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Dolores Quezon: Spiritual Tourist Destination

A Thesis Proposal Presented to the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management

By: Barbosa, Mary Ann Concepcion E. Catalo, Manilyn B. Cusi, Arc Jollo M. Endozo, Eileen Mutya M. Garcia, Ivy Charisse R. Satumba, Brainzel Y.

August 2011

Introduction The Philippines, is an archipelagic country located in Southeast

Asia with Manila as its capital city. The Philippine archipelago comprises 7,107 islands in the western Pacific Ocean. The Philippines is a country that contains a myriad of different amalgated cultures and influences. The superficial face of modern Filipino culture has many more influences from the Western world than other nearby Asian cultures. Most of these influences are a product of previous colonization and derived mainly from the cultures of Spain and the United States, with a secondary influence from Latin American cultures who were under Spain during the same period the Philippines was. Despite the visual Western and Hispanic influences, the older Asian aspects of Filipino culture are seen through the strength of filial piety, family and its influence, emphasis on the group before the individual, the concept of maintaining social harmony, ancient cultural beliefs and mythology, the complexities of local psychology (such as hiya or shame and the concept of saving face), and accepted social etiquette between other Filipinos. Within Asia, this Western-Eastern juxtaposition is most seen in the Philippines, and continues to fascinate many a guest to the country. South Korea tops the Philippine tourist arrivals for this year, a little bit higher than the US visitor arrivals that topped the list previously. This current trend is largely attributed to the English as a Second Language Centers across the nation with the National Capital Region and Cebu being identified as the most popular destinations. However, local travel retailers are losing revenues to Korean travel agencies operating in the market. The growth of hotels and spa in the country are also evident due to growing number of Korean investments. Low-cost carriers also showed positive growth. The increasing interest of both inbound and outbound tourism is largely attributed to route expansions evident among all carriers.











from Just a few hours from Metro Manila, CALABARZON consists of five distinct and exciting provinces: Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon. CALABARZON program was launched in 1990 by then President Aquino as the national government's development project for this part of Southern Tagalog. A favorite weekend destinations of urban dwellers, the area is a colorful tapestry of mountains and verdant forests, springs, and beaches, rituals and festivals. CALABARZON is the perfect destinations for the Manila-based tourist, providing the visitor a glimpse of life in these islands and an opportunity to feel their rhythm without venturing too far from the national capitol. (2007. Regional Profile. Retrieved from Quezon Province, the sixth largest province in the Philippines, is located in the CALABARZON Region. It has boundaries extending as far as the province of Aurora in the North and Camarines Norte in the South. It is bounded on the north by the province of Aurora, on the west by the provinces of Rizal and Laguna, on the southwest by the province of Batangas, and on the southeast by Camarines Norte and Camarines Sur. Tiaong, its first town via the Manila South Road is about 89 kilometers from Metro Manila, while Lucena City, the capital of the province, is about 137 kilometers by road and 133 kilometers by railroad. The province of Quezon, flocked for a festival and venerated for a volcano, is Metropolitan Manilas gateway to Southern Luzon and the Bicol Region. It is an elongated province east of Manila and the downward chain of Luzon provinces. The province enjoys mild tropical climate and has two pronounced seasons, the dry-cold and dry-warm climate and the cold moist and cold dry climate. The lack of higher mountainous barriers makes some coastal areas prone to the effects of tropical depressions. The peoples main sources of livelihood range from land and sea agricultural cultivation to home industries which have lately taken a turn toward the export-oriented light to

heavy industries, with the planning and construction of economic zones. (Quezon Province. (n.d.).Quezon Province. Retrieved September 8, 2011, from Dolores is a fifth class municipality in the province of Quezon, Philippines. According to the 2007 census, it has a population of 26,312. (2007. Census of Population Philippine National Statistics Office. Retrieved 2008-10-04,_Quezon) This study as it focused on the possibility of Dolores, Quezon as a tourist destination in the province of Batangas would be beneficial to the ff: To the administration of Lyceum of the Philippines University, the results of this study may serve as a guide for substantial information for the enhancement of tourism curriculum. To the faculty members of College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management, this would serve as a reference and teaching guide in providing their students additional information on the subject matter. The College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management may use the data as reference providing additional information on the hospitality industry and its effects to the tourism industry. To the students of LPU-Batangas, the study will help them to gain knowledge and understanding that there are lots of tourist attractions that nearby locals can offer. To the residents of Quezon, this would help them develop awareness, gain insights and help them realize the importance of tourist attraction in order to uplift their own lives as well as their municipality. To local government of Dolores, this would serve as a reference for the development of their municipality. This study may help facilitate the implementation of more programs for the development of the tourist destination. The tourism businesses, the result of this study will give them much wider perspective in other operations, promotions and help cover the way for the effective preservation of natural resources and facilities of the business. To present researchers, this would help them broaden their minds on the different tourist attractions in Dolores, Quezon and thus be able to promote the said locals as a perfect tourist destination. To

future researchers, this may serve as a guide in developing future studies that may lead to higher level of tourism exploration. This will help them acquire more ideas, information and knowledge with regards to the importance of tourism industry. To readers of this study, this will give them a short background about tourism as a people industry that both the residents and that travel related establishments are interrelated.

Statement of Objectives This will focus on the potentials of Dolores Quezon as a rural tourist destination. The objectives of the study are: 1. To determine the most frequently visited tourist attractions in Dolores, Quezon. 2. To determine and asses different features/ factors that attract tourists in Dolores, Quezon. 3. To determine the benefits gained in the development of tourism industry in Dolores, Quezon in terms of social and economic benefits. 4. To find out the possible problems encountered in developing tourist attraction in Dolores, Quezon. 5. To find out the possible programs of the municipal government to be implemented to enhance the tourist destination in Dolores, Quezon.

Review of Literature

Tourism is one of the most effective ways of redistributing wealth, by moving money into local economies from other parts of the country and overseas. It brings income into a community that would otherwise not be earned. The country is endowed with great tourism potentials. It offers diverse attractions ranging from historical/cultural heritage to variety of scenic views and recreational areas. The CALABARZON is gifted with a diverse natural, historical, cultural and man-made attractions as well as general and special interest products attractive to domestic and international tourist markets. (How tourism benefits communities.2010. retrieved from

Economic benefits resulting from tourism can take a number of forms including jobs; employment may be associated directly, such as tour guide or managerial positions; or in supporting industries like food production or retail suppliers. Increased spending in the community generated from visitors or tourism businesses can directly and indirectly promote the viability of local businesses. Economic diversification, tourism operators can play a role in highlighting the broad prosperity that tourism can bring to a community and will contribute to a greater understanding and respect for the value of tourism. Economic diversification is, for many communities, an insurance policy against hard times. By offering an additional means of income, tourism can support a community when a traditional industry is under financial pressure, particularly where that community relies heavily on a single industry. Infrastructure, Infrastructure including roads, parks, and other public spaces can be developed and improved both for visitors and local residents through increased tourism activity in a region. (Hasan, A. What are the positive economic impacts of tourism. Retrieved 2011.

Community identity and pride can be generated through tourism. A positive sense of community identity can be reinforced and tourism can encourage local communities to maintain their traditions and identity. Tourism related investments and activities are encouraged and given priority in the designated tourism development area. There is need to develop other areas with strong tourism potentials and disperse the benefits generated by tourism development to the community. The development of tourism circuits aims to provide a link between tourism in the major urban areas with tourism attractions in the rural areas. Tourism Circuit of Region IV-A identifies areas of tourist interest, similar to zoning the offering of every place.

Planning in the global context applies not only on how the region would be able to participate and benefit from the new economic order that is globalization of markets and activities, but, it involves how the plan would be able to respond or contribute to major international commitments. Undoubtedly, tourism holds the promise of increased employment and income opportunities, particularly for Filipinos living in the coastal and rural areas of the country. Yet, it is an industry built upon the most delicate of natural and cultural environments, where the most insignificant and innocent of human gestures can easily wreak destruction on the sites resources. The Philippine Tourism Master Plan cites niche markets and special interest tourism whose definitions are similar to ecotourism. NGOs, local government units (LGUs), and local communities have been undertaking their own versions of ecotourism even before the government established a framework for its development. This is the challenge of sustainable tourism development. Tourism is expected to become an even more important weapon in the Philippines economic arsenal. However, both our tourist markets and the Philippine tourism industry itself have become more aware of the negative environmental and social costs coupled with tourism

development. The country has thus begun to recognize the need to adopt new development approaches in order to come up with tourist products that are environmentally sensitive and economically viable. This implies that some form of cooperation or partnership between the three groups is necessary for a coordinated and sustainable form of tourism development. The environment as reflected in the various sections of the plan has had impact on the framework, principles, strategies and targets formulated for the long and medium-term periods. It is emphasized that the Regional Development Plan took off from a comprehensive analysis of past and present situations of the region, identification of key issues and concerns and formulation of strategic interventions, i.e., those interventions that would yield greatest impact for regional development. The strategic interventions include the priorities set under the 10-Point Legacy Program of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Millennium Development Goals (MDG), one of the most comprehensive approaches to improving the quality of life of the citizenry is embodied in the MDG which integrates other international conventions such as the International Convention on Population and Development (ICPD), World Summit on Social Development, Beijing Platform on Women, among others. The MDG is an initiative of the UN. The Philippines, as one of its member nations, is committed to implement the MDG which aims to reduce poverty and all forms of human deprivation. Eight MDGs have been set to be accomplished by 2015, among which are eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, reduction of child mortality and improvement of maternal health. The regional plan should be able to support the attainment of these goals, particularly in the area of poverty eradication. Agenda 21 or Sustainable Development is another of the countrys international commitments. The battlecry of sustainable development is meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of the future generations. The agreement among nations supporting the framework is to meet the basic needs of the population,

reduce use of nonrenewable resources, produce fewer wastes with minimum pollution, preserve bio-diversity and protect and manage natural and physical assets. The pursuit of development in CALABARZON should be along sustainability, i.e., development initiatives should take place in harmony with the environment. But an important component of this is a strong advocacy for localization or mainstreaming sustainable development into the local or ground level considering that it is at this local level where effects of intervention are felt. All countries in the world who embraced trade liberalization are expected to adapt to the externalities of this new economic order. The Regional Physical Framework Plan (RPFP) RPFP provides the overarching framework for regional development and guides public and private investment decisions relating to land use. It is a long-term guide for the regions settlements development, production land use, protection land use and infrastructure development. Settlements development involves the location, scope and direction of urban growth in the region. As vital part of the Luzon industrial core, the region prepares itself for the projected increase in population and other production activities requiring new urban land by designating several clusters of highly urbanized and contiguous municipalities as catchment areas for urban growth. Protection land use highlights the need for the conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable development of the regions natural and environment resources. It also delineates environmentally- constrained areas to safeguard the populace from environmental hazards. Infrastructure development indicates the location and magnitude of infrastructure facilities essential to the improvement of access and mobility of people, goods and services within the CALABARZON, to adjoining regions, and the rest of the country.

(CALABARZONDevtPlan.2004-2010. Retrieved from

The Philippine Republic's Region IV, Southern Tagalog, comprised eleven provinces with eight cities. Most of these provinces are in the southern part of the island of Luzon, but the province of Palawan, an archipelago in itself, stretches southwest of Luzon almost as far as Borneo, forming one of the four sides of the Sulu Sea. It has subsequently been subdivided into CALABARZON (Region IVA, comprising Batangas, Cavite, Laguna, Quezon and Rizal).

Table 1 Foreign Arrivals in CALABARZON Region (2002-2009)


2002 97,897 1,157,857 9,209 -----------1,616

2003 82,949 120,844 5,426 -------------------

2004 261,674 160,619 6,159 30,735 154,879

2005 18,627 149,531 9,935 -----------------

2006 15,789 241,235 54,491 -----------------

2007 30,518 214,613 102,020 ---------94,615

2008 -------135,326 85,717 ------7,601

2009 ------96,906 48,862 ---------66,762

Note: ------- no submission from the tourism office (

Table 2 Domestic Arrivals in CALABARZON Region (2002-2009)


2002 1,924,168 43,455 155,877 -----------324,729

2003 820,316



2006 41,737

2007 88,202

2008 --------

2009 -----

1,549,432 250,511

1,201,961 1,387,723 1,650,766 1,779,617 1,684,164 1,806,241 1,665,581 141,076 ------------------175,666 2,789 3,026 146,443 ----------------265,102 ----------------440,890 ---------528,761 581,005 ------723,523 160,202 ---------461,800

Note: ------- no submission from the tourism office (

Survey Questionnaire: Put a check inside the box in which you prefer. 1. most frequently visited tourist attractions in Dolores, Quezon (4) Most frequently visited (3) Frequently visited (2) Less frequently (1) Not visited

4 i. temporal and spiritual healings


Hambujan Festival


Our Lady of Sorrows Shine


Sta. Lucia falls


Bangkong Kahoy Valley & Resort


Kinabuhayan Trails


Kubli Spring


Bato Spring Resort


Durungawan, Mt. Banahaw


Mt. Banahaw Mountain Climbing

2. Different features/ factors that attract tourists in Dolores, Quezon (4) Strongly Agree (3) Agree (2) Disagree (1) Strongly Disagree

i. ii.

Spiritual Renewal The cleanliness of the place is well maintained Service amenities are accessible The place is accessible for transportation

iii. iv.

v. vi.

Prices/fees are affordable The promotional advertisement of the tourist attraction project that give good image of the destination


The good camaraderie among local government officials


The warm welcome of the people in Dolores to tourists


Friendly and hard-working residences

x. xi.

Religiosity of residents Exporting agricultural goods in local markets

3. Benefits gained in the development of tourism industry

(4) Strongly Agree (3) Agree

(2) Disagree (1) Strongly Disagree

A. Social Benefits 4 3 2 1

i. Patronage brought by tourism

ii. Promoting peace and order situation

iii. Fostering friendship

iv. Culture enrichment and multi-cultural Understanding

v. Upliftment of social condition

vi. Improvement of lifestyle

vii. Creation of new medium for social change

viii. Economic growth and propagation

ix. Urbanization brought by tourism

x. Gift of friendship and fostering of unity

B. Economic Benefits 4 i. Promotes to engage in tourism industry ii. Employment opportunities 3 2 1

iii. Economic growth progression

iv. Income for local government

v. Improvement standard of living

vi. Investment and development

vii. Increase production for the local products viii. Trading industry

ix. Contributor to local income tax

C. Spiritual Benefits 4 3 2 1

i. Renewed Faith

ii. Inner Peace

iii. Physical Healing

iv. Spiritual Healing

4. Possible problems encountered in developing tourist attraction in Dolores, Quezon

(4) Strongly Agree (3) Agree

(2) Disagree (1) Strongly Disagree

i. Political problem

ii. Environmental protection

iii. Financial constraints

iv. Prostitution

v. Protection and animal welfare

vi. Garbage problems

vii. Implementation of quality management on tourist destination

viii. Coastal environment problem

ix. Promotional strategies for tourist

destination x. Peace and order situation

5. Possible programs of the municipal government to be implemented (4) Strongly Agree (3) Agree (2) Disagree (1) Strongly Disagree 4 i. ii. Marketing and Promotion Infrastructure development by local administration 3 2 1

iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

Providing tourist information center Solid waste management program Clean and Green Project Recreational facilities Establishment of support facilities and service

viii. ix.

Coastal management Preservation of natural resources


Livelihood programs

(For Government Officials)

Interview guide: 1. What is the status of Dolores Quezon as a tourist destination?

2. What are the potentials of Dolores Quezon as a tourist destination?

3. What are the possible impacts of the development of the different tourist destinations to local economy of Dolores Quezon?

Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas Capitol Site, Batangas City College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management

August 1, 2011

Renato A. Alilio Sr. !M.D. Mayor of Dolores Quezon

Sir: Greetings from the most awarded hospitality school in Philippines! We, the undersigned senior students of Lyceum of the Philippines University are required to have a thesis in order to obtain Degree of Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management entitled Dolores Quezon: A Potential Rural Tourist Destination which aims to develop awareness, gain insights and help the residents realize the importance of tourist attraction in order to uplift their own lives as well as their municipality. In this regard, we would like to seek for your permission and blessing to allow us in the administration and distribution of our questionnaire to your municipality officials and residents. Your cooperation will help and establish our study a lot as well as this might lift up your promising tourist destination. We are hoping for your favourable response. Thank you very much and more power!

Respectfully yours, Barbosa, Mary Ann Concepcion E. Catalo, Manilyn B. Cusi, Arc Jollo M. Endozo, Eileen Mutya M. Garcia, Ivy Charisse R. Satumba, Brainzel Y.

Noted by: Dr. Amada Banaag Research Adviser

Approved by: Mrs. Rhea Corina Mejia Associate Dean - CITHM


Design The descriptive method is a fact finding method that explains the present condition on what is happening or going on in the time of the study. It is also the appropriate accurate method in data gathering. It is collected through questionnaire and interview. Thru this method the researchers will briefly explain the present condition of the tourism industry in Quezon. The descriptive research is referred to as the involving collection of data to test hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the status of the object of the study. A descriptive study determines and reports the ways things are at present and it also involves the assessment of attitudes and opinions towards the individuals organizations, events, and procedures but in this study the tourist attractions, factor and features in Quezon, social and economic benefits, possible problems and projects and programs implemented by the government. Descriptive research is defined as a condition or relationships that exists practices that prevail, beliefs and processes that are going to, effects that are being felt or trends that are developing, it is capable of supplementing facts as it is naturally and obviously happening at the time of the study. (Mitchell,2001)

Respondents The researchers used 100 respondents in conducting the study that includes selected residents of Quezon forty-two (42) local respondents, six (6) caretaker of different tourist spot, nine (9) municipality officials, eleven (11) teachers, four (4) barangay councilor, one (1) barangay captain, two (2) Department of Tourism officials, and twenty-five (25) randomly selected residents.

Instrument The researchers will use a questionnaire composed of five (5) parts in order to obtain the data needed. It also includes interview guide which has three (3) general questions to supplement the information gathered through the questionnaire. Interview Guide- this instrument consisted of questions that aim to gather information that will support the present study. The questions contain of the interview guide also aims to provide answers for each objective. Questionnaire- is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents.

Gathering Procedures The respondents were selected and give a letter of permission to the Mayor to conduct the study. The gathering of data took place during the month of July August, 2011. In gathering of data, the researchers distribute the survey questionnaire retrieve it after completely answering some questions and tally it. The researchers first distribute the questionnaire to the municipality officials, then to local government officials down to selected residents. Using the interview guide selected government officials is asked and answers are noted by the researchers.

Atienza, A. Padre Garcia: A Potential Tourist Destination in Batangas Province, Unpublished Thesis, Lyceum of the Philippines University, 2008 Chavez, J. Mabini: A Potential Prime Tourist Destination in Batangas. Unpublished Thesis, Lyceum of the Philippines University, 2007 Dominguez, B. San Pascual: A Potential Tourist Destination in Batangas Province, Unpublished Thesis, Lyceum of the Philippines University, 2007 Hasan, A. What are the positive economic impacts of tourism? Retrieved from Hospitality Marketing and Management, Vol. 20, 2011, M.J Dotson, CALABARZONDevtPlan. 2004-2010,Quezon.Census of Population. Philippine National Statistics Office. October 4,2008 How tourism benefits communities.2010 Regional Profile. 2007 Quezon Province. September 8, 2011 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education, The International Journal of Theories and Practices, Vol.21, no.4, 2009 Laygo, M., Taal: A Potential Tourist Destination Unpublished Thesis, Lyceum of the Philippines University, 2007 Pastoral, Mary Cheene R..,Tourism & Crime: A Preliminary Assessment of the Crime and Number of Tourist Arrival in Region IVA, Published Online Thesis, DLSU Dasmarias, 2010 Sevilla, C.; Lim, J. & Vaughn, R. . . Philippines. Retrieved from 2011 Tourism Research and Statistics Division (TRSD), Department of Tourism (DOT) Villaruel, Norida L., Discover Dolores Quezon: The Gateway to Mystic Banahaw. 20102011

The researchers would like to extend their sincerest gratitude and deep appreciation to all the persons who have contributed to make this study possible end of great values Mayor Renato Alilio Sr., M.D., respondents and residents of Dolores, Quezon for their warm recognition, trust and cooperation during the research process Dr. Banaag, thesis adviser, for the great effort in guiding the researchers in the completion of this study Mam Rhea, Dean of the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management, for allowing the researchers pursue with the study The school librarian and the student assistant, who provided access to the most essential instructional materials needed for this study Our classmates and friends for their support and prayers Our beloved parents Mrs. Barbosa, Mr. & Mrs. Catalo, Mr. & Mrs. Cusi, Mr. & Mrs. Endozo, Mr. & Mrs. Garcia, Mr. & Mrs. Satumba, for their everlasting support, love, understanding and patience to their loving children. Inay Romana Alcala (grandmother of Ivy) for our accommodation, and, Leandro Villaruel and Dun Mark Belen our driver and tour guide along Dolores The research team, for sharing their brilliant ideas, untiring efforts and fondest moments despite the undertaking in fulfilling this study The entire significant person, who believes in, inspired and supported the researchers all the way to fulfillment of this study Above all, to Almighty God for all the blessings bestowed upon the researches

Mhean Mhalen Jollo Mutya Ivy Cha Brainzel


The piece of work is whole heartedly dedicated to the following that made this research study possible. To Almighty God for giving us all knowledge, strength and skills. To our family members, friends, adviser, classmates and especially to our parents. A lot of thanks to all of you that make this requirement possible.

The Authors

Approval Sheet

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management, this research study entitled Dolores, Quezon: A Spiritual Tourist Destination has been prepared and submitted by Mary Ann Concepcion E. Barbosa , Manilyn B. Catalo, Arc Jollo M. Cusi, Eileen Mutya M. Endozo, Ivy Charisse R. Garcia and Brainzel Y. Satumba is hereby recommended for oral examination.

________________________ Dr. Amanda Banaag Research Adviser

Defend in oral examination before a duly constituted panel with the grade of ____________. Panel of Examinee ___________________________ Chairman ___________________ ____________________



Approved and accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management. _______________________ Rhea DEAN, CITHM

Thesis Abstract 1. Title : Dolores, Quezon: A Spiritual Tourist Destination 2. Authors: Mary Ann Concepcion E. Barbosa Manilyn B. Catalo Arc Jollo M. Cusi Eileen Mutya M. Endozo Ivy Charisse R. Garcia Brainzel Y. Satumba 3. Number of pages : 4. Name of Institute: Lyceum of the Philippines University- Batangas 5. Address: Capitole Site, Batangas City 6. Degree: Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management 7. School Year: 2011-2012 8. Summary: This study aimed to investigate the perception of residents and municipal employees of Dolores, Quezon. It focuses primarily Dolores, Quezon as a spiritual tourist destination in Quezon Province, CALABARZON area. More specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: 1. What are the most frequently visited tourist attractions in Dolores, Quezon? 2. What are the different features/ factors that attract tourists in Dolores, Quezon? 3. What are the benefits gained in the development of tourism industry in Dolores, Quezon in terms of social and economic benefits? 4. What are the possible problems encountered in developing tourist attraction in Dolores, Quezon? 5. What are the possible programs of the municipal government to be implemented to enhance the tourist destination in Dolores, Quezon?

Scope and Limitation

The research work focused on Dolores, Quezon as a potential tourist destination it also looked into the programs implemented and problems net by the respondents in the municipality of Dolores, Quezon conducting an interview and the use of the survey questionnaire were the main data gathering instrument of the study.

The data were taken from one hundred respondents composed of forty-two local respondents, six caretaker of different tourist sot, nine municipality officials, eleven teachers, four barangay councilor, one barangay captain, two Department of Tourism official, and twenty-five randomly selected residents of the place who were aware of the problems, effects and programs implanted by the government agencies to promote tourism on the area.

Theoretical framework

Tourism is quickly becoming one of the largest industries in the world today for many countries; tourism is the number one commodity in the international trade market. It also plays a very significant role in promoting the development of destination in the country. Although tourism is popular the researchers cannot deny the fact that problems also do exist that hindered tourist growth in every place. To know the root cause of such problems is a major contribution in determining ways to improve the tourism industry in a certain place. No matter how dynamic tourism is it is still subject to the policy focus of the government agencies directly and indirectly the municipality should implement programs and prospects in order to conserve the beauty of the environment with the effect of the municipality extensive development programs, it will undoubtedly generate international and domestic markets.

Statistic Treatment

The statistical treatment used in this study was the weighted mean and the working method. After the retrieval of the data from the respondents these were tabulated and analyzed by the used of scales and the corresponding formula.

Ranking method this was used for the responses of the respondents on the most frequently visited tourist attractions in Dolores Quezon. They ranked the enumerated tourist destinations, form the highest to the lowest. Weighted mean this was used to determine the assessment of the respondents on the different frequently visited tourist attraction, different features or factors that attracts tourists, benefits gained in the development of tourism industry (social, economic and spiritual), the possible problems encountered in developing Dolores as a potential tourist destination and the programs implemented by municipality.

To interpret and analyze the results liker scale was used:

Option 4 3 2 1

Range 3.50 4.49 2.50 3.49 1.50 2.49 1.00 1.49

Verbal Interpretation Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Recommendations The researchers highly recommend the ff. 1. The owner of different tourist destinations in Dolores, Quezon, the staff as well as the management must continue giving excellent service that may result in creating positive impression. The government must continuously exert effort to support as maintain the beauty of Dolores to boost more their tourism industry specially the spiritual tourists spot in the place for the most number of religious people in the province and some other places. 2. For the municipality of Dolores, the researchers recommend incorporating some forms of tourism for future promotions. According also to the respondents the government should give enough attention on the accessibility of the services amenities for the maintenance of unity and peace in the place because of lot of devotees.

3. For the municipality of Dolores, recommend to maintain and improve the giving of continuous benefits for the local residents of the place in terms of social, economic and spiritual and of the tourists. 4. To the people of Dolores, researchers highly recommend to participate and help the government as well as their municipal in maintaining the beauty of the place attraction for the presentation of the authenticity of its natural attractions. Support for the recycle program on how to maintain the cleanliness and orderliness on every surroundings of tourist destinations because it is one of the important features of a place attraction. Proper consistency on the implementation of programs by the municipality of government officials is a great factor for the maintenance of the said place. Exploitation of the site due to a large group of tourist should not be permitted because it would also result to a waste disposal problem. To the tourist, researchers recommend using the attractions properly and avoiding exploitation and if possible try to give suggestions to a certain attraction for its improvement. The local government of Dolores should immediately prioritize the rehabilitation of other attractions. 5. For the future researchers, researches on the study on the same unknown tourist attractions that can be supplement more ideas and valid information regarding the strategies for the development of such tourist destination. Similar studies should be conducted to assess the problems encountered in the development of Dolores.

Presentation analysis and interpretation of data

The chapter presents the date gathered in the study, the presentation analysis and the statistical treatment employed. Table 1 Most Frequently Visited Tourist Attractions N = 100

Frequently visited attractions Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine Hambujan Festival Bato Spring Resort Bangkong Kahoy Valley and Resort Sta. Lucia Falls Temporal and Spiritual Healings Kinabuhayan Trails Durungawan, Mt. Banahaw Mt. Banahaw mountain climbing Kubli Spring Composite mean

Weighted Mean 3.67

Verbal Interpretation Strongly Agree

rank 1

3.42 3.30 3.27

Agree Agree Agree

2 3 4

3.25 3.24 3.16 3.08 3.03 2.44 3.1860

Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree

5 6 7 8 9 10

Table 1 shows the weighted mean distribution of respondents most visited places in Dolores , Quezon. They most frequently visited the Our Lady of Shrine with a mean value of 3.67. Hambujan Festival (x=3.42); Bato Spring Resort (x=3.30) ; Bangkong Kahoy Valley & Resort (x=3.27); Sta. Lucia Falls (x=3.25) ; temporal and spiritual healing (x=3.24); Kinabuhayan Trails (x=3.16); Durungawan, Mt. Banahaw (x=3.08) ; Mt. Banahaw mountain climbing (x=3.03) and Kubli Sring (x=2.44) are frequently visited by tourists. Traditionally, Filipinos are fond of visiting churches and shrines due to their beliefs, Pilgrimage sites where each town has created their own versions of statues where indigenous stories of belief and faith. Catholics have created images that are uniquely Filipino with the devotion of the regional populace. (Org/wiki/Roman_Catholicism_in_the_Philippines).

Table 2 Assessment of Different Features and Factors that attract tourists N = 100

Features and Factors that attract tourists Spiritual Renewal The warm welcome of the people Friendly and hardworking residences Religiosity of the residents The promotional advertisement of the tourist attraction project that give good image of the destination Exporting agricultural gods in local markets

Weighted Mean

Verbal Interpretation


3.63 3.62

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree

1 2


Strongly Agree

3.47 3.32

Agree Agree

4 5



The good camaraderie among local government official



The cleanliness of the place is well-maintained the place is accessible for transportation Service amenities are accessible Composite mean





3.10 3.36



Table 2 is about overall assessment of the respondents regarding the features and factors that attract tourists in Dolores, Quezon. The researchers included the tourist attraction accessibility the facilities if they are well maintained, accessibility of transportation, affordability of prices every need and wants of the costumers are available. The resort may not have updated amenities but is clean and the character of the employee is enough to satisfy every guest. The transportation of the island is daily. The only way to get there is by banca.

Table 3

Benefits Gained to the Development of Tourist Industry In terms of Social Benefits N = 100

Social Benefits Fostering Friendship Promotion peace and Order Situation

Weighted Mean 3.48 3.31

Verbal Interpretation Agree Agree

rank 1 2

Culture enrichment and multi-cultural understanding Gift of friendship and fostering of unity Patronage brought by tourism Improvement of lifestyle Economic growth and propagation







3.23 3.22

Agree Agree

6 7

Creation of new medium for social change Upliftment of social condition Urbanization brought by tourism Composite mean









Table 3.1 that focused on social benefits of 100 respondents, has resulted to a 3.34 total of weighted mean which has the highest, and agrees on promoting peace order situation. The respondents believe that promoting of peace and order will help in gaining more tourist because as we all know tourist need assurance that nothing will happen once he/she visit a certain destination and not only that the tourists will benefits but the residents as well. Respondents also agree in social benefits like upgrade of the social condition because they believe that it will help in condition of Dolores as the prospective tourist destination, and give advancement and satisfaction growth and developed in Dolores, Quezon.

Table 4 Benefits Gained to the Development of Tourist Industry

In terms of Economic Benefits N = 100

Economic Benefits Promotes to engage in tourism industry Increase production for the local products Investment and Development Income for local government Employment opportunities Improvement standard of living Economic growth progression Contributor to local income tax Trading industry Composite mean

Weighted Mean 3.36

Verbal Interpretation Agree

rank 1









3.21 3.20 3.15 3.08 3.2122

Agree Agree Agree Agree

4 5 6 7

Table 5 Benefits Gained to the Development of Tourist Industry In terms of Spiritual Benefits N = 100

Spiritual Benefits Spiritual Healing Inner Peace Physical healing Renewed Faith Composite mean

Weighted Mean 3.81 3.53 3.16 3.11 3.4025

Verbal Interpretation Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree

rank 1 2 3 4

Table 6 Possible Problems Encountered in Developing Tourist Attraction N = 100

Possible Problems Financial Constraint Environmental protection Political problem Protection and Animal welfare Promotional strategies for tourist destination Peace and order situation

Weighted Mean 3.01 2.92

Verbal Interpretation Agree Agree

rank 1 2

2.87 2.86

Agree Agree

3 4





Implementation of quality management on tourist destination Garbage problem Coastal Environment problem Prostitution Composite mean



2.71 2.49 1.77 2.7100

Agree Disagree Disagree

7 9 8

Table 7 Possible Programs of the Municipal Government to be Implemented N = 100

Possible Programs Clean and Green project Preservation of natural resources Solid waste management program Livelihood Programs Infrastructure development of local administration Recreational facilities

Weighted Mean 3.62

Verbal Interpretation Strongly Agree

rank 1


Strongly Agree



3.42 3.36

Agree Agree

4 5



Marketing and Promotion Establishment of support facilities and services Providing tourist information center Coastal management Composite mean

3.31 3.31

Agree Agree

7 7

3.30 3.07 3.3680

Agree Agree

8 9

TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE APPROVAL SHEET THESIS ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DEDICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES CHAPTER I. The Problem and Its Setting Introduction Statement of the problem Scope and Limitations of the study Significance of the study Definition of Terms CHAPTER II. Review of Related Literature and Studies Conceptual Literature Research Literature Synthesis Conceptual Framework CHAPTER III. Research method and Procedures Research Design Respondents of the study Data Gathering Instrument Data Gathering Procedures Statistical Treatment CHAPTER IV. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of data


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation Summary Findings

Conclusion Recommendation BIBLIOGRAPHY

LIST OF FIGURE & TABLES Figure 1 17 Table 1 22 Table 2 Table 3.1 Assessment of Different Tourist Attraction Benefits Gain to the Development of Tourism Industry in terms Of Social Benefits Table 3.2 Table 4 27 Table 5 29 Programs Implemented Economic Benefits Possible Problem Encountered 25 26 24 Conceptual Framework

Most Frequently Visited Tourist Destination in taysan Batangas

APPENDICES Appendix A Letter of Approval Appendix B Questionnaire Appendix c Pictures Appendix D Curriculum Vitae

Methodology In order to determine the needed information about the frequently visited tourist attraction in Dolores, Quezon the descriptive method of research was used. The descriptive method is fact-finding method that explained the present condition in terms of what is happening or going on in the time of the study. The descriptive method was the appropriate and the accurate method in gathering data which were collected through questionnaire and interview. In this method the researchers were able to explain briefly the present condition of the tourist industry in Dolores, Quezon. Through quota sampling procedure the respondents of the study included a total of one hundred respondents broken down as follows: forty-two local respondents, six caretaker of different tourist sot, nine municipality officials, eleven teachers, four barangay councilor, one barangay captain, two Department of Tourism official, and twenty-five randomly selected residents of Dolores, Quezon. The data gathered were then tallied, analyzed and interpreted. The statistical method used was the weighted mean. Part I of the questionnaire included the list of the most frequently visited tourist attraction in Dolores, Quezon. To interpret and analyzed the results, the Likert scale was used to follows. 3.50 - 4.00 - 4 Most frequently Visited (MV) 2.50 - 3.49 - 3 Frequently Visited (FV) 1.50 - 2.49 - 2 Less Frequently Visited (LFV) 1.00 - 1.49 - 1 Not Visited (NV) Part II identified factors and features that attract tourists in Dolores, Quezon. Part III of the questionnaire identified the social, economic and spiritual benefit for the growth of tourism industry in Dolores. Part IV listed the possible problems encountered in developing tourist attraction in Dolores, Quezon Part V identified the different programs to be implemented by the government in Dolores, Quezon. Findings 1. Canyon wood resort clubhouse, Georgetown lake view vacation estate, and casa verde resort were the most frequently visited tourist attraction in Dolores, Batangas according to the respondents. Most of them participated in activities like swimming, fishing, hiking etc. 2. Every resort in Dolores, Quezon is maintained the cleanliness and natural beauty of the place while the facilities were sufficient to accommodate tourist, the services they offered were highly recommended. 3. With the regards of the social benefits of tourism industry in Dolores, Quezon, the respondents looked forward to the improvement of their lifestyles and upgraded the social conditions of the municipal by boosting Dolores tourism industry. They expected that

through travel and tourism, the municipal trading would accelerate in general income that eventually would benefit the government, the municipality and the community of Dolores, Quezon itself. Changes brought by tourism got the highest weighted mean distribution according to the respondents point of view. 4. The infrastructure and communication facilities were considered as areas that needed attention by the municipal development authorities because there was no other road network to connect other tourist attractions and communication facility was likewise needed since this was very important in the process of making promotional strategies and advertisement. 5. All programs launched by municipality of Dolores, Quezon were somehow implemented and created for the development of the tourism industry. Conclusions 1. Dolores has a potential to be a tourist destination because it has different tourist attractions that still exist in the place providing tourists recreation and leisure for themselves and their families. 2. Taal volcano and Taal Lake were still the center of attraction in every tourist destinations in Dolores, Quezon. 3. The residents of Dolores, Quezon viewed that tourism industry of their place has a great contribution in their everyday life. 4. The local government of Dolores helped in the promotion and development of their tourist destination. 5. The municipality of Dolores had implemented several programs and projects to further enhance their local tourism industry and to see the proper utilization of the towns natural resources and attractions.

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