Discussion 6

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Imagine you have been named the captain of a new team in the sport of your choosing.

In what ways
can you embody inclusive leadership at the start of the season to foster a supportive team culture?

To harness a healthy inclusive leadership role, there are various steps one could take. Firstly, when
creating a team it is necessary to encourage diversity, respect individual differences and promote
inclusion (Kawarsky, 2023) Valuing the skills and individuality each person can bring to a sports teach is a
means in itself is to create a team that is genuinely inclusive/accepting. The biggest mistake made is
assuming that merely recruiting diverse individuals means that they feel included and supported on an
org–Deep-level vs on the surface level (Lauch, 2023). Fostering a culture where knowledge, acceptance,
and the ability to provide honest/open feedback are all normal cycles will help make EDI flow deep
within the foundation of the team. Focusing on equity, not just diversity, but equality amongst everyone
regardless is also recommended as it sets the base expectation amongst the entire team of acceptable
treatment (Center for Creative Leadership, 2023). Next, diversity will be able to follow as organically as
possible. Lastly, leading inclusively is very important as inclusion requires active, often intentional, and
continuously ongoing efforts to promote full participation of everyone on the team. Ensuring everyone
can reach their full potential means providing them with an atmosphere or environment where they can
fully harness who they are in whatever definition that they need to. Ensuring decision making is done in
a way that every single voice at the table has a equal ability to be heard will make or break the ability for
people to feel as though they truly belong.


Center for Creative Leadership. (2023, September 1). 5 Powerful Ways to Take REAL Action on DEI
(Diversity, Equity & Inclusion). Retrieved from Center for Creative Leadership:

Katarina Lauch (2023). Module 6 Lecture Materials - Inclusion. Ottawa, ON: Carleton University.
Retrieved November Dec 5, 2023, from https://brightspace.carleton.ca/d2l/le/content/210572/Home

Kawarsky, S. (2023, June 08). Why Leadership Skills Are Crucial For Developing Equality, Diversity, And
Inclusion In The Workplace. Retrieved from The Soft Skills Group: https://www.tssg.ca/leadership-skills-

Center for Creative Leadership. (2023, September 1). 5 Powerful Ways to Take REAL Action on DEI
(Diversity, Equity & Inclusion). Retrieved from Center for Creative Leadership:

Kawarsky, S. (2023, June 08). Why Leadership Skills Are Crucial For Developing Equality, Diversity, And
Inclusion In The Workplace. Retrieved from The Soft Skills Group:

Smith, Carter-Rogers & Tabvuma(2022) suggest 3 strategies for creating an inclusive workplace: 1.
Harness the power of inclusive leaders to drive inclusion ▪ Inclusive leadership at the top level can
reverberate throughout the org 2. Decision-making should be intentional & involve everyone ▪ All voices
should be heard –ensure that diverse voices & perspectives are represented 3. All employees should be
greeted with an open & welcoming start ▪ Orientation & onboarding should send clear messages of
inclusion to employees

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