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天 津 华 苑 枫 叶 学 校

Maple Leaf International School --Tianjin Huayuan

Name Class: Grade: 1

Bilingual weekly Homework

Unit 5 How old are you?

I. Look and circle the phrases.

A. Pour the juice. A. Blow out the candles.

B. Look down. B. Eat birthday cake.

A. Eat ice cream. A. Eat ice cream.

B. Eat birthday cake. B. Eat birthday cake.

II. Look and circle the word.

hand jacket hat ink

igloo door jam hen

jeans gift jacket insect

III. Look and write the numbers. one - 1

six - four - two -

three - five - seven - 1

天 津 华 苑 枫 叶 学 校
Maple Leaf International School --Tianjin Huayuan

IV. Fill in the blanks. apple Aa

_nsect _eans

_am _nk
V. Read and match.

Happy birthday! I am seven.

How old are you? Thank you!

How old is she? He is six.

How old is he? She is eight

VI. Read and draw.

A.Hi, my name is Tom. B.Hi, my name is Ana.

I am a boy. I am a girl.

I am seven. I am six.

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