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MATH 1702

[B] Assignment 4 20


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o LastName, FirstName
o Example: Smith, John
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You must show all of your work, not just nal answers, for each question in order to receive full marks

1. Simplify the following expressions, leaving all exponents positive

a. -4a°b° (3aB') [21

b. 3

c. (8x?+2x- 8) - (4x' -3x - 2) (2]

d. 3(2x? - 4x +7) -3(2x² – 2x -1) [3

e. (2x +2y)(3x – 3y) (2]

MATH 1702 Name:
[B] Assignment 4 20 Student ID:

2.Evaluatex'y - (z -5) + yz²usingx = -3, y = 2,andz= -4 [2)

:(-4)2) -(-4)+(2\6)
: -54 +4 +34

3. The oxygen consumption C, in millimeters per minute, of a small mammal at rest is related to the animal's
weight m, in kilograms, by the equation C = 6m + 5.
What is the oxygen consumption of a mammal that weighs 11,935 grams? Round your nal answer to the
nearest tenth of a millimeter per minute. [3]

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4. Body Mass Index (BMI), in can be calculated using a person's height and weight. The formula is
Where m is a person's weight in kilograms and h is the person's height in metres.
a) Calculate the BMIl of a patient who weighs 74.7 kg and 1.75 m tall. Round your nal answer to the nearest
tenths. (2]
b) A BMI of 25.0 or more is overweight, while the healthy range is 18.5 to 24.9. Is the patient's BMl within the
healthy range? (1]

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