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NAME :_____________________________________ Sulit 55 Science Mac 2010 1 jam

CLASS : _______________


UJIAN PRESTASI 1 2010 SCIENCE FORM 2 1 Hour Prepared by: __________ (PN. NUR SHUHADA BT ABD RAZAK) Checked by : ______________

SECTION A: Instructions: Answer all questions. Each question has multiple choices answer. Choose the best answer and blacken on OMR sheets. 1. What is the organ to help to taste chemical substances? A B C D 2. The eye The skin The nose The tongue

How many sensory organs does a human have? A B C D Two Three Four Five


Which of the following is a sense organ? A B C D The leg The brain The kidney The eye


The table below shows the sensory organ and its respective stimulus. Which pair is matched incorrectly? Sensory organ Eye Ear Nose Tongue Stimulus Light Pressure Smell Taste

A B C D 5.

Which of the following receptors is not found under the skin? A B C D Pain Cold Dermis Pressure


The diagram below shows the structure of the human skin. P, Q, R and S are receptors that are matched with their individual senses.

Which of the following pair is incorrectly matched? Receptor P Q R S Sense Touch Cold Heat Pressure



The diagram below shows the structures of the human nose.

Name the structure labelled W. A B C D 8. Nerve fibres Sensory nerves Epithelium cells Olfactory nerves

The diagram below shows areas of a human tongue.

The area labelled with L is sensitive to A B C D 9. Sour Salty Bitter Sweet

The three bones in the middle ear are called A B C D Octave Ossicles Oscillations oscilloscope


The table below shows that P, Q, R, S and T represent the routes taken by sound waves from the ear flap (pinna) to the inner ear. P Q R S T Transforms the energy or compressional wave into nerve impulses. Collect and channel sound to the middle ear. Transforms vibrations into a compressional wave. Nerve impulses transmitted to the brain. Transforms the energy of sound waves into vibrations.

Arrange the routes taken in the right sequence. A B C D 11 QPSRT QTRPS RQTSP PQSPT

The diagram below shows the cross section of the human eye.

The part labelled K is A B C D 12. Iris lens holder ciliary muscles suspensory ligament

A person uses concave lens spectacles to correct A B C D presbiopia astigmatism short-sightedness (myopia) long-sightedness (hypermetropia)


A submerged object appears to be nearer to the surface than its actual position. This is an example of an illusion caused by A B C D optical illusion reflection of light refraction of light total internal reflection


The diagram below shows the front part of the eye.

If the part labelled Z is exposed to bright sunlight it will A B C D 15. change colour become bigger become smaller remain the same size

The eye works like a A B C D camera computer laser printer mobile phone


Which of the following statements is incorrect? A A positive tropism is movement growth towards the stimuli. B Hydrotropism is movement growth towards water or moisture. C Geotropism is the response of plants towards water or moisture. D A negative tropism is movement growth away from the stimuli.


Phototropism is the response of plants to A B C D light water touch gravity


Plants shy away at the touch of a hand. This is an illustration of

A B C D 19.

tropism thigmotropism spontaneous response seismonastic response

Which part of the plant response positively to the pull of gravity and water? A B C D Root Stem Shoot Flower


The diagram below shows shoots are seen growing towards the light.

What inference can you make from the experiment? A B C D 21. The shoots response to light stimuli. The seedlings grow towards the damp soil. The shoots response to the touch stimuli. The shoots response to the pull of gravity.

______ is important because it helps to transport digested, undigested food and gas in our body. A B C D Water Vitamins Fibre Mineral salts


The diagram below shows the classification of vitamins.

Deficiency of this vitamin will result in night-blindness. A B C D 23. Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C Vitamin D

The following are simple sugars except A B C D rice lactose fructose table sugar


________ is a component of haemoglobin in the blood cells. A B C D Iron Calcium Fluorine Magnesium


The main function of the following help in the formation of strong bones and teeth except A B C D iron calcium vitamin D phosphorous


The main function of carbohydrates is to A B C D prevent blood clotting. repair cells in the body. provide energy to the body. transport digested food to all parts of the body.


The diagram below shows examples of a class of food.

Which class does it belong? A B C D 28. Fats Proteins Vitamins Carbohydrate

The diagram below shows a patient suffering from an illness.

The patient suffering from an illness called ________. A B C D 29. goiter anemia pellagra conjunctivas

The following are functions of protein except it A B C D insulates the body. helps in cell repair. aids in enzyme production. helps the body to grow and maintain it.


The diagram below shows that the boy is obese.

This may be the result of taking in too much I water. II carbohydrates. III fatty foods. A B C D I only I, II II, III I, II, III

SECTION B: Answer all the questions in the space provided. 1. The diagram below shows the areas of a human tongue that are sensitive to different tastes.

(a) Name the part of the tongue that has groups of taste receptors. [1 marks ] (b) State the tastes that stimulate area K, L, M and N.

K: L: M: N: [4 marks ] (c) (i) Name the sense that helps the sense of taste. [1 marks ] (ii) Explain how the answer in (c)(i) can help the sense of taste.

[1 marks ] 2. (a) State the composition of carbohydrate. [1 marks ] (b) (i) List three types of carbohydrate. 1. 2. 3. [3 marks ] (ii) List three examples of food which is rich in carbohydrates. 1. 2. 3. [3 marks ] (c) Explain the importance of carbohydrate to human body. [1 marks ] End of Questions

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