MT Lab

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1. Existing Situation

1.1. Area Physical Profile................................................................................................................................

1.2. Location....................................................................................................................................................
1.3. Climate......................................................................................................................................................
1.4. Geological Characteristics........................................................................................................................
1.5. Demography..............................................................................................................................................
1.6. Existing Infrastructure...............................................................................................................................
1.7. Utilities......................................................................................................................................................
1.8. Transportation...........................................................................................................................................

2. Tourism Profile

2.1. Natural Resource Base..............................................................................................................................

2.2. Cultural Resources....................................................................................................................................
2.3. Market Analysis........................................................................................................................................
2.4. Tourism Marketing...................................................................................................................................
2.5. Transport Facilities...................................................................................................................................
2.6. Accommodation........................................................................................................................................
2.7. Tourism Services.......................................................................................................................................
2.8. Human Resource Development................................................................................................................
2.9. Issues and Impacts……………………………………………………………………………………..

3. Plan

3.1. Vision........................................................................................................................................................
3.2. Goals.........................................................................................................................................................
3.3. Objectives..................................................................................................................................................
3.4. Strategies which include programs and projects.......................................................................................
3.5. Site Planning and Zoning..........................................................................................................................
3.6. Visitor Management Plan..........................................................................................................................
3.7. Site Activity Management........................................................................................................................
3.8. Ecotourism Business Opportunities.........................................................................................................
3.9. Capacity Building.....................................................................................................................................
3.10. Marketing and Promotion.......................................................................................................................
3.11. Institutional Arrangement.......................................................................................................................
3.12. Action Plan..............................................................................................................................................
3.13. Monitoring and Evaluation.....................................................................................................................

4. Attachments and References

4.1. Attachments……………………………………………………………………………………………..
4.2. References………………………………………………………………………………………………
1.1 Area Physical Profile

Land Area

Mt. Lab or Lalab is a natural ecotourism attraction that is located in Sto. Niño Dapitan
City Zamboanga del Norte. It has Latitude of 8.64039039612 and a total Longitude of
123.415397644. The attraction site has a total of 3 hectares land area, and is surrounded by
several local people living within the community.

Figure 1. Mt. Lab Map

The total distance of the route from the bottom and towards the peak of Mt. Lab is about
1.07 km or 1070 in meters, as shows in the figure below. Below the peak is the wildlife habitat of
Mt. Lab, and as well as the local people surrounding the area.
1.2 Location

Mt. Lab is located at the Shrine City of the Philippines, Dapitan City, at barangay Sto.
Niño Dawo, Dapitan City Zamboanga del Norte. The natural attraction is about 6.46 km away
from the city. The location is quite far from the city, but the route towards the attraction is
convenient to access. The photo below indicates the map and direction of Mt. Lab ecotourism

1.3 Climate

The climatological atmosphere of Mt. Lab is the same with that of the entire city Dapitan.
The climate depends on the season, but during summer, the peak of the mountain have a higher
temperature raging up to 44 degrees celcius or even higher, leading the some of the surroundings
of the peak to burn by itself. Moreover, due to climate change, sometimes the climate of the
attraction does not coordinate with the season, as people in the area sometimes experiences both
sunny and rainy days at the same time, and the rainfall is undeniably strong unlike the usual
natural catastrophe they experience.
1.4 Geological Characteristics


The shape of the landscape of Mt. Lab is relatively flat and hilly to gently sloping
towards the coastal areas and the communities surrounding the interior aspect of the area. Below
the peak of the mountain is the ocean, as well as the other tourism attractions of Dapitan City.
There is a small water spring within the mountain that became the source of water that is safe for
the local people to consume for drinking.

Wildlife Habitat

Below the peak of Mt. Lab is also the wildlife habitat of some of the species living within
the mountain. Various types of animal species can be found in the area including monkeys,
snakes, and etc. Aside from animals, there are also several types of trees and plants that can be
seen within the mountain. Due to its abundance of natural resources, some people in the locality
are able to have their source of food or livelihood for their everyday living. Moreover, Mt. Lab is
protected and owned by the local government; illegal cutting of trees and other human activities
without the permission of the local government is punishable by law.


The record during the conduct of the Preliminary Site Assessment had classified the soils
of Mt. Lab into six (6) types: the Bulaoen Clay Loam, Sandy Loam, Clay Loam, Louisiana Clay,
Hydrosol, Bancal Clay Loam and the mountain soil undifferentiated. The latter is found in the
forestal areas of the natural attraction. Various kinds of crops are suitable to the frost three (3)
types such as fruit trees, coconut, cacao, palm oil and rootcrops. These types of soil are generally
deficient in Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K) and Phosphorous (P).
1.5 Demography

Table 1.Demographic Data of Mt. Lab

Demographics Total Number (percentage)

Local People (population) 15% of the total population of Dapitan City
Flora 70% with variation of species can be seen in
the mountain
Fauna 50% of different species are living within the

The table above determines the demographic profile of Mt. Lab natural attraction of
Dapitan City. It is estimated that among the total number of populations living within the city,
15% of it is the total population of local people including the indigenous people are living within
the area. The estimated percentage of flora that can be found within the attraction is about 70%
of different species, as well as the fauna with a total number of 50% of different species are
living within the mountain. Furthermore, the data collected is only an estimation based on the
survey that we had conducted during the preliminary site assessment.

1.6 Existing Infrastructure

It is believed that in order for a certain tourist attraction to become prominent, facilities
and infrastructure are necessary as part of its development. However, in the case of Mt. Lab
natural attraction, there are neither facilities nor infrastructure that cannot be found within the
attraction, aside from the cemented highway towards the route of Mt. Lab. Also. Since Dapitan
City is home of the cultural and natural heritage, most of the part of the city do not have the
infrastructures that can mostly be found in cities, as the government wants to preserved the
natural beauty of the city. Moreover, if given a chance in the future, possible infrastructures may
be built within the locality to attract more tourists and to generate more income.

1.7 Utilities

Mt. Lab is a natural park that was discovered by the local people of barangay Niño few
years ago. It used to have several visitors that visit almost every day. The local people did then
took the opportunity to generate income in many different ways. Mt. Lab itself does not have the
utilities, the local people used to provide it for tourists visiting the area as part of their business.
In addition, the natural tourist attraction has a spring running water within the mountain all the
way to the bottom of the mountain, and it became the source of water of the people in the local
1.8 Transportation

If you’re coming from Luzon and Visayas area, daily air trip schedules are available by
local airlines such as Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific to and from Dipolog City. Once you
go outside the gate of the Dipolog airport, take a tricyle going to the Dipolog City Integrated
Terminal. The fare will costs around ₱60.00 to ₱100.00 depending on the vehicle you ride.
Dapitan City is accessible by a land trip both for private vehicles and public
transportation bus from Dipolog City which is the only arrival city of all local flights in
Zamboanga del Norte. From the Dipolog City Integrated Terminal, take an Evergood bus that
will take you to Dapitan City which costs around ₱40.00 to ₱60.00. Another entry point by land
are from Ozamis City, Pagadian City, Cagayan de Oro, and Zamboanga City. Going to the
attraction itself will depend on the vehicle you ride and the bargain with the driver.
Many domestic shipping companies like Medallion, Cokaliong, GP, Montenegro Lines
that offer ferry routes going to Dapitan City vice versa from Visayas area like Cebu and
Dumaguete, and nearby region. From Pulauan port, the downtown can be reached with just a
short 10-min ride. While it will take around 30-40 minutes travel time from Galas port in
Dipolog City.
2.1 Natural Resource Base

Figure 1.Conceptual Framework depicting the relationship between Mt. Lab and the local

The figure above interprets the relationship between the natural resource base and
agricultural production of Mt. Lab towards the local people. The upper shape indicates the
demographic profile of the people within the community of Mt. Lab, which is the major subject
that benefits the resources. Mt. Lab is mostly the source of livelihood by some people living
within the area, which they could produce and make crops within the mountain. The local people
also make use of the wide area of Mt. Lab for poultry and livestock. Along with the benefits they
gained from the attraction, Mt. Lab is also protected and maintained by the government from
abusive people and illegal human activity in order to help maintain and preserve the natural
beauty of the natural attraction.
Figure 2. The Table containing the description of the natural resources of Mt. Lab

2.2 Cultural Resources

The location of Mt. Lab, which is Dapitan City or also known as the Shrine City of the
Philippines, is already prominent for its cultural heritage and historic tourist attractions. In Mt.
Lab or Dilaab is considered as the highest peak in Dapitan City. It is the only mountain attraction
that the city has. The natural attraction itself does not have the cultural resources, as it was only
discovered merely for the purpose of the usual mountain activities that can be conducted within
the tourist spot. However, there are also other tourist attractions that have cultural and historic
values that can be visited – one of which is the Rizal Park and Shrine.
2.3 Market Analysis

Mt. Lab is the only mountain attraction that Dapitan City possesses, so it is very new to
the interests of tourists from different places. The city is only prominent for its cultural and
historic values and attractions, as well as beaches and resorts. The discovery of Mt. Lab was not
as impacting unlike the other tourist attractions of the city. Some of the people living within the
area and the city are not that also into mountain activities. However, there are also several people
that support the natural beauty of the attraction and are into physical exertion.

Moreover, Mt. Lab does have a potential factor in terms of the tourism growth in Dapitan
City. As long as it will be developed, and maintained by the local government of the city, it
could attract the interests and could influence tourists from different countries, regions, and
provinces to visit the attraction.

2.4 Tourism Marketing

Dapitan City is most known in the country for its historical and cultural value. It also has
several other tourist attractions and destinations that build up the tourism economy of the city.
Mt. Lab in Dapitan was only discovered by the local people during the pre-pandemic, so people
from other places are not yet familiar with the attraction. Along with the tourism flow of
Dapitan, many different establishments and travel agencies had already included Mt. Lab as part
of their tour package. On the other hand, Mt. Lab was then promoted and introduced by people
across many different platforms and commercials.

Social Media Platform

Today’s generation, people are now mostly into the different social media platforms.
Some uses it only for entertainment, but is mostly used as a platform to generate money. Due to
people and even influencers posting videos and photos about the potential tourism beauty of Mt.
Lab, many people from across countries and provinces had discovered the magnificent beauty of
the natural attraction. Facebook, twitter, and instagram are one of the platforms that people
usually talk about the attraction. The other platform is the YouTube, wherein influencers and
vloggers make videos about the tourist attraction of Dapitan, highlighting the potential beauty of
Mt. Lab. It actually easy to promote tourism attractions nowadays, just by posting and making a
video of it, it can already help promote tourism attractions to introduce it to people, especially
the tourists without any hassle.
Blogs and Articles

Aside from the social media platforms, there are also blogs and articles that can be used
to promote tourism attractions. Blogs are basically the description of Mt. Lab for instance. It
contains the information about the attraction, how to be able to access the attraction, and how to
arrive the destination. There are several blogs posted in google that contains the details about Mt.
Lab, which could help not only tourists but also students and other people that studies tourism

Marketing Mix

The tourism attractions of Dapitan City values the income generated through partnerships
and stakeholders, and as well as the experience felt by the tourists visiting the destination. The
tourism system of the city is established by the factors that helped build up the tourism marketing
of the tourist attractions of Dapitan. These include the price, product, place and promotion that
are commonly applied to many different business entities, including the tourism sector of

-Tour Packages

-depending on
Target the rate
offered by
promotion, the
publicity, and Market different
to avail

-the target
market and the
place of the
2.5 Transport Facilities

The destination of Mt. Lab natural attraction is quite hard to access, especially if the
tourist do not have a private transportation. The transport facility of the tourism destinations of
Dapitan City is categorized into three; it’s either by land, sea, and air. But, it is advised to have
an owned vehicle to reach the destination of Mt. Lab, in order to have lesser the cost of the travel
expense, most especially if the people are only from neighboring cities and provinces.


Local carriers like Philippine carriers and Cebu Pacific provide daily flight trip schedules
to and from Dipolog City if you're traveling from the Luzon and Visayas region. Take a tricycle
to the Dipolog City Integrated Terminal once you have exited the Dipolog airport's gate.
Depending on the vehicle you ride, the fare will range from Php60.00 to Php100.00.


The only arrival location for all local flights in Zamboanga del Norte is Dipolog location,
and from there it is possible to travel by bus or private vehicle to Dapitan City. Take an
Evergood bus, which costs between Php40.00 and Php60.00, to get to Dapitan City from the
Dipolog City Integrated Terminal. From Ozamis City, Pagadian City, Cagayan de Oro, and
Zamboanga City are other land entrance points. The vehicle you ride and the deal you negotiate
with the driver determines your arrival towards the tourism destination.


There are several local shipping companies, including Medallion, Cokaliong, GP, and
Montenegro Lines, that serve ferry services from the Visayas region, including Cebu and
Dumaguete, to Dapitan City and vice versa. The downtown is about a 10-minute ride away from
Pulauan port. The trip from Dipolog City's Galas port will take 30 to 40 minutes.

2.6 Accommodation

Mt. Lab itself do not have the accommodation for tourists to avail, however, there are
several establishments that provides accommodation services near the destination. There are
lodges, pension house, inns, or even in one of the most prominent tourist attraction of Dapitan,
the Dakak Park and Beach Resort. They offer many different rooms from cheap to expensive
rates. They also have tour packages that already includes the tour towards different tourist
attractions and destinations of Dapitan, including Mt. Lab. So in order to spend less money
during visits, it is advised to have or to avail tour packages, especially if the tourist came from
different places.
2.7 Tourism Services

There are tourism establishments of Dapitan City that offers tour packages. The rates
depend on the destination and the inclusions they offer to the customers. Most of the offered
rates are partially expensive, as it came from famous tourism attractions of Dapitan, such as
Dakak and Fantasyland. The information of their packages can be found in their Facebook pages.
The inclusions of the packages mostly have the tour guide, the transportation in and out of the
city, and accommodation, and even meals.

During and before the pandemic, the local people that lives within the attraction, offered
tour guiding experience of Mt. Lab. The rates depend on the number of people and hours that
tourists would like to know more about the place. The people also had the carabao and horse
riding experience for the tourist to reach the peak of the mountain without exerting too much
physical force. They used the income they generate to maintain the cleanliness of the site, and
also to help develop while preserving the natural beauty of the attraction. Moreover, now, the
operation stopped due to few people visiting Mt. Lab, and that most of the people visiting the
area are mostly dependent to hike the mountain.

2.8 Human Resource Development

Mt. Lab is protected by both the local government unit of Dapitan, and the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The stakeholders that protect and maintains the
natural beauty of Mt. Lab used to have the consistent operation in maintaining the site. However,
due to the lack of support and resources, the attraction is now disregarded, and they only take
action at important times. Once a year, the DENR conducts a tree planting activity joined and
supported by the different establishments, may be private and public sectors, in order to maintain
and increase the number of trees found within the site. The activity is also conducted for the
purpose of providing more habitats for the wildlife that lives in the area. The tree planting
campaign was recently conducted last month. Furthermore, the sectors and the people that
comprises it should give importance in developing and maintaining the attraction, as it does not
only provides tourism attraction, but also protects the local people of Dapitan City from natural
2.9 Issues and Impacts

Mt. Lab is one of the most well-liked places to go trekking and mountain hiking in
Dapitan City. The mountain is renowned for its breathtaking vistas and difficult routes. The best
spot to start your day is Mt. Lab if you're looking for a strenuous hike. The journey will take you
through some of the most breathtaking landscape in the region, and the trailhead is located just
outside of the poblacion. The natural beauty of Mt. Lab had impacted the tourist arrival of the
city. However, on the contrary of its beneficial impacts, there are also issues that affect not only
the local people that live within the attraction, but also the natural beauty of the attraction.

Improper waste disposal and littering

Since Mt. Lab is an underdeveloped ecotourism attraction, proper waste disposal is not
yet properly implemented as it do not have the garbage bins for the waste to be properly
disposed. Littering of plastics, food packages and etc. is everywhere in the site, due to
undisciplined people visiting the attraction. This dilemma as a factor for the flora and fauna that
exist in Mt. Lab. This should be solved immediately to avoid severe problems in the future.

Disturbance of the Wildlife

Since almost every day, Mt. Lab is visited by several groups of people for hiking and
trekking, most of them do not respect the wildlife that lives within the site. The loud noises of
ignorant tourist tend to affect and disturb the animals in the attraction. Some do even make fun of
the animals, and some kills wild animals they see along the way. The bewilderment of humans is
the most impacted factor that destroys the natural beauty of any tourism attractions.


Mt. Lab is surrounded by diverse communities living within and at the bottom of the
mountain. Some of them depend on the natural resources, the crops they planted, and the
livestock they established in the site. However, due to overpopulation of the people that lives in
the attraction, the possibility of the destruction of Mt. Lab is increasing, as people in the local
area abuses the resources they get from the mountain. Basically, the local people that lives within
the area should be moved from a place which will be provided by the government, in order to
preserve the natural beauty of Mt. Lab.

Slippery Trails

The pathway of Mt. Lab during rainy is difficult to pass by. The route tends to get
slippery as it is where the water flows from the top, which causes the soil to soften leading
passerby to a dangerous situation.
Lack of Signage

The other deficiency of the attraction is the relevance of implementing signages towards
the destination. There were only two signages, and both of those only pertained to the
importance of proper disposal, other matters was disregarded, including the signs pointing to the
direction towards the peak of the mountain, and warning signs about the wild animals living
within the area.

Unmaintained Projects

The factor within the natural attraction also includes the unmaintained programs of the
LGU and DENR towards the development of the attraction. The tree planting program of the
organization was not sustained, leaving some of the trees that were not grown and planted

Absence of management zones

Finally is the lacking of buffer zones, and restrictions within the site. Basically, it is difficult to
determine the limitations of the hike, since tour guides are not available, and tourists have the free will to
explore the mountain. This could be dangerous for tourists as wild animals might be disturbed, which
could lead the tourists to harm.
3.1 Vision

The vision of this ecotourism management plan of Mt. Lab conveys a medium to long-
term goals for all the stakeholders, including the private and public sectors to be given benefits
they need. Also, the relevance of developing while maintaining the natural beauty of Mt. Lab is
indicated, in order to avoid compromising the resources for the future generation of the local
people. The vision states;

“To have a tranquil, expanding ecotourism and commerce community with empowered
residents who protect their culture and resources through cooperative and service-oriented

3.2 Goals

 To effectively provide a more potential ideas for the development of Mt. Lab, as well as
the entire tourism attractions of Dapitan.
 To ensure sustainable management, utilization, development of land and natural
resources and conservation of biodiversity.
 To improve quality of life by offering cutting-edge, high-tech infrastructure services,
utilities, and support for sustainable development, forward-thinking commerce, and
livable communities.
 To aid the development of Mt. Lab while also maintaining the natural beauty of the
 To be discovered by tourists from across places, and to become part of the prominent
attractions of Dapitan City.
 To provide opportunities in the manner of providing the local people the source of
income, and job employment.

3.3 Objectives

1. To find any trouble spots and ascertain whether pollutants are or ever were on the site.
2. To develop any possible problems emerging within the site.
3. To evaluate the factors affecting the development of the site.
4. To determine the impact of the site towards the people, and the government protecting it.
5. To increase the potential opportunities offered by the site.
3.4 Strategies which include programs and projects

Mt. Lab is one of the most well-liked places for trekking in Dapitan City's tourism attraction.
The mountain's breathtaking views and difficult trails are well-known. Most adventurous tourist
or those who travels for relaxation tend to research about something new on a site to visit:

Present online

Gives advantage to truly potential tourists. Investing in tourism marketing and search
engine optimization can bring an improvement towards the visibility of the ecotourism site.

Coffee Shop

Tourists in the mountain tend to enjoy hot food and drinks, since hiking is the physical
activity indulged above the mountain tourist usually needs something to eat and drink. So, you
can open a coffee shop at the mountain itself so that it is easier for tourists to stop and stop by
there. To better attract customers, you should provide local specialties and various snacks and
other food menus. It should be a eco friendly shop with the use of materials that can be found in
the site.

Lodging Services

Usually, visitors in the mountainous do not immediately go home the same day. They
will spend a few days to enjoy the breathtaking view before finally having to return to the city.
Therefore, you can open a lodging business as a means of their accommodation using some eco
friendly materias such bahay kubo. Even though you can’t make a luxurious place to stay, you
have to keep it comfortable and clean.


Land in the mountains tends to be fertile so plants can grow well there. By creating a
program with the partnership of the LGU, allowing plantation gives opportunity to grow a
variety of vegetables, fruit, and other food sources, plantation products to distributor markets.
3.5 Site Planning and Zoning

Mt. Lab at Dapitan City offers gatherings that promote social contact and interaction with
people having the same interests with physical activities. The area is lack of safety cautious that
may led to harm,danger, and uncomfortably towards the tourist. :

Building of ecotourism facilities

Establishing of eco-friendly facilities could help develop the beauty of the attraction to
entice more tourists entering the city. Building of ecolodges for lodging area, trails in case of
muddy pathways, information center, camping facilities, handrails for security support and
comfort rooms. Moreover, to develop the site, the use of materials must be ecologically helpful,
in order to maintain the natural beauty of the site.

Establishment of Signages

Providing of signages are one of the relevant things to consider in developing ecotourism
sites. Since Mt. Lab only has two signages implemented in the site, it is recommended to provide
additional signages such as, signages for direction, warning signs, information board, and
guidelines about the site.

Reinforcement of Management Zones

Since Mt. Lab doesn't have the zones to determine the restricted areas of the site,
implementation of the management zones must be applied in order to ensure the safety of the
tourists, and to avoid destruction and disturbance of the wildlife living within the site.

3.6 Visitor Management Plan

Site type and Features

Mt. Lab is located along Brgy. Sto.Niño,Dapitan City of Zamboanga del Norte. It is
known as mountain of fire from the word.dilaab and where it got its name Mt. Lab, because the
mountain would easily catch fire especially in summer.

Specific feature of Visitor’s Interest

Mt. Lab is one of the most popular hiking destinations in Dapitan City. The mountain is
known for its stunning views and challenging trails. If you're looking for a vigorous hike, Mt.
Lab is the perfect place to start your day. The trailhead is located just outside of the poblacion,
and the hike will take you through some of the most beautiful scenery in the area. Mt. Lab is one
of the most popular hiking destinations in Dapitan City.
Business Hour

Mt. Lab is open daily from Monday to Sunday.


• Last entry: 6:00 PM

• 8:00 AM-8.30 PM


• Last entry: 7:00 PM


Mt. Lab is one of the most common destinations for mountain trails or camping. Mt. Lab can
confine up to 50 individuals.

If you are decided to have a mountain trails or camping in Mt. Lab, here are the rules:

1. Respecting the place and other visitors’ space.

2.Don’t cause anything that will disrupt the peace of others.

3. Do not litter, vandalize, or damage the structures.

4. No entry for any person with heart and/or mobility issues.

5. Elders must be assisted.

6. No teasing or causing panic.

Special Visitor Services

Photography and videography

One of the most well-liked places to go trekking in Dapitan City is Mt. Lab. The
mountain is renowned for its breathtaking vistas and difficult trails. The best place to start your
day is Mt. Lab if you're looking for a strenuous hike.The journey will take you through some of
the most breathtaking landscape in the region, and the trailhead is located just outside of the
poblacion. With this, ou can find many couples or tourists in general who take photo shoots in
the stunning mountain. For Mt. Lab,there are no charges for any reasons for shooting.
Entry Requirements

Maximum Capacity: 50 pax at a time

Entrance Fee: P30 (Adults), P20 (Students & PWDs)

Payment Options: Cash

It is limited to visitors aged 18 to 65 in compliance with the age restrictions set by the IATF.

Mt. Lab visitors must observe the minimum public health standards. There will be a
mandatory screening of temperature and symptoms, and sanitizing practices. All guests must
register their visit through log book system for contact tracing prior to entry.

Mt. Lab encourages visitor to wear comfortable clothes and appropriate attire is
recommended. Guests are prescribed to avoid wearing flip-flops, tank tops if you'll be wearing a
heavy backpack—the straps might chafe bare shoulders, and clothes that are not meant for

Lounge and Resting Areas

Since Mt. Lab, a tourist attraction in Dapitan City that is one of the most stunning mountain
around the City due to its abundance of natural resources. It posseses scenetic views that tourists
can camp and have a picnic to get the most comfortable resting while having a stunning view.
Beautiful cogon and tree lined areas provide a cool environment that can add up to the
comfortable resting place.

There are also developed site within the City that you can have your rest:

- Dapitan City Plaza

- Dapitan City Boulevard

- Dapitan City Eco Park

Tour Route

Dipolog City Airport

You may ride a motorcycle from Dipolog City Airport to the Dipolog Terminal, and then
ride an Evergood to Dapitan City Terminal. After arriving at Dapitan City Terminal, you can
ride a motorcycle to St. Nino, and finally to the entrance of Mt. Lab, which is located along the
St. Nino Highway.
Pulauan Port

From a pulauan port you can ride a motorcycle going to Dapitan City Terminal. After
arriving at Dapitan City Terminal, you can ride a motorcycle to St. Nino, and finally to the
entrance of Mt. Lab, which is located along the St. Nino Highway.

Safety and Security Protocols

Mt. Lab is not liable for any damage, loss, injury or death caused by visit to, or availing
of the venue for any event or gathering.

Meal Facilities and Provisions

Mt. Lab is ideal place for a quiet picnic or a scenic walk, however there is no restaurants
nor cafe in the area. But there are numerous restaurants that serves variety of cuisine that you can
visit to within the city.

Glorious Fantasyland

- Peaches and Cream

- Sugba-sugba

Dapitan City Boulevard

- Nanay's Best Tapsilogan

- Kusina Restobar




- Welly's Tapsilogan

Exit Requirements

Tourists must exit Mt. Lab in the designated exit to be established. Not following the
policy will be charged with fines. The exit in Mt. Lab will located on the other side of the
mountain to avoid crowding and crowd crush of the tourists.
3.7 Site Activity Management

1. As the Mt. Lab ecotourism site is a government owned site, the Local Government Unit
(LGU) must request a financial support and accept donations to use it for the
development of the site such as building facilities, maintenance and hire individuals to
look up the site for security and preservation.
2. The Local Government Unit (LGU) must conduct a monthly monitor to the Mt. Lab to be
aware of the current situation of the site and to quickly make an action or solution of the
problems or issues that the site is currently facing.
3. Limit tourist capacity and time visit.
4. Accepting environmental activities such as tree planting and clean up.

3.8 Ecotourism Business Opportunities

Many mountain communities around the world have promoted ecotourism ventures to
ameliorate problems of environmental degradation and underdevelopment. Ecotourism has so
many advantages – helping preserve endangered species and habitats, keeping local communities
financially stable, encouraging sustainable economic practices, thus ecotourism have become an
important economic activity in natural areas around the world. Aside from the aforementioned
benefits of ecotourism, it also provides opportunities to generate income for conservation
programs and economic benefits for communities living in rural and remote areas.

Since Mt. Lab, a tourist attraction in Dapitan City that is one of the most stunning
mountain around Dapitan City due to its abundance of natural resources. The following are
numerous ecotourism business opportunities that could be build in Mt. Lab.

Horse back riding

Offering horse rides are interesting business opportunity that fit well in Mt. Lab since it
was being used as a source of transportation to get to the top of the mountain before, according
to the local, but currently they are no longer used it as it was. Thus, it is a great idea to evoke the
past because tourists need attractions for themselves and for their children and with the horse
rides often fit this need perfectly.

Souvenir shop

Wherever there are many tourists there is also a demand for souvenirs. For this reason,
among the many mountain business ideas such a souvenir store is one of the more profitable
ideas. Usually the best selling items in souvenir shops are fridge magnets, postcards, customized
mugs T-shirts and caps, paintings and decorations related to Mt. Lab as well as regional products
and symbols
Hammock and tent rental

In today's world of chaos and continual stimulus, it is difficult to quiet the mind and
think. Mt. Lab posses natural therapeutic components due to its peaceful and scenetic view. With
this, camping in Mt. Lab means to find some silence and clarity, and it's a crucial tool for
countering our societal survival standards. Having a tent and hommock rental business for
camping is a profitable ideas in Mt. Lab.

Fast food point and Cafe

Cafe with hot tea, coffee and snacks is the perfect place to make your stay more
magnificent in Mt. Lab. Also many of these people are hungry and often want to snack quickly
on something tasty.

With the given activities and facilities that could be done and build in Mt. Lab it is
generally believed that this form of tourism activities in the mountains will foster responsible
tourist behavior, conservation of important wildlife habitats and ecosystems, appreciation of
local cultures and traditional lifestyles, and provision of sustainable forms of livelihood for
people living in remote areas and communities.

3.9 Capacity Building

1. The site should only accept visitors from 7am to 3pm fir a total of 8 hours daily open.
2. Maximum of 100 persons per 3 hours. Though Mount Lab has a huge area, there were
only selected spaces of Mount Lab that can accommodate tourists.

3. 10. Marketing and Promotion

1. Make use of Social Media. People nowadays are already engaged in social media.
Therefore, marketing and promoting Mt. Lab is way easier by posting it to any social
media platform. This technique can promote the ecotourism site worldwide and this is an
excellent way to encourage tourist or travelers to visit Mt. Lab.
2. Build an organization of active Ecotourism travelers. This is for the purpose of building
an active social community who are interested to be informed and disseminate
information about the ecotourism site. This community will create unity, family, inspire,
and foster collaboration.
3. Make use of infographics. It is to enlighten and share broad knowledge using a visual
illustration to explain and illustrate a concept. This technique is better to enable viewers
to easily grasp concepts that would have been otherwise very difficult or impossible to

3.11 Institutional arrangements

The overall implementations of the Mt. Lab ecotourism management plan will be
undertaken by protected area management Board (PAMB) under the direction of the department
of environmental resources and natural resources (DENR), in close coordination and
collaboration with city/ municipality tourism office in Dapitan city.

3.12 Action Plan

Strategies/Project/Project Implementing Schedule of Expected output

Description office implementation

 Construction of Community of brgy. Start Implem Souvenir booth of

souvenir booth & area Sto. Niño with the Date entation area and food stall
for good stall supervision of it's date are constructed
official. LGU( June 2023-2025 and established.
Tourism office and 2023
the committee of
protection and
 Construction of store Community of brgy. June 2023-2025 Comfort rooms,
cottage and comfort Sto. Niño with the 2023 hammock renting
room supervision of it's and foldable chair
official. LGU( are constructed
Tourism office and and established.
the committee of
protection and
 Creating 3 station in the Community of brgy. June 2023-2025 Ensure that
site Sto. Niño with the 2023 tourism activities
supervision of it's take place at a
official. LGU( sustainable level
Tourism office and that maximize and
the committee of limits negative
protection and impacts.
 Orient the local Community of brgy. June 2023-2025 Participate
community of Brgy. Sto. Niño with the 2023 effectively in
Sto niño and value the supervision of it's tourism
importance of an official. LGU( management
organized community Tourism office and activity, their
the committee of capabilities have
protection and mobilized social
preservation.) actors rather than
a passive subject.

 Install necessary Community of brgy. June 2023-2025 Visitor will be

signage to preserve and Sto. Niño with the 2023 attracted and
protect Mt. Lab supervision of it's provide direction.
official. LGU(
Tourism office and
the committee of
protection and
 Set up an entrance fee, June 2023-2025 A continues flow
user fee and service fee 2023 of funding for
 Farm and monitoring June 2023-2025 Improve projects
validation of team from 2023 and organizational
individual DNR performance for
protected area achieving goals.
management board,
tourism officer of
dapitan and head of the
local community
3.13 Monitoring and Evaluation

Initial Consultation

Few people participated during the team's interview; one of the participants is the former
Barangay Captain who humbly welcomed the interviewers. The result of the interview as the
team’s further study is as follows:

 The Province Local Government Unit shows support to the site. Province Forest Protection
officers take part on protecting Mt. Lab.
 The Province LGU welcomed environmental activities within the site like tree planting.
 The Department of Environment and Natural Resources ( DENR Zamboanga Peninsula )
through its Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO)– Zamboanga del
Norte and Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) – Piñan, ZDN,
and in partnership with the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
participated on the nationwide simultaneous bamboo and tree planting at Mt. Lab, Sto. Niño,
Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte on September 13, 2022.
 The Department of Agriculture ZAMPEN, City and Provincial Local Government Unit,
Barangay Officials, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), Bureau of Fire
Protection (BFP), Philippine National Police (PNP), Kapisanan ng Brodkaster ng Pilipinas,
Youth Volunteers, Non-Government Organizations, Neighboring Communities and
Stakeholders are encourage citizenry involvement in protecting, conserving and developing
our country’s environment and natural resources.
 As the site is owned by the government, they allows indigenous people to live within the
selected areas of the Mountain.
 Before pandemic, there were some tourists who gave donations for the maintenance and
enhancement of the site.

4.1 Attachments

Signage established during the conduct of the Preliminary Site Assessment

The trail towards the peak of Mt. Lab
The unmaintained tree planting project from the last year’s tree-planting campaign conducted by
the DENR

The view from the peak of Mt. Lab

Plants and Trees found within the attraction
The highest peak of Mt. Lab

The Team
4.2 References

Department of Environment and Natural Resources


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