narrative reviews were not included. Overall article quality rating was listed as Positive (most
A meta-analysis was considered to accompany this sys- answers rated “yes”), Neutral, or Negative ( 6 answers
tematic review. Due to the substantial heterogeneity in study rated “no”). A Neutral rating suggests that the research was
designs and populations, a moderator analysis in a meta- neither strong nor weak, based upon four of the validity
analysis is warranted. However, in this case a moderator questions within the Quality Rating Tool (24).
analysis would be underpowered due to the small number of
studies available. Therefore, a qualitative synthesis of find-
ings was performed. Results
The “general” adult population was defined as study pop- Ten articles were identified for inclusion. Findings are sum-
ulations that were not defined by chronic diseases or condi- marized within the text according to method of comparison
tions. Studies which recruited individuals with specific with urine color, and described in Table 3 according to
disease conditions known to influence fluid balance or urine study population. Two articles were included that were not
color were excluded. For example, individuals with impaired specifically designed as validation studies. However, urine
renal function may have alterations in urine color due to color was either compared across categories of hydration
the disease process (4,7), and individuals with congestive status or across experimental conditions of dehydration vs
heart failure or renal failure may be prescribed fluid restric- hydration, thus these studies provided information which
tions. Animal studies and studies conducted in children, could be used to evaluate the urine color method’s
adolescents, and pregnant women were excluded. Studies of validity (25,26).
older adults were included, as were studies in athletes, due
to the importance of maintaining hydration to optimize
Urinary specific gravity (USG)
their physical and cognitive performance and the widespread
use of the urine color assessment method. This review was Studies which compared urine color to USG utilized
registered with PROSPERO (approval pending). a variety of testing instruments (i.e., Chemstrip Mini Urine

Table 1. PICOS objectives.

Population General adult population (18þ years old), including athletes
Intervention Evaluation of hydration status
Comparison Other validated indicators of hydration status; evaluate the quality of evidence
Outcomes Validity and reliability of urine color as a hydration status indicator
Study design RCT, Quasi-experimental, observational, cross-sectional

Analyzer, Bayer’s Multistix, an optical refractometer, hand-held 1.010–1.020 ¼ dehydrated) (10,16). Armstrong et al., reported
refractometer). USG results in the general population are inter- moderate to strong correlations between USG and urine color
preted as follows: 1.013 ¼ over-hydrated or hyper-hydrated; in the athletic population (r ¼ 0.68–0.78), and in college males
l.014–1.029 ¼ euhydrated; 1.030 ¼ dehydrated (11). However, (r ¼ 0.54–0.93) (11). In older adults, correlation coefficients
these categories are different for the athletic population (i.e., between USG and urine color were substantially lower
(Table 3). Therefore, urine color may better reflect hydration
status in younger than older populations.
Table 2. Search term combinations.
Urinary terms Assessment Population
Urine color AND: Validity AND: Adult Urine osmolality (Uosm)
Urine AND: Validation Study AND: Older adult
Urinalysis AND: Reliability AND: Young adult Among urinary indicators of hydration status, Uosm is con-
Urine Osmolality AND: Reproducibility AND: College student
Plasma Osmolality AND: Athlete sidered the most valid technique in athletes and healthy
Fluid Balance AND: adults (27,28). Of the studies reviewed, eight utilized Uosm
Hydration AND:
Hydration Status AND:
as the comparator (Table 3). Moderate to high correlation
Euhydration AND: coefficients (i.e., 0.6–0.9) between urine color and Uosm
Dehydration AND: were reported in college-aged males (11) and young adult
Hypohydration AND:
athletes (15). Urine color demonstrated a high sensitivity for

Figure 1. Flow diagram of the systematic review.

Table 3. Summary of urine color studies in healthy adults (Before May 2019). 4

Study Who Assessed Comparison Biomarker, Validity Sensitivity/

Reference Population, Sample Size Design Urine Color Procedure Urine Color Environmental Conditions (p value) Specificity
Armstrong et al. (1994) NCAA D1 Tennis Teams, 8 Cohort Armstrong Urine Color Chart Researcher Usg (spot urine), r ¼ 0.78 (<0.0001)
female, 12 male, 20 ± 2y, 57–71% humidity
race unknown
Armstrong et al. (1998) Male Cyclists n ¼ 9, 23 ± 2y, Cohort Armstrong Urine Color Chart Researcher Uosm r ¼ 0.72 (<0.001)
race unknown Usg (spot urine), 36.7 ± 0.2 C r ¼ 0.68 (<0.001)
Harvey et al. (2007) Premier Division Soccer Pre/Post Adapted Armstrong Urine Color Researcher Sweat Loss (spot urine), Best model included

Athletes n ¼ 13, 22.6 ± 4.9y, Chart; used as a predictor of environmental condition body mass loss þ urine
race unknown sweat loss during a soccer match not reported color change,
(compared to other predictors) r2 ¼ 0.57
Fernandez-Elias Olympic Combat Athletes 244 Cross-Sectional Researcher G1a Uosm (spot urine), r ¼ 0.70 (<0.001)
et al. (2014) male, 101 female, Armstrong Urine Color Chart; environmental condition
22.8 ± 4.1y, race unknown ratings compared across three not reported
categories of hydration G2 Uosm r ¼ 0.50 (<0.002)
status (G1–G3) G3 Uosm r ¼ 0.40 (<0.004)
Older Adults ( 65 years)
Mentes et al. (2006) Nursing Home Residents Cohort Armstrong Urine Color Chart Researcher Usg (spot urine), environmental r ¼ 0.48 (<0.01)
n ¼ 98, subgroup n ¼ 78, condition not reported
84 ± 8.4y, 98% Caucasian
Hooper et al. (2016) Older Adults in DRIE n ¼ 162, Cross-Sectional Human Hydration LLC; http:// Researcher Sosm (spot urine), ROC AUC ¼ 0.51,
85.8 ± 7.9y, race unknown environmental condition  70%
Diagnostic accuracy of not reported
assessing dehydration
College Students
Armstrong et al. (1994) College Males n ¼ 23, 23 ± 2y, Cross-Sectional Armstrong Urine Color Chart Researcher Uosm r ¼ 0.62 (<0.01)
race unknown Usg (spot urine), r ¼ 0.54 (<0.01)
36 ± 3% humidity
College Males n ¼ 11, 23 ± 2y, Cross-Sectional Armstrong Urine Color Chart Researcher Uosm† r ¼ 0.92 (<0.001)
race unknown Usg† (spot urine), r ¼ 0.93 (<0.000001)
32.2 ± 0.4% humidity
Zhang et al. (2017) College Males in China Cross-sectional CIE Methodd (Lab); Diagnostic Researcher (using L Uosm (24-h urine), r¼ 0.56 (<0.0001)
n ¼ 68, 19.1 ± 1.1y accuracy for assessing dehydration a chromatrogram 31–35% humidity
spetrophotometer) b Uosm r ¼ 0.86 (<0.0001) For b:
a Uosm r¼ 0.35 (<0.0001)
Early et al. (2018) College Students n ¼ 6 male, Randomized Armstrong Urine Color Chart; Participant Experimentally induced short- Day 1: (p ¼ 0.04) Day 2:
10 female, 20.6 ± 1.2y, Cross-over ratings compared on days 1, 2, term (3 d.) hydration vs (p ¼ 0.002) Day
race unknown 3 of each study period dehydration (24-hr urine; 3: (p < 0.001)
not heat acclimated)
General Population
Malisova et al. (2016) Healthy Adults from 3 different Cohort Armstrong Urine Color Chart; Researcher Usg (24-hr urine), winter & p < 0.001
countries n ¼ 573, 39 ± 12y, ratings compared across three summer months
Greek, Spanish, German categories of hydration status
Perrier et al. (2017) Healthy French Adults Cohort Armstrong Urine Color Chart; Participant Uosm (24-hr urine), 87.8%/64.3%
n ¼ 82, 23.6 ± 2.9y Diagnostic accuracy for environmental conditions
assessing Uosm>500mOsm/kg not reported

pre-exercise comparison.
G1: Group 1 (euhydrated (250–700 mOsm kg H2O1)).
G2: Group 2 (dehydrated (700–1.080 mOsm kg H2O1)).
G3: Group 3 (severely dehydrated (1.080–1.500 mOsm kg H2O1)).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Eclarige) Method.

detecting Uosm > 500mOsm/kg in healthy French adults

Overall rating


(using urine color >4), but lower specificity in healthy
French adults (64.3%) (29). Zhang et al. (30) reported a
high sensitivity for detecting dehydration, using a spectro-
photometer-based method to assess three aspects of urine
10. Bias


due to

color (31).

Two studies evaluated urine color compared to categories
of hydration status determined using Uosm; one in Olympic
combat athletes (32) and one in healthy adults (25).

Overall rating: Negative (), Neutral (ʘ), Positive (þ). Of 10 criteria: 6 or more questions rated as “no” ¼ (); Most answers including 2,3,6,7 are “yes” ¼ (þ); If 2,3,6,7 are not “yes” ¼ ʘ.
9. Conclusions

Fernandez-Elias et al., utilized three cutpoints based on

by results

Uosm as follows: euhydration (250–700 mOsm kg H2O1),

mild dehydration (701–1.080 mOsm kg H2O1), and severe
dehydration (1.081–1.500 mOsm kg H2O1) (32). Stronger
correlations were noted between urine color and Uosm-
determined euhydration and mild dehydration, than severe
8. Statistical


dehydration (Table 3). Malisova et al., assessed the hydration


status in the general population of three different countries

over a 7-day period and included the measurement of USG,
Uosm, urine color and other urinary markers (25). Uosm
defined, valid

was used to characterize individuals as euhydrated or dehy-

7. Outcomes

and reliable

drated. Urine color was significantly different (P < 0.001)


and consistent with Uosm-classified hydration state across

categories in both females (3.0 ± 1.2, 3.9 ± 1.2, 5.5 ± 1.2,
respectively) and males (3.6 ± 1.4, 4.3 ± 1.1, 5.9 ± 1.0, respect-
to prevent bias described in detail
6. Interventions or

ively). Based upon these findings, urine color may be a use-


ful diagnostic tool for assessing dehydration or suboptimal


hydration in a variety of populations, including athletes and

the general adult population, and for characterizing hydra-
tion status across a range of hydration levels.
5. Blinding used








Serum osmolality (Sosm)

Although more invasive, Sosm can be used to detect min-
imal changes in hydration status (27). Reference intervals
4. Method of


used to classify hydration status based on Sosm are as fol-





lows: 275 to < 295 mOsm/kg indicates euhydration,



295–300 mOsm/kg is mild dehydration, and >300 mOsm/

kg is dehydration (33). Only one study reviewed utilized this
method of comparison (34). In this study of older adults,

the sensitivity and specificity of urine color for assessing

3. Study


hydration was suboptimal at  70% (34) suggesting that


urine color may not accurately detect dehydration in older

adults (34).
selection free
2. Participant

from bias


Other methods of comparison


Two studies reviewed utilized other methods of evaluating

urine color as a hydration status indicator. Early et al., con-
ducted a randomized crossover study in college students to
Table 4. Article quality assessment.

clearly stated
1. Research

determine the relationship between hydration status, cardio-



vascular (CV) function and thermoregulatory response

(Table 3) (26). During the hydration phase, participants
were asked to drink ample amounts of fluids and evaluate
their urine color against the Armstrong urine color chart for
Armstrong, 1998

Armstrong, 1994
Fernandez, 2014

Malisova, 2016

three days (15). The instruction was to maintain urine color

Hooper, 2016
Mentes, 2006
Harvey, 2007

Perrier, 2017
Zhang, 2017
Author, year

Early, 2018

at less than three on the eight scale urine color chart.

During the dehydration phase, participants were asked to
restrict their fluid intake so that their perceived urine color

was greater than four on the urine color chart, for three With regard to differences in urine sampling (i.e., spot vs
days. Urine color ratings were reported to be different on 24-hour urine collections), the range of associations also
days 1, 2, and 3 of each phase (all p < 0.05). appeared to be similar across studies. Most studies (6/10)
Harvey et al. evaluated predictors of sweat loss before measured spot urine, which has been reported to both over-
and after soccer matches in Premier Division soccer players and underestimate hydration status, depending on time of
(18). Predictors examined included urine color, USG, body day, relative to 24-hr urine collection (36). Two studies
mass, and hematocrit. The best prediction model included which utilized 24-hour urine samples to investigate the abil-
body mass change and urine color change (r2 ¼ 0.57). ity or urine color assessment to accurately diagnose dehy-
Based upon their findings, the investigators concluded that dration reported discrepant findings, which may be
urine color alone does not adequately assess hydration sta- attributed to differences in study population (older vs
tus. Therefore, urine color changes may be a suitable younger adults). Although Sosm is considered the gold
method for determining hydration status on a day-to-day standard for assessment of hydration status (4,27,37), only
basis in young adults, but not pre and post event in athletes. one study included in this review measured both urine color
and Sosm. However, the validity of urine color was not
assessed using Sosm (34).
Article quality assessment Three investigations that compared urine color to another
Results of the article quality assessment are provided in biomarker utilized different statistical methods such as the
Table 4. There was 100% agreement between reviewers on AIC Criterion and sensitivity/specificity (18,29,34). Findings
article quality rating criteria. Of the individual quality crite- from these studies indicated that urine color is a valid
ria, question 5 of the validity questions which addressed hydration status assessment method, although there are limi-
blinding to reduce risk of bias was most problematic across tations to using urine color as a sole hydration indicator
studies. Overall study quality was generally positive (8 of 10 (29,30). A variety of factors can influence urine color—these
studies) (24). include acute changes in body mass (38,39), certain foods,
medications and dietary supplements (40), time of day (16),
environmental conditions (4,16) and menstrual cycle phase
Discussion (15,21). Previous research has demonstrated strong associa-
tions between urine color, USG, and Uosm, and concluded
The literature reviewed generally supported the validity of
that these methods may all be used to determine hydration
urine color as a measure of hydration status in the healthy
status under normal conditions. However, due to their ease
adult population, including athletes. However, the available
of administration within real-world settings, USG and urine
research was limited to 10 studies, and very few studies
color are likely the most feasible (41).
were available in each population subgroup (i.e., 2–4; Overall, the evidence supporting the validity of urine
Athletes, 4 studies; Older adults, 2 studies; College students, color as a hydration biomarker in the general adult popula-
3 studies; General population, 2 studies. Of the articles tion and athletes was relatively consistent and positive in
included, 8 evaluated the validity of urine color compared to quality, although the limitations of this method must be
established, validated methods of hydration status. Two acknowledged. Findings appear less certain in older adults,
articles identified predictors of urine color and evaluated the given the suboptimal diagnostic accuracy of this method for
sensitivity to change in urine color based upon manipulation detecting dehydration in that study population.
of fluid intake over 3 days (25,26). There are several notable strengths of this review. First,
The color chart used was largely consistent across studies, an evidence-based framework was used to develop the
although investigations utilized a variety of reference meth- research question (i.e., PICOS) and methodology. Second,
ods. Eight of the studies used the validated urine color chart the PRISMA guidelines were utilized, which is the recom-
developed by Armstrong and colleagues (11), and one study mended approach for designing, conducting, and reporting
utilized an adapted version of this urine color chart (18). results of systematic reviews. Third, article quality ratings
Studies which utilized validated urinary indices (i.e., USG were included, and performed independently by two evalua-
and Uosm) as reference methods reported associations with tors. Lastly, focus of this review is significant in that
urine color assessment ranging from r ¼ 0.40–0.93 although urine color assessment is widely utilized in a var-
(7,11,15,30,32). Those which utilized USG reported moder- iety of settings for hydration status assessment, the validity
ate to strong correlations (i.e., r ¼ 0.48–0.93) with urine of this tool has not yet been systematically evaluated.
color (35). All but one of these studies utilized spot urine Several limitations in this body of literature were identi-
samples (vs 24-hour urine samples) for USG assessment. fied. First, a limited number of articles were available for
Five studies utilized Uosm as the reference method (in spot inclusion. Second, limitations in study methods related to
urine samples, n ¼ 2; in 24-hour urine samples, n ¼ 3), and validation methods across studies were noted. Specifically,
reported moderate to strong correlations ranging from all studies did not assess the validity of the urine color chart
r ¼ 0.40–0.92. Two articles included both USG and Uosm as using a validated hydration biomarker, and no studies uti-
reference methods; the magnitude of associations with urine lized the gold standard reference method for comparison.
color was similar between the two reference meth- Thus, research is needed to confirm the validity of urine
ods (11,15). color assessment using Sosm, across population subgroups.

Third, most studies (9 of 10) relied on research staff for References

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