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Evaluation Instrument

Level 1: Participants’ Reactions

Evaluation Instrument: An exit slip will be given immediately after the instructional technology
professional learning. The data collected from the exit slip will be used to determine if the
professional development was enjoyable and meaningful for the participants. The results will be
used to improve the design of future professional learning.

Exit Slip

1. Was the professional learning applicable to your classroom?

2. Do you feel like your time in professional development was well spent?
3. Will you apply what you learned in the classroom?
4. Was the person presenting knowledgeable and accommodating?
5. Did you leave the professional development with a good understanding of the next

Level 2: Participant’s learning

Evaluation Instrument: A pre/post test will be used to determine the participant’s learning. The
data collected will be used to determine the effectiveness of the pd and improve as needed.


1. What do you know about _______________(insert topic of pd)?

2. What would you like to learn about _________ today?

1. What did you learn today?
2. What do you feel like you need to know more about after today?

Level 3: Organizational Support and Change

Level 4: Participants’ Use of New Knowledge and Skills
Level 5: Student Learning Outcomes

Evaluation Instrument: A questionnaire will be used to evaluate levels 3,4, and 5. The results
will be used to document and and improve these levels.


1. Were the objectives for the professional development aligned with the school mission
2. Were all necessary resources made available?
3. Were teachers encouraged to try new practices?
4. What would you see students and teachers doing in the classroom while using what you
5. Do you feel like you are effectively using the new knowledge and skills you learned in the
6. What impact did the use of the new strategy have on students?
7. Did the new strategy impact the students’ performance and achievement?

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