El Show de Truman

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1 – Is acceptable this manipulative behaviour for people´s entertrainment?

"The Truman Show'' presents an interesting moral dilemma about the ethics of
entertainment. In the film, Truma’s entire life is a televised reality show that is not revealed to
him. This manipulation of Truman's reality for the sake of entertainment raises deep
questions about the boundaries of entertainment and the well-being of individuals involved.
On one hand, the show's creators argue that Truman's life is a form of art, a charming story
played for the audience's entertainment. They justify their actions by creating an ideal world
for Truman and argue that his life is essentially fulfilling and safe. However, from a moral
point of view the manipulation of Truman's life without his knowledge or consent raises
significant ethical concerns. It touches upon the concept of free will. Truman lacks the
freedom to make genuine choices and decisions about his life because everything around
him is controlled. Philosophically, it confronts the audience with the question: Is it acceptable
to entertain ourselves at the expense of someone else's autonomy and reality? viewers are
entertained by observing the private life of another individual without their awareness or
consent. In the matter lies the balance between entertainment and ethics. While the film
provides entertainment and leads to reflection, it also serves as a cautionary tale, provoking
us to consider the consequences of our hunger for entertainment and the boundaries we
must respect regarding personal autonomy and integrity. It highlights the moral responsibility
inherent in consuming entertainment and the importance of respecting individuals' rights and
dignity, even in the pursuit of amusement.

2 – What is the difference between this situation and Gran Hermano? Is important
the difference between them?

"Big Brother" is a reality competition where a group of people live together in a house, with
no contact with the outside world, and cameras record everything they do. The goal is for the
contestants to interact with each other and the viewers vote to decide who stays and who
goes. It's like spying on people in their daily lives to see how they get along in exciting or
conflictive situations. On the other hand, "The Truman Show" is a movie where the
protagonist, Truman, lives his entire life without knowing that he is part of a television show.
Everyone around him is an actor and everything is planned so that he does not discover the
truth. It's like his entire life is a show for the public, but he has no idea about that. The main
difference is that in "Big Brother" people know that they are in a contest and are willing to be
watched by the cameras, while in "The Truman Show", the main character does not know
that his life is a show for others and everything is hidden from their eyes. The difference
between them is very important because it tells us about the curiosity and interest of human
beings in other human beings’ lifes . In the truman’s show the audience watches trumans life
without truman knowing that he is being watched and in “ gran hermano “ the audience goal
or objective is the same , it is to observe the lives of the contestants living together .
3 – Can reality shows give us anything good / positive?

Yes, reality shows can give us good and positive things . These shows are like a
mini-vacation from everyday life. They let people take a break from their routines and get
wrapped up in the lives and challenges of others. It's like a fun distraction that many folks
enjoy.Some reality shows tell stories about people who've faced tough times but managed to
conquer them. These tales can motivate and inspire viewers who might be dealing with their
own problems.Many shows bring together people from different backgrounds, giving viewers
a peek into diverse cultures and ways of life. This can help people understand and accept
others who are different from them.Some reality shows are secretly educational. Like those
cooking competitions that teach you cool kitchen tricks or home improvement shows that
offer useful tips. There are even documentaries that show what it's like to work in interesting
jobs. They give talented folks a chance to shine and follow their passions. These shows can
inspire viewers to explore their own creative skills.Reality shows often become hot topics for
chats among friends, families, and online buddies. They give everyone something to talk
about, share opinions, and bond over common interests.Believe it or not, these shows create
jobs! They hire lots of people, from the contestants to the folks behind the scenes, which
helps the economy by providing employment and making money.Some reality shows bring
attention to serious topics like mental health or social inequality. By discussing these issues,
they raise awareness and get people talking.Many shows involve viewers by letting them
vote or interact online. This makes people feel more connected to the show, almost like
they're a part of it.Though some reality TV gets criticized for being overly dramatic or
sensational, not all shows fit that mold. Some are there to entertain while also teaching
important lessons or giving positive experiences to the audience. Ultimately, how people
engage with these shows determines their impact.

4 – Why are we so interested in other people's lives?

Humans are like puzzle pieces trying to understand the bigger picture. Imagine you have a
piece of a jigsaw puzzle and it's not making much sense on its own. But when you see other
pieces and how they fit together, suddenly, the whole picture becomes clearer and more
interesting.The human experience is subjective , we understand the world primarily through
our own thoughts, emotions, and experiences. However, to expand our understanding
beyond our personal bubble, we seek to comprehend the experiences of others. This pursuit
of understanding the 'other' is essential to forming connections and building communities.
Similarly, humans are naturally curious about other people's lives because it helps us
understand the bigger picture of life. Each person is like a puzzle piece with their own
experiences, thoughts, and feelings. When we learn about others, it's like adding more
pieces to our own puzzle. It helps us see different perspectives, learn new things, and make
sense of the world in a richer and more meaningful way. Essentially, understanding others
helps us understand ourselves better too .

5 – If anyone around you would say to you something “weird” is happening, would
you believe it?

If someone around me tells me that something weird is happening , it depends on the

situation or the person who is conveying that message to me . Firstly, let's talk about the
situation. Sometimes, weird things happen that are totally normal or not a big deal. For
instance, maybe a friend says they saw a dog wearing sunglasses. That might sound odd,
but it's not really a problem. But if someone says they saw a unicorn walking down the
street, that's a whole different level of weird. So, the situation matters because it helps us
figure out if something unusual is a big deal or just a funny moment. The second part is
about the person who's telling you. Imagine your best friend, who's usually calm and
trustworthy, tells you something odd. You might take it more seriously because they're
reliable and don't exaggerate much. On the other hand, if someone known for joking around
a lot says the same thing, you might not take it as seriously because they often make things
sound weirder than they are. So, whether something weird is a big deal or not really
depends on what's happening and who's telling you about it. It's like figuring out if the
strange thing is just a funny story or if it's something you should pay closer attention to.
6 – Would you take part in a serie like this as an actor / actress?

Yes , I would love to take part in a series like this because It's not usual acting. Playing a
character who doesn't know they're on a TV show can be a big acting challenge. It's like
acting within acting, which can be super exciting.Imagine being in a show where everything
around you is part of a big secret. I find the idea really cool and would love exploring how my
character fits into this tricky situation.Being in a movie like this could make me stand out. It's
a different and interesting story that could help me get noticed and maybe even open up
more job opportunities for me in an acting career. "The Truman Show" talks about some big
stuff like reality, media, and freedom. I would love being part of a movie that makes people
think about these important ideas.Imagine working with famous actors and a director who's
really good at what they do. I could learn a lot and have fun working with such talented
folks.This movie mixes funny moments with serious ones.I personally would like doing both
comedy and drama and would love this chance to learn different acting skills."The Truman
Show" is special and it changed how people look at movies.I would like to be part of
something so important in the movie world .

7 – Explain the next statement: “We accept the world as it is shown”.

"We accept the world as it is shown" points to the way we perceive and understand reality. In
a philosophical sense, it digs into how our perceptions shape our understanding of the world
around us. Essentially, we often accept the reality presented to us based on how it's shown
or presented. Think of it like watching a movie: whatever scenes, characters, and events are
shown on the screen become our reality within the context of that story. We trust what we
see and experience within that narrative. In life, our perception is like a lens through which
we view the world. What we perceive through our senses, experiences, beliefs, and societal
influences becomes our reality. We often trust these perceptions as the truth because they
form the basis of our understanding of the world. However, the statement also leads us to
consider the limitations of our perception. It suggests that our understanding of reality might
be limited by what is presented or shown to us. There may be aspects of reality that we don't
see or comprehend because they're presented in a certain way. Philosophically, it raises
questions about the nature of truth and the subjective nature of reality. Are we truly seeing
the world as it is, or are we perceiving a version filtered by our senses and experiences? It
encourages us to think deeply whether our acceptance of the world as it is shown is an
accurate representation of an objective reality or merely our interpretation of it. In summary,
the statement invites us to consider the influence of perception on our understanding of
reality and encourages a deeper exploration of how we perceive and accept the world based
on what is presented or shown to us.
8 – Search for information about Plato´s cave and compare it with the film: different
worlds, inhabitants...

Cave myth Truman´s show

One world One world is reality because it In trumans case he is being

is what is really happening controlled by someone else and
outside plato's cave , for the reality that he is perceiving or
example when the prisoner feeling through his senses is
goes out he feels the heat from considered as the real reality in his
the sunlight which is a part of mind whereas the real real reality
the reality but as the prisoner is different . It is a completely
has never seen this reality different dimension .
before he thinks that that
reality is something new but in
reality that reality is the real
reality . Then the prisoner
comes back to the cave and
tells that reality to his fellow
prisoners but they don't believe
him because they are still living
in their personal reality or
dimension and have never
experienced the reality outside
the cave . The reality
perceived by one's feelings
and senses is the first world

Another world Another world is the real world Another world is the world that is
that the prisoners don't know outside of the dimension of
about . It has real dimensions thoughts of Truman which is the
is what it is . real world and has real
consequences .

Inhabitants In the thinking dimension, the In trumans case the inhabitants of

inhabitants in Plato's cave the world are according to trumans
think that the only inhabitants dimension of thinking . People are
in the world are they and their classified as harmful or harmless
fellow prisoners whereas the according to trumans thinking
real world has more dimension
inhabitants .

Inhabitants In the real world inhabitants of In Trumans case inhabitants are

the world are also people who also people living outside trumans
controlled life and thinking
live outside the cave and that dimension which is the real
is reality , dimension or reality .

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