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Unit 3-2

Yavuz Cabbar

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar
Noise Vibration Lighting Workplace Radiation Pressure

Sound Basic Terms Lighting Temperature Ionasing Pressure

Quantities Nonionasing Effects

Hand-Arm Lighting Effects of

Frequancy Air velocity
Vibration Effects radiation
Whole-Body Relative Protection
Vibration humidity Methods

Effects of Vibration Radiant

Noise Hazard temperature

Protection Preventing Thermal

From Noise Comfort

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar


Basic Terms and Quantities

Not all sound is noise. It is only the sound that we do not like that we call noise.
Noise is defined as all adverse, unpleasant, irritating, annoying, or harmful sound that
reaches the hearing organ and influences other senses and parts of the human body.
In physical terms, sound is a mechanical vibration of an elastic medium (gas, liquid, or
solid). The vibration may be considered to be an oscillatory movement of the particles
of the medium in relation to the equilibrium condition, resulting in a change in the
medium static (atmospheric) pressure.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

This change of pressure—or disturbance from equilibrium—is transmitted as a
subsequent local condensation and rarefaction of the medium’s particles in the
space surrounding the vibrating source, generating an acoustic wave.

The difference between the instantaneous pressure value in a medium during

the propagation of an acoustic wave and the static (atmospheric) pressure value
is referred to as sound pressure, p, expressed in pascals (Pa; ).

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Due to the wide range of changes in the sound pressure—from 2 × 10−5 to 2 × 102
Pa—the logarithmic scale is widely used; the sound pressure level, Lp, is expressed in
decibels, according to the following equation:

Lp  10 log (8.6)

where p is the sound pressure root mean square (rms) value in pascals and p0 is the
reference sound pressure, equal to 20 μPa, a conventional value equivalent to the
sound pressure at which tones (sinusoidal vibrations) of a frequency of 1000–5000
Hz can be heard.
EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar
The sound pressure level weighted by A-weighting frequency characteristics of the sound
level meter is called the A-weighted sound level, while the sound pressure level weighted
by C-weighing frequency characteristics is known as the C-weighted sound level.

A-, B-, and C-weighted frequency characteristics, like the time weightings of the meter,
are related to the characteristic of the ear known as isophonic curves, or equal loudness
contours. At present, A-weighted and C-weighted characteristics are applicable regardless
of the sound pressure level value.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Atmospheric pressure (Pa)

Sound pressure and atmospheric pressure.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar



-40 C B A


5100251012510225103251042510525106 Frequency (Hz)

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Sound may consist of one pure tone but mostly it is a mixture of many tones of
different volumes (loudness) and pitches (high or low frequency). The volume is
measured in decibels (dB). The pitch is measured in hertz (Hz).

If we find a sound disturbing it is not simply due to its loudness. The pitch can also be
a contributing factor. High tones irritate more than low tones.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Pure tones may be disturbing and can cause more injury than complex

The table below shows the volume of different sounds expressed in dB(A).
dB(A) is normally used because this corresponds most closely to the effect
of noise on the human ear.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

The table shows
the volume of
different sounds
expressed in dB(A).
dB(A) is normally
used because this
corresponds most
closely to the effect
of noise on the
human ear.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Noises from different sources blend together. The level of total noise in any
area increases with the number of sources of noise. Because of the peculiar
characteristics of the decibel scale (a logarithmic scale) we cannot simply add
up the different noise levels.

Two different sources of noise which each creates a noise level of 80 dB(A),
together give a decibel count of 83 dB(A) – not 160 dB(A).

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Another important characteristic is that a change from 80 dB(A) to 83 dB(A)
is experienced by the ear as just as great as a change from 40 dB(A) to 43

A change of 3 dB(A) – as in this example – always has the same effect on our
experience of noise regardless of the initial noise level.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

It is important to bear these facts in mind when discussing the intensity of
noise and changes in noise intensity. Saying that the noise level has been cut
from 90 dB(A) to 80 dB(A) doesn’t sound very significant, but with the
particular characteristics of the decibel scale in mind, it means that such a
reduction is the same as the effect we get in a workplace if we remove nine out
of ten noisy machines.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

In recent years noise levels have increased. Machinery that has
been made more efficient and faster has increased noise levels. In
large open work areas, noise is widespread and can increase in
intensity as additional machines add to the noise level.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

The perception of noise is personal, however it is clear that any of us
can have our hearing damaged, in some cases irrepairably, if the sound
level is too high.

It is not only hearing that can be affected by noise. Noise can also affect
blood circulation and produce stress in the body. We then find it difficult
to sleep.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Noise can cause:

• damage to hearing
• masking (disturbing to conversation)
• irritation or annoyance.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

We experience sound in
different ways. What we
find enjoyable and
stimulating, other people
may find noisy and
unpleasant. Remember
that every time we are
exposed to a very loud
noise we risk permanent
damage to our hearing

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Injurious noise

At many workplaces the level of noise can be injurious to hearing.

Often the noise is created by different types of processing
machines. Tools powered by compressed air, or manual work
hammering metal objects also creates loud noise.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Noise which is continuous at a level of 85-90 dB(A) or more is injurious to
hearing. You risk damage to your hearing if you spend more than five
hours a day at this level of noise.

Hearing can also be damaged by sudden loud noises from an explosion

near the ear. Unfortunately, we can’t close our ears like we can do with
our eyes.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

It isn’t only direct
damage from noise
that affects us
negatively. In stressful
work situations,
masking or irritating
noise can give rise to
mental stress which in
turn can cause
physical damage to
our bodies.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Masking noise

Masking noise means that the sound we want to hear is drowned by another sound.
This can cause accidents, because warning shouts and other signals are not heard.

At a workplace the noise from machinery can mask the sound the sound of a truck or
disturb a conversation. Similar problems exist in most industrial workplaces.

The level of sound should not exceed 60-70 dB(A) if we are to conduct a conversation
at a normal distance.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar
Irritating noise

Irritating noise exists in various forms. The extent to which we feel that
a noise is irritating is in part subjective, depending on our feeling as to
whether the sound is desirable or not. Even a low volume sound can
be irritating.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Restaurant patrons may enjoy music being played in the
background while the waiters might find it irritating. We also
frequently find this problem in the home, we can feel that our
neighbour’s music is irritating while he thinks that it is wonderful.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Injury to hearing

Long periods spent in areas of high noise levels can result in a measurable
deterioration in hearing. The ear is a highly sensitive organ that we must

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

The picture shows a cross-
section of an ear. Sound
travels through the outer
ear, and causes vibrations of
the ear drum and the three
ear bones (hammer, anvil
and stirrup). The vibrations
pass through the fluid
contained in a tightly coiled
tube called the cochlea. The
auditory nerve which has
endings in the cochlea
transmits the signal to the

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

It is the cochlea which is damaged when we are exposed to an
excessively high sound level. The very fine nerve endings in the
interior of the cochlea are damaged and die. This damage is
irreversible. It cannot be repaired.

Individuals have different degrees of sensitivity to noise. Some

people’s hearing can be damaged faster than the others.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

A cochlea damaged by noise. About
one-third of the nerve endings have
been totally destroyed. This makes it
impossible to hear high tones – a
hearing injury.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Temporary noise-induced hearing loss

There is one warning sign that we must heed: if after a short time in a
noisy environment we leave it for a quieter one and do not at first
hear the quieter sounds, our hearing has been reduced – this is called
temporary noise-induced hearing loss. This kind of loss is reversible.
Normal hearing will return after a period of rest.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

It is therefore important that those who spend time in noisy workplace be allowed to rest
their ears by taking a break in quiet surroundings.

Temporary noise-induced hearing loss is a warning sign. You must avoid working for many
years in such a workplace to avoid permanent hearing loss.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

A handicap
Hearing is an important sense which helps us establish contact with our surroundings. If we
permanently or partially lose our hearing, we will find it difficult to hear what other people
are saying and difficult to listen to the radio or TV.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Partial or total hearing loss can have the following consequences:

• we may find it very difficult to understand normal speech

• we may have difficulty in understanding what supervisors or workmates say and in
recognising sound signals
• we may suffer from a feeling of isolation as we cannot participate in discussions
during breaks or conversations with friends during time off
• we may need more rest and relaxation than normal because we must often use all
our energy to do our jobs.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Is it true that nothing can be You will have to speak up, John has
done about Noise, John? been working here a long time.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Methods Of Noise Control

Machinery and Production Processes

Many sources of noise produce both air-borne and structure-borne sound. We must,
therefore, try to reduce the level of noise both from the machinery and on the work

It can be difficult to reduce the amount of noise produced by machinery and

production processes without interrupting or reducing production.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

However, try to:

• enclose entire machines, or particularly noisy parts of machines

• service the machines regularly to keep them in good condition and thereby
reduce the noise
• reduce the vibration in component parts and casings, etc.
• replace metal parts by parts made of sound- absorbing material, e.g. plastic,
rubber or other soundproof materials lengthen the braking period for
reciprocating parts.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Noise-insulated air
compressors. The
principle is that the
noise should be
contained under the
hood. The hood is
made of hard material
with a soft, absorbent

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

A well designed soundproof casing can reduce the noise level up to 55 dB(A). If the
level of noise is a workplace is higher than 80 dB(A), steps must be taken to reduce
the overall noise level. This can entail the construction of soundproof casing around
the machines or the use of personal hearing protectors. Building a soundproof cover
around the noise source or similar measures is preferable to relying on hearing
protectors. However while waiting for such improvements, always use hearing

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

1.5 mm stiffened plate reduce

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Noisy Equipment

Noise from equipment can be reduced efficiently without taking complicated

measures. Examples of methods are:

• fitting a screw-on muffler on the exhaust outlet

• changing the type of pneumatic equipment to reduce high-frequency
• replacing the equipment with a quieter model e.g. quieter fans with proper
• properly fastening some noise-producing parts
• isolating or screening the workplace containing noisy equipment.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Materials Handling

Noise generated by the handling of materials can often be reduced. Avoid

banging and knocking materials during handling, particularly transportation

• reduce the height that goods in bins and racks can fall
• reinforce sheet metal constructions that are hit by packets or materials or
cover them with sound- proofing sandwich sheets or similar materials

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

• reduce sharp blows by using rubber or plastic coverings
• reduce the speed of the conveyor systems
• install several conveyor belts to divide the load and thereby
reduce the speed.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar


a lowered
and raised
belt Small
Free fal


The conveyor belt is constructed so that it can be lowered or raised with a hydraulic system. The end of
the belt has a drum attached to it with rubber breaking blocks attached to the insides of the container.
The drum is automatically raised. The free fall height is always the same as the difference in height
between the fast rubber breaking block and the top level of the materials or objects in the container.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Work Premises

The distribution of sound on the actual work premises can be reduced by:

• covering the ceilings and walls with sound- absorbing materials

(porous material)
• using sound-absorbing screens
• building sound-proof control areas and rest rooms.

Installing sound-proof material in the ceiling lowers the general level of

sound on the premises.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

If the noise sources are isolated by a wall or enclosed in sound-
proofing casings the noise level can be reduced both near the source
of the noise and further away. Those people who are working at
quieter jobs with quieter machines are not then unnecessarily
disturbed by surrounding sources of noise.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

By covering the ceilings and walls with sound- absorbing materials, the distribution
of the sound on the premises can be reduced and the level of noise lowered.

It is often necessary to place machinery which creates noise on elastic pads or feet.
This isolates the vibrations and prevents them from being distributed through the
structure of the building, ducts, pipes, etc. Large, heavy machinery should be
placed on individual foundations separated from the main workshop floor.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Line with low Line with high
noise level noise level

In a car plant with several different productions lines the noise from one
line is higher than from the others. The grinding work on the
undercarriages creates a screeching high frequency sound, which disturbs
everybody working in the main hall.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Sound absorbing buffles screen

Walls of

Line with high noise level

Putting up fight partitions along the sides of the production line and hanging sound
absorbing baffles over the opening above, cuts off the other production lines from the
grinding noise. But you still have to use protectors hearing
EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar
Hearing Protectors


Noise which is injurious to hearing should be dealt with by technical measures. If this is
not possible then personal protective equipment should be used. Examples of this are use
of ear plugs and ear muffs.

It is important that hearing protectors are used as long as the person is exposed to a high
level of noise. Even removing them for short periods of time can involve considerable risk
of damage to hearing.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Disposable earplugs.
1. Formable wedding – acoustical fibres.
2. Plastic covered acoustical fibres.
3. Expandable plastics.
4. Reusable plastic earplugs.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar


Vibroacoustics is a field of science that deals with vibration and acoustic processes
observed in nature, engineering, machines and equipment, means of transport, and
communication, that is, in the entire work and life environment. It is useful in
reducing vibroacoustic disturbances to the minimum level attainable with the
current knowledge and technology.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Oscillation motion or—in short—oscillation (vibration) is a process that periodically
changes any physical quantity specific to this process.

A mechanical system is a set of interconnected solid bodies; an acoustic system is an area

filled with gas, or sometimes liquid, and limited by surfaces (such as room walls).
Mechanical and the acoustic systems often form a whole unit, referred to as a
vibroacoustic system.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Vibration has three correlated vibratory quantities: displacement, velocity, and

Vibroacoustic parameters can be determined experimentally. The physical parameters

of a vibroacoustic signal can be measured, and their influence on the psychophys-
iological properties of humans can be determined by research. A vibroacoustic signal is
a rich source of information on the technical condition of equipment and machines
found in workplaces, apartments, and so on.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar


A Effective rms value

Peak value
Average value

Vibroacoustic signals are
Peak-peak value
usually complex periodical
oscillations consisting of many
basic harmonic oscillations.
The characteristics of a Average value
Peak value
vibroacoustic signal are A

shown in Figure Effective rms value


Peak-peak value

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

The average value of a given signal a(t) is defined by the expression:

where T is the oscillation period in seconds.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

The root mean square Arms, also known as the quadratic mean, is expressed by
the formula:

Apeak is the maximum value reached by the measured signal during observation. The
difference between the maximum and the minimum value of the vibroacoustic signal
amplitude is termed ‘peak-to-peak value’ (Apeak-peak). For a symmetric signal, such as
harmonic oscillation, it is twice the peak value

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

The correlation between the discussed values can be presented as follows:

where Ff is the form factor and Fpeak is the crest factor.

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For sinusoidal signals, these factors are

In the mechanical and acoustic oscillation theory, a logarithmic scale is

often applied due to the wide range of oscillation amplitudes.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

The level of the vibroacoustic quantity (measured in decibels [dB]) applied
in this scale is expressed by the following formula:

where N is the level of the vibroacoustic quantity, A is the quantity

measured, and A0 is the reference value for a given vibroacoustic quantity

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Basic Terms and Quantities

From the perspective of occupational safety and health protection, mechanical oscilla-
tion (vibration) is a set of phenomena observed at workstations, constituting the trans-
mission of energy from the vibration source to the human body through various body
parts that come into contact with the oscillating source while performing work tasks.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar
Long-term occupational exposure to vibration may lead to many disorders
and cause permanent pathological changes. The type of changes and the
pace of their development depend to a great extent upon the point of
penetration on the human body. In this regard, two types of mechanical
vibration can be distinguished:

• Whole-body vibration influences the human body in general, penetrating

through the legs, pelvis, the back, or the sides.
• Hand-arm vibration acts on the human body through the upper limbs.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Vibration acceleration is usually measured to assess the influence of mechani-
cal vibration upon the human body; it provides the best characterisation of
the energy-related aspects of the vibration process. This quantity is
associated with the adopted admissible values relating to daily (8-hour)
exposure, which are defined for health protection in many domestic and
international legal provisions.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Sources of vibroacoustic
disturbances in industry.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

The vibration signal may contain a single component of a specific frequency
(sinusoidal vibration); however, in practice, vibration is most often composed
of many sinusoidal components or even a sum of their infinite number. In
simple sinusoidal vibration, the value of instantaneous acceleration of
vibration is expressed as follows:

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

where apeak is the is the maximum (peak) acceleration value in metres
per second squared (m/s2), t is the time in seconds, T is the vibration
period in seconds, and is the frequency in hertz (Hz).

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Impact of Vibration on the Human Body

Mechanical vibration transferred from oscillatory systems to the human body may
have a negative impact on individual systems and organs, or it may cause vibration
of the whole body or its parts and its cellular structures. Long-term exposure to
vibration may lead to many disorders and cause permanent and irreversible
pathological changes; these changes depend upon the type of vibration to which an
individual is exposed—whole-body or hand-arm vibration.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Hand-Arm Vibration

Exposure to vibration transferred to the organism through the upper

limbs— hand-arm vibration—results mainly in pathological changes in

• The circulatory system

• The nervous system
• The osteoarticular system

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Epidemiological research has shown a strict causal relationship between
pathological changes in these systems and work conditions. Therefore, a
set of these changes, known as vibration syndrome, is considered an
occupational disease in many countries.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

The vascular form of vibration syndrome is the most frequent and is
characterised by changes mainly in peripheral blood circulation in the form of
paroxysmal vasospastic disorders of the upper extremities (white fingers).
Paroxysmal vasospasms are indicated by one or more fingertips turning pale.
This form of vibration syndrome is often confused with Raynaud’s disease.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Vasospastic disorders are often accompanied by nervous disorders and osteoar-
ticular changes. Changes in the nervous system caused by exposure to hand-arm
vibration mainly include pallesthesia, apselaphesia, loss of sense of temperature,
and associated problems such as numbness or tingling of fingertips. If exposure
to vibration continues, these changes develop further, decreasing the ability to
work and perform other life functions.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Osteoarticular changes in the hand are caused mainly by hand-arm vibration of
frequency below 30 Hz. These include the deformity of articular spaces,
calcification of articular capsules, and changes in the periosteum and the
woven bone, leading to the emergence of characteristic cysts in the small
bones, particularly in the wrist. Operators of manual vibration tools are the
main group exposed to hand-arm vibration.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Whole-Body Vibration

The negative consequences of occupational exposure to whole-body

vibration are mostly related to

• The skeletal system

• The internal organs

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

In the skeletal system, pathological changes emerge mainly in the lumbar
segment of the spine, and less often in the cervical segment. Spinal pain
syndrome resulting from pathological changes occurring in persons
occupationally exposed to whole-body vibration has been recognised as an
occupational disease—like vibration syndrome caused by hand-arm vibration—
in some countries.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Internal organ disorders caused by whole-body vibration are mainly due to the
resonance excitation of individual organs (the frequency of natural vibrations of most
organs is between 2 and 18 Hz). This causes adverse changes in the functioning of the
alimentary system organs, mainly the stomach and the oesophagus; however, tests
conducted on large groups occupationally exposed to whole-body vibration show that
disorders are also found, for example, in the vestibulocochlear organ, the organs of the
thorax, the female reproductive system, and the nasopharyngeal cavity.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

The main groups of employees exposed to whole-body vibration are car drivers, tram drivers,
engine drivers, and construction and road machine operators. In these cases, vibration is
transmitted to the body from the vehicle seat through the pelvis, the back, and the sides.
However, occupational exposure to whole-body vibration often affects persons who handle
fixed equipment and machines operated in various work areas in a standing position. In such
cases, vibrations penetrate the employee’s body through the feet from the vibrating base of
the workstation. The effects of these vibrations are similar to those transmitted by seats.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

The biological effects of hand-arm and whole-body vibrations on the human body
are usually accompanied by functional effects, which include the following:

• Prolonged motor response time

• Prolonged visual response time
• Movement coordination disturbances
• Excessive fatigue
• Irritation
• Sleep disorders

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Methods of Determination of Machine Vibration Emission Values

Information concerning the machine vibration emission is valuable for

designers, manufacturers, users, and inspection authorities, and is necessary
for the comparison of vibration emissions generated by various machines
and for the assessment of vibrations in order to comply with the
requirements of occupational health and safety.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

According to the European and domestic regulations (Directive
2006/42/EC): Machinery must be designed and constructed to reduce
risks resulting from vibrations produced by the machinery to the lowest
level, taking into account the technical progress and the availability of
means for reducing vibration, particularly at the source.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Exposure action value: It is the value that, if exceeded,
requires controlling the risks that may arise from the
exposure of the worker to vibration.

Exposure limit value: It is the value that employees

should not be exposed to a vibration above this value.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

According to the Regulation on the Protection of Employees from
Vibration-Related Risks, exposure limit values and exposure action
values are given below:

For hand-arm vibration:

Daily exposure limit value for eight hours of operation: 5 m/s2.
Daily exposure action value for eight hours of operation: 2.5 m/s2.

For whole body vibration:

Daily exposure limit value for an eight-hour working period: 1.15 m/s2.
Daily exposure action value for eight hours of operation: 0.5 m/s2.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Methods of Preventing, Eliminating, and Limiting Vibration Exposure

Methods of prevention, elimination, and limitation of vibration exposure generally

can be divided into technical and organisational or administrative methods. The
technical methods include

• Elimination or limitation of vibration at the source

• Limitation of vibration along its propagation route
• Automation of technological processes and remote control of vibration sources
• Active control of vibration

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

The vibroactivity of the sources may be reduced by changing their structure,
proper assembly, or fixing the machines to the floor (foundation engineering).

Using expansion joints separating the foundations of machines and devices from
the surrounding area, various forms of vibroisolation materials (mats, washers,
spe-cial vibration isolators), and personal protection equipment such as
antivibration gloves can reduce the vibration along its propagation route.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Automation of technological processes and remote control of vibration
sources allow the employees to be away from the areas exposed to
mechanical vibration and thus reduce the threats to health due to

The active methods discussed next are the most effective for vibration

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Reduction of Vibroactivity of the Sources

The vibroactivity of sources can be reduced in various ways:

Altering the internal structure of the vibration source: Vibration may occur due to defective
or imprecise construction of a machine or mechanism, for instance, rough finishing, resulting
in an imbalance of rotating parts and an increase in the vibration level proportional to the
spinning frequency (rotating speed). Improper assembly of the cooperating components,
despite their proper geometry has similar effects Vibration of the entire machine can be
reduced by the reducing clearances to a minimum, improving balancing, and eliminating
mutual impact of cooperating components.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Fixing the machine to the floor (foundation engineering): Fixing machines
to the floor significantly influences the propagation of vibration to the
envi-ronment. Dynamically complex foundations must be designed; they
may change the resonance frequency due to an increase in their mass
when they are rigidly fixed to the machine (i.e. the vibration source).

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Changing the parameters of the vibration exciting force: Cempel (1989)
discussed the possibility of vibration reduction by changing the parameters of
the exciting force. This method can reduce vibration resulting from short
impacts by generating broad-frequency spectrum signals. Vibration can be
substantially reduced by eliminating microimpacts (collisions between masses)
and replacing them, for instance, with a rotation of the cooperating surfaces.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Introducing an additional system: An additional system is applied when the frequency of the source
vibration is close to its resonance frequency. This additional mass can alter the vibration frequency
substantially, significantly reducing the vibration quantities. For example, the dynamic eliminator,
which consists of a mass component and a flexible component, can be applied. Adequately
selected eliminator components compensate for the exciting forces when the force excitation
frequency is equal to the resonance frequency of the additional system. The eliminator mass
vibration is out of phase with the source vibration, thus effectively reducing the source vibration.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Reduction of Vibration Propagation

Vibroisolation of sources can be achieved using methods that reduce vibration propa-gation between
the source and the receiver by applying certain structures, such as an expansion joint separating the
machine foundation from the surrounding area or various vibroisolation materials like mats, washers,
and vibroisolators. Vibroisolation materials, regardless of the shape and type, function based on the
transformation of the vibration energy into internal material friction, and then into heat. Therefore,
vibroisolation is very effective in reducing higher-frequency vibration, but it does not have much
effect on low frequencies.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Adequate materials can be selected in accordance with the vibration
parameters and based on the specification data for homogeneous, or even
more preferably, lay-ered, materials. The shape of the vibroisolation
component, usually made of slightly flexible viscoelastic materials such as
rubber, cork, or polyurethane, also substantially increases the effectiveness.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Vibroisolation can be used in the construction of personal protection
equipment that is used by employees to protect their hands. Antivibration
gloves effectively reduce vibrations transmitted to the hands of the
operators from hand-held vibration tools within the maximum possible
frequency range. Designing these gloves is difficult due to the changeability
of the parameters based on the conditions of use

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

For instance, the tool pressure not only changes over time but also depends
on the tool operation method; its distribution on the surface of contact
with the source is also diversified. Therefore, the ability to select the proper
vibroisolation material is significantly limited in practice.

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Improperly designed devices for protection against vibration may not only fail
to reduce the exposure of employees at workstations, but may even increase
exposure; moreover, they may negatively affect the condition of the machine
that generates the vibration or the condition of nearby devices

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Organisational and Administrative Methods

Reducing vibration exposure through organisational and administrative methods

includes mainly the following:

• Shortening the vibration exposure time per work shift.

• Designating special rooms for rest.
• Relocating persons particularly sensitive to vibrations to other job positions.
• Training employees to increase their awareness of the threats associated with
exposure to vibration and the safe operation of machines and tools.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Organisational and administrative methods should be applied particularly when
technical methods cannot limit the exposure. Technical methods aimed at reduc-
ing vibration levels at work should take into account both vibration sources and
their transmission routes. When selecting such methods, their cost in relation to
the degree of vibration reduction that will be attained should also be considered.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Active Control of Vibration

Passive systems for vibration reduction are less effective in a low frequency range, in
broadband frequency, and when the equipment operating conditions are highly
changeable. Active systems can be used as an alternative in such situations. Active
systems are equipped with additional external power sources that are controlled to
supply or absorb energy at specific points of the vibrating device

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These include ref-erence sensors, control systems, and the controlled components
(pneumatic, hydrau-lic, electric, electromagnetic, piezoelectric, etc.).

Vibration reduction systems equipped with additional controlled energy sources can
be divided into

• Active systems
• Semiactive systems
• Hybrid systems

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

m m

Control Control
system system

In active systems (external energy In semiactive systems, vibration is deadened

sources are applied. They have a by passive components and low-capacity
large capacity to generate additional external energy sources are used to change
forces, ensuring direct compensation the parameters of passive components such as
for the disturbance excitations the elastic forces and the damping forces.

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Adaptive systems, a significant class of the active systems of vibration reduction,
adapt themselves to changes in the parameters of the controlled object; for
example, when they are under the influence of ambient temperature, the
rigidity of some of the system components is altered. In these systems, adaptive
digital filters are commonly used.

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Practical applications for active vibration reduction methods include

• Active suspension systems in seats for machine and vehicle operators

• Active suspension systems in road and track vehicles
• Systems for active vibration reduction in steel load-bearing structures, such as
beams or trusses
• Systems for active vibration reduction in machine and device enclosures, such as
steel plates
• Systems for active vibration reduction of the structural components of airplanes
• Systems for active vibration reduction of rotors
• Systems for active vibration reduction of buildings (protection against seis-mic

EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

Example of semiactive
suspension of a driver’s

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EHS101 Occupational Health and Safety/Yavuz Cabbar

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