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NAME: Nombrado, Lilian Lisly V.


SCHEDULE: MW 5:30-7:00 PM

INSTRUCTOR: Tabarnero, Aire Shane


A. Who is the author? Are they a scholar in the field?

Reading in Philippine History is authored by John Lee P. Candelaria and Veronica C. Alporha. They
are scholars of hidtory. Mr. Candelaria graduated Bachelor and Master of Arts in History and is a
professor. He has published articles and presented researches about history. Meanwhile, Ms.
Alporha obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences, with areas of concentration in history and
political science. She took up her Master of Arts in History.

B. What is the purpose of the text or motive for writing it?

The book provides information about Philippines history to the readers. With that, primary sources
were used to view the past in thge lens of eyewitnesses. This book also aims to corresponds to new
General Education Curriculum.


A. Was the book/journal published a sholarly publisher?

The book Reading in Philippine History was not published by a scholarly publisher. REX Book Store,
Inc. Who published the book, is a publishing company that specializes in educational matyerials,
textbooks and other learning resouces. While they publish educational contents, they may or may
not involve the same process and level of academic research.

B. Does the writer have an obvious bias?

While scanning the book, I have noticed biases present. One subtopic of the book is the Analysis of
Cory Aquino’s Speech. The framing and how it was presented, introduced bias into the analysis.

C. Does the book/article have an extensive bibliography?

The book don’t have an extensive bibliography. However, references were listed which are typically
a subset of an extensive bibliography.
D. What are the primary sources reffered to by the author?

Primary souces were indicated in tyhe text such as journals, government document, legislation, and
testimonies. An example is the Pigafetta’s Testimony on the Route of Magellan’s Expedition.

E. What secondary sources are used by the author?

Secondary sources of information was created by someone who did not experience an event first-
hand. The secondary source in the text were the analysis, biographies and references used.

F. Does the text have citations enabling you to check the author’s sources?

Yes, the book includes citations that allow me to verify the sources cited by the author, ensuring the
reliabilty and credibility of the informations presented.

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