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1 – Grammar

1 Ann just heard her cousin is ____ get married in August.

a) going
b) go to
c) going to
2 Sarah doesn’t think it’s right ____ children to play with yo-yo
a) that
b) to
c) for
3 We wish it ____ the time of year when we could go on that hiking trip.
a) will be
b) were
c) is
4 You ____ to finish your assignment by tomorrow.
a) should
b) have
c) must
5 William ____ in South Africa now.
a) is living
b) was living
c) will live
6 She is single. She never ____ .
a) marries
b) marrying
c) married
7 ____ you like to join me this evening?
a) Would
b) Will
c) Can
8 In those days, my grandfather ____ never eat supper after seven o’clock.
a) will
b) used to
c) would
9 There were ____ than twenty people in the audience last week.
a) fewer
b) lesser
c) few
10 Excuse me, I’m lost. __ you help me?
11 We could cook lunch. ____ , we could buy some take away food.
b) On the other hand
12 The kids____ playing hide and seek for two hours before it started raining.
a) had been
b) have been
c) has been
13 She ____ in Rio de Janeiro.
b) live
c) lives
14 I read every day ____ I’m not serious.
a) but
b) because
c) and
15 A: I enjoy working on challenging assignments.
B: So ____ I!
a) do
b) am
c) can
16 That man’s so unreliable – you can’t trust him. ____
a) I wouldn’t work frankly with him.
b) Frankly, I wouldn’t work with him.
c) I wouldn’t frankly work with him.
17 How much ____ the bus to Seville cost?
a) is
b) does
c) do
18 The documentary starts _ half past four.
a) on
b) at
c) in
19 If you were a better handyman, we ____ need to the plumber all the time.
a) hadn’t
b) wouldn’t
c) won’t
20 You ____ have caught the early bus, as the football match was delayed.
a) needn’t
b) mustn’t
c) didn’t
21 She ____ finished cleaning when we arrived.
a) has
b) have
c) had
22 Mark ____ to work when he saw Kevin.
a) going
b) went
c) was going
23 They found the hole ______ the treasure had been buried.
a) –
b) where
c) that
24 “Don’t wait for us.”
Our friends told us _____________
a) don’t wait
b) didn’t wait
c) not to wait
25 The Friday morning lectures are usually quite _______
a) boring
b) bored
c) not to wait
Completa los huecos con la palabra correspondiente.

1. She doesn’t have much __________. Just three small bags.

2. I need some _________ to light the fire.
3. His cart was pulled by two ___________.
4. He stood on the edge of the ________.
5. This would attract industry and commerce, and ______ bring about the
creation of jobs.
6. Carla’s English is very bad. She must make ____________ progress.
7. George is unemployed. He’s looking for a __________.
8. If you want to leave work early, you have to ask for ___________ .
9. I don’t think Ann will get the job. She hasn’t got enough ______________.
10. Her words contained an implicit _______ .
11. Tom _______ exploded in laughing when he opened the gift.

12. Pam assured me she was _________ sure where the park was.
13. We didn’t plan to meet. It was________ coincidence we met.
14. Please! Don’t ________ my time again.
15. There was an emergency! He had to go to the hospital because it was a very
__________ cut.
16. Our uncle is a very _________ smoker since he smokes two packets a day.
17. We could get up the steep hill only because our car is a very ___________ one.
18. Nick! I don’t know him that well. He’s only a ____________ acquaintance.
19. My aunt is definetely an honest and ____________ citizen.
20. I think we got lost? Actually, we are _____________ lost.
Respuestas a elegir: totally, deep, progress, powerful, job, cliff, oxen, pure, heavy,
casual, law-abiding, quite, hence, experience, match, permission, waste, burst out.
threat, luggage

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