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1. In your own words,define the meaning of history and discuss the relevance of history in your course.

In my point of view history is study of why and how the past is happened and incredibly important to
know that history is ever changing and ever developing ,now there is an just linear history , their many
history that all work together to give us multiple perspective on how and why the past is happened. And
we don’t just study history from one perspective , we study it as many as possible to further understand
why certain events and certain things have taken place , history is the answer to why something is
happened. For now I am studying Bachelor of Secondary Education , Major in mathematics .
Mathematics? Does history exist in mathematics? On my own perception this is the first step improve
your skills in solving a equation, every formula that created by the mathematician, there are story behind
this, the equation on motion, gravity, forces, newton, decimals or a integer there is a history. I conclude
that history it helps and mold the students to understand deeper and to motivate student to study
hard ,when they know what are the struggles on how to developed mathematics.

2. Write your life history.

There are things and events in our life that are good to look back on , even if it’s a bad , we still try to
forget it to create new beginning. I am Reyward D. Felipe , I’m ordinary man with extra ordinary
determination. When I was a kid they called me as (nagaget) hardworking , nalaing (smart) and also I have
a bad attitude but my parents still love me. They call me as introvert person, but I’m not, I am jolly person
so that Maam Eden Galdonez they call me “tahimik pero mabagsik” . Elementary experience is full of fun
and excitement and lot of adventure to. Elementary life is challenging and I am proud to complete it.
Waking up is not easy this is the past that I hated most but this is the part of being students. I am very
greedy in this stage and I think this is the stage that develop my mind to become competitive . When I was
in elementary I become TOP 1 from Grade 1 to Grade 5 and in Grade 6 Im become the class Valedictorian.
After that , I decided to enroll Isabela Colleges Inc, to study highschool and senior highschool and this is
the reason to meet my friends John Carlo Villanueva and Rochico bete , we are brothers but rivals when it
comes to academic , In grade 7 Im become Rank 1 , Im very happy that time because my first year in IC ill
become Top 1, on the second year my grade become little bit lower and become a second honor only ,
that’s the first time to felt the feeling of the defeat, I lost because im addicted in online games but in the
next school year I give 101 percent effort until now , Grade 9 ill become a top and also Im graduated in
Isabela Colleges inc as Class Valedictorian in high school. In senior highschool I decided to study in strand
of Science Technology Engineering and mathematics , and I think it is the hardest stage because of major
subject but hope fully I survived this stage and I graduated as Class Valedictorian , I am proud of this year
because im part of team tangkay and being graduated in this strand. For now I studying Bachelor of
secondary education Major in mathematics , in my first year I m very happy because our teacher is very
active and other motivate me to study hard , In my First year I receive 1.20 GWA and Im become highest
in 14 subject , but im not proud of it because I think im still in road that full of challenges so I think when
ill become a successful that’s the time to celebrate and kakayanin ko pa and I have a goal before I
graduate in this school.

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