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1: Discuss the audio visual and visual media of communicaton

Audiovisual (AV) is electronic media possessing both a sound and a visual component, such as slide-
tape presentatons,,[1 lms, television programs, corporate conferencing, church services, and live
theater productonss

Audiovisual service providers frequently ofer eb streaming, video conferencing, and live broadcast
servicess,21 The professional audio visual industry has companies that provide both hard are, sof are
and servicess These organisatons are commonly referred to as systems integrators and perform both
the installaton and integraton of diferent types of AV equipment from multple manufacturers into
spaces to create the AV experience for the users

Computer-based audiovisual equipment is ofen used in educaton, ith many schools and universites
installing projecton equipment and using interactve hiteboard technologys,31


Visual Media is informaton in the form of visual representatonss Visual media in marketng uses
visually appealing graphics and designs to promote a business or companys It includes not just graphics
but also videos and photoss Types of visual media include digital and printed images, photography,
graphic design, videos, animaton, and mores

Visual media is regularly vie ed on billboards, smartphones, ne spapers, screen projectors, posters,
televisions, computers, and various other mediums and devices, including this one!

Visual media is interpreted using hat e, as people, see visually instead of aural (hearing) or tactle
(touch) medias It plays a role in advertsing, art, communicaton, educaton, business, and engineerings
Visual media is ofen used as a learning and teaching aid, such as in presentatons and training guidess
Photography and video are the primary visual media types and capture a locaton, moment, memory, or
message in a visual forms

So ho does this relate to your business? Well, humans are naturally atracted to visualss

Our brains tend to retain 90% more informaton hen the informaton is in the form of a visual as
compared to informaton that is simple texts This is one of the main reasons hy visual media is on the
rises According to one study, content ith compelling images can generate 94 percent more vie s on
average than content ithout imagess The importance of video as a visual media can be corroborated by
the fact that 78 percent of Internet users atch videos every eek, and 55 percent atch videos every
days Major platorms like YouTube have helped videos become a huge success, and not to forget that
almost all social media platorms (Facebook, Instagram etcs) allo videoss


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