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ANRV390-EG34-11 ARI 8 October 2009 21:3

REVIEWS Further Connectivity and the
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Governance of Multilevel
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The Role of Social Capital
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Eduardo S. Brondizio,1 Elinor Ostrom,2

and Oran R. Young3
Department of Anthropology, Anthropological Center for Training and Research on
Global Environmental Change (ACT), Center for the Study of Institutions, Population,
and Environmental Change (CIPEC), Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405;
Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, CIPEC, Indiana University,
Bloomington, Indiana 47405; email:
Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California,
Santa Barbara, California 93106; email:

Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009. 34:253–78 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on Amazon, Brazil, complexity, deforestation, ecosystem services,
July 6, 2009
governance system, institutions
The Annual Review of Environment and Resources
is online at Abstract
This article’s doi: We discuss the challenges confronting environmental governance
caused by the increasing connectivity of resource-use systems and the
Copyright  c 2009 by Annual Reviews. growing functional interdependencies of ecological and social systems.
All rights reserved
We take as a point of departure the case of the Xingu Indigenous Park
1543-5938/09/1121-0253$20.00 (PIX) in Brazil and its surrounding agro-industrial region. This case
provides a basis for reviewing the literature on resource governance, in-
cluding both points of consensus and contentious issues. We argue that
no fixed spatial or temporal level is appropriate for governing ecosys-
tems and their services sustainably, effectively, and equitably. We point
to the need to recognize the multilevel nature of such problems and the
role of institutions in facilitating cross-level environmental governance
as an important form of social capital that is essential for the long-term
protection of ecosystems and the well-being of different populations.

ANRV390-EG34-11 ARI 8 October 2009 21:3

governments. A major thesis of this article is

Contents that institutions at (and linking) multiple lev-
els are essential for the long-term protection of
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
ecosystems. Focusing only at a local, regional,
national, or international level is itself a source
PARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
of inadequate policy design.
2.1. A Key Lesson: The Need
The growth of interdependency within
for Multiple Levels of Analysis
resource-use systems resulting from the twin
and Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
forces of economic globalization and global
environmental change amplifies the need to
understand and address interlinkages that
(1) expand global market chains competing for
SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
land and water resources; (2) increase overlaps
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3.1. Physical Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

of government jurisdictions, regional and lo-
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3.2. Human Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

cal forms of use, rights, and ownership (cre-
3.3. Social Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
ated through development programs, export
3.4. Differences Between Social
policies, and parks and production reserves);
and Other Forms of Capital . . . . . 262
(3) increase interregional migratory flows and
interconnections between social groups in
different regions; (4) create regional trade
4.1. Functional Interdependencies . . 266
blocks, multilateral infrastructure, and inter-
4.2. Implications for Governance . . . 267
national/transboundary conservation areas; and
4.3. Limits to Mainstream
(5) amplify changes in global climate patterns
Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
affecting the distribution and frequency of rain-
4.4. Alternative Approaches . . . . . . . . . 269
fall, drought, and temperature change.
The intersection between institutions and
economic chains operating at different levels,
and facilitated by the growing physical con-
nectivity of resource-use systems, can produce
distinct patterns of cross-level interaction. As
1. INTRODUCTION argued elsewhere by one of us (2), such in-
Most scholars and policy analysts are aware that terrelated patterns of institutional interaction
the ecosystems that many want to protect are can take the form of dominance, separation,
embedded in different levels of social organi- merger, negotiation, or system change with
zation. These ecosystems, which are diverse diverse consequences for social-environmental
forms of natural capital, exist at multiple lev- systems.
els on a spatial scale ranging from very small The vertical interplay of institutions repre-
to global. Furthermore, flows of positive ser- senting groups competing or cooperating for
vices or negative externalities from an ecosys- authority over resources requires one to look
tem tend to affect other ecosystems at smaller at questions of subtractability (i.e., whether re-
or larger scales. Humans who use or are af- source appropriation by one user reduces avail-
fected by these ecosystems are also organized ability to others) and exclusion (i.e., how costly
Scales: dimensions through diverse forms of social capital at multi- it is to keep potential beneficiaries out of the
(e.g., space, time) used ple scales (1). Proposals to protect these ecosys- benefit stream) from an ecosystemic and multi-
in ranking various tems by changing the institutional rules of use scale perspective (3, 4). Local forms of use and
phenomena. Levels are
and by the way these rules are monitored and regulation of a resource (e.g., based on cus-
specific positions on
any given scale enforced, however, frequently focus on a single tomary rules of use and exclusion), although
level. Most often this is at the level of national potentially effective at one level, are affected

254 Brondizio · Ostrom · Young

ANRV390-EG34-11 ARI 8 October 2009 21:3

and in some cases overwhelmed by resource a. Fit: the challenge of linking spatial scale
use in a different part of the larger ecosys- and units of analysis created by mis-
tem, as illustrated in this article by the case matches between environmental and in-
Comanagement: a
of the Xingu Indigenous Park (PIX) in Brazil. stitutional boundaries; method for supplying
The functional interdependency of resource b. Boundaries: the challenge of recognizing governance that
systems poses an important question regard- competing rules of subtractability and ex- features cooperative
ing social capital: How do different types of clusion operating in different parts of the decision making
among users and
management arrangements help facilitate solu- same ecosystem;
public authorities
tions to intricate cross-level problems? As ex- c. Authority: the challenge of recognizing
shifts in jurisdiction and authority over Governance: a social
pressed by Cash et al. (5) in the context of co-
function centered on
management structures, the complex nature of resources, including overlaps, at different steering human groups
cross-level resource-use systems requires insti- levels; toward mutually
tutional arrangements that facilitate the copro- d. Sanctions: the challenge of accounting beneficial outcomes
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009.34:253-278. Downloaded from

duction, mediation, translation, and negotia- for [a potentially] inverted correlation be- and away from
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tween compliance with rules and scale mutually harmful

tion of information and knowledge within and
across levels. (i.e., level of compliance decreases as you
Institutions facilitating cross-level environ- move from local to international levels);
mental governance become an important form and
of social capital. A more detailed discussion is e. Knowledge and information: the chal-
presented below, but we want to start with a lenge of understanding problems of cred-
working definition of social capital as referring ibility, saliency, and legitimacy resulting
to the value of trust generated by social net- from differences in knowledge systems
works to facilitate individual and group coop- and access to information at different lev-
eration on shared interests and the organization els and by different groups.
of social institutions at different scales. We address these concerns in the following
Considerable agreement exists on the use- order. Section 2 provides an example of a suc-
fulness of eight institutional design principles1 cessful local effort to govern PIX, which has
(6, 7) to explain why some governance arrange- one main local level of governance associated
ments for environmental resources at local and with it. Initially, the threat of invasion around
subregional levels are robust (8, 9). Translating park borders led indigenous groups to identify
these principles for application to higher levels mechanisms and forms of internal organization
of social organization remains a challenge (10– to enhance and enforce exclusion rules for non-
15) and is the focus of the eighth institutional Indians. Over time, however, the lack of larger
design principle, “nested enterprises,” which governance units, with appropriate incentives
is the importance of nesting local and larger to buffer the pressure created by international
institutional arrangements to accommodate the commodity markets (e.g., beef, soybeans, and
goals and interests of groups organized at dif- lumber), has allowed extensive deforestation all
ferent levels. Important challenges are involved around the protected park. Nested within the
in scaling up institutional design principles and larger Xingu River watershed, the park has be-
building up social capital for linking governance come the sink and corridor for multiple pol-
systems across levels of social organization lutants derived from the clearing of vegetation
(5, 6, 16–20). These include the following: around headwater springs, overuse of fertilizer,
and extensive smoke from forest clearing. Now
1. Clearly defined boundaries; 2. congruence between local PIX itself is threatened by externalities from
conditions, appropriation, and provision rules; 3. adaptability the surrounding agricultural areas, given the
of collective choice arrangements; 4. appropriate monitoring; lack of effective institutions organized at that
5. graduated and implementable sanctions; 6. mechanisms
for conflict resolution; 7. recognized rights to organize; and, level and between the park and its surrounding
8. nested enterprises. agricultural and urban systems. Perception and • Social Connectivity and Governance 255

ANRV390-EG34-11 ARI 8 October 2009 21:3

detection of ecosystem changes inside the park for biodiversity conservation and cultural
have led indigenous groups to consider differ- patrimony.
ent levels of institutional arrangements needed The initial demarcation of PIX in 1964 left
to face problems resulting from changes hap- out significant portions of indigenous territo-
pening at different levels and outside their ju- ries and the headwaters of most tributaries of
risdiction. We conclude this section with a brief the Xingu River. Coinciding with the creation
outline of the lessons to be learned from the of PIX, the federal government created incen-
PIX case. Multiethnic indigenous associations, tives for regional occupation and colonization
municipal governments and associations, na- through the expansion of cattle ranching and
tional nongovernment organizations (NGOs) farming. The actual process of regional occu-
supported by international donors and groups pation started during the 1940s with Getulio
of farmers, among other actors, have emerged Vargas’ “March to the West” initiatives. This
and illustrate forms of social capital functioning process intensified during the 1970s and 1980s
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009.34:253-278. Downloaded from

to mediate the vertical interplay among institu- to include colonization settlements and tax in-
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tional arrangements. centives for cattle ranching. The region became

Section 3 provides a more general discus- one of the first to experience the expansion of
sion of what we mean by institutions as a form soybean cultivation during the late 1980s and
of social capital and of how some forms of social sprinted ahead as one of the main producers
capital at multiple levels are essential elements during the 1990s (23, 24).
of the protection of ecosystems services for hu- Deforestation for the full region of the
mans. Section 4 builds on the previous sections Xingu watershed added up to 2 million ha
to identify the requirements for success in gov- by 1994, 4 million ha between 1994 and
erning complex and dynamic systems that ex- 2003, and 1.2 million ha between 2003 and
hibit high connectivity across levels of social or- 2005 (see Figure 1). In contrast to the high
ganization and to discuss various ways to meet rates of deforestation during the 1980s and
these requirements in situations featuring ris- 1990s in the broader region, PIX maintained
ing functional interdependencies. nearly intact forest cover. Indigenous groups
began to confront the occupation around
PIX during the 1980s. Protecting park bor-
2. THE XINGU INDIGENOUS ders from farming incursions, logging, hunt-
PARK ing, and fishing became an important prior-
Originally created in 1964 and demarcated in ity for political organization and negotiations
1991, PIX has an area of 2.6 million hectares (22, 25).
(ha) occupied by 14 ethnic groups with a to- During the late 1980s and 1990s, alliances
tal population (in 2005) of 5020. PIX territory among individuals and organizations led to
overlaps nine municipalities and is surrounded the creation of several kinds of associations
by one of the most active agropastoral economic within the park, with the overall goals of taking
regions of Brazil. The Xingu River, one of the control of park management and of coping with
main tributaries of the Amazon River, extends the growing pressure on its borders. These
2300 km, links the states of Mato Grosso and alliances were with government officials [e.g.,
Pará, and discharges into the Amazon River just officers from the National Indian Foundation
below Marajó Island in the Amazon estuary. (FUNAI)], NGOs [e.g., Socioenvironmental
As a whole, the Xingu watershed encompasses Institute (ISA)], church-based movements,
51 million ha, cutting across 35 municipalities, high-profile celebrities (e.g., singer Sting),
with a population of approximately 450,000, anthropologists, and physicians working in the
and 27 indigenous groups, with a population region. In 1994, alliances among all 14 ethnic
of approximately 10,000 (21, 22). The region is groups led to the creation of the Association of
considered a national and international priority the Indigenous Land of Xingu (ATIX).

256 Brondizio · Ostrom · Young

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The perception of the “unwanted hug,” as nature of the problem they face and are seeking
assessment reports describe the deforestation new forms of horizontal and vertical linkages.
surrounding the park, led the new ATIX to pri- One of the horizontal strategies under nego-
oritize the monitoring of borders and the cre- tiation is an expansion of the indigenous ter-
ation of 10 monitoring posts, mostly at the in- ritory through alliances and support to other
tersections of borders and riverways entering ethnic groups claiming land rights and demar-
the park. Support from outside organizations cation in areas contiguous to the park and re-
(e.g., ISA) and external financing led to the lated watershed tributaries (two watersheds are
creation of effective boundary controls. Fur- already demarcated, four have started the pro-
thermore, a program was established to re- cess) (21). In order to start building vertical
strict entrance to PIX, to clean and demarcate linkages from the ground up, they are engag-
trails, to effectively use global positioning sys- ing in alliances with municipal governments
tem units, and to cooperate with organizations and agencies to mediate agreements with eco-
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using remote-sensing mapping (at three-year nomic sectors, educate the regional population
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intervals), and geographic information systems about indigenous peoples, and create incen-
(GIS) (21, 22). tives for restoration. They also have engaged
Although effective in protecting PIX and its in extensive mapping and GIS-based surveying
borders, these actions were limited in curbing in collaboration with national NGOs, and to
the intensity and extent of the deforestation some extent with FUNAI, of all neighboring
around the Xingu headwaters and their impacts farms and properties bordering the park. Fur-
on water and land resources. Early in the 1990s, thermore, they have created national and in-
indigenous groups began to see signs of en- ternational public campaigns and celebrity al-
vironmental impact within the borders of the liances to spread the cause. Farmers also have
park. They observed lower water volumes in been engaged in forest restoration, although
some tributaries (resulting from sedimentation only sparsely, along riverways, and some munic-
and dried water springs), increasing loads of ipalities seem inclined to be involved in solving
sediments, and decreasing water transparency the problems (22).
(making arrow fishing difficult). Higher levels At the same time, problems and uncertain-
of smoke and air pollution during the burning ties continue to exist, reminding us of the long-
season and an increasing risk of fire spreading term consequences of development plans (e.g.,
during dry years also became concerns. Lit- national transportation networks and coloniza-
tle information on pesticide pollution has been tion schemes) and the strength of global com-
available to evaluate change in water quality modity markets in shaping short-term land-use
(22). decisions. The federal government continues to
The process and signs of environmental invest significantly in programs to expand in-
change affecting the region (Figure 1) illus- frastructure and agro-industrial development in
trate the problem of functional interdepen- the larger region surrounding the park. There is
dence as environmental and social processes slow but improving federal monitoring of de-
transcend the space and levels of management forestation in the region, and there is an in-
of a resource system (26). The environmental terest in environmental zoning on the part of
and social connectivity of the resource-use sys- the state. But prospects for continuing inten-
tem (e.g., interconnected vegetation biogeogra- sive agropastoral use and expansion are high as
phy and watershed, and overlapping authority are the costs of reverting environmental degra-
over different parts of the watershed) renders dation. The growing complexity of resource-
the success of management at one level depen- use systems in the region requires new ways of
dent on another. Indigenous populations within thinking about integrating economic develop-
the park, and a network of supporting organi- ment, conservation, indigenous rights, and na-
zations and agencies, recognize the cross-level tional export goals as parts of the same equation. • Social Connectivity and Governance 257

ANRV390-EG34-11 ARI 8 October 2009 21:3

2.1. A Key Lesson: The Need but it is not broad enough to affect the ecosys-
for Multiple Levels of Analysis tem disservices from the surrounding region.
and Organization It is important to recognize significant dif-
ferences in the ways indigenous groups within
The case of PIX illustrates a puzzling phe-
PIX and surrounding populations perceive and
nomenon that is replicated all over the world
value the environment (26a). Different from
wherever we try to identify an ecosystem and its
the views of recently arrived farmers who may
services at a particular level to understand who
see the forest as a threat and the environ-
is using it, what the consequences are, and what
ment as sets of resources to be transformed,
type of governance arrangement best fits its
the environment as a whole is an intrinsic part
level. In this example, we see how indigenous
of indigenous cosmology and an organic part
peoples, who were long ago given formal rights
of their economy. Detailed intergenerational
to preserve a park, have done an amazing job of
knowledge about forest and water resources,
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009.34:253-278. Downloaded from

preservation. At first, it would appear that the

cultural attachment to place, and customary
governance system of PIX has been established
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rules of use and resource appropriation hin-

at the appropriate level, given the control over
der indigenous groups from carrying out short-
deforestation achieved within its borders.
term and large-scale transformations that are
Many of the benefits of the park indeed
characteristic of recent migrants, who are large-
have been obtained by the indigenous people,
or small-scale farmers (24). The distribution
who organized themselves effectively to pre-
of deforestation within and outside PIX repre-
serve it according to their views and forms of
sents, among other things, such a clash of per-
using the environment. When we look at the
spectives. In looking for solutions, indigenous
larger region and watershed, however, as illus-
people were the first to acknowledge the need to
trated in Figure 1, it becomes apparent that this
search for meta-perspective, one that will even-
ecosystem is not isolated. Protection inside PIX
tually lead different social groups to reconcile
affects and is affected by larger ecosystems sur-
their views and uses of natural resources with
rounding it. The region has experienced an ex-
those of others in the larger ecosystem within
ponential expansion of deforested area through
which they live.
large-scale clear-cutting and extensive use of
Stepping back to observe deforestation in
fertilizers and machinery. As more and more
the broader region, we can see that the spatial
farmers and corporations have moved into the
pattern itself is affected by the park. During the
region, they have engaged in massive defor-
past four decades, the distribution of major road
estation to open lands for farming. Then, as
corridors and settlements on all sides of PIX
farmers in the region have been able to sell
has shaped the patterns of occupation and land
products to the global market and support has
cover of the larger central and north regions of
grown through export policies of the federal
Brazil, which in turn affect other sets of large
government, they have become more and more
and small watersheds. Settlement surrounding
interested in increasing yields. As a result, clear-
PIX expanded progressively as various cohorts
cut deforestation of headwaters and streams, a
of farmers moved into the region and responded
strong rainy season, and limited soil conser-
to commodity prices and an active land mar-
vation practices have increased proportionally
ket. The intersection of long-term colonization
surface runoff and the load of sediments into the
and agricultural expansion policies and glob-
basin. In addition, increased use of fertilizers
alization of markets has increased the market
and pesticides is leading to an increased runoff
value of cleared land, and local and neighbor-
of nitrogen and pollutants. These runoffs are
ing landowners are making decisions that are
negative externalities that adversely affect the
based on the opportunities available to them,
larger watersheds within and outside PIX. A
leading to a swath of deforestation around the
single governance system at the park level is
adequate to control many activities within PIX,

258 Brondizio · Ostrom · Young

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The central message we wish to convey in in particular, differences between social and
this article is that no fixed spatial or tempo- other forms of capital and highlight the con-
ral level is appropriate for governing ecosys- ditions that guide the formation of institutional
tems and their services effectively, efficiently, arrangements for governing use and manage- activities: the
and equitably on a sustainable basis. This con- ment of natural resource systems. All forms relationships among
clusion will drive some analysts to despair be- of human-made capital are created when in- involved individuals
cause everything is presented as being complex dividuals spend time and effort in transaction that take time and
energy to accomplish
and multilevel. It is not our intention to broad- and transformation activities to build tools or
the transformation
cast a message of despair. Rather, our analysis assets today that will increase individual and activities
leads us to recommend a different style of schol- social welfare in the future (see Reference 30
arship from the dominant orientation of many for a discussion of transformation and trans- activities: physical
social and physical scientists who study social- action costs in the provision and production inputs that are
ecological systems. Many social scientists and of goods and services). In other words, “peo- transformed into
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009.34:253-278. Downloaded from

policy analysts believe that all analysis should ple form capital when they withhold resources outputs, which may be
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used for further

follow the practice that is referred to as KISS— from present consumption and use them in-
Keep It Simple Stupid. It is important to con- stead to augment future consumption [or pro- activities or consumed
sider that when confronting complex, nested duction] possibilities” (31, p. 153). The essen-
systems, efforts to keep it simple may them- tial role of human-made capital in creating
selves lead to undesirable outcomes. differential conditions for human well-being,
We do not advocate making research and including the management of ecosystems (e.g.,
policy analysis complex for complexity’s sake. References 32 and 33), is frequently acknowl-
We suggest the need for a multilevel diagnos- edged, but it is often poorly understood. Un-
tic approach to examining relationships at each fortunately, human-made capital is sometimes
relevant level and the fit and interplay among equated only with money, which is the means
levels (2, 13, 18, 26, 27). We need to recognize by which forms of physical, human, and so-
that most resources have horizontal impacts on cial capital may be obtained. However, many
other resources at a similar spatial level and ver- types of capital can be created without money,
tical relationships upward and downward to sys- or with very little money, based instead on the
tems that are larger or smaller. We should build time and energy spent by individuals in building
social capital that enhances the long-term sus- tools and facilities, learning skills, and establish-
tainability of natural capital at multiple levels ing regularized patterns of relationships with
on scales of relevance to particular ecological others. Particularly contentious is the (plural-
resources (28). istic) understanding of social capital. The term
social capital has a history that dates back to
the nineteenth century as a reference to the
3. FORMS OF CAPITAL AND THE value of social networks, but it was formally de-
MANAGEMENT OF fined during the 1970s by the works of Bour-
SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS dieu (34, 35) and Loury (36) and popularized by
In our view, human-made capital, which we un- Coleman (37) and particularly Putnam (38, 39)
derstand to include physical, human, and social and colleagues (40) during the 1990s. In its uses
forms of capital, is critical to addressing these by Bourdieu, Loury, and Coleman, social capi-
complex governance problems.2 We discuss, tal tends to be defined at the level of individuals
and their extrafamilial networks. Since its use
and wide popularization by Putnam, however,
As a consequence, we are not focusing on natural capital, it has been progressively adopted as a reference
defined as the inheritance that all humans receive from nature to the assets of larger systems of social insti-
in the form of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric resources
that generate flows of services, called ecosystem services, and tutions and organizations, a trajectory that has
that are essential to human welfare (29). produced advantages and disadvantages with • Social Connectivity and Governance 259

ANRV390-EG34-11 ARI 8 October 2009 21:3

regard to the heuristic value of the concept (e.g., restricted domain (e.g., water is held within
Reference 41), an issue we will return to later. a channel rather than allowed to spread out).
Although frequently used by analogy with Thus, physical capital opens up some possibil-
other forms of capital, the idea of social capital ities while constraining others. The intention
is controversial. Some theorists have even ar- to construct useful physical capital is not al-
gued that social capital is not really a form of ways fulfilled. An investment in physical capital
capital at all (see References 42 and 43). As is may not generate the improved flow of future
true of other forms of human-made capital, so- services. A new but crumbling roadway or irri-
cial capital involves creating new opportunities gation system or an empty building represents
as well as exercising restraints, a risk that the a failed investment decision, whereas in other
investment will fail, and the possibility of using cases, physical capital may lead to dominance
capital to produce harms rather than benefits and control of resources by particular groups
(this section draws partially on Reference 44). with lasting effects on patterns of access and
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Nevertheless, although apparently less tangi- distribution.

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ble, it shares enough characteristics with the Physical capital may have a dark side and
well-understood concepts of natural, physical, generate more harms than benefits. Investment
and human capital to make its treatment as such in a weapons facility increases the quantity of
appropriate (see also Reference 45). physical capital existing at a particular point in
time, but the product of this form of physi-
cal capital is the threat of human destruction.
3.1. Physical Capital Even investments in the production of con-
Physical capital is the stock of human-made, sumer goods can generate substantial external-
material resources that can be used to produce ities as when production requires heavy use of
a flow of future income (46). Physical capi- a source of power emitting carbon into the at-
tal exists in a wide variety of forms, including mosphere. Physical capital cannot operate over
buildings, roads, waterworks, managed land- time without human capital in the form of the
scapes, tools, cattle and other animals, automo- knowledge and skills needed to use and main-
biles, trucks, and tractors, to name just a few. tain physical assets to produce new products and
The origin of physical capital is the process of generate income. If physical capital is to be used
spending time and other resources constructing productively by more than one individual, social
tools, plants, facilities, and other material re- capital is also needed. A fair number of nega-
sources that can, in turn, be used in producing tive externalities and development failures have
other products or future income. Investments in in common a functional unbalance within and
physical capital are usually conscious decisions. among these different forms of capital.
When one builds a factory or a school, decisions
have to be made regarding location, size, ar-
chitectural design, parking facilities, and land- 3.2. Human Capital
scaping to mention some of the self-conscious Human capital is the acquired knowledge and
decisions involved in building physical capital. skills that an individual brings to an activity
Human and social capital are sometimes devel- (47–50), and forms of human capital can differ
oped as by-products of other activities as well within each type. An education gained in col-
as self-consciously. lege is a different type of human capital from
The construction of physical capital involves an education acquired through apprenticeship
establishing physical restraints that (1) create training. Human capital is formed consciously
the possibilities for some events to occur that through education and training as well as un-
would not otherwise occur (e.g., channeling wa- consciously as a side benefit of other activities.
ter from a distant source to a farmer’s field) An individual who swims for pleasure, for ex-
and that (2) constrain physical events to a more ample, is engaging in a pleasant activity and also

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improving his/her physical health. Health is an terms of its positive qualities. His application of
asset that is drawn on to achieve other goals. the concept comes close to the way institutions
Alternatively, some individuals dislike swim- and institutional arrangements have been con-
ming or using stationary bicycles but do so ceptualized. In this sense, social capital refers
because they know that aerobic exercise is es- to rules and norms underlying social behavior
sential for sustaining future capabilities. They and order and representing particular forms of
exercise primarily to invest in human capital and organization in society. The drawback, as put
then find ways to make this activity as pleasant by Portes’ competent review of the term (41,
as possible. Both self-conscious and relatively pp. 19–21), of stretching the term from local
unconscious investment processes go on when to larger scales is the potential for the “logical
building human capital. circularity” it creates, where the positive out-
Human capital consists of the acquisition of comes of social capital (e.g., a successful city)
new capabilities as well as the learning of con- are also explained by its causes (e.g., successful
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009.34:253-278. Downloaded from

straints. Learning a new language opens up dif- civic communities).

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ferent conceptions of the world. Many of the Yet, the central problem discussed by this
skills that individuals acquire involve the impo- review—the intersection between horizontal
sition of discipline on self. Like physical capital, and vertical interplay of institutional arrange-
human capital can be used for destructive pur- ments facilitating the management of natu-
poses as well as productive ones. An individual ral resources—lies at the complementarities
knowledgeable in computer languages can use of both definitions of social capital. In other
this skill to write programs today that help solve words, Bourdieu’s (35) and Coleman’s (37)
problems in the future. Those who write pro- small-group assets facilitate, in our case, the
grams to function as viruses, which invade and governance of local resource systems, and
destroy the records of others, use their human Putnam’s (38) idea of civil assets of society rec-
capital for destructive purposes. The relative ognizes, for the purpose of our argument, that
value of human capital can vary significantly local networks are embedded within larger so-
across social levels and among social groups. cial and ecological systems (e.g., a watershed)
For instance, forms of knowledge valued at one in ways that affect the success at both levels.
level may not be recognized as legitimate at an- At least in the case of resource management,
other level or by a different group. Effective the outcomes of shared interests within one
cross-level interaction requires the buildup of level depend on the articulation of shared in-
social capital stocks to help facilitate knowledge terests between levels. We call attention to the
coproduction, mediation, translation, and ne- value of nesting these two dimensions of social
gotiation across levels (5). capital to discuss the importance of articulat-
ing both levels of institutional arrangements in
society. This is a requisite created by the in-
3.3. Social Capital creasing interconnectedness of ecosystems and
The use of the term social capital by Bourdieu resource-use systems. This approach is some-
(35) and Coleman (51) has much in common as what similar to Putnam’s (39) characterization
it refers to the way individuals and extrafamilial of the bonding (connections within a group’s
groups use social capital to facilitate social mo- network) and bridging (connections between
bility or reproduce privileged access to certain groups’ networks) dimensions of social capital.
kinds of resources, such as employment, edu- In this connection, we discuss the value of
cation, and social positions. During the 1990s, institutions as a form of social capital formed
however, Putman (38, 39) emphasized social through diverse processes involving the de-
capital as a feature of organization at a societal velopment of trust, norms of reciprocity, and
scale (e.g., municipalities, countries), in other networks of civic engagement, including the
words, as a civil asset of societies often framed in rules and laws within and between levels of • Social Connectivity and Governance 261

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organizations. Each condition affects the ex- reap more profits than would otherwise be pos-
pectations that individuals have about patterns sible. Government corruption schemes and net-
of interactions that groups of individuals bring works also illustrate a form of social capital used
to a recurrent activity at local or larger levels. to manipulate power and public trust to divert
Thus, we reassert the heuristic usefulness of the physical capital to the detriment of the larger
concept, not as defined within a single level, but society. An authoritarian system of government,
representing the value of social networks in me- which is based on military command and uses
diating shared interests at the levels of the in- instruments of force, destroys other forms of so-
dividual, communities, and society as a whole. cial capital while building its own. These com-
There is a neutral quality to social capital be- monalities are not shared with physical capital
cause it can lead to both positive and negative and are the source of substantial differences be-
outcomes of competing interests. When hu- tween these two forms of human-made capital.
mans face social dilemmas or collective-action
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situations, such as those involved in regulat-

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ing ecosystems, participants may easily follow 3.4. Differences Between Social
short-term, maximizing strategies that leave and Other Forms of Capital
them all worse off than other options avail- Although all forms of human-made capital have
able to them. Somehow participants must find some things in common, important differences
ways of creating mutually reinforcing expecta- also exist among physical, human, and social
tions and of trusting they will overcome the capital. Here, we focus on four key differences
perverse short-run temptations they face (52). between social and physical capital.
Agreements can be based on mutual learning  Social capital does not wear out with use
about how to work better together. They can
but rather improves with proper use and
be based on one person’s agreeing to follow
deteriorates rapidly with disuse.
someone else’s commands regarding this ac-
 Social capital is not easy to see and
tivity. Or, they can be based on the evolution
of a set of norms and/or the construction of a
 Social capital is hard to construct through
set of rules whereby an activity will be carried
external interventions.
out repeatedly over time, commitments will be
monitored, and sanctions will be imposed for
 Social capital operates most effectively
nonperformance. when it is organized in complementary
Like other forms of capital, social capital forms at multiple levels.
opens up some opportunities and closes down Many of these differences are due to the impor-
others. A decision to establish majority rule as tance of shared cognitive understandings that
the decision rule for making particular collec- are essential for social capital to emerge and to
tive decisions, for example, opens opportunities be transmitted from one generation to another
that did not previously exist. Voting does not ex- (37, 51, 53).
ist in nature. The opportunity to vote is created First, social capital differs from physical cap-
by rules. By contrast, new rules that limit the ital in that it does not wear out with use but
slope of land on which a farmer may plant or rather improves with proper use and deterio-
the width of the unplanted edge next to a river, rates rapidly with disuse. Use of physical cap-
for example, may restrain activities to a more ital such as irrigation systems, highways, and
limited set than previously available. buildings always involves wear and deteriora-
Social capital may also have a dark side. tion without extensive maintenance activities
Gangs and the Mafia use social capital as the (54, 55). Social capital may, in fact, become
foundation for their organizational structures. more valuable the more it is used as long as par-
Cartels also develop social capital in their ef- ticipants continue to keep prior commitments
forts to maintain control over an industry to and maintain reciprocity and trust (56–58).

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Trust grows with repeated interactions and political interests, as in the case of Indians
where participants show each other that they and farmers around the park. The social capital
are trustworthy. Using social capital for an ini- necessary for cooperation will require consis-
tial purpose creates mutual understandings and tent and sustained levels of trust and reciprocity.
ways of relating that can frequently be used Even so, these relationships can be dismantled
to accomplish entirely different joint activi- by surprisingly small triggers (e.g., a gossip, an
ties at much lower start-up costs (38, 59). It individual disagreement, an accidental fire).
is not that learning curves for new activities Second, social capital is not as easy to find,
disappear entirely. Rather, one of the steep- see, and measure as physical capital. The pres-
est sections of a learning curve—learning to ence of physical capital is usually obvious to ex-
make commitments and to trust one another ternal onlookers. Health centers, schools, and
in a joint undertaking—has already been sur- roads are easy to see. Social capital, by contrast,
mounted once a group has solved this prob- may be almost invisible unless serious efforts
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009.34:253-278. Downloaded from

lem for at least one joint task. A group that has are made to inquire about the ways in which
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learned to work effectively together in one task individuals organize themselves and the rights
can take on other similar tasks at a cost in time and duties that guide their behavior, sometimes
and effort that is far less than bringing an en- with little conscious thought (60). Even when
tirely new group together who must learn ev- asked, local residents may not fully describe the
erything from scratch. For instance, although rules they use. Yoder (61) warns those inter-
it took significant effort to form a multieth- ested in helping farmers that they must probe
nic indigenous association for PIX (e.g., ATIX), deeply and in nonthreatening ways to get ade-
achieving a similar level of cooperation and quate information on the rules used to allocate
trust between Indians and neighboring farm- water and maintenance duties within irrigation
ers has been far more challenging. The ease of systems. “Intimidated by the higher status of of-
transferring the social capital acquired in rela- ficials, they may fail to communicate the details
tionship to one activity is more limited than the of the rules and procedures they use to operate
ease of using physical or human capital across and maintain their system” (61, p. 39). Com-
activities. No tool is useful for all tasks. Instead, mon understanding is frequently hard to artic-
different tools are needed to address different ulate in precise language, particularly when sta-
patterns of expectation, authority, and distribu- tus differentials make communication difficult
tion of rewards and costs across groups. in the first place. If external agents of change do
If unused, social capital deteriorates rapidly. not expect that villagers have developed some
Individuals who do not exercise their own skills ways of relating to one another that are pro-
also lose human capital rapidly. As time goes ductive in the setting in which they live, they
on, some individuals enter and others leave so- may easily destroy social capital without know-
cial groups. If newcomers are not introduced to ing what they have done. If past social capi-
an established pattern of interaction as they en- tal is destroyed and if nothing takes its place,
ter (through job training, initiation, alliances, the well-being of those involved can be harmed
or any of the myriad ways that social capital rather than improved by external “help.”
is passed from one generation to the next), so- Researchers or project workers interested in
cial capital dissipates through turnover in group social capital cannot assume from the outside
membership. Eventually, no one is quite sure that a group has (or has not) established com-
how a particular joint activity used to be done. mon understandings that enable its members
Either the group has to pay most of the start-up to rely on each other to behave in ways that
costs all over again or forgo the joint gains they are predictable and mutually productive (62).
had achieved at an earlier time. The same is The presence of words on paper or a building
true when distinct social groups aim at cooper- with a name on the outside is not the equiv-
ating under conditions of competing economic alent of the common understandings that are • Social Connectivity and Governance 263

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shared among participants. The self-organizing concern” (social capital) includes the informal
processes that social capital facilitates generate rules that members of a firm develop to relate to
outcomes that are visible, tangible, and measur- one another in a productive fashion when using
able. The processes themselves are much harder a physical “plant” (physical capital).
to see, understand, and measure. It is not sur- The incentives and motivation of public en-
prising that, in the “war of numbers” and gross trepreneurs, who provide public goods and ser-
domestic products, political investments tend vices, are not as well understood as those of pri-
to prioritize physical capital as a development vate entrepreneurs (68, 69). In an earlier era,
mechanism to the detriment of social and hu- the theory of bureaucracy posited public of-
man capital that in fact are necessary to sus- ficials who ascertained the public interest and
tain and distribute the benefits generated by the were motivated to achieve it. More recent anal-
physical assets. yses of public bureaucracies are less optimistic
Third, social capital is harder than physical about the capacity of public officials to know
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009.34:253-278. Downloaded from

capital to construct through external interven- the public interests or to undertake the least
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tions. A national government or a donor can costly ways of providing and producing collec-
provide the funds to hire contractors to build tive goods. Instead of being viewed as if they
a road or line an irrigation canal or to support were automata who do what they are told to do
a local agricultural mechanization project, but in the most efficient way, public employees are
building sufficient social capital to make an in- viewed in much of the recent public-choice lit-
frastructure operate efficiently requires knowl- erature (and as much in the eyes of the people)
edge of local practices that may differ radically as individual actors pursuing their own inter-
from place to place (63). Organizational struc- ests (70, 71). This may or may not generate net
tures that facilitate the operation of physical public goods, depending on how well the rules
capital in one setting may be counterproductive affecting their incentives help induce high per-
in another. Local knowledge and respect of local formance. Simply turning over the task of cre-
forms of organization are essential to building ating social capital to make physical and human
effective social capital able to promote cumula- capital more effective to a public bureaucracy
tive improvements in local conditions beyond may not generate the intended results unless
the influx of external subsidies usually associ- officials are strongly motivated to facilitate the
ated with development projects (64, 65). growth and empowerment of others (72, 73).
Creating social capital that makes physical Instead, the social capital created may be the
capital operational over the long run or protects organization of limited networks of individuals
natural capital from being overharvested is not or cliques that engage in mutual reciprocity at
as well understood as the technology of con- the expense of the larger group they are sup-
structing physical capital. For private-sector ac- posed to be serving (74, 75).
tivities, important aspects of entrepreneurship Fourth, social capital operates most effec-
are bringing relevant factors of production to- tively when it is organized in complementary
gether and effectively integrating them. Aspects forms at multiple levels (16, 76). An important
of these skills are taught in schools of manage- attribute of social capital, and one that is essen-
ment and learned in the workplace through ex- tial to understand in analyzing and designing
perience. The incentive to create social capi- appropriate governance arrangements related
tal related to private enterprise is attributed to to human-environment interactions, is that the
the profit motive. A great deal of what private social capital present or absent at one level may
entrepreneurs do is to create networks of rela- enhance or retard the effective development of
tionships that increase the profits that can be social capital at other levels (77). When social
obtained (66). The private entrepreneur then capital is based on common values held across
keeps the residuals from creating and sustaining groups operating at diverse levels, it is a valu-
social capital. For Commons (67), the “going able resource for solving multilevel problems.

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A major problem arises when different groups region of Brazil are missing. Young (26) has out-
within a society, whether interacting at the same lined some of the key elements of linked gover-
or different levels, are advocates of different nance systems to cope with small, medium, and
uses of physical and human capital and thus very large ecosystems and their interties.
create competing forms of social capital. Un-
der such circumstances, social capital can have
a negative value by becoming a barrier to col- 4. CONNECTIVITY AND THE
lective improvement and a source of conflict. SUPPLY OF GOVERNANCE
Returning to our example of PIX, a local or- We have learned a lot over the past several
ganization of indigenous peoples was able to decades about the performance and robust-
draw on horizontal linkages with other orga- ness and resilience of governance systems,
nizations to establish a very effective protected construed as a form of social capital, that
park. Because of vertical linkages with national communities establish and rely on to guide
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009.34:253-278. Downloaded from

NGOs using GIS and remotely sensed data, the human-environment interactions in a variety
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PIX population has also become more aware of of settings. Here, we draw on the discussion of
the impacts on PIX of deforestation and farm- various forms of capital in the preceding sec-
ing practices in areas surrounding the park. tion to evaluate recent work on environmental
The absence of any effective governance sys- governance and to consider the application of
tem, however, to coordinate conflicting goals this work to situations characterized by rising
of farmers and Indians renders efforts on one levels of horizontal and vertical connectivity.
side (park border protection) inadequate to deal Work on small-scale societies has demon-
with land-use activities on the other side (e.g., strated that the tragedy of the commons is
deforesting the watershed and using fertiliz- not inevitable. Substantial variation in out-
ers outside the park to maximize economic comes occurs from one setting to another.
return). Nevertheless, many small-scale societies have
Some analysts might contend that what we managed to develop systems of rights and rules
have shown with this example is that PIX is too governing human uses of natural resources, and
small and should be replaced by a government- they have done so in a wide range of settings
owned and -managed forest at a larger scale. without resorting to either privatization or the
That is not the conclusion we draw from this creation of governments or public authorities
example. Nor would we recommend that the to do the job (6, 78–80). A complementary
boundaries of PIX itself be extended as the literature has developed that addresses similar
main solution to the problem. PIX has been re- issues at the macrolevel. It analyzes efforts to
markably successful in protecting the area un- create governance systems to manage human-
der its jurisdiction—more successful than many environment interactions at the international
national forests in Brazil and other Latin Amer- level and often at the global level (81–83). This
ican countries (see, for example, the discussion literature, too, seeks to account for variation
of the Maya Biosphere Reserve in Guatemala in the successes of individual regimes and to
in the Supporting Online Material for examine the causal mechanisms that make
Reference 6). What is missing is social capital— some arrangements more effective than others.
institutionalized rules that are considered le- Of course, this situation leads to questions
gitimate, monitored, and followed—at a larger regarding the extent to which findings about
scale that is focused on the extent of deforesta- the performance and robustness and resilience
tion and the agricultural activities of farmers of governance systems derived from the study
responding rapidly to the global market. of small-scale societies can be scaled up to apply
In other words, linked governance arrange- to similar systems operating at the macrolevel
ments that deal effectively with the func- and vice versa. Although good reasons exist to
tional interdependence of the ecosystems in this be cautious in this endeavor, there is no doubt • Social Connectivity and Governance 265

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that comparing findings developed at different critical role in producing the “dead zone” in
levels is a fruitful enterprise (2, 5, 84–88; 13, the Gulf of Mexico. The use of pesticides, e.g.,
Chapter 6). DDT, produces impacts thousands of kilome-
For the most part, these studies have treated ters away from the locations in which they are
human-environment interactions occurring in applied.
specific settings as isolated or self-contained The resultant interdependencies can in-
in the sense that links to the outside world are volve, often simultaneously, connections that
weak enough to allow them to be set aside for are horizontal and vertical in nature. Clearing
purposes of analysis. The analytic attractions land in the Amazon for the purpose of cattle
of this strategy are apparent. The study of ranching and building dams on major river
governance systems dealing with human- systems to generate hydroelectricity have far-
environment interactions in discrete settings is reaching consequences for ecosystems located
complex enough, especially when the systems in adjacent areas, but cross-level impacts are
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009.34:253-278. Downloaded from

in question are dynamic. Yet, we now know prominent as well. The biophysical conse-
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that the assumption that individual settings are quences of clearing forested areas in Honduras
self-contained is at best a naive one (64). As the (60) to grow coffee are determined in part
case of PIX demonstrates, rising connectivity by the dynamics of the global coffee market.
is increasing both horizontal and vertical links Because of the endemic nature of many species
between settings and making it increasingly within the so-called biodiversity hot spots, local
risky to abstract away the role of outside forces actions in ecological hot spots make a differ-
by assumption. Many specific forces are at ence in efforts to conserve biological diversity
work in moving us toward a world of increased through global efforts under the provisions of
connectivity (89). But the twin forces generally the Convention on Biological Diversity (http://
labeled global environmental change and
globalization have pushed connectivity to un- Underlying and intensifying all these links is
precedented levels; we can no longer afford to the fact that we now live in a world of human-
ignore the impacts of connectivity in thinking dominated ecosystems in which it is essential
about the governance of human-environment to focus on the dynamics of social-ecological
interactions (90). systems rather than on biophysical or socioeco-
nomic systems treated as separate or distinct
entities (91–94). Under many circumstances,
4.1. Functional Interdependencies the dynamics of these coupled systems generate
As our example of PIX makes clear, connectiv- nonlinear changes, tipping points, and emer-
ity can take a number of forms. Functional in- gent properties that have far-reaching conse-
terdependencies can involve both biophysical quences for human-environment interactions.
and socioeconomic links. Land-cover changes A practical implication of this development for
in areas adjacent to the park have major con- an area like PIX is that efforts to govern these
sequences for the status of PIX’s ecosystems. interactions must begin with the realization that
Land-cover changes are affected in turn by a levels of uncertainty will always be high and that
variety of socioeconomic factors, such as the surprises or unexpected developments must be
prevailing systems of land tenure, the opera- treated as the norm rather than the exception
tion of global markets, the development of in- (95–98).
frastructure (e.g., transportation systems), and Rising connectivity can cut both ways in
policy initiatives on the part of Brazil’s federal terms of its implications for the robustness and
government. Similarly, actions taken in one set- resilience of social-ecological systems. Connec-
ting can produce major impacts in areas that are tivity makes it possible for disturbing forces,
far removed from the site of the actions. Agri- such as diseases and financial crises, to spread
cultural practices in the U.S. Midwest play a throughout a system at a rapid pace. Yet, it also

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can accelerate learning processes, as those re- permanent residents of PIX and the newcom-
sponsible for dealing with problems in partic- ers in surrounding areas illustrate this problem
ular areas find it easier to compare notes and clearly.
learn from each other’s experiences (27, 33). Connectivity also means that users of
An especially serious concern develops when ecosystem services can be expected to take ac-
the rise of connectivity is a random process in tions that have profound impacts on users lo-
contrast to a process characterized by coevolu- cated far away from their areas of operation.
tion and mutual adjustment through time (89). The use of atmospheric or riverine systems
Random connectivity is more likely to give rise as repositories for wastes provides particularly
to tipping points that trigger system flips or dramatic examples. As long as the atmosphere is
regime changes, shifting social-ecological sys- available free of charge as a repository for emis-
tems from desirable to less desirable domains of sions of greenhouse gases, it is predictable that
attraction that are difficult to escape once the producers of such emissions will use this “factor
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relevant systems settle into them (99–101). of production” to the maximum extent possi-
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ble. Because Earth’s climate system is planetary

in scale, the impacts of climate change will be
4.2. Implications for Governance felt throughout the system. Changes now oc-
The overall implications of the rise in connec- curring in the Arctic, an area whose contribu-
tivity for governance are clear. Arrangements tion to greenhouse gas emissions is negligible,
that seem to work well in more-or-less isolated provide a variety of dramatic examples ranging
settings are often ineffective or even counter- from beach erosion in coastal communities to
productive when adopted in settings featuring the melting of permafrost and infestations of
high levels of functional interdependence (102). destructive insects in subarctic forests (107).
Systems of locally generated and enforced rules As a result, governance systems arising
that work well in governing the activities of sub- in one area (e.g., spatially defined fisheries’
sistence fishers, traditional reindeer herders, or regimes) can affect the operation of similar
gatherers of uncultivated plants, for instance, regimes in other areas (e.g., by driving fishers
experience extreme stress and even collapse from one location to another, making it attrac-
when commercial fishers become active, rein- tive for polluters to move their operations to
deer products are exported to distant markets, new locations), and arrangements developed at
or commercial timber harvesting disturbs the one level of social organization (e.g., the state
habitat for various plants (103–104a). or regional level) can have major impacts on ar-
As the concept of “roving bandits” suggests, rangements operating at other levels (e.g., tra-
these impacts may be largely horizontal in na- ditional rules pertaining to the harvest of liv-
ture (105, 106). That is, commercial harvesters ing resources at the local level) (108, 109). As
of fish or timber may simply move from one area long as the effects of the resultant institutional
to another when local supplies are exhausted interplay are of a limited nature, it may make
rather than making a commitment to stay in sense to avoid the complexities arising in such
one location and develop incentives to manage situations. Nevertheless, when these interac-
the consumptive uses of the relevant resources tion effects become important determinants of
on a long-term and sustainable basis. Often, the success of governance systems, we can no
this leads to ownership or control of harvest- longer afford to ignore them. As our case study
ing operations by distant decision makers who of PIX suggests, the impacts of global environ-
have little or no knowledge of local conditions, mental change and globalization have now cre-
strong incentives to think in terms of commodi- ated conditions in which institutional interplay
tized products, and little interest in the mainte- of a de facto or unintended nature has become a
nance of ecosystem services that are important major factor in many social-ecological systems
to local users. The differing perspectives of the (110). This situation suggests that it is time to • Social Connectivity and Governance 267

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think about these interaction effects systemati- interstate compacts and the expanded role of
cally and to devise ways to address them that at the federal government in managing uses of
least minimize interference and that may even the waters of the Colorado River and other
turn up opportunities for synergistic interac- major rivers of the West (116).
tions among governance systems operating in This strategy certainly has merit. It does
different settings and at various levels of social not, however, constitute an effective means of
organization (111). dealing with a number of major issues aris-
ing from human-environment interactions in
distinctive areas like PIX. These interactions
4.3. Limits to Mainstream Responses are to a significant degree place based. Natu-
So far, those responsible for managing human- rally, some commonalities exist among distinct
environment interactions have developed two places. Yet, the differences are sufficiently large
main strategies in their efforts to adapt gov- to produce serious unintended and unforeseen
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009.34:253-278. Downloaded from

ernance systems to the functional interdepen- results when uniform policies and management
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dencies associated with increased connectiv- strategies are articulated and implemented at
ity. One moves management responsibility to higher levels of social organization. Managers
higher levels of public authority. The other, operating at the national level are often out
often associated with the idea of subsidiarity, of touch with local users, who understand the
takes the opposite track, shifting management character of spatially defined social-ecological
responsibility to lower levels. Although the ra- systems better than distant managers and have
tionale behind each response is easy to under- an intense interest in the governance of specific
stand and persuasive to a point, neither response places. As a result, national management can
is adequate to address problems of governing easily slip into a mode featuring ignorance or
human-environment interactions in situations even incompetence on the part of distant man-
featuring high levels of connectivity, such as agers, producing feelings of illegitimacy and re-
PIX (112–114). sistance on the part of local stakeholders. This
The first strategy is well illustrated by the makes it easy to understand the occurrence of
history of fisheries and wildlife management protracted battles over proposals to shift man-
as well as the governance of river basins. agement authority back to the people who know
Starting in the nineteenth century and extend- and live with the social-ecological systems in
ing through much of the twentieth century, question.
prevailing practices featured an expansion of The idea of subsidiarity, featured most
the role of higher levels of authority (115). The prominently in recent European practice, takes
growing role of the U.S. federal government in the opposite track (117, 118). Just as advocates
managing fisheries through the assumption of of national or central authority point to link-
authority over the Exclusive Economic Zone ages of various sorts, those who advocate sub-
(see Part V, United Nations Convention on the sidiarity are sensitive to the propositions that
Law of the Sea, local users will have the best understanding of
convention agreements/texts/unclos/unclos smaller social-ecological systems and the great-
e.pdf ), in managing wildlife through the ex- est incentives to find ways to use the relevant re-
ercise of the interstate commerce clause of sources sustainably. They propose to shift man-
the Constitution of the United States of America agement authority to the lowest level capable
(see Article I, Section 8, clause 3, http://www. of managing the relevant social-ecological sys- tem effectively. The recognition of use rights
transcript.html), and in exercising its author- and devolution of partial authority over re-
ity over international affairs (in the case of sources given to so-called traditional popula-
highly migratory species) is a familiar story. tions in Brazil since the mid-1990s illustrates
So also are the stories of the development of an approach reflecting the idea of subsidiarity

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(119). In fact, similar devolution policies have the subject of institutional interplay constitutes
become widespread in Latin America and other an important research frontier among those in-
regions during the past two decades. terested in the supply of governance in a wide
This is, however, exactly where the prob- variety of settings (10, 125). The result is a dy- management: a form
lem is exacerbated. Given the rising levels of namic environment in which a number of ideas of governance that
functional interdependence and systemic con- are under consideration, but no clear paradigm integrates many
nectivity we have described, the idea that we can has achieved dominance. Among the ideas that functionally distinct
activities within a
safely turn management authority over to local figure in current discussions of such matters are
spatially delimited area
or even regional officials is untenable. Just as multilevel governance, panarchy, polycentric
distant managers are apt to be ignorant of and governance, comanagement, and place-based
governance: a form of
insensitive to local considerations, local man- management. governance involving
agers tend to know little about linkages to larger Multilevel governance is a phrase meant to distinct but interlinked
systems and the interests of those who are not signal clearly that we need to address human- components at two or
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physically present at the local level but exert environment interactions at a number of levels more levels of social
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economic pressures involving land use and the from local to global (126). The case of biodi-
production of commodities. In addition, local versity offers a clear example. There is no sub-
managers are often not provided with financial stitute for devising management practices that
means to achieve proposed goals of decentral- local residents are willing to accept as compati-
ized authority. Although a more sophisticated ble with their own needs, whether they involve
form of place-based management might work in protecting crops from elephants in southern
such cases, the simple, and in many ways appeal- Africa or maintaining cultural traditions cen-
ing, idea of subsidiarity cannot by itself provide tered on the hunting of whales in the Arctic.
the basis for solutions to the problems under The creation of sound local practices, however,
consideration here. Andersson’s (120, 121) re- will do little good if the relevant species (e.g.,
search on governance outcomes in Bolivia illus- migratory animals and birds) are affected by se-
trates the importance of using multilevel analy- vere pollution, the destruction of critical habits,
ses to explain governance outcomes. Andersson or poaching along their migratory routes. And,
measures processes and outcomes in 32 Bolivian of course, overall measures of biological diver-
municipal governance systems. His measures of sity involve adding up the fate of species lo-
outcomes include forest-user ratings of public cated in distinct regions throughout the world.
services related to forestry and the number of So far, however, the idea of multilevel gover-
formal property rights issued to formerly illegal nance has been most successful in alerting us
forest users. He finds that the extent of verti- to the need to create governance systems that
cal and horizontal connectivity among actors at are compatible with distinct systems above and
the community, municipal, and national levels below and that include mechanisms for alleviat-
is systematically and positively linked with out- ing tensions arising from the special needs and
comes related to local forest practices (see also circumstances of individual levels (5, 84, 109).
References 122–124). This is an important achievement, but it does
not provide a clear answer to the problem we
are addressing here.
4.4. Alternative Approaches Panarchy is a term reformulated in the twen-
If mainstream responses are insufficient to solve tieth century by systems theorists who think
problems of governance arising in areas like about the resilience, vulnerability, and adapt-
PIX in a world featuring increased institutional ability of complex systems as an alternative to
interplay resulting from the rise in connectiv- hierarchy to facilitate thinking about nested
ity within and among social-ecological systems, adaptive cycles (99–101, 127). Systems oper-
what are the alternatives? We are not now in a ating at different levels in spatial terms are
position to answer this question authoritatively; often linked to one another in terms of the • Social Connectivity and Governance 269

ANRV390-EG34-11 ARI 8 October 2009 21:3

connectivity of their adaptive cycles. The gen- some public goods and avoiding diseconomies
eral assumption is that the dynamics of larger of scale in other public goods higher levels of
systems are slower than those of smaller sys- performance are achieved (130, 131). The rise
tems, so we can understand the operation of of connectivity, however, may introduce com-
smaller systems treating the existence of the plications affecting this strategy. The stronger
larger systems as a set of background condi- the links between and among different re-
tions. It is certainly true that lower levels of gov- source governance systems, the harder it will
ernance are nested into higher levels. Munici- be to separate out the effects of individual, self-
pal governments, for example, operate within contained arrangements.
frameworks established by state governments, Comanagement is an idea that has re-
which, in turn, operate within the frameworks ceived considerable attention among managers
of national governments. Yet, we have not de- of human-environment interactions in a vari-
veloped a clear understanding of the applicabil- ety of settings (10, 84, 132). Comanagement
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009.34:253-278. Downloaded from

ity of the concept of adaptive cycles to gover- is a response to situations in which public offi-
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nance systems, and it is not clear that high-level cials have the authority to make decisions about
systems always change more slowly than lower- the use of natural resources and ecosystem ser-
level systems in this realm. One of the effects vices but lack the capacity to ensure compliance
of globalization, in fact, is a tendency to accel- with their decisions in the absence of volun-
erate the dynamics of larger systems in ways tary conformance on the part of members of
that have important consequences for smaller the relevant user groups. Effective governance,
systems (2). This potentially fruitful mode of under the circumstances, requires cooperation
thinking requires further development in order between those with the authority to make de-
to provide a useful framework for guiding our cisions and important users or representatives
thinking about institutional interplay relating of user groups. The idea of comanagement has
to human-environment interactions. become fashionable. The term is now used to
The concept of polycentric governance sys- describe a variety of arrangements that are di-
tems rests on the idea that “autonomous, self- verse, although they all share the commitment
organized resource governance systems may to an alliance or working relationship between
be more effective in learning from experimen- formal decision makers and users. Most applica-
tation than a single central authority” (128, tions involve the harvesting of living resources
p. 281). The argument here is straightforward. (e.g., caribou, birds) in relatively well-defined
Smaller systems are easier to manipulate than areas. The outcomes vary; we are just begin-
larger ones. And the existence of many smaller ning to assemble a picture of the major factors
systems (e.g., state or municipal governments) that determine the results of comanagement as
opens up opportunities to make use of natural or a way of addressing social-ecological systems
quasi experiments to explore the consequences featuring a high level of connectivity (17, 65,
of different governance arrangements (e.g., dif- 133).
ferent policy instruments that can be put in The idea of place-based management is
place to guide the behavior of users of ecosys- emerging with particular clarity in the growing
tem services in areas like PIX). Under appropri- debate about responding to the crisis in
ate circumstances, these individual systems can marine systems caused by the fragmentation of
be linked to form dynamic networks capable authority together with spatial and temporal
of addressing macrolevel issues (129). Exten- mismatches between biophysical systems and
sive empirical research in complex metropoli- the governance systems responsible for man-
tan areas and linked water systems have shown aging human-environment interactions in such
that when local governments have consider- settings (134, 135). This approach differs from
able autonomy to seek out ways of achiev- the idea of subsidiarity in two important ways.
ing economies of scale in the production of Although the focus is on integrative governance

270 Brondizio · Ostrom · Young

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addressing numerous activities in spatially de- principles of interest to those endeavoring to

marcated places, place-based management (re)form governance systems has engaged many
is sensitive to outside forces and involves a participants in this field of study (125). Building
concerted effort to view places as complex and up the social capital needed to deal with these
dynamic systems that are open rather than problems will require, among other things, the
closed in character (136). This approach to academic and policy communities to recognize,
governance also features active participation as described by Cash et al. (5), forms of media-
on the part of officials located at different levels tion, translation, knowledge coproduction, and
of social organization as well as representatives negotiation that are capable of managing com-
of major stakeholder groups (79, 137). Efforts plex interlinked systems.
to apply this approach to specific places are When we come to the management of spe-
just getting underway, so it is premature to cific systems, for example, PIX and its environs,
draw inferences about the effectiveness of in which functional interdependencies and in-
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009.34:253-278. Downloaded from

place-based management. Nonetheless, this stitutional interplay loom large, it is clear that
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approach appears to have promise. we need to pay attention to scope conditions in

thinking about the determinants of success in
the creation and administration of governance
5. DETERMINANTS OF SUCCESS systems. We know that institutions play some
AND FUTURE CHALLENGES role in guiding human-environment interac-
As the previous section makes clear, thinking tions in a variety of settings. The importance
about the governance of human-environment of this role, however, clearly varies from one
interactions under conditions of high systemic situation to another. Other major drivers (e.g.,
connectivity is at an early stage. What we have population, consumption patterns, technology,
is a collection of suggestive approaches, none of different views of the environment) are always
which has been applied often enough and long at work in such situations. An important task,
enough to produce a track record that we can under the circumstances, is to devise methods of
evaluate systematically. The problem is clear. separating out the signal of governance systems
We must devise effective governance systems from the influence of numerous other factors
to manage situations, such as PIX and the sur- in specific situations before we can generalize
rounding areas, in which it is not sufficient to about the roles that this form of social capital
treat individual cases as self-contained or effec- plays.
tively closed systems, but we have begun to de- Even so, we can begin to see the outlines
velop strategies for meeting this challenge. of a theory of governance applying to sys-
We have made some progress in identi- tems characterized by high levels of functional
fying determinants of success with regard to interdependence. These social-ecological sys-
governance systems that deal with human- tems are highly dynamic, a condition that puts
environment interactions in more-or-less self- a premium on the development of monitor-
contained or isolated situations (4, 54, 138). ing procedures capable of providing continuous
Some have pointed to features of the problem and timely feedback regarding changes (e.g.,
at hand and argued that we are more successful shifts from one domain of attraction to an-
in cases where problems are relatively benign other) and on making use of adaptive processes
rather than malign (82). Others have pointed to that can help maintain resilience in the face
attributes of the governance systems we create of change (141, 142). Such systems often fea-
to address problems. They emphasize features ture tipping points. Crossing a specific thresh-
such as monitoring the use of an ecosystem and old may trigger nonlinear and rapid changes,
the availability of graduated sanctions to deter so it is important to anticipate these dispropor-
violators (7, 139, 140). A debate over the fea- tionate changes and to respond quickly when-
sibility of translating these findings into design ever possible (143). • Social Connectivity and Governance 271

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As in the example of PIX, indigenous pop- design principles that can be applied with good
ulations and, more recently, surrounding farm- success under a wide range of circumstances.
ers, municipalities, and the state are beginning We can, however, engage in careful diagnoses,
to make the efforts needed to build institutional profiling the major attributes of individual
interlinkages from the bottom up. However, social-ecological systems and devising insti-
these attempts are clearly not enough to address tutional arrangements tailored to maximize
problems at larger scales shaped by national resilience and satisfy appropriate performance
policies and global markets. Although the nat- standards on a case-by-case basis. This will
ural boundaries of the Xingu River watershed not lead to the development of simple recipes
facilitate some actions and forms of institutional to be used with little variation under a wide
cooperation, the international dimension of the range of circumstances. There is ample scope
regional economy requires other frameworks to for the development of expertise in bringing
be at play. general knowledge about governing complex
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Such situations call for a diagnostic ap- and dynamic systems to bear in the interests
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proach to institutional design (13, 18, 125). We of achieving sustainable results in specific
are unlikely to be able to formulate uniform cases.

In the context of globalization and global climate change, we discuss the challenges of en-
vironmental governance created by the increasing functional connectivity of resource-use
systems and ecosystems. Using the example of the Xingu Indigenous Park and its surround-
ing agribusiness complex in Brazil, we speak to cases and similar problems worldwide,
particularly in areas experiencing fast expansion of agropastoral systems, intensive resource
exploitation, and increasing overlap of diverse institutional arrangements regulating re-
source ownership and use. Although indigenous groups within the park have developed
strong institutions to monitor its border successfully, rampant deforestation outside the
park, and around the headwaters of the massive Xingu River watershed which cuts it, has
systemically undermined the park’s environment causing water pollution, soil erosion, and
forest fire. We discuss the limitations of conserving “islands of resources” and consider the
growing need for institutional connectivity and resource governance systems to function at
multiple levels.

1. This article raises new questions about institutional arrangements as a form of social
capital, mediating local and regional levels of environmental governance. We call atten-
tion to the challenges involved in scaling up institutional design principles and building
up social capital to link governance systems across levels of social organization. These
include understanding the interplay of institutional fit, boundaries, authority, sanctions,
and dissemination of knowledge and information across levels and social groups.
2. We hope this article will motivate studies of the coevolution of institutional arrange-
ments and resource-use systems, the formation of complex adaptive systems, and their
implications for sustainable governance of resources and adaptation to global climate

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The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

This article was originally developed as part of the activities of the High-Level Expert Group
on Human Well-Being, Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital convened by the United
Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) and as a result of a related workshop (Indiana Uni-
versity, Bloomington, September 27–29, 2006) organized by the UNEP in collaboration with
Indiana University’s Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Anthropological Center
for Training and Research on Global Environmental Change, and the Center for the Study of
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Institutions, Population, and Environmental Change. We are thankful for the contribution of
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workshop co-organizers and participants, particularly Anantha Duraiappah and Makiko Yashiro.
We are particularly grateful to Joanna Broderick, Ryan Adams, and Scott Hetrick for their aid in
the preparation of this article for submission and to Rosely Sanches, André Villas-Bôas, Andréa D.
Siqueira, and two anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments. We thank the Laboratoire
d’Anthropologie Sociale at Collège de France for its support of E.S.B. during the academic year

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Deforestation (red) by 1994 Deforestation (red) by 2005

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Figure 1
The Xingu River watershed and the Xingu Indigenous Park, deforestation 1994–2005. Source: Deforestation 1994–2005 maps
prepared by the Instituto Socioambiental and adapted from References 21–23. ● Social Connectivity and Governance C-1

AR390-FM ARI 14 September 2009 9:35

Annual Review of
and Resources

Volume 34, 2009

Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009.34:253-278. Downloaded from
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Preface p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pv
Who Should Read This Series? p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pvii

I. Earth’s Life Support Systems

The Detection and Attribution of Human Influence on Climate
Dáithí A. Stone, Myles R. Allen, Peter A. Stott, Pardeep Pall, Seung-Ki Min,
Toru Nozawa, and Seiji Yukimoto p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
On the Increasing Vulnerability of the World Ocean
to Multiple Stresses
Edward L. Miles p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p17
Global Biogeochemical Cycling of Mercury: A Review
Noelle E. Selin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p43
Interactions Between Biogeochemistry and Hydrologic Systems
Kathleen A. Lohse, Paul D. Brooks, Jennifer C. McIntosh, Thomas Meixner,
and Travis E. Huxman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p65
Nitrogen in Agriculture: Balancing the Cost of an Essential Resource
G. Philip Robertson and Peter M. Vitousek p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p97

II. Human Use of Environment and Resources

Nuclear Power: Economic, Safety, Health, and Environmental Issues
of Near-Term Technologies
M.V. Ramana p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 127
Global Groundwater? Issues and Solutions
Mark Giordano p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 153
Crop Yield Gaps: Their Importance, Magnitudes, and Causes
David B. Lobell, Kenneth G. Cassman, and Christopher B. Field p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 179

AR390-FM ARI 14 September 2009 9:35

Water for Agriculture: Maintaining Food Security

under Growing Scarcity
Mark W. Rosegrant, Claudia Ringler, and Tingju Zhu p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 205
Emerging Threats to Human Health from Global
Environmental Change
Samuel S. Myers and Jonathan A. Patz p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 223

III. Management, Guidance, and Governance of Resources and Environment

Connectivity and the Governance of Multilevel Social-Ecological
Systems: The Role of Social Capital
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009.34:253-278. Downloaded from

Eduardo S. Brondizio, Elinor Ostrom, and Oran R. Young p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 253

Access provided by Arizona State University on 10/20/23. For personal use only.

Economic Globalization and the Environment

Kevin P. Gallagher p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 279
Voluntary Environmental Programs: Assessing Their Effectiveness
Jonathan C. Borck and Cary Coglianese p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 305
The Economic Valuation of Environmental Amenities and
Disamenities: Methods and Applications
Robert Mendelsohn and Sheila Olmstead p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 325
Infrastructure and the Environment
Martin W. Doyle and David G. Havlick p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 349
Scientific Bases of Macroenvironmental Indicators
Gordon H. Orians and David Policansky p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 375
Environmental Justice
Paul Mohai, David Pellow, and J. Timmons Roberts p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 405
We Speak for the Trees: Media Reporting on the Environment
Maxwell T. Boykoff p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 431


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 25–34 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 459

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 25–34 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 463


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Contents ix

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