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Blog Post #3 Questions:

a) What are your Capstone goals between now and December 1st? Be specific and give details and how
you plan to accomplish it. The more specific your goals, the better the chances you will have of
accomplishing them.
My goal is to finish all the pre-production and production elements so that I have the rest of the time to
edit and perfect. I plan to pick one or two days to go out and get most or all the filming done, in which
I’ll be doing based off the ideas and storyboards I have made already.

b) Which specific elements of your project will you accomplish before the end of the month? Create a
checklist of things you want to finish over the next 2 weeks.
-Storyboard the rest of the shots
-Put together outfits, props, and definite locations
-Go out and get footage to work with (hopefully all of it)
-Go through footage and pick out what I want to use before editing
-Possibly start editing

c) How will you accomplish your goals and stay on task? List the strategies you will use to keep
yourself on track.
-Keep in mind the due date and time I have left and use that as motivation to get things done
-Treat it as if it was just a project for fun and not as a school project
-Get the production done as quick and efficient as possible so that I can get straight to the fun part

d) How often and how will you provide evidence of your progress and learning during this time?
Remember, you should be posting to your Evidence and Artifacts Page at least 2 - 3 times per week. If
you haven't, then this is your chance to make that happen over the next few weeks.
-Upload all my story boarded shots
-provide pictures of the filming process/ certain shots
-hopefully 1 or 2 times a week

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