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initial India ink examination (evidence of a heavy fungal burden), high advent of Candida species as common human pathogens

n human pathogens dates to the 1529

CSF pressure, low CSF glucose levels, low CSF pleocytosis (<2/μL), introduction of modern therapeutic approaches that suppress normal
recovery of yeast cells from extraneural sites, absence of antibody to host-defense mechanisms. Of these relatively recent advances, the most
capsular polysaccharide, a CSF or serum cryptococcal antigen level of important is the use of antibacterial agents that alter the normal human
≥1:32, and concomitant glucocorticoid therapy or hematologic malig- microbiota and allow nonbacterial species to become more prevalent
nancy. A response to treatment does not guarantee cure since relapse of in the commensal flora. With the introduction of antifungal agents,
cryptococcosis is common even among patients with relatively intact the causes of Candida infections shifted from an almost complete dom-
immune systems. Complications of CNS cryptococcosis include cranial inance of C. albicans to the common involvement of C. glabrata and the
nerve deficits, vision loss, and cognitive impairment. other species listed above. The non-albicans species now account for
approximately half of all cases of candidemia and hematogenously
■■IMMUNE RECONSTITUTION INFLAMMATORY disseminated candidiasis. Recognition of this change is clinically
SYNDROME important, since the various species differ in susceptibility to the newer
The frequent chronicity of cryptococcal infections and their common antifungal agents.
occurrence in settings of changing immunity can result in new clinical Candida is a small, thin-walled, ovoid yeast that measures 4–6 μm in
syndromes, such as the immune reconstitution inflammatory syn- diameter and reproduces by budding. Organisms of this genus occur in
drome (IRIS). IRIS occurs when immunity rebounds in the setting of three forms in tissue: blastospores, pseudohyphae, and hyphae. Candida
treated cryptococcosis (or an undiagnosed asymptomatic infection) grows readily on simple medium; lysis centrifugation enhances its
and the immune response to cryptococcal antigens in tissue triggers recovery from blood. Species are identified by biochemical testing (cur-
an inflammatory response that can be difficult to distinguish from rently with automated devices) or on special agar (e.g., CHROMagar).
a relapsing infection. IRIS can occur when patients with AIDS and
treated cryptococcosis are given antiretroviral therapy that results ■■EPIDEMIOLOGY
in improved immunity. Apart from the difficulties in distinguishing Candida are present in humans as commensals, in animals, in
IRIS from cryptococcal relapse, the management of this syndrome is foods, and on inanimate objects. In developed countries, where
complex because it is caused by the desirable outcome of improving contemporary medical therapeutics are commonly used, Candida
immunity, which is important in controlling cryptococcal infection species are now among the most common nosocomial pathogens. In the
and preventing relapses. The approach to the patient with IRIS must United States, these species are the fourth most common isolates from
attempt to balance resurgent immunity against immune-mediated the blood of hospitalized patients. In a recent point-prevalence study,
damage. Currently, management of IRIS is individualized and can Candida species were the most common organisms infecting the blood-

CHAPTER 211 Candidiasis

involve the use of glucocorticoids to reduce inflammation. stream of hospitalized patients. In regions where advanced medical care
is rarely available, mucocutaneous Candida infections, such as thrush,
■■PREVENTION are more common than deep-organ infections, which rarely occur.
No vaccine is available for cryptococcosis. In patients at high risk (e.g., However, the incidence of deep-organ candidiasis increases steadily as
those with advanced HIV infection and CD4+ T lymphocyte counts of advances in health care—such as therapy with broad-spectrum antibi-
<200/μL), primary prophylaxis with fluconazole (200 mg/d) is effec- otics, more aggressive treatment of cancer, and the use of immunosup-
tive in reducing the prevalence of disease. Since antiretroviral therapy pression for sustaining organ transplants—are implemented. In
raises the CD4+ T lymphocyte count, it constitutes an immunologic aggregate, the global incidence of infections due to Candida species has
form of prophylaxis. risen steadily over the past few decades. Of great recent concern has
■■FURTHER READING been the global emergence of C. auris; certain strains of this organism
Kwon-Chung KJ et al: The case for adopting the “species complex” are resistant to all classes of antifungal agents, and mortality rates from
nomenclature for the etiologic agents of cryptococcosis. mSphere infection have been very high.
2 pii:e00357, 2017.
Maziarz EK, Perfect JR: Cryptococcosis. Infect Dis Clin North Am ■■PATHOGENESIS
30:179, 2016. In the most serious form of Candida infection, the organisms dissem-
Robertson EJ et al: Cryptococcus neoformans ex vivo capsule size is inate hematogenously and form microabscesses and small macroab-
associated with intracranial pressure and host immune response in scesses in major organs. Although the exact mechanism is not known,
HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis. J Infect Dis 209:74, 2014. Candida probably enters the bloodstream from mucosal surfaces after
Saag MS et al: Practice guidelines for the management of cryptococcal growing to large numbers as a consequence of bacterial suppression
disease. Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis 30:710, by antibacterial drugs; alternatively, in some instances, the organism
2000. may enter from the skin. A change from the blastospore stage to the
Srichatrapimuk S, Sungkanuparph S: Integrated therapy for HIV pseudohyphal and hyphal stages is generally considered integral to
and cryptococcosis. AIDS Res Ther 13:42, 2016. Candida’s penetration into tissue. However, C. glabrata can cause exten-
sive infection even though it does not transform into pseudohyphae or
hyphae. Adherence to both epithelial and endothelial cells is thought to
be the first step in invasion and infection; several adhesins have been
identified as well as a mucosal toxin, candidalysin. Biofilm formation

211 Candidiasis
also is considered important in pathogenesis. Numerous reviews of
cases of hematogenously disseminated candidiasis have identified
the predisposing factors or conditions associated with disseminated
John E. Edwards, Jr. disease (Table 211-1). Women who receive antibacterial agents may
develop vaginal candidiasis.
Innate immunity is the most important defense mechanism against
The genus Candida encompasses >150 species, only a few of which hematogenously disseminated candidiasis, and the neutrophil is the
cause disease in humans. With rare exceptions (although the excep- most important component of this defense. Macrophages also play an
tions are increasing in number), the human pathogens are C. albicans, important defensive role. STAT1, Dectin-1, CARD9, and TH1 and TH17
C. guilliermondii, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. kefyr, C. lusitaniae, lymphocytes contribute significantly to innate defense (see “Clinical Man-
C. dubliniensis, C. glabrata, and C. auris. Ubiquitous in nature, they ifestations,” below). Although many immunocompetent individuals have
inhabit the gastrointestinal tract (including the mouth and orophar- antibodies to Candida, the role of these antibodies in defense against the
ynx), the female genital tract, and the skin. Although cases of candid- organism is not clear. Multiple genetic polymorphisms that predispose to
iasis have been described since antiquity in debilitated patients, the disseminated candidiasis will most likely be identified in future studies.

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1530 TABLE 211-1 Well-Recognized Factors and Conditions Predisposing organs as well as the skin. While the lesions are seen predominantly in
to Hematogenously Disseminated Candidiasis immunocompromised patients treated with cytotoxic drugs, they may
Antibacterial agents Abdominal and thoracic surgery also develop in patients without neutropenia.
Indwelling intravenous catheters Cytotoxic chemotherapy Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis is a heterogeneous infection of
Hyperalimentation fluids Immunosuppressive agents for organ the hair, nails, skin, and mucous membranes that persists despite
transplantation intermittent therapy. The onset of disease usually comes in infancy or
Indwelling urinary catheters
Respirators within the first two decades of life, but in rare cases comes in later life.
Parenteral glucocorticoids
The condition may be mild and limited to a specific area of the skin or
Severe burns
nails, or it may take a severely disfiguring form (Candida granuloma)
HIV-associated low CD4+ T-cell counts Low birth weight (neonates)
characterized by exophytic outgrowths on the skin. Chronic mucocu-
taneous candidiasis is usually associated with specific immunologic
dysfunction; most frequently reported is a failure of T lymphocytes to
proliferate or to excrete cytokines in response to stimulation by Candida
antigens in vitro. A subset of the affected patients have mutations in the
Mucocutaneous Candidiasis Thrush is characterized by white, STAT1 gene resulting in an insufficiency of interferon γ, interleukin 17,
adherent, painless, discrete or confluent patches in the mouth, on the and interleukin 22.
tongue, or in the esophagus, occasionally with fissuring at the corners Approximately half of patients with chronic mucocutaneous
of the mouth. This form of disease caused by Candida can also occur at candidiasis have associated endocrine abnormalities that together
points of contact with dentures. Organisms are identifiable in gram- are designated the autoimmune polyendocrinopathy–candidiasis–
stained scrapings from lesions. The occurrence of thrush in a young, ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) syndrome. This syndrome is due
otherwise healthy-appearing person should prompt an investigation to mutations in the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene and is most
for underlying HIV infection. More commonly, thrush is seen as a prevalent among Finns, Iranian Jews, Sardinians, northern Italians,
nonspecific manifestation of severe debilitating illness. Vulvovaginal and Swedes. Conditions that usually follow the onset of the disease
candidiasis is accompanied by pruritus, pain, and vaginal discharge, include hypoparathyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, autoimmune thy-
which is usually thin but may contain whitish “curds” in severe cases. roiditis, Graves’ disease, chronic active hepatitis, alopecia, juvenile-
A subset of patients with recurrent vulvovaginitis have a deficiency onset pernicious anemia, malabsorption, and primary hypogonadism.
in the surface expression of Dectin-1, a major recognition factor for In addition, dental enamel dysplasia, vitiligo, pitted nail dystrophy,
β-glucan on Candida. This deficiency leads to suboptimal functioning and calcification of the tympanic membranes may occur. Patients with
of the CARD9 pathway, which ultimately increases the propensity for chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis rarely develop hematogenously

recurrent vaginal infections. disseminated candidiasis, probably because their neutrophil function
Other Candida skin infections include paronychia, a painful swelling remains intact.
at the nail–skin interface; onychomycosis, a fungal nail infection rarely
caused by this genus; intertrigo, an erythematous irritation with red- Deeply Invasive Candidiasis Deeply invasive Candida infec-
ness and pustules in the skin folds; balanitis, an erythematous-pustular tions may or may not be due to hematogenous seeding. Deep esophageal
Infectious Diseases

infection of the glans penis; erosio interdigitalis blastomycetica, an infec- infection may result from penetration by organisms from superficial
tion between the digits of the hands or toes; folliculitis, with pustules esophageal erosions; joint or deep-wound infection from contiguous
developing most frequently in the area of the beard; perianal candidiasis, spread of organisms from the skin; kidney infection from catheter-
a pruritic, erythematous, pustular infection surrounding the anus; initiated spread of organisms through the urinary tract; infection of
and diaper rash, a common erythematous, pustular perineal infection intraabdominal organs and the peritoneum from perforation of the gas-
in infants. Generalized disseminated cutaneous candidiasis, another form trointestinal tract; and gallbladder infection from retrograde migration of
of infection that occurs primarily in infants, is characterized by wide- organisms from the gastrointestinal tract into the biliary drainage system.
spread eruptions over the trunk, thorax, and extremities. The diagnos- However, far more commonly, deeply invasive candidiasis results
tic macronodular lesions of hematogenously disseminated candidiasis from hematogenous seeding of various organs as a complication of can-
(Fig. 211-1) indicate a high probability of dissemination to multiple didemia. Once the organism gains access to the intravascular compart-
ment (either from the gastrointestinal tract or, less often, from the skin
through the site of an indwelling intravascular catheter), it may spread
hematogenously to a variety of deep organs. The brain, chorioretina
(Fig. 211-2), heart, and kidneys are most commonly infected and the
liver and spleen less commonly so (most often in neutropenic patients).
In fact, nearly any organ can become involved, including the endocrine
glands, pancreas, heart valves (native or prosthetic), skeletal muscle,
joints (native or prosthetic), bones, and meninges. Candida organisms can
also spread hematogenously to the skin and cause classic macronodular
lesions (Fig. 211-1). Frequently, painful muscular involvement is evident
beneath the area of affected skin. Chorioretinal involvement and skin
involvement are highly significant, since both findings are associated
with a very high probability of abscess formation in multiple deep
organs as a result of generalized hematogenous seeding. Ocular involve-
ment (Fig. 211-2) may require specific treatment (e.g., partial vitrectomy
or intraocular injection of antifungal agents) to prevent permanent
blindness. An ocular examination is indicated for all patients with can-
didemia, whether or not they have ocular manifestations.

FIGURE 211-1 Macronodular skin lesions associated with hematogenously The diagnosis of Candida infection is established by visualization of pseu-
disseminated candidiasis. Candida organisms are usually but not always visible dohyphae or hyphae on wet mount (saline and 10% KOH), tissue Gram’s
on histopathologic examination. The fungi grow when a portion of the biopsied
specimen is cultured. Therefore, for optimal identification, both histopathology stain, periodic acid–Schiff stain, or methenamine silver stain in the pres-
and culture should be performed. (Image courtesy of Dr. Noah Craft and the Victor ence of inflammation. Absence of organisms on hematoxylin-eosin stain-
Newcomer collection at UCLA, archived by Logical Images, Inc.; with permission.) ing does not reliably exclude Candida infection. The most challenging

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TABLE 211-2 Treatment of Mucocutaneous Candidal Infections 1531


Cutaneous Topical azole Topical nystatin
Vulvovaginal Oral fluconazole (150 mg) or Nystatin suppository
azole cream or suppository
Oral (thrush) Clotrimazole troches Nystatin, fluconazole
Esophageal Fluconazole tablets (100–200 Caspofungin, micafungin,
mg/d) or itraconazole solution or amphotericin B
(200 mg/d)

formulations of amphotericin B, three echinocandins, and the azoles

fluconazole and voriconazole are used; no agent within a given class
has been clearly identified as superior to the others. Most institutions
choose an agent from each class on the basis of their own specific
microbial epidemiology, strategies to minimize toxicities, and cost
considerations. There is a trend to treat with an echinocandin until
FIGURE 211-2 Hematogenous Candida endophthalmitis. A classic off-white lesion sensitivities or speciation is determined. In stable patients, many
projecting from the chorioretina into the vitreous causes the surrounding haze. centers then switch to fluconazole if a sensitive strain is identified
The lesion is composed primarily of inflammatory cells rather than organisms. and there is no evidence of hematogenous disemination. For hemo-
Lesions of this type may progress to cause extensive vitreal inflammation and dynamically unstable or neutropenic patients, initial treatment with
eventual loss of the eye. Partial vitrectomy, combined with IV and possibly
intravitreal antifungal therapy, may be helpful in controlling the lesions. (Image broader-spectrum agents is desirable; these drugs include polyenes,
courtesy of Dr. Gary Holland; with permission.) echinocandins, or later-generation azoles such as voriconazole. Once
the clinical response has been assessed and the pathogen specifically
identified, the regimen can be altered accordingly. At present, the
aspect of diagnosis is determining which patients with Candida isolates vast majority of C. albicans isolates are sensitive to fluconazole. Iso-
have hematogenously disseminated candidiasis. For instance, recovery lates of C. glabrata and C. krusei are less sensitive to fluconazole and
of Candida from sputum, urine, or peritoneal catheters may indicate more sensitive to polyenes and echinocandins. C. parapsilosis is less

CHAPTER 211 Candidiasis

mere colonization rather than deep-seated infection, and Candida isola- sensitive to echinocandins in vitro; however, this lesser sensitivity
tion from the blood of patients with indwelling intravascular catheters is considered insignificant. Posaconazole has been approved for
may reflect inconsequential seeding of the blood from or growth of the prophylaxis, including that against Candida, in neutropenic patients.
organisms on the catheter. Despite extensive research into both antigen Itraconazole is rarely used for Candida, and isavuconazole has not
and antibody detection systems, there is currently no widely available been approved for this indication to date.
and validated diagnostic test to distinguish patients with inconsequen- Some generalizations exist regarding the management of specific
tial seeding of the blood from those whose positive blood cultures rep- Candida infections. Recovery of Candida from sputum is almost never
resent hematogenous dissemination to multiple organs. Many studies indicative of underlying pulmonary candidiasis and does not by
are under way to establish the utility of the β-glucan test; at present, its itself warrant antifungal treatment. Similarly, Candida in the urine
greatest utility is its negative predictive value (~90%). Meanwhile, the of a patient with an indwelling bladder catheter may represent col-
presence of ocular or macronodular skin lesions is highly suggestive onization only rather than bladder or kidney infection; however, the
of widespread infection of multiple deep organs. Despite extensive threshold for systemic treatment is lower in severely ill patients in
tests for hematogenous dissemination, such as polymerase chain reac- this category since it is impossible to distinguish colonization from
tion and T2 technology, no test is fully validated or widely available lower or upper urinary tract infection. If the isolate is C. albicans,
at present. Matrix-assisted laser desorption–ionization–time-of-flight most clinicians use oral fluconazole rather than a bladder washout
mass spectometry (MALDI-TOF MS) will likely be used extensively for with amphotericin B, which was more commonly used in the past.
detection and speciation in the future. Caspofungin has been used with success; although echinocandins
are poorly excreted into the urine, they may be an option, especially
for non-albicans isolates. The doses and duration are the same as
TREATMENT for disseminated candidiasis. The significance of the recovery of
Candida Infections Candida from abdominal drains in postoperative patients is unclear,
but again the threshold for treatment is generally low because most
MUCOCUTANEOUS CANDIDA INFECTION of the affected patients have been subjected to factors predisposing
The treatment of mucocutaneous candidiasis is summarized in to disseminated candidiasis. In addition, there has been a consid-
Table 211-2. erable increase in the recognition and diagnosis of intraabdominal
CANDIDEMIA AND SUSPECTED HEMATOGENOUSLY Removal of the infected valve and long-term antifungal admin-
DISSEMINATED CANDIDIASIS istration constitute appropriate treatment for Candida endocarditis.
All patients with candidemia are treated with a systemic antifungal Although definitive studies are not available, patients usually are
agent. A certain percentage of patients, including many of those who treated for weeks with a systemic antifungal agent (Table 211-3)
have candidemia associated with an indwelling intravascular cath- and then given chronic suppressive therapy for months or years
eter, probably have “benign” candidemia rather than deep-organ (sometimes indefinitely) with an oral azole (usually fluconazole at
seeding. However, because there is no reliable way to distinguish 400–800 mg/d).
benign candidemia from deep-organ infection, and because antifun- Hematogenous Candida endophthalmitis is a special problem
gal drugs less toxic than amphotericin B are available, antifungal requiring ophthalmologic consultation. When lesions are expanding
treatment for candidemia—with or without clinical evidence of or are threatening the macula, an IV polyene combined with flucyto-
deep-organ involvement—has become the standard of practice. In sine (25 mg/kg four times daily) has been the regimen of choice,
addition, if an indwelling intravascular catheter is present, it is best although comparative studies with other regimens have not yet
to remove or replace the device whenever feasible. been reported. As more data on the azoles (e.g., voriconazole) and
The drugs used for the treatment of candidemia and suspected the echinocandins become available, new strategies involving these
disseminated candidiasis are listed in Table 211-3. Various lipid agents are developing. Of paramount importance is the decision to

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1532 TABLE 211-3 Agents for the Treatment of Disseminated Candidiasis
Amphotericin B deoxycholate IV only 0.5–1.0 mg/kg daily Being replaced by lipid formulations
Amphotericin B lipid formulations Not approved as primary therapy by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration, but used commonly because less toxic than
amphotericin B deoxycholate
Liposomal (AmBiSome, Abelcet) IV only 3.0–5.0 mg/kg daily
Lipid complex (ABLC) IV only 3.0–5.0 mg/kg daily
Colloidal dispersion (ABCD) IV only 3.0–5.0 mg/kg daily Associated with frequent infusion reactions
Posaconazole IV and oral 300 mg/d (IV) Approved for prophylaxis
200 mg tid (oral)
Fluconazole IV and oral 400 mg/d Most commonly used
Voriconazole IV and oral 400 mg/d Multiple drug interactions
Approved for candidemia in nonneutropenic patients
Echinocandins Broad spectrum against Candida species; approved for
disseminated candidiasis
Caspofungin IV only 50 mg/d
Anidulafungin IV only 100 mg/d
Micafungin IV only 100 mg/d
For loading doses and adjustments in renal failure, see Pappas PG et al: Clinical practice guidelines for the management of candidiasis: 2016 update by the Infectious
Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis 62:e1, 2016. The recommended duration of therapy is 2 weeks beyond the last positive blood culture and the resolution of
signs and symptoms of infection. bAlthough ketoconazole is approved for the treatment of disseminated candidiasis, it has been replaced by the newer agents listed in
this table. Posaconazole has been approved for prophylaxis in neutropenic patients and for oropharyngeal candidiasis.

perform a partial vitrectomy. This procedure debulks the infection ■■FURTHER READING
and can preserve sight, which may otherwise be lost due to vitreal Edwards JE Jr: Candida species, in Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s Prin-
scarring. All patients with candidemia should undergo ophthal- ciples of Infectious Diseases, 8th ed. JE Bennett et al (eds). Philadelphia,

mologic examination because of the relatively high frequency of Elsevier, 2015, pp 2879–2894.
this ocular complication. Not only can this examination detect a Pappas PG et al: Clinical practice guideline for the management of can-
developing eye lesion early in its course; in addition, identification didiasis. 2016 update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
of a lesion signifies a probability of ~90% of deep-organ abscesses Clin Infect Dis 62:e1, 2016.
Infectious Diseases

and may prompt prolongation of therapy for candidemia beyond Uppuluri P et al: Current trends in candidiasis, in Candida albicans: Cellular
the recommended 2 weeks after the last positive blood culture. and Molecular Biology, 2nd ed. R Prasad (ed). Cham, Switzerland,
Although the basis for the consensus is a very small data set, Springer, 2017, pp 5–24.
the recommended treatment for Candida meningitis is a polyene
(Table 211-3) plus flucytosine (25 mg/kg four times daily). Suc-
cessful treatment of Candida-infected prosthetic material (e.g.,
an artificial joint) nearly always requires removal of the infected
material followed by long-term administration of an antifungal
agent selected on the basis of the isolate’s sensitivity and the logistics
of administration. 212 Aspergillosis
David W. Denning
The use of antifungal agents to prevent Candida infections has been
controversial, but some general principles have emerged. Most centers Aspergillosis is the collective term used to describe all disease enti-
administer prophylactic fluconazole (400 mg/d) to recipients of alloge- ties caused by any one of ~50 pathogenic and allergenic species of
neic stem cell transplants. High-risk liver transplant recipients also are Aspergillus. Only those species that grow at 37°C can cause invasive
given fluconazole prophylaxis in most centers. The use of prophylaxis infection, although some species without this ability can cause allergic
for neutropenic patients has varied considerably from center to center; syndromes. Each common pathogenic species is actually a complex
many centers that elect to give prophylaxis to this population use either of many species (many of them cryptic), but is referred to as a single
fluconazole (200–400 mg/d) or a lipid formulation of amphotericin B species here for simplicity. A. fumigatus is responsible for most cases
(AmBiSome, 1–2 mg/d). Caspofungin (50 mg/d) also has been recom- of invasive aspergillosis, almost all cases of chronic aspergillosis, and
mended. Some centers have used itraconazole suspension (200 mg/d). most allergic syndromes. A. flavus is more prevalent in some hospitals
Posaconazole (200 mg three times daily) has been approved by the U.S. and causes a higher proportion of cases of sinus infections, cutaneous
Food and Drug Administration for prophylaxis in neutropenic patients; infections, and keratitis than A. fumigatus. A. niger can cause invasive
it is gaining in popularity and may replace fluconazole. infection but more commonly colonizes the respiratory tract and causes
Prophylaxis is sometimes given to surgical patients at very high risk. external otitis. A. terreus causes only invasive disease, usually with a
The widespread use of prophylaxis for nearly all patients in general poor prognosis. A. nidulans occasionally causes invasive infection, pri-
surgical or medical intensive care units is not—and should not be—a marily in patients with chronic granulomatous disease.
common practice for three reasons: (1) the incidence of disseminated
candidiasis is relatively low, (2) the cost–benefit ratio is suboptimal, ■■EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY
and (3) increased resistance with widespread prophylaxis is a valid Aspergillus has a worldwide distribution, most commonly growing
concern. in decomposing plant materials (i.e., compost) and in bedding. This
Prophylaxis for oropharyngeal or esophageal candidiasis in hyaline (nonpigmented), septate, branching mold produces vast num-
HIV-infected patients is not recommended unless there are frequent bers of conidia (spores) on stalks above the surface of mycelial growth.
recurrences. Aspergilli are found in indoor and outdoor air, on surfaces, and in

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